dist: xenial # Use the latest Travis images since they are more up to date than the stable release. group: edge services: - docker matrix: include: - env: js-tests language: node_js # The Node version here must be kept in sync with that in `package.json`. node_js: '12.13.0' cache: yarn before_install: # Try to keep version in sync with `package.json` - curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash -s -- --version 1.19.1 - export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH" install: - yarn install --frozen-lockfile script: # `yarn build` is tested as part of the Selenium job. - yarn lint # `yarn lint` only checks the formatting of JS/JSX, this will also check CSS/HTML/JSON/Markdown/YAML. - yarn format:check - yarn test:coverage after_success: yarn codecov - env: test-prod-build language: node_js # The Node version here must be kept in sync with that in `package.json`. node_js: '12.13.0' install: - yarn install --prod --frozen-lockfile script: - yarn build - env: python-linters language: minimal install: - docker-compose build script: - docker-compose run backend ./runtests.sh - env: python-tests-main language: minimal install: - docker-compose build script: # Several security features in settings.py (eg setting HSTS headers) are conditional on # 'https://' being in the site URL. In addition, we override the test environment's debug # value so the tests pass. The real environment variable will be checked during deployment. - docker-compose run -e SITE_URL=https://treeherder.dev -e TREEHERDER_DEBUG=False backend python -bb ./manage.py check --deploy --fail-level WARNING # Using `-bb` mode to surface BytesWarnings: https://docs.python.org/3.7/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-b - docker-compose run backend python -bb -m pytest tests/ --runslow --ignore=tests/selenium/ - env: python-tests-selenium language: node_js # The Node version here must be kept in sync with that in `package.json`. node_js: '12.13.0' cache: directories: - node_modules before_install: - docker-compose build install: - yarn install before_script: # Run in `before_script` to prevent the Selenium tests from running if the UI build fails. - yarn build script: # Using `-bb` mode to surface BytesWarnings: https://docs.python.org/3.7/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-b - docker-compose run backend python -bb -m pytest tests/selenium/ notifications: email: on_success: never on_failure: always