
159 строки
8.0 KiB

import pytest
from treeherder.log_parser.parsers import ErrorParser
"23:52:39 INFO - 346 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/base/test/test_XHRDocURI.html | foo",
# "fatal error"
"c:/Users/task_1584487163/dist/Release/lib\\softokn3.dll.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals",
"20:10:13 INFO - PID 15468 | FATAL ERROR: AsyncShutdown timeout in xpcom-will-shutdown",
"15:28:28 INFO - GECKO(3166) | Hit MOZ_CRASH(Shutdown hanging after all known phases and workers finished.) at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/components/terminator/nsTerminator.cpp:246",
"00:54:55 WARNING - PROCESS-CRASH | Shutdown | application crashed [@ PR_GetThreadPrivate]",
# "Assertion fail"
"GECKO(6227) | Assertion failure: parent, at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/docshell/base/BrowsingContext.cpp:1365",
# "^\d+:\d+:\d+ +(?:ERROR|CRITICAL|FATAL) - "
"23:57:52 ERROR - Return code: 1",
# "^\d+:\d+:\d+ +(?:ERROR|CRITICAL|FATAL) - "
"23:57:52 CRITICAL - Preparing to abort run due to failed verify check.",
# "^\d+:\d+:\d+ +(?:ERROR|CRITICAL|FATAL) - "
"23:57:52 FATAL - Dying due to failing verification",
# ^remoteFailed:"
"remoteFailed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): Foo.",
# "^g?make(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*"
"08:13:37 INFO - make: *** [test-integration-test] Error 1",
# "mozmake\.(?:exe|EXE)(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*"
r"pymake\..\..\mozmake.exe: *** [buildsymbols] Error 11",
# "mozmake\.(?:exe|EXE)(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*"
r"pymake\..\..\mozmake.EXE: *** [buildsymbols] Error 11",
# "SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer"
"00:55:13 INFO - SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 64 byte(s) leaked in 1 allocation(s).",
# "SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer"
"INFO - GECKO(2552) | SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: data race /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/js/src/gc/Cell.h:572:21 in lengthField",
# "SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer"
"04:48:03 INFO - [webrender 0.61.0] SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior glsl-optimizer/src/compiler/glsl/glcpp/pp.c:198:28 in",
# "ThreadSanitizer: nested bug"
"19:34:37 INFO - GECKO(2516) | ThreadSanitizer: nested bug in the same thread, aborting.",
# "Automation Error:"
"Automation Error: Foo bar",
# "command timed out:"
"22:16:31 INFO - command timed out: fake -f param",
# "wget: unable "
"22:16:31 INFO - wget: unable to resolve host address `'",
# "^g?make(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*"
"20:57:49 ERROR - make[3]: *** [widget/gtk/target-objects] Error 2",
# "^[A-Za-z.]+Error: "
"subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3', 'doc', '--outdir', 'docs-out', '--no-open', '--no-serve', '--archive']' returned non-zero exit status 2.",
# "^[A-Za-z\.]*Exception: "
"InvalidArgumentException: Unknown pointerType: [object String]",
# "^abort: "
"abort: reached maximum number of network attempts; giving up",
# "^rm: cannot "
"rm: cannot remove `debian/git/usr/share/doc/git/contrib': Is a directory",
# "^\[taskcluster\] Error:"
"[taskcluster] Error: Task run time exceeded 7200 seconds.",
# "ERROR [45]\d\d:"
"2014-04-04 06:37:57 ERROR 403: Forbidden.",
# "^\[[\w._-]+:(?:error|exception)\]"
"[taskcluster:error] Could not upload artifact",
# "^\[[\w._-]+:(?:error|exception)\]"
"[taskcluster-image-build:error] Dockerfile must be present in /home/worker/nss/automation.",
# "^\[[\w._-]+:(?:error|exception)\]"
"[] could not download zip file",
"14:15:32 INFO - REFTEST ERROR | file:///Z:/task_1491573689/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/text3/text-justify-inter-character-001.html | application timed out after 330 seconds with no output",
# "|^\[ FAILED \] "
"[ FAILED ] AllHashFuncs/TlsHkdfTest.HkdfNullNull/1, where GetParam() = 5"
# "bash.exe: *** "
"[task 2019-01-07T09:43:24.098Z] C:\\mozilla-build\\msys\\bin\\bash.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0",
# " error\(\d*\):"
"12:54:44 INFO - ChunkedEncodingError: (\"Connection broken: error(54, 'Connection reset by peer')\", error(54, 'Connection reset by peer'))",
# ":\d+: error:"
"2020-03-18 20:40:52 UTC 39:27.50 /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/widget/gtk/nsWindow.cpp:3536:30: error: too few arguments to function 'const gchar* gtk_check_version(guint, guint, guint)'",
# " error R?C\d*:"
"src/ error C2065: 'BLEND_1': undeclared identifier",
"20:28:29 INFO - WARNING: YOU ARE LEAKING THE WORLD (at least one JSRuntime and everything alive inside it, that is) AT JS_ShutDown TIME. FIX THIS!",
# General message for a passing test step
"TEST-PASS | foo | bar",
# "TEST-UNEXPECTED-WARNING" doesn't set the task as failed and can also be
# observed for successful tasks. These messages are used by linters to
# identify new issues.
"TEST-UNEXPECTED-WARNING | /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/browser/components/migration/IEProfileMigrator.sys.mjs:377:12 | OS.File is deprecated. You should use IOUtils instead. (mozilla/reject-osfile)",
# Doesn't match "^[A-Za-z\.]*Exception: "
"07:42:02 INFO - Exception:",
# Doesn't match "^[A-Za-z.]+Error: "
"07:51:08 INFO - Caught Exception: Remote Device Error: unable to connect to panda-0501 after 5 attempts",
# "I[ /](Gecko|TestRunner).*TEST-UNEXPECTED-"
"06:21:18 INFO - I/GeckoDump( 730): 110 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | foo | bar",
# Doesn't match "^\[taskcluster\] Error:"
"[taskcluster:info] Starting task",
# Doesn't match "^\[[\w._-]+:(?:error|exception)\]"
"[taskcluster] Starting task",
# "^ImportError: No module named pygtk$"
"01:22:41 INFO - ImportError: No module named pygtk",
# "^ImportError: No module named pygtk$"
"01:22:41 INFO - ImportError: No module named pygtk\r\n",
# "^non-fatal error"
"2023-02-28 22:06:01+0000: non-fatal error removing directory: icons/, rv: 0, err: 39",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("line", ERROR_TEST_CASES)
def test_error_lines_matched(line):
parser = ErrorParser()
is_error_line = parser.is_error_line(line)
assert is_error_line
# Now feed the line into the parser and verify we still find an error.
parser.parse_line(line, 1)
assert len(parser.artifact) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("line", ERROR_TEST_CASES)
def test_error_lines_taskcluster(line):
parser = ErrorParser()
# Make the log parser think this is a TaskCluster log.
parser.parse_line("[taskcluster foo] this is a taskcluster log", 1)
assert parser.is_taskcluster
parser.parse_line(line, 2)
assert len(parser.artifact) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("line", NON_ERROR_TEST_CASES)
def test_successful_lines_not_matched(line):
parser = ErrorParser()
is_error_line = parser.is_error_line(line)
assert not is_error_line
def test_taskcluster_strip_prefix():
parser = ErrorParser()
assert not parser.is_taskcluster
assert not parser.artifact
# Prefix should not be stripped unless we see a
# [taskcluster...] line. Not stripping the prefix causes error parsing to
# fail.
parser.parse_line("[vcs 2016-09-07T19:03:02.188327Z] 23:57:52 ERROR - Return code: 1", 1)
assert not parser.is_taskcluster
assert not parser.artifact
# Parsing a line with the [taskcluster...] prefix marks the log as
# associated with TC.
parser.parse_line("[taskcluster 2016-09-07 19:02:55.114Z] Task ID: PWden6jYS4SfVKYj4p7y6w", 2)
assert parser.is_taskcluster
assert not parser.artifact
# And parsing the same line as above should detect the error since the
# TC prefix is stripped.
parser.parse_line("[vcs 2016-09-07T19:03:02.188327Z] 23:57:52 ERROR - Return code: 1", 3)
assert len(parser.artifact) == 1
assert parser.artifact[0]["linenumber"] == 3