Bug 1308354 - Remove SCL3-specific code now we're on Heroku

This commit is contained in:
Ed Morley 2016-10-20 20:04:47 +01:00
Родитель e720b42af8
Коммит 7cce7b2fa7
4 изменённых файлов: 8 добавлений и 178 удалений

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Example Commander configuration file for Chief deployment.
# Copy to commander_settings.py & adjust as required.
SRC_DIR = '/data/treeherder/src/treeherder.mozilla.org/'
BIN_DIR = '/usr/bin'
SBIN_DIR = '/sbin'
DEPLOY_SCRIPT = '/data/treeherder/deploy -n treeherder.mozilla.org'
REMOTE_UPDATE_SCRIPT = '/data/bin/update-www.sh'
WEB_HOSTGROUP = 'treeherder-web'
ETL_HOSTGROUP = 'treeherder-etl'
LOG_HOSTGROUP = 'treeherder-processors'
RABBIT_HOSTGROUP = 'treeherder-rabbit'
UPDATE_REF = 'master'
SSH_KEY = '/root/.ssh/id_rsa_treeherder_updater'

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@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
Deploy this project in stage/production.
Requires commander_ which is installed on the systems that need it.
.. _commander: https://github.com/oremj/commander
import os
import requests
import sys
from commander.deploy import hostgroups, task
import commander_settings as settings # noqa
env_file = os.path.join(settings.SRC_DIR, 'treeherder-env.sh')
th_service_src = os.path.join(settings.SRC_DIR, 'treeherder-service')
is_prod = 'treeherder.mozilla.org' in settings.SRC_DIR
def run_local_with_env(ctx, cmd):
# For commands run from the admin node, we have to manually set the environment
# variables, since the admin node is shared by both stage and prod.
ctx.local("source {} && {}".format(env_file, cmd))
def pre_update(ctx, ref=settings.UPDATE_REF):
# Update the code to a specific git reference (branch/tag/sha) and write
# info about the current repository state to a publicly visible file.
with ctx.lcd(th_service_src):
ctx.local('git fetch --quiet origin %s' % ref)
ctx.local('git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD')
ctx.local('find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete')
ctx.local('git status -s')
def update(ctx):
# Create/populate a virtualenv that will be rsynced later along with the source.
with ctx.lcd(settings.SRC_DIR):
activate_script = os.path.join(settings.SRC_DIR, 'venv', 'bin', 'activate_this.py')
# We reuse the virtualenv to speed up deploys.
if not os.path.exists(activate_script):
ctx.local('virtualenv --python=python2.7 venv')
# Activate virtualenv.
execfile(activate_script, dict(__file__=activate_script))
# Install requirements using pip v8's new hash-checking mode.
with ctx.lcd(th_service_src):
ctx.local('pip2.7 install --require-hashes -r requirements/common.txt')
# Make the virtualenv relocatable since paths are hard-coded by default.
ctx.local('virtualenv --relocatable venv')
# Fix lib64 symlink to be relative instead of absolute.
with ctx.lcd('venv'):
ctx.local('rm -f lib64')
ctx.local('ln -s lib lib64')
with ctx.lcd(th_service_src):
# Install nodejs non-dev packages, needed for the grunt build.
ctx.local("npm install --production")
# Generate the UI assets in the `dist/` directory.
ctx.local("./node_modules/.bin/grunt build --production")
# Make the current Git revision accessible at <site-root>/revision.txt
ctx.local("git rev-parse HEAD > dist/revision.txt")
# Generate gzipped versions of files that would benefit from compression, that
# WhiteNoise can then serve in preference to the originals. This is required
# since WhiteNoise's Django storage backend only gzips assets handled by
# collectstatic, and so does not affect files in the `dist/` directory.
ctx.local("python2.7 -m whitenoise.compress dist")
# Run Django system checks.
# Replace awk with `--fail-level WARNING` once we're using Django 1.10, since in
# previous versions an exit code of 1 is hard-coded to only ERROR and above:
# https://github.com/django/django/commit/287532588941d2941e19c4cd069bcbd8af889203
run_local_with_env(ctx, 'python2.7 manage.py check --deploy 2>&1 | awk "/^WARNINGS/{err=1} {print} END{exit err}"')
# Collect the static files (eg for the Persona or Django admin UI)
run_local_with_env(ctx, "python2.7 manage.py collectstatic --noinput")
# Update the database schema, if necessary.
run_local_with_env(ctx, "python2.7 manage.py migrate --noinput")
# Update reference data & tasks config from the in-repo fixtures.
run_local_with_env(ctx, "python2.7 manage.py load_initial_data")
# Populate the datasource table and create the connected databases.
run_local_with_env(ctx, "python2.7 manage.py init_datasources")
def deploy(ctx):
# Use the local, IT-written deploy script to check in changes.
# Rsync the updated code to the nodes & restart processes. These are
# separated out into their own functions, since the IRC bot output includes
# the task function name which is useful given how long these steps take.
def deploy_rabbit(ctx):
deploy_nodes(ctx, settings.RABBIT_HOSTGROUP, 'rabbit')
def deploy_web_app(ctx):
deploy_nodes(ctx, settings.WEB_HOSTGROUP, 'web')
def deploy_etl(ctx):
deploy_nodes(ctx, settings.ETL_HOSTGROUP, 'etl')
def deploy_log(ctx):
deploy_nodes(ctx, settings.LOG_HOSTGROUP, 'log')
def deploy_nodes(ctx, hostgroup, node_type):
# Run the remote update script on each node in the specified hostgroup.
@hostgroups(hostgroup, remote_kwargs={'ssh_key': settings.SSH_KEY})
def rsync_code(ctx):
env_flag = '-p' if is_prod else '-s'
ctx.local('/root/bin/restart-jobs %s %s' % (env_flag, node_type))
def ping_newrelic(ctx):
data = {
'deployment[application_id]': settings.NEW_RELIC_APP_ID,
'deployment[user]': 'Chief',
headers = {'x-api-key': settings.NEW_RELIC_API_KEY}
r = requests.post('https://api.newrelic.com/deployments.xml',
data=data, headers=headers, timeout=30)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
print("HTTPError {} notifying New Relic: {}".format(r.status_code, r.text))

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ignore = E121,E123,E125,E126,E129,E226,E24,E704,E501,F403
max-line-length = 140
skip = .git,__pycache__,.vagrant,node_modules,migrations,update.py,wsgi.py
skip = .git,__pycache__,.vagrant,node_modules,migrations,wsgi.py
multi_line_output = 1
force_grid_wrap = true
line_length = 140

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@ -13,12 +13,10 @@ env = environ.Env()
def server_supports_tls(url):
hostname = urlparse(url).hostname
# Services such as RabbitMQ/Elasticsearch running on Travis/Vagrant
# or in SCl3 do not support TLS. We could try adding locally using
# self-signed certs, but until Travis has support it's not overly useful.
if hostname == 'localhost' or hostname.endswith('.scl3.mozilla.com'):
return False
return True
# Services such as RabbitMQ/Elasticsearch running on Travis do not yet have TLS
# certificates set up. We could try using TLS locally using self-signed certs,
# but until Travis has support it's not overly useful.
return hostname != 'localhost'
@ -411,12 +409,6 @@ SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = [
# Disable the libmysqlclient TLS system check on SCl3, since we're moving to
# Heroku soon, so it's not worth the hassle of trying to get it updated from
# the ancient 5.1.X, given the DB is behind a VPN and so doesn't use TLS anyway.
if '.scl3.mozilla.com' in env('DATABASE_URL'):
# Enable integration between autoclassifier and jobs
# Ordered list of matcher classes to use during autoclassification
# Celery broker setup
# Force Celery to use TLS when appropriate (ie if not localhost or SCL3),
# Force Celery to use TLS when appropriate (ie if not localhost),
# rather than relying on `BROKER_URL` having `amqps://` or `?ssl=` set.
# This is required since CloudAMQP's automatically defined URL uses neither.
if server_supports_tls(BROKER_URL):
# This code handles the memcachier service on heroku.
# TODO: Once no longer on SCL3, stop special-casing Heroku and use newer
# best practices from https://www.memcachier.com/documentation#django.
# TODO: Stop special-casing Heroku and use newer best practices from:
# https://www.memcachier.com/documentation#django.
if env.bool('IS_HEROKU', default=False):
# Prefs taken from:
# https://github.com/rdegges/django-heroku-memcacheify/blob/v1.0.0/memcacheify.py#L30-L39