import os from os.path import dirname import sys from import call_command import pytest def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--runslow", action="store_true", help="run slow tests", ) def pytest_sessionstart(session): """ Set up the test environment. Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and sets up a test database. """ sys.path.append(dirname(dirname(__file__))) os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "treeherder.settings") from django.conf import settings from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner # we don't actually let Django run the tests, but we need to use some # methods of its runner for setup/teardown of dbs and some other things session.django_runner = DjangoTestSuiteRunner() # this provides templates-rendered debugging info and locmem mail storage session.django_runner.setup_test_environment() # support custom db prefix for tests for the main datazilla datasource # as well as for the testproj and testpushlog dbs prefix = getattr(settings, "TEST_DB_PREFIX", "") settings.DATABASES["default"]["TEST_NAME"] = "{0}test_treeherder".format(prefix) # this makes celery calls synchronous, useful for unit testing settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True settings.CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS = True # this sets up a clean test-only database session.django_db_config = session.django_runner.setup_databases() def pytest_sessionfinish(session): """Tear down the test environment, including databases.""" session.django_runner.teardown_databases(session.django_db_config) session.django_runner.teardown_test_environment() def pytest_runtest_setup(item): """ Per-test setup. - Add an option to run those tests marked as 'slow' - Provide cache isolation incrementing the cache key prefix - Drop and recreate tables in the master db """ if 'slow' in item.keywords and not item.config.getoption("--runslow"): pytest.skip("need --runslow option to run") increment_cache_key_prefix() # this should provide isolation between tests. call_command("init_master_db", interactive=False, skip_fixtures=True) def pytest_runtest_teardown(item): """ Per-test teardown. Roll back the Django ORM transaction and delete all the dbs created between tests """ from treeherder.model.models import Datasource ds_list = Datasource.objects.all() for ds in ds_list: ds.delete() call_command("migrate", 'model', '0001_initial') def increment_cache_key_prefix(): """Increment a cache prefix to effectively clear the cache.""" from django.core.cache import cache cache.key_prefix = "" prefix_counter_cache_key = "treeherder-tests-key-prefix-counter" try: key_prefix_counter = cache.incr(prefix_counter_cache_key) except ValueError: key_prefix_counter = 0 cache.set(prefix_counter_cache_key, key_prefix_counter) cache.key_prefix = "t{0}".format(key_prefix_counter) @pytest.fixture() def initial_data(): from import call_command call_command('load_initial_data') @pytest.fixture() def jm(): """ Give a test access to a JobsModel instance. """ from django.conf import settings from import JobsModel model = JobsModel.create(settings.DATABASES["default"]["TEST_NAME"]) # patch in additional test-only procs on the datasources add_test_procs_file( model.get_dhub("objectstore"), model.get_datasource("objectstore").key, "objectstore_test.json", ) add_test_procs_file( model.get_dhub("jobs"), model.get_datasource("jobs").key, "jobs_test.json", ) def fin(): model.disconnect() return model def add_test_procs_file(dhub, key, filename): """Add an extra procs file in for testing purposes.""" test_proc_file = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), filename, ) del dhub.procs[key] proclist = dhub.data_sources[key]["procs"] if not test_proc_file in proclist: proclist.append(test_proc_file) dhub.data_sources[key]["procs"] = proclist dhub.load_procs(key) @pytest.fixture() def jobs_ds(): from django.conf import settings from treeherder.model.models import Datasource return Datasource.objects.create( project=settings.DATABASES["default"]["TEST_NAME"], dataset=1, contenttype="jobs", host="localhost", ) @pytest.fixture() def objectstore_ds(): from django.conf import settings from treeherder.model.models import Datasource return Datasource.objects.create( project=settings.DATABASES["default"]["TEST_NAME"], dataset=1, contenttype="objectstore", host="localhost", ) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def sample_data(): """Returns a SampleData() object""" from sampledata import SampleData return SampleData() @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def test_base_dir(): return os.path.dirname(__file__) @pytest.fixture def sample_resultset(sample_data): return sample_data.resultset_data @pytest.fixture def test_repository(): from django.conf import settings from treeherder.model.models import Repository return Repository.objects.create( dvcs_type = "hg", name = settings.DATABASES["default"]["TEST_NAME"], url = "", active_status = "active", codebase = "gecko", repository_group_id = 1, description = "" ) @pytest.fixture def mock_log_parser(monkeypatch): from celery import task from treeherder.log_parser import tasks @task def task_mock(*args, **kwargs): pass monkeypatch.setattr(tasks, 'parse_log', task_mock) @pytest.fixture def result_set_stored(jm, initial_data, sample_resultset): jm.store_result_set_data(sample_resultset) return sample_resultset @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def mock_get_resultset(monkeypatch, result_set_stored): from treeherder.etl import common def _get_resultset(params): for k in params: rev = params[k][0] params[k] = { rev: { 'id': 1, 'revision_hash': result_set_stored[0]['revision_hash'] } } return params monkeypatch.setattr(common, 'lookup_revisions', _get_resultset) @pytest.fixture() def refdata(): """returns a patched RefDataManager for testing purpose""" import os from treeherder.model.derived import RefDataManager from tests.conftest import add_test_procs_file refdata = RefDataManager() proc_path = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'refdata_test.json' ) add_test_procs_file(refdata.dhub, 'reference', proc_path) return refdata @pytest.fixture def mock_message_broker(monkeypatch): from django.conf import settings monkeypatch.setattr(settings, 'BROKER_URL', 'memory://')