import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { graphsEndpoint, parseQueryParams, createQueryParams, createApiUrl, bugzillaBugsApi, updateQueryParams, } from '../helpers/url'; import { getData } from '../helpers/http'; import { validateQueryParams, mergeData, formatBugs } from './helpers'; const withView = (defaultState) => (WrappedComponent) => { class View extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.default = this.props.location.state || defaultState; this.state = { errorMessages: [], initialParamsSet: false, tree: this.default.tree || null, startday: this.default.startday || null, endday: this.default.endday || null, bug: || null, summary: this.default.summary || null, tableData: [], tableFailureStatus: null, isFetchingTable: false, graphData: [], graphFailureStatus: null, isFetchingGraphs: false, lastLocation: this.default.location || null, }; } componentDidMount() { this.setQueryParams(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { location } = this.props; // update all data if the user edits dates, tree or bug via the query params if ( !== { this.checkQueryValidation( parseQueryParams(, this.state.initialParamsSet, ); } } setQueryParams = () => { const { location, history } = this.props; const { startday, endday, tree, bug } = this.state; const params = { startday, endday, tree }; if (bug) { params.bug = bug; } if ( !== '' && !location.state) { // update data based on the params or show error if params are missing this.checkQueryValidation(parseQueryParams(; } else { // if the query params are not specified for mainview, set params based on default state if ( === '') { const queryString = createQueryParams(params); updateQueryParams(queryString, history, location); } this.setState({ initialParamsSet: true }); this.getGraphData(createApiUrl(graphsEndpoint, params)); this.getTableData(createApiUrl(defaultState.endpoint, params)); } }; getBugDetails = async (url) => { const { data, failureStatus } = await getData(url); if (!failureStatus && data.bugs.length === 1) { this.setState({ summary: data.bugs[0].summary }); } }; getTableData = async (url) => { this.setState({ tableFailureStatus: null, isFetchingTable: true }); const { data, failureStatus } = await getData(url); let mergedData = null; if (defaultState.route === '/main' && !failureStatus && data.length) { const bugIds = formatBugs(data); const bugzillaData = await this.batchBugRequests(bugIds); mergedData = mergeData(data, bugzillaData); } this.setState({ tableData: mergedData || data, tableFailureStatus: failureStatus, isFetchingTable: false, }); }; getGraphData = async (url) => { this.setState({ graphFailureStatus: null, isFetchingGraphs: true }); const { data, failureStatus } = await getData(url); this.setState({ graphData: data, graphFailureStatus: failureStatus, isFetchingGraphs: false, }); }; batchBugRequests = async (bugIds) => { const urlParams = { include_fields: 'id,product,component,status,summary,whiteboard', }; // TODO: bump up the max to ~1200 when this bug is fixed: // let min = 0; let max = 800; let bugsList = []; const results = []; while (bugIds.length >= min) { const batch = bugIds.slice(min, max + 1); = batch.join(); results.push(getData(bugzillaBugsApi('bug', urlParams))); min = max; max += 800; } for (const result of await Promise.all(results)) { bugsList = [...bugsList,]; } return bugsList; }; updateState = (updatedObj) => { this.setState(updatedObj, () => { const { startday, endday, tree, bug } = this.state; const params = { startday, endday, tree }; if (bug) { params.bug = bug; } this.getGraphData(createApiUrl(graphsEndpoint, params)); this.getTableData(createApiUrl(defaultState.endpoint, params)); // update query params if dates or tree are updated const queryString = createQueryParams(params); updateQueryParams(queryString, this.props.history, this.props.location); }); }; updateData = (params, urlChanged = false) => { const { mainGraphData, mainTableData } = this.props; if (mainGraphData && mainTableData && !urlChanged) { this.setState({ graphData: mainGraphData, tableData: mainTableData }); } else { this.getGraphData(createApiUrl(graphsEndpoint, params)); this.getTableData(createApiUrl(defaultState.endpoint, params)); } if (params.bug && this.state.tableData.length) { this.getBugDetails( bugzillaBugsApi('bug', { include_fields: 'summary', id: params.bug }), ); } }; checkQueryValidation = (params, urlChanged = false) => { const { errorMessages, initialParamsSet, summary } = this.state; const messages = validateQueryParams( params, defaultState.route === '/bugdetails', ); const updates = {}; if (messages.length > 0) { this.setState({ errorMessages: messages }); } else { if (errorMessages.length) { updates.errorMessages = []; } if (!initialParamsSet) { updates.initialParamsSet = true; } if (summary) { // reset summary updates.summary = null; } this.setState({ ...updates, ...params }); this.updateData(params, urlChanged); } }; render() { const updateState = { updateState: this.updateState }; const newProps = { ...this.props, ...this.state, ...updateState }; return ; } } View.propTypes = { history: PropTypes.shape({}).isRequired, location: PropTypes.shape({ search: PropTypes.string, state: PropTypes.shape({}), }).isRequired, mainGraphData: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})), mainTableData: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})), }; View.defaultProps = { mainGraphData: null, mainTableData: null, }; return View; }; export default withView;