* Make changes to docs
* Add cert for prototype connections
* Add TLS_CERT_PATH variable to docker yaml file
* Change troubleshooting and database sections of docs
* Bump python to 3.7.10 to try to fix issues with typing module
* Remove requirement on typing again
* Remove bigquery and activedata references (#7051)
* Remove activedata and bigquery again
* Add importlib-metadata to dev requirements
* Remove remnants of selenium tests from setup.cfg
* Don't call taskcluster.aio.createSession outside of async functions (it's not allowed)
* Disable newrelic linters to fix issue with imp module
See https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/python-warnings-during-pytest/114897
* Fix linting errors
* Use pytest-xdist to speed up tests
* Properly ignore newrelic warnings
* Disable django.contrib.staticfiles in tests, because it breaks everything
* Set TREEHERDER_DEBUG=False for unit tests, because it breaks some tests
* Fix linting issues
* Add .circleci/config.yml
* Initial set up with node and yarn config
* set up heroku builds
* add python test config
* remove most travis references and travis.yml
Currently, Treeherder consumes Pulse messages from an intermediary service called `taskcluster-treeherder`.
Such service needs to be shut down and its functionality imported into Treeherder.
In order to do this we need to switch to the standard Taskcluster exchanges as defined in here:
On a first pass we are only including the code from `taskcluster-treeherder` without changing
much of Treeherder's code. The code is translated from Javascript to Python and only some minor
code changes were done to reduce the difficulty on porting the code without introducing bugs.
Internally, on this first pass, we will still have an intermediary data structure representing
what `taskcluster-treeherder` is emitting, however, we will stop consuming the messages
from it and be able to shut it down.
Instead of consuming from one single exchange we will be consuming multiple ones. Each one representing
a different kind of task (e.g. pending vs running).
In order to test this change you need to open 5 terminal windows and follow these steps:
* On the first window run `docker-compose up`
* On the next three windows `export PULSE_URL="amqp://foo:bar@pulse.mozilla.org:5671/?ssl=1"` and run the following commands:
* `docker-compose run -e PULSE_URL backend ./manage.py pulse_listener_jobs`
* `docker-compose run -e PULSE_URL backend ./manage.py pulse_listener_tasks`
* `docker-compose run -e PULSE_URL backend ./manage.py pulse_listener_pushes`
* On the last window run `docker-compose run backend celery -A treeherder worker -B --concurrency 5`
* Open on your browser `http://localhost:5000`
This is just a summary from [the docs](https://treeherder.readthedocs.io/pulseload.html).
= ETL management commands =
This change also introduces two ETL management command that can be executed like this:
== Ingest push and tasks ==
This script can ingest into Treeherder all tasks associated to a push.
It uses Python's asyncio to speed up the ingestion of tasks.
./manage.py ingest_push_and_tasks
== Update Pulse test fixtures ==
./manage.py update_pulse_test_fixtures
This command will read 100 Taskcluster Pulse messages, process them and store them as test fixtures
under these two files: `tests/sample_data/pulse_consumer/taskcluster_{jobs,metadata}.json`
Following this work would be to get rid of the intermediary job representation ([bug 1560596](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1560596) which will
clean up some of the code and some of the old tests.
= Extra script =
Script that permits comparing pushes from two different Treeherder instances.
usage: Compare a push from a Treeherder instance to the production instance.
[-h] [--host HOST] --revision REVISION [--project PROJECT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Host to compare. It defaults to localhost
--revision REVISION Revision to compare
--project PROJECT Project to compare. It defaults to mozilla-central
= Other changes =
Other changes included:
* Import `taskcluster-treeherder`'s validation to ensure we're not fed garbage.
* Change `yaml.load(f)` for `yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)`. Read [this](https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/wiki/PyYAML-yaml.load(input)-Deprecation) for details
* Introduce `taskcluster` and `taskcluster-urls` as dependencies
* The test `test_retry_missing_revision_never_succeeds` makes no sense because
we make Json validation on the Pulse message
* Bug 1395254 - Consume Taskcluster Pulse messages from standard queue exchanges
Currently, Treeherder consumes Pulse messages from an intermediary service called `taskcluster-treeherder`.
Such service needs to be shut down and its functionality imported into Treeherder.
In order to do this we need to switch to the standard Taskcluster exchanges as defined in here:
On a first pass we are only including the code from `taskcluster-treeherder` without changing
much of Treeherder's code. The code is translated from Javascript to Python and only some minor
code changes were done to reduce the difficulty on porting the code without introducing bugs.
Internally, on this first pass, we will still have an intermediary data structure representing
what `taskcluster-treeherder` is emitting, however, we will stop consuming the messages
from it and be able to shut it down.
Instead of consuming from one single exchange we will be consuming multiple ones. Each one representing
a different kind of task (e.g. pending vs running).
In order to test this change you need to open 4 terminal windows and follow these steps:
* On the first two windows `export PULSE_URL="amqp://foo:bar@pulse.mozilla.org:5671/?ssl=1"` and run the following commands:
* `docker-compose run -e PULSE_URL backend ./manage.py pulse_listener_jobs`
* `docker-compose run -e PULSE_URL backend ./manage.py pulse_listener_pushes`
* On the third window run `docker-compose run backend celery -A treeherder worker -B --concurrency 5`
* On the last window run `docker-compose up`
* Open on your browser `http://localhost:5000`
This is just a summary from [the docs](https://treeherder.readthedocs.io/pulseload.html).
= ETL management commands =
This change also introduces two ETL management command that can be executed like this:
== Ingest push and tasks ==
This script can ingest into Treeherder all tasks associated to a push.
It uses Python's asyncio to speed up the ingestion of tasks.
./manage.py ingest_push_and_tasks
== Update Pulse test fixtures ==
./manage.py update_pulse_test_fixtures
This command will read 100 Taskcluster Pulse messages, process them and store them as test fixtures
under these two files: `tests/sample_data/pulse_consumer/taskcluster_{jobs,metadata}.json`
Following this work would be to get rid of the intermediary job representation ([bug 1560596](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1560596) which will
clean up some of the code and some of the old tests.
= Other changes =
Other changes included:
* Import `taskcluster-treeherder`'s validation to ensure we're not fed garbage.
* Change `yaml.load(f)` for `yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)`. Read [this](https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/wiki/PyYAML-yaml.load(input)-Deprecation) for details
* Introduce `taskcluster` and `taskcluster-urls` as dependencies
* The test `test_retry_missing_revision_never_succeeds` makes no sense because
we make Json validation on the Pulse message
- Adds a new "infrastructure" section to the docs, which describes
architecture, administration and troubleshooting (fixes bug 1165259).
- Adds code comments to any deployment-related files in the repository.
- Adds documentation for the various ways in which users can access
Treeherder data (fixes bug 1335172).
- Reorganises the structure of some of the existing non-infrastructure
docs, to make the documentation easier to navigate.