
144 строки
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import taskcluster from './taskcluster';
import { getAllUrlParams, getRepo } from './location';
export const uiJobsUrlBase = '/#/jobs';
export const bzBaseUrl = '';
export const hgBaseUrl = '';
export const dxrBaseUrl = '';
export const tcRootUrl = '';
export const getUserSessionUrl = function getUserSessionUrl(oidcProvider) {
return `${oidcProvider}`;
export const createQueryParams = function createQueryParams(params) {
const query = params instanceof URLSearchParams ? params : new URLSearchParams(params);
return `?${query.toString()}`;
// Leaving this here since even though SERVICE_DOMAIN no longer exists (proxying
// is used instead), it provides a single place to modify if needed in the future.
export const getServiceUrl = function getServiceUrl(uri) {
return uri;
export const getApiUrl = function getApiUrl(uri) {
return getServiceUrl(`/api${uri}`);
export const getBugUrl = function getBugUrl(bug_id) {
return `${bzBaseUrl}show_bug.cgi?id=${bug_id}`;
export const getSlaveHealthUrl = function getSlaveHealthUrl(machine_name) {
return `${machine_name}`;
export const getInspectTaskUrl = function getInspectTaskUrl(taskId) {
return `${taskId}`;
export const getReftestUrl = function getReftestUrl(logUrl) {
return `${logUrl}&only_show_unexpected=1`;
export const getWorkerExplorerUrl = async function getWorkerExplorerUrl(taskId) {
const queue = taskcluster.getQueue();
const { status } = await queue.status(taskId);
const { provisionerId, workerType } = status;
const { workerGroup, workerId } = status.runs[status.runs.length - 1];
return `${provisionerId}/worker-types/${workerType}/workers/${workerGroup}/${workerId}`;
// repoName here is necessary because this data comes from the /jobs endpoint
// which is a "project" endpoint that requires the project name. We shouldn't
// need that since the ids are unique across projects.
// Bug 1441938 - The project_bound_router is not needed and cumbersome in some cases
export const getLogViewerUrl = function getLogViewerUrl(job_id, repoName, line_number) {
const rv = `logviewer.html#?job_id=${job_id}&repo=${repoName}`;
return line_number ? `${rv}&lineNumber=${line_number}` : rv;
export const getWptUrl = function getWptUrl(url, value) {
return `${encodeURIComponent(url)},${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
export const getPerfAnalysisUrl = function getPerfAnalysisUrl(url) {
return `${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;
// Take the repoName, if passed in. If not, then try to find it on the
// URL. If not there, then try m-i and hope for the best. The caller may
// not actually need a repo if they're trying to get a job by ``id``.
export const getProjectUrl = function getProjectUrl(uri, repoName) {
const repo = repoName || getRepo();
return getApiUrl(`/project/${repo}${uri}`);
export const getProjectJobUrl = function getProjectJobUrl(url, jobId) {
return getProjectUrl(`/jobs/${jobId}${url}`);
export const getJobSearchStrHref = function getJobSearchStrHref(jobSearchStr) {
const params = getAllUrlParams();
params.set('searchStr', jobSearchStr.split(' '));
return `${uiJobsUrlBase}?${params.toString()}`;
// This takes a plain object, rather than a URLSearchParams object.
export const getJobsUrl = function getJobsUrl(params) {
return `${uiJobsUrlBase}${createQueryParams(params)}`;
export const getCompareChooserUrl = function getCompareChooserUrl(params) {
return `perf.html#/comparechooser${createQueryParams(params)}`;
export const bugsEndpoint = 'failures/';
export const bugDetailsEndpoint = 'failuresbybug/';
export const graphsEndpoint = 'failurecount/';
export const parseQueryParams = function parseQueryParams(search) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(search);
return [...params.entries()].reduce((acc, [key, value]) => (
{ ...acc, [key]: value }
), {});
// TODO: Combine this with getApiUrl().
export const createApiUrl = function createApiUrl(api, params) {
const query = createQueryParams(params);
return `/api/${api}${query}`;
// bugs can be one bug or a comma separated (no spaces) string of bugs
export const bugzillaBugsApi = function bugzillaBugsApi(api, params) {
const query = createQueryParams(params);
return `${bzBaseUrl}rest/${api}${query}`;
export const deployedRevisionUrl = '/revision.txt';
export const loginCallbackUrl = '/login.html';
export const getRepoUrl = function getRepoUrl(newRepoName) {
const params = getAllUrlParams();
params.set('repo', newRepoName);
return `${uiJobsUrlBase}?${params.toString()}`;