Loading buildbot data ===================== In order to start ingesting data, you need to turn on a celery worker with a '-B' option. In this way the worker can run some scheduled tasks that are defined in treeherder.config.settings.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE. Here is a brief description of what each periodic task will do for you: *fetch-push-logs* Retrieves and store all the latest pushes (a.k.a. resultsets) from the available repositories. You need to have this running before you can start ingestiong job data. No pushes, no jobs. *fetch-buildapi-pending* Retrieves and store buildbot pending jobs using `RelEng buildapi`_ service *fetch-buildapi-running* Same as before, but for running jobs *fetch-buildapi-build4h* Same as before, but it collects all the jobs completed in the last 4 hours. The following is a data flow diagram which can help to understand better how these tasks are used by treeherder .. image:: https://cacoo.com/diagrams/870thliGfT89pLZc-B5E80.png :width: 800px .. _RelEng buildapi: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/BuildAPI .. _dataflow diagram: https://cacoo.com/diagrams/870thliGfT89pLZc