import json from datadiff import diff from treeherder.log_parser.artifactbuildercollection import ArtifactBuilderCollection from treeherder.log_parser.artifactbuilders import BuildbotJobArtifactBuilder from ..sampledata import SampleData from tests import test_utils def do_test(log): """ Test a single log with the ``JobArtifactBuilder``. ``log`` - the url prefix of the log to test. Also searches for the result file with the same prefix. """ url = "file://{0}".format( SampleData().get_log_path("{0}.txt.gz".format(log))) exp = test_utils.load_exp("{0}.jobartifact.json".format(log)) builder = BuildbotJobArtifactBuilder(url) lpc = ArtifactBuilderCollection(url, builders=builder) lpc.parse() act = lpc.artifacts[] # we can't compare the "logurl" field, because it's a fully qualified url, # so it will be different depending on the config it's run in. assert "logurl" in act del(act["logurl"]) # leaving the logurl in the exp files so they are a good example of the # expected structure. del(exp["logurl"]) assert act == exp, diff(exp, act) # if you want to gather results for a new test, use this # assert act == exp, json.dumps(act, indent=4) def test_crashtest_passing(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("mozilla-central_fedora-b2g_test-crashtest-1-bm54-tests1-linux-build50") def test_opt_test_failing(jm, initial_data): """Process log with printlines and errors""" do_test("mozilla-central_mountainlion_test-mochitest-2-bm80-tests1-macosx-build138") def test_build_failing(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("mozilla-central-macosx64-debug-bm65-build1-build15") def test_mochitest_debug_passing(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("mozilla-central_mountainlion-debug_test-mochitest-2-bm80-tests1-macosx-build93") def test_mochitest_pass(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("mozilla-central_mountainlion_test-mochitest-2-bm77-tests1-macosx-build141") def test_mochitest_fail(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("mozilla-esr17_xp_test_pgo-mochitest-browser-chrome-bm74-tests1-windows-build12") def test_mochitest_process_crash(jm, initial_data): """Test a mochitest log that has PROCESS-CRASH """ do_test("mozilla-inbound_ubuntu64_vm-debug_test-mochitest-other-bm53-tests1-linux-build122") def test_jetpack_fail(jm, initial_data): """Process a job with a single log reference.""" do_test("ux_ubuntu32_vm_test-jetpack-bm67-tests1-linux-build16")