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Bug 1160613: compare perf: use t-test for confidence level
The confidence level is used for deciding which changes to highlight (red/green) and also for display at the table view. New behavior: - Ignore differences below 1.5% and t-state values below 0.5 . - Diff above 1.5%, and t-value below 1.0 -> not-sure-regression. - Above t-value of 1.0 -> confident -> highlight red/green. - Added the t-test value as the last column at the table ("Confidence"). - Added the actual runs values at the "Runs" tooltip. TODO: - Fine tune the t-test constants 0.5 and 1.0 if required.
This commit is contained in:
@ -187,41 +187,45 @@ perf.factory('isReverseTest', [ function() {
perf.factory('PhCompare', [ '$q', '$http', 'thServiceDomain', 'PhSeries',
'math', 'isReverseTest', 'phTimeRanges',
function($q, $http, thServiceDomain, PhSeries, math, isReverseTest, phTimeRanges) {
var getClassName = function(baselineMin, baselineMax, baselineAvg, currentAvg, test) {
var range = math.trimFloat((baselineMax - baselineMin) / 2);
if (isReverseTest(test)) {
if (currentAvg < baselineAvg - range) {
if (currentAvg < baselineMin) {
return "compare-regression";
// Still more than the min value we got out of the baseline, so we could
// be OK still, but there could be a regression here too.
return "compare-notsure";
else if (currentAvg > baselineMax) {
return "compare-improvement";
// Used for t_test: default stddev if both sets have only a single value - 15%.
// Should be rare case and it's unreliable, but at least have something.
var RATIO_CARE_MIN = 1.015; // We don't care about less than ~1.5% diff
var T_VALUE_CARE_MIN = 0.5; // Observations
var T_VALUE_CONFIDENT = 1; // Observations. Weirdly nice that ended up as 0.5 and 1...
function getClassName(newIsBetter, oldVal, newVal, abs_t_value) {
// NOTE: we care about general ratio rather than how much is new compared
// to old - this could end up with slightly higher or lower threshold
// in practice than indicated by DIFF_CARE_MIN. E.g.:
// - If old is 10 and new is 5, then new = old -50%
// - If old is 5 and new is 10, then new = old + 100%
// And if the threshold was 75% then one would matter and the other wouldn't.
// Instead, we treat both cases as 2.0 (general ratio), and both would matter
// if our threshold was 75% (i.e. DIFF_CARE_MIN = 1.75).
var ratio = newVal / oldVal;
if (ratio < 1) {
ratio = 1 / ratio; // Direction agnostic and always >= 1.
if (ratio < RATIO_CARE_MIN || abs_t_value < T_VALUE_CARE_MIN) {
return "";
// We have a 'smaller is better' test.
if (currentAvg > baselineAvg + range) {
if (currentAvg > baselineMax) {
return "compare-regression";
// Still less than the max value we got out of the baseline, so we could be
// OK still, but there could be a regression here.
return "compare-notsure";
if (abs_t_value < T_VALUE_CONFIDENT) {
// Since we (currently) have only one return value to indicate uncertainty,
// let's use it for regressions only. (Improvement would just not be marked).
return newIsBetter ? "" : "compare-notsure";
else if (currentAvg < baselineMin) {
return "compare-improvement";
return "";
return newIsBetter ? "compare-improvement" : "compare-regression";
return {
getCompareClasses: function(cr, type) {
if (cr.hideMinorChanges && cr.isMinor) return 'subtest-empty';
if (cr.hideMinorChanges && !cr.isMeaningful) return 'subtest-empty';
if (cr.isEmpty) return 'subtest-empty';
if (type == 'row' && cr.highlightedTest) return 'active subtest-highlighted';
if (type == 'row') return '';
@ -231,53 +235,119 @@ perf.factory('PhCompare', [ '$q', '$http', 'thServiceDomain', 'PhSeries',
return cr.className;
getCounterMap: function(testName, originalData, newData) {
var cmap = {originalGeoMean: 0, originalRuns: 0, originalStddev: 0,
newGeoMean: 0, newRuns: 0, newStddev: 0, delta: 0,
deltaPercentage: 0, barGraphMargin: 0, isEmpty: false,
isRegression: false, isImprovement: false, isMinor: true};
// Aggregates two sets of values into a "comparison object" which is later used
// to display a single line of comparison.
// The result object has the following properties:
// - .isEmpty: true if no data for either side.
// If !isEmpty, for originalData/newData (if the data exists)
// - .[original|new]GeoMean // Average of the values (where each is a geomean)
// - .[original|new]Stddev // stddev
// - .[original|new]StddevPct // stddev as percentage of the average
// - .[original|new]Runs // Display data: number of runs and their values
// If both originalData/newData exist, comparison data:
// - .isImprovement
// - .isRegression
// - .delta
// - .deltaPercentage
// - .confidence // t-test value
// - .confidenceText // 'low'/'med'/'high'
// - .isMeaningful // for highlighting - bool over t-test threshold
// And some data to help formatting of the comparison:
// - .className
// - .barGraphMargin
// - .marginDirection
getCounterMap: function getDisplayLineData(testName, originalData, newData) {
function removeZeroes(values) {
return _.filter(values, function(v){
return !!v;
function numericCompare(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
// Some statistics for a single set of values
function analyzeSet(values) {
var average = math.average(values),
stddev = math.stddev(values, average);
return {
// Called 'geomeans' because each value is a geomean (of the subtests)
// but we then average those values plainly.
geomean: average,
stddev: stddev,
stddevPct: math.percentOf(stddev, average),
// Value for display on mouse hover. We use slice to keep the original
// values at their original order in case the order is important elsewhere.
displayRuns: "" + values.length
+ " < " + values.slice().sort(numericCompare).join(" ") + " >"
// Eventually the result object, after setting properties as required.
var cmap = { isEmpty: true };
// Talos tests may output 0 as an indication of failure. Ignore those results.
if (originalData) {
cmap.originalGeoMean = originalData.geomean;
cmap.originalRuns = originalData.runs;
cmap.originalStddev = originalData.stddev;
cmap.originalStddevPct = ((originalData.stddev / originalData.geomean) * 100);
cmap.originalMin = originalData.minVal;
cmap.originalMax = originalData.maxVal;
originalData.values = removeZeroes(originalData.values);
if (newData) {
cmap.newGeoMean = newData.geomean;
cmap.newRuns = newData.runs;
cmap.newStddev = newData.stddev;
cmap.newStddevPct = ((newData.stddev / newData.geomean) * 100);
cmap.newMin = newData.minVal;
cmap.newMax = newData.maxVal;
newData.values = removeZeroes(newData.values);
if (cmap.originalRuns == 0 && cmap.newRuns == 0) {
cmap.isEmpty = true;
} else if (cmap.newGeoMean > 0 && cmap.originalGeoMean > 0) {
cmap.delta = (cmap.newGeoMean - cmap.originalGeoMean);
cmap.deltaPercentage = (cmap.delta / cmap.originalGeoMean * 100);
cmap.barGraphMargin = 50 - Math.min(50, Math.abs(Math.round(cmap.deltaPercentage) / 2));
// It's possible to get an object with empty values, so check for that too.
var hasOrig = originalData && originalData.values.length;
var hasNew = newData && newData.values.length;
cmap.marginDirection = 'right';
if (cmap.deltaPercentage > 0) {
cmap.marginDirection = 'left';
if (isReverseTest(testName)) {
if (cmap.marginDirection == 'left') {
cmap.marginDirection = 'right';
} else {
cmap.marginDirection = 'left';
if (!hasOrig && !hasNew)
return cmap; // No data for either side
cmap.className = getClassName(cmap.originalMin, cmap.originalMax, cmap.originalGeoMean, cmap.newGeoMean, testName);
cmap.isRegression = (cmap.className == 'compare-regression');
cmap.isImprovement = (cmap.className == 'compare-improvement');
cmap.isMinor = (cmap.className == "");
cmap.isEmpty = false;
if (hasOrig) {
var orig = analyzeSet(originalData.values);
cmap.originalGeoMean = orig.geomean;
cmap.originalRuns = orig.displayRuns;
cmap.originalStddev = orig.stddev;
cmap.originalStddevPct = orig.stddevPct;
if (hasNew) {
var newd = analyzeSet(newData.values);
cmap.newGeoMean = newd.geomean;
cmap.newRuns = newd.displayRuns;
cmap.newStddev = newd.stddev;
cmap.newStddevPct = newd.stddevPct;
if (!hasOrig || !hasNew)
return cmap; // No comparison, just display for one side.
// Compare the sides.
// "Normal" tests are "lower is better". Reversed is.. reversed.
cmap.delta = (cmap.newGeoMean - cmap.originalGeoMean);
var newIsBetter = cmap.delta < 0; // New value is lower than orig value
if (isReverseTest(testName))
newIsBetter = !newIsBetter;
cmap.deltaPercentage = math.percentOf(cmap.delta, cmap.originalGeoMean);
cmap.barGraphMargin = 50 - Math.min(50, Math.abs(Math.round(cmap.deltaPercentage) / 2));
cmap.marginDirection = newIsBetter ? 'right' : 'left';
var abs_t_value = Math.abs(math.t_test(originalData.values, newData.values, STDDEV_DEFAULT_FACTOR));
cmap.className = getClassName(newIsBetter, cmap.originalGeoMean, cmap.newGeoMean, abs_t_value);
cmap.confidence = abs_t_value;
cmap.confidenceText = abs_t_value < T_VALUE_CARE_MIN ? "low" :
abs_t_value < T_VALUE_CONFIDENT ? "med" :
cmap.isRegression = (cmap.className == 'compare-regression');
cmap.isImprovement = (cmap.className == 'compare-improvement');
cmap.isMeaningful = (cmap.className != "");
return cmap;
@ -334,29 +404,27 @@ perf.factory('PhCompare', [ '$q', '$http', 'thServiceDomain', 'PhSeries',
resultsMap[resultSetId] = {};
response.data.forEach(function(data) {
var means = [];
// Aggregates data from the server on a single group of values which
// will be compared later to another group. Ends up with an object
// with description (name/platform) and values.
// The values are later processed at getCounterMap as the data arguments.
var values = [];
_.where(data.blob, { result_set_id: resultSetId }).forEach(function(pdata) {
//summary series have geomean, individual pages have mean
if (pdata.geomean === undefined) {
} else {
var seriesData = _.find(seriesChunk, {'signature': data.series_signature});
var total = _.reduce(means, function(mean, total) { return total + mean; })
var avg = total / means.length;
var sigma = math.stddev(means, avg);
resultsMap[resultSetId][data.series_signature] = {geomean: avg,
minVal: Math.min.apply(Math, means),
maxVal: Math.max.apply(Math, means),
stddev: sigma,
runs: means.length,
resultsMap[resultSetId][data.series_signature] = {
platform: seriesData.platform,
name: seriesData.name,
platform: seriesData.platform};
values: values
@ -370,38 +438,85 @@ perf.factory('PhCompare', [ '$q', '$http', 'thServiceDomain', 'PhSeries',
perf.factory('math', [ function() {
return {
* Compute the standard deviation for an array of values.
* @param values
* An array of numbers.
* @param avg
* Average of the values.
* @return a number (the standard deviation)
stddev: function(values, avg) {
if (values.length <= 1) {
return 0;
function percentOf(a, b) {
return b ? 100 * a / b : 0;
return Math.sqrt(
values.map(function (v) { return Math.pow(v - avg, 2); })
.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }) / (values.length - 1));
trimFloat: function(number) {
if (number === undefined)
return 'N/A';
return Math.round(number * 100) / 100;
function average(values) {
if (values.length < 1) {
return 0;
return _.sum(values) / values.length;
function stddev(values, avg) {
if (values.length < 2) {
return 0;
if (!avg)
avg = average(values);
return Math.sqrt(
values.map(function (v) { return Math.pow(v - avg, 2); })
.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }) / (values.length - 1));
// If a set has only one value, assume average-ish-plus sddev, which
// will manifest as smaller t-value the less items there are at the group
// (so quite small for 1 value). This default value is a parameter.
// C/T mean control/test group (in our case original/new data).
function t_test(valuesC, valuesT, stddev_default_factor) {
var lenC = valuesC.length,
lenT = valuesT.length;
// We must have at least one value at each set
if (lenC < 1 || lenT < 1) {
return 0;
var avgC = average(valuesC);
var avgT = average(valuesT);
// Use actual stddev if possible, or stddev_default_factor if one sample
var stddevC = (lenC > 1 ? stddev(valuesC, avgC) : stddev_default_factor * avgC),
stddevT = (lenT > 1 ? stddev(valuesT, avgT) : stddev_default_factor * avgT);
// If one of the sets has only a single sample, assume its stddev is
// the same as that of the other set (in percentage). If both sets
// have only one sample, both will use stddev_default_factor.
if (lenC == 1) {
stddevC = valuesC[0] * stddevT / avgT;
} else if (lenT == 1) {
stddevT = valuesT[0] * stddevC / avgC;
var delta = avgT - avgC;
var stdDiffErr = (
stddevC * stddevC / lenC // control-variance / control-size
stddevT * stddevT / lenT // ...
return delta / stdDiffErr;
return {
percentOf: percentOf,
average: average,
stddev: stddev,
t_test: t_test
}; // 'math'
perf.filter('displayPrecision', function() {
return function(input) {
if (!input) {
if (isNaN(input)) {
return "N/A";
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<table class="table">
<tbody ng-repeat="testName in testList">
<tr class="subtest-header">
<td>{{titles[testName]}}</td><td>Old Geomean</td><td>Old StdDev</td><td>New Geomean</td><td>New StdDev</td><td>Delta</td><td>Delta %</td><td></td>
<td>{{titles[testName]}}</td><td>Old Geomean</td><td>Old StdDev</td><td>New Geomean</td><td>New StdDev</td><td>Delta</td><td>Delta %</td><td></td><td>Confidence</td>
<tr ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult, 'row')" ng-repeat="compareResult in compareResults[testName]">
<td>{{compareResult.name}} (<a ng-href="{{compareResult.detailsLink}}">Details</a>)</td>
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
<td ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult)">{{compareResult.deltaPercentage|displayPrecision}}%</td>
<td ng-if="compareResult.delta" width="20%"><div ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult, 'bar')" style="margin-{{compareResult.marginDirection}}: {{compareResult.barGraphMargin}}%;"></div></td>
<td ng-if="!compareResult.delta"></td>
<td><span ng-show="compareResult.confidenceText">{{compareResult.confidence|displayPrecision}} ({{compareResult.confidenceText}})</span></td>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<table class="table">
<tbody ng-repeat="testName in testList">
<tr class="subtest-header">
<td>{{platformList[0]}} : {{titles[testName]}}</td><td>Old Geomean</td><td>Old StdDev</td><td>New Geomean</td><td>New StdDev</td><td>Delta</td><td>Delta %</td><td></td>
<td>{{platformList[0]}} : {{titles[testName]}}</td><td>Old Geomean</td><td>Old StdDev</td><td>New Geomean</td><td>New StdDev</td><td>Delta</td><td>Delta %</td><td></td><td>Confidence</td>
<tr ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult, 'row')" ng-repeat="compareResult in compareResults[testName]">
<td>{{compareResult.name}} (<a ng-href="{{compareResult.detailsLink}}">graph</a>)</td>
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
<td ng-if="compareResult.delta" ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult)">{{compareResult.deltaPercentage|displayPrecision}}%</td>
<td ng-if="compareResult.delta" width="20%"><div ng-class="getCompareClasses(compareResult, 'bar')" style="margin-{{compareResult.marginDirection}}: {{compareResult.barGraphMargin}}%;"></div></td>
<td ng-if="!compareResult.delta"></td>
<td><span ng-show="compareResult.confidenceText">{{compareResult.confidence|displayPrecision}} ({{compareResult.confidenceText}})</span></td>
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