[flake8] exclude = */.*/,.*/,__pycache__,node_modules # E129: visually indented line with same indent as next logical line # E203 whitespace before ':' # E231: missing whitespace after ',' # E501: line too long extend_ignore = E129,E203,E231,E501 max-line-length = 100 [tool:pytest] testpaths = tests norecursedirs = __pycache__ ui DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings # Enable display of skipped/expected fail test reasons. # Disable unused auto-loaded mozlog plugin. addopts = -rsx -p no:mozlog # Make most warnings fatal (including the hidden by default DeprecationWarning): # https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html # https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/warnings.html#warning-categories filterwarnings = error ignore::ImportWarning ignore::PendingDeprecationWarning # Gunicorn uses deprecated calls to pkg_resources, this issue is tracked in # https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/issues/2840 and will likely be fixed in # version 21.0.0. ignore:.*pkg_resources.*:DeprecationWarning # WhiteNoise warns if either `.django-static/` or `.build/` do not exist at startup, # however this is expected when running tests since Django collectstatic and yarn build # (which create those directories) typically aren't run apart from during deployments. ignore:No directory at.*:UserWarning markers = slow: mark a test as slow. xfail_strict = true asyncio_mode = auto