Bug 1307785 - Lower gunicorn --max-requests on Heroku to match SCL3

This works around the apparent pre-existing memory leak until we're able
to fix it.
This commit is contained in:
Ed Morley 2016-10-05 14:47:31 +01:00
Родитель f7e2c5cd42
Коммит b6b9966921
1 изменённых файлов: 1 добавлений и 1 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
web: newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn treeherder.config.wsgi:application --log-file - --timeout 29 --max-requests 2000 web: newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn treeherder.config.wsgi:application --log-file - --timeout 29 --max-requests 150
worker_beat: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder beat worker_beat: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder beat
worker_pushlog: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder worker -Q pushlog --maxtasksperchild=500 --concurrency=5 worker_pushlog: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder worker -Q pushlog --maxtasksperchild=500 --concurrency=5
worker_buildapi_pending: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder worker -Q buildapi_pending --maxtasksperchild=20 --concurrency=5 worker_buildapi_pending: newrelic-admin run-program celery -A treeherder worker -Q buildapi_pending --maxtasksperchild=20 --concurrency=5