dist: trusty # The fully visualised "sudo" GCE environments are faster for longer running jobs. sudo: required # Use the latest Travis images since they are more up to date than the stable release. group: edge matrix: include: # Job 1: Linters - env: python2-linters sudo: false language: python python: "2.7.14" cache: directories: - ${HOME}/venv install: - source ./bin/travis-setup.sh python_env docs script: - pip check - python lints/queuelint.py - flake8 --show-source - isort --check-only --diff --quiet - git grep -El '^#!/.+\b(bash|sh)\b' | xargs shellcheck - make -C docs html # Job 2: Python 3 linters - env: python3-linters sudo: false language: python python: "3.6.5" cache: directories: - ${HOME}/venv install: - source ./bin/travis-setup.sh python_env # Create the test database for `manage.py check --deploy`. - mysql -u root -e 'create database test_treeherder;' script: - pip check - flake8 --show-source # Temporarily running these in the linters job to avoid impacting job count and thus Travis end-to-end times. # Prevent connections during check/migrate/makemigrations to a non-existent Elasticsearch server. - unset ELASTICSEARCH_URL - SITE_URL='https://treeherder.dev' TREEHERDER_DEBUG='False' ./manage.py check --deploy --fail-level WARNING # Remove these once we get the roughly equivalent pytest sanity tests working under Python 3. - ./manage.py migrate - ./manage.py makemigrations --check # Job 3: Nodejs UI tests - env: js-tests language: node_js node_js: "8" cache: directories: - node_modules install: - source ./bin/travis-setup.sh js_env script: - yarn test - yarn build # Job 4: Python Tests - Main - env: python-tests-main language: python python: "2.7.14" cache: directories: - ${HOME}/venv install: - source ./bin/travis-setup.sh services python_env # Create the test database for `manage.py check --deploy`. - mysql -u root -e 'create database test_treeherder;' script: # Several security features in settings.py (eg setting HSTS headers) are conditional on # 'https://' being in the site URL. In addition, we override the test environment's debug # value so the tests pass. The real environment variable will be checked during deployment. - SITE_URL='https://treeherder.dev' TREEHERDER_DEBUG='False' ./manage.py check --deploy --fail-level WARNING # Using Python 2's `-3` mode to surface DeprecationWarnings for Python 3 incompatibilities: # https://docs.python.org/2/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-3 - python -3 -m pytest tests/ --runslow --ignore=tests/selenium/ # Job 5: Python Tests - Selenium integration - env: python-tests-selenium language: python python: "2.7.14" cache: directories: - ${HOME}/venv - node_modules install: - nvm install 8 - source ./bin/travis-setup.sh services python_env geckodriver js_env before_script: # Run in `before_script` to prevent the selenium tests from still being run if the UI build fails. - yarn build script: # Using Python 2's `-3` mode to surface DeprecationWarnings for Python 3 incompatibilities: # https://docs.python.org/2/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-3 - python -3 -m pytest tests/selenium/ --driver Firefox notifications: email: on_success: never on_failure: always