зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/treeherder.git
Bug 1134780 - add related platforms or branches more easily
This commit is contained in:
@ -665,14 +665,20 @@ perf.controller('GraphsCtrl', [
ThRepositoryModel.get_list().then(function(response) {
$scope.projects = response.data;
$scope.addTestData = function() {
$scope.addTestData = function(option, seriesSignature) {
var defaultProjectName, defaultPlatform;
var options = {};
if ($scope.seriesList.length > 0) {
var lastSeries = $scope.seriesList.slice(-1)[0];
defaultProjectName = lastSeries.projectName;
defaultPlatform = lastSeries.platform;
if (option !== undefined) {
var series = _.findWhere($scope.seriesList, {"signature": seriesSignature});
options = { option: option, relatedSeries: series };
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: 'partials/perf/testdatachooser.html',
controller: 'TestChooserCtrl',
@ -691,7 +697,8 @@ perf.controller('GraphsCtrl', [
return $scope.seriesList;
defaultProjectName: function() { return defaultProjectName; },
defaultPlatform: function() { return defaultPlatform; }
defaultPlatform: function() { return defaultPlatform; },
options: function() { return options; }
@ -726,15 +733,15 @@ perf.controller('TestChooserCtrl', function($scope, $modalInstance, $http,
projects, optionCollectionMap,
timeRange, thServiceDomain,
thDefaultRepo, PhSeries,
defaultProjectName, defaultPlatform,
testsDisplayed) {
defaultProjectName, defaultPlatform, $q,
testsDisplayed, options, thPerformanceBranches) {
$scope.timeRange = timeRange;
$scope.projects = projects;
$scope.selectedProject = _.findWhere(projects, {
name: defaultProjectName ? defaultProjectName : thDefaultRepo
$scope.loadingTestData = false;
$scope.loadingRelatedSignatures = true;
var series = [];
$scope.addTestData = function () {
if (($scope.testsToAdd.length + testsDisplayed.length) > 6) {
@ -797,6 +804,71 @@ perf.controller('TestChooserCtrl', function($scope, $modalInstance, $http,
var loadingExtraDataPromise = $q.defer();
var addRelatedPlatforms = function(relatedSeries) {
$scope.timeRange, optionCollectionMap).then(
function(seriesData) {
var platformList = seriesData.platformList;
platformList.forEach(function(platform) {
// query all the tests with specific platform, then find
// out the test which has same with the existed test
var testList = _.sortBy(_.filter(seriesData.seriesList,
{ platform: platform }), 'name');
var temp = _.findWhere(testList, {"name": relatedSeries.name});
// if found something different from the series we already have,
// then we push it into the testsToAdd list.
if (temp !== undefined && temp.signature !== relatedSeries.signature) {
).then(function() {
// resolve the testsToAdd's length after every thing was done
// so we don't need timeout here
var addRelatedBranches = function(relatedSeries) {
var branchList = [];
thPerformanceBranches.forEach(function (branch) {
if (branch !== relatedSeries.projectName) {
branchList.push(_.findWhere($scope.projects, {name: branch}));
// get each project's series data from remote and use promise to
// ensure each step will be executed after last on has finished
$q.all(branchList.map(function (project) {
return PhSeries.getAllSeries(project.name,
$scope.timeRange, optionCollectionMap);
})).then(function (seriesList) {
seriesList.forEach(function (series) {
var testList = _.sortBy(_.filter(series.seriesList,
{platform: relatedSeries.platform}), 'name');
var temp = _.findWhere(testList, {"name": relatedSeries.name});
}).then(function () {
if (options.option !== undefined) {
$scope.loadingRelatedSignatures = false;
if (options.option === "addRelatedPlatform") {
} else if (options.option === "addRelatedBranches") {
if (length > 0) {
$scope.loadingRelatedSignatures = true;
} else {
window.alert("Oops, no related platforms or branches have been found.");
$scope.updateTestInput = function() {
$scope.addTestDataDisabled = true;
$scope.loadingTestData = true;
@ -169,3 +169,7 @@ treeherder.value("thJobNavSelectors",
treeherder.value("thPerformanceBranches", [
"mozilla-inbound", "mozilla-central", "fx-team", "b2g-inbound"
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
<td width="10px" class="graph-legend" style="padding: 4px; background-color: {{series.blockColor}}" ></td>
<td class="graph-legend" ng-class="{'series-inactive':!series.active}">
<a href="#" ng-click="addTestData('addRelatedBranches', series.signature)" title="Add related branches">{{series.projectName}}</a><br/>
<a href="#" ng-click="addTestData('addRelatedPlatform', series.signature)" title="Add related platforms">{{series.platform}}</a><br/>
<div class="signature"><small>{{series.signature}}</small></div>
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
<button type="button" class="close" ng-click="cancel()"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
<h3 class="modal-title">Add test data</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-body" ng-show="!loadingRelatedSignatures">
<p class="blink" >Getting related test information ...</p>
<div class="modal-body" ng-show="loadingRelatedSignatures">
<div class="test-chooser">
<select class="form-control" ng-change="updateTestInput()" ng-model="selectedProject" ng-options="project.name for project in projects">
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