/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ .graph-container { width: 500px; height: 400px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .graph-title-link { color: inherit; } .graph-title { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 18px; text-align: center; word-wrap: break-word; margin-bottom: 0; } .graph-subtitle { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 0.85em; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1em; } .graph { position: relative; flex-grow: 1; } .graph-legend { position: absolute; right: 0; font-size: 12px; } svg { cursor: default; -moz-user-select: none; } /* MG overrides * Be sure to include this.css _after_ mg's css for this to have a chance * Designed largely to increase data concentrations for a given size of MG */ .mg-x-axis text, .mg-y-axis text, .mg-x-axis .label, .mg-y-axis .label { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; text-transform: none; } /* adjust breathing space for the axes labels */ .mg-y-axis .label { transform: translateX(-1em) rotate(-90deg); } .mg-x-axis .label { transform: translateY(0.5em); } /* We're using the svg tooltip in evos, so move it below the legend */ .mg-active-datapoint { transform: translateY(2em); } /* for the rotates to look nice, should align text-anchor to start */ .truths-chart .mg-x-axis text:not(.label) { text-anchor: start; } /* There is no legend in truths-chart, so don't move it so far down */ .truths-chart .mg-active-datapoint { transform: translateY(1em); } /* MG overrides for a color-blind-friendly palette */ /* Palette taken from http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/biovis2012/ * rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(73, 0, 146) rgb(146, 0, 0) * rgb(0, 73, 73) rgb(0, 109, 219) rgb(146, 73, 0) * rgb(0, 146, 146) rgb(182, 109, 255) rgb(219, 209, 0) * rgb(255, 109, 182) rgb(109, 182, 255) rgb(36, 255, 36) * rgb(255, 182, 119) rgb(182, 219, 255) rgb(255, 255, 109) */ /* we're going to take these out of order to improve contrast * in the normal vision case for the first 6. * 2, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14 * then 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 1 */ .mg-line1-color { stroke: rgb(0, 73, 73); } .mg-area1-color { fill: rgb(0, 73, 73); } .mg-hover-line1-color { stroke: rgb(0, 73, 73); fill: rgb(0, 73, 73); } .mg-line1-legend-color { color: rgb(0, 73, 73); fill: rgb(0, 73, 73); } .mg-line2-color { stroke: rgb(255, 109, 182); } .mg-area2-color { fill: rgb(255, 109, 182); } .mg-hover-line2-color { stroke: rgb(255, 109, 182); fill: rgb(255, 109, 182); } .mg-line2-legend-color { color: rgb(255, 109, 182); fill: rgb(255, 109, 182); } .mg-line3-color { stroke: rgb(73, 0, 146); } .mg-area3-color { fill: rgb(73, 0, 146); } .mg-hover-line3-color { stroke: rgb(73, 0, 146); fill: rgb(73, 0, 146); } .mg-line3-legend-color { color: rgb(73, 0, 146); fill: rgb(73, 0, 146); } .mg-line4-color { stroke: rgb(146, 0, 0); } .mg-area4-color { fill: rgb(146, 0, 0); } .mg-hover-line4-color { stroke: rgb(146, 0, 0); fill: rgb(146, 0, 0); } .mg-line4-legend-color { color: rgb(146, 0, 0); fill: rgb(146, 0, 0); } .mg-line5-color { stroke: rgb(219, 209, 0); } .mg-area5-color { fill: rgb(219, 209, 0); } .mg-hover-line5-color { stroke: rgb(219, 209, 0); fill: rgb(219, 209, 0); } .mg-line5-legend-color { color: rgb(219, 209, 0); fill: rgb(219, 209, 0); } .mg-line6-color { stroke: rgb(36, 255, 36); } .mg-area6-color { fill: rgb(36, 255, 36); } .mg-hover-line6-color { stroke: rgb(36, 255, 36); fill: rgb(36, 255, 36); } .mg-line6-legend-color { color: rgb(36, 255, 36); fill: rgb(36, 255, 36); } .mg-line7-color { stroke: rgb(0, 146, 146); } .mg-area7-color { fill: rgb(0, 146, 146); } .mg-hover-line7-color { stroke: rgb(0, 146, 146); fill: rgb(0, 146, 146); } .mg-line7-legend-color { color: rgb(0, 146, 146); fill: rgb(0, 146, 146); } .mg-line8-color { stroke: rgb(255, 182, 219); } .mg-area8-color { fill: rgb(255, 182, 219); } .mg-hover-line8-color { stroke: rgb(255, 182, 219); fill: rgb(255, 182, 219); } .mg-line8-legend-color { color: rgb(255, 182, 219); fill: rgb(255, 182, 219); } .mg-line9-color { stroke: rgb(0, 109, 219); } .mg-area9-color { fill: rgb(0, 109, 219); } .mg-hover-line9-color { stroke: rgb(0, 109, 219); fill: rgb(0, 109, 219); } .mg-line9-legend-color { color: rgb(0, 109, 219); fill: rgb(0, 109, 219); } .mg-line10-color { stroke: rgb(182, 109, 255); } .mg-area10-color { fill: rgb(182, 109, 255); } .mg-hover-line10-color { stroke: rgb(182, 109, 255); fill: rgb(182, 109, 255); } .mg-line10-legend-color { color: rgb(182, 109, 255); fill: rgb(182, 109, 255); } .mg-line11-color { stroke: rgb(109, 182, 255); } .mg-area11-color { fill: rgb(109, 182, 255); } .mg-hover-line11-color { stroke: rgb(109, 182, 255); fill: rgb(109, 182, 255); } .mg-line11-legend-color { color: rgb(109, 182, 255); fill: rgb(109, 182, 255); } .mg-line12-color { stroke: rgb(182, 219, 255); } .mg-area12-color { fill: rgb(182, 219, 255); } .mg-hover-line12-color { stroke: rgb(182, 219, 255); fill: rgb(182, 219, 255); } .mg-line12-legend-color { color: rgb(182, 219, 255); fill: rgb(182, 219, 255); } .mg-line13-color { stroke: rgb(146, 73, 0); } .mg-area13-color { fill: rgb(146, 73, 0); } .mg-hover-line13-color { stroke: rgb(146, 73, 0); fill: rgb(146, 73, 0); } .mg-line13-legend-color { color: rgb(146, 73, 0); fill: rgb(146, 73, 0); } .mg-line14-color { stroke: rgb(255, 255, 109); } .mg-area14-color { fill: rgb(255, 255, 109); } .mg-hover-line14-color { stroke: rgb(255, 255, 109); fill: rgb(255, 255, 109); } .mg-line14-legend-color { color: rgb(255, 255, 109); fill: rgb(255, 255, 109); } .mg-line15-color { stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); } .mg-area15-color { fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); } .mg-hover-line15-color { stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); } .mg-line15-legend-color { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); }