/* * JavaScript Creole 1.0 Wiki Markup Parser * $Id: creole.js 14 2009-03-21 16:15:08Z ifomichev $ * * Copyright (c) 2009 Ivan Fomichev * * Portions Copyright (c) 2007 Chris Purcell * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ if (!Parse) { var Parse = {}; } if (!Parse.Simple) { Parse.Simple = {}; } Parse.Simple.Base = function(grammar, options) { if (!arguments.length) { return; } this.grammar = grammar; this.grammar.root = new this.ruleConstructor(this.grammar.root); this.options = options; }; Parse.Simple.Base.prototype = { ruleConstructor: null, grammar: null, options: null, parse: function(node, data, options) { if (options) { for (i in this.options) { if (typeof options[i] == 'undefined') { options[i] = this.options[i]; } } } else { options = this.options; } data = data.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); this.grammar.root.apply(node, data, options); if (options && options.forIE) { node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'); } } }; Parse.Simple.Base.prototype.constructor = Parse.Simple.Base; Parse.Simple.Base.Rule = function(params) { if (!arguments.length) { return; } for (var p in params) { this[p] = params[p]; } if (!this.children) { this.children = []; } }; Parse.Simple.Base.prototype.ruleConstructor = Parse.Simple.Base.Rule; Parse.Simple.Base.Rule.prototype = { regex: null, capture: null, replaceRegex: null, replaceString: null, tag: null, attrs: null, children: null, match: function(data, options) { return data.match(this.regex); }, build: function(node, r, options) { var data; if (this.capture !== null) { data = r[this.capture]; } var target; if (this.tag) { target = document.createElement(this.tag); node.appendChild(target); } else { target = node; } if (data) { if (this.replaceRegex) { data = data.replace(this.replaceRegex, this.replaceString); } this.apply(target, data, options); } if (this.attrs) { for (var i in this.attrs) { target.setAttribute(i, this.attrs[i]); if (options && options.forIE && i == 'class') { target.className = this.attrs[i]; } } } return this; }, apply: function(node, data, options) { var tail = '' + data; var matches = []; if (!this.fallback.apply) { this.fallback = new this.constructor(this.fallback); } while (true) { var best = false; var rule = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { if (typeof matches[i] == 'undefined') { if (!this.children[i].match) { this.children[i] = new this.constructor(this.children[i]); } matches[i] = this.children[i].match(tail, options); } if (matches[i] && (!best || best.index > matches[i].index)) { best = matches[i]; rule = this.children[i]; if (best.index == 0) { break; } } } var pos = best ? best.index : tail.length; if (pos > 0) { this.fallback.apply(node, tail.substring(0, pos), options); } if (!best) { break; } if (!rule.build) { rule = new this.constructor(rule); } rule.build(node, best, options); var chopped = best.index + best[0].length; tail = tail.substring(chopped); for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { if (matches[i]) { if (matches[i].index >= chopped) { matches[i].index -= chopped; } else { matches[i] = void 0; } } } } return this; }, fallback: { apply: function(node, data, options) { if (options && options.forIE) { // workaround for bad IE data = data.replace(/\n/g, ' \r'); } node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data)); } } }; Parse.Simple.Base.Rule.prototype.constructor = Parse.Simple.Base.Rule; Parse.Simple.Creole = function(options) { var rx = {}; rx.link = '[^\\]|~\\n]*(?:(?:\\](?!\\])|~.)[^\\]|~\\n]*)*'; rx.linkText = '[^\\]~\\n]*(?:(?:\\](?!\\])|~.)[^\\]~\\n]*)*'; rx.uriPrefix = '\\b(?:(?:https?|ftp)://|mailto:)'; rx.uri = rx.uriPrefix + rx.link; rx.rawUri = rx.uriPrefix + '\\S*[^\\s!"\',.:;?]'; rx.interwikiPrefix = '[\\w.]+:'; rx.interwikiLink = rx.interwikiPrefix + rx.link; rx.img = '\\{\\{((?!\\{)[^|}\\n]*(?:}(?!})[^|}\\n]*)*)' + (options && options.strict ? '' : '(?:') + '\\|([^}~\\n]*((}(?!})|~.)[^}~\\n]*)*)' + (options && options.strict ? '' : ')?') + '}}'; var formatLink = function(link, format) { if (format instanceof Function) { return format(link); } format = format instanceof Array ? format : [ format ]; if (typeof format[1] == 'undefined') { format[1] = ''; } return format[0] + link + format[1]; }; var g = { hr: { tag: 'hr', regex: /(^|\n)\s*----\s*(\n|$)/ }, br: { tag: 'br', regex: /\\\\/ }, preBlock: { tag: 'pre', capture: 2, regex: /(^|\n)\{\{\{\n((.*\n)*?)\}\}\}(\n|$)/, replaceRegex: /^ ([ \t]*\}\}\})/gm, replaceString: '$1' }, tt: { tag: 'tt', regex: /\{\{\{(.*?\}\}\}+)/, capture: 1, replaceRegex: /\}\}\}$/, replaceString: '' }, ulist: { tag: 'ul', capture: 0, regex: /(^|\n)([ \t]*\*[^*#].*(\n|$)([ \t]*[^\s*#].*(\n|$))*([ \t]*[*#]{2}.*(\n|$))*)+/ }, olist: { tag: 'ol', capture: 0, regex: /(^|\n)([ \t]*#[^*#].*(\n|$)([ \t]*[^\s*#].*(\n|$))*([ \t]*[*#]{2}.*(\n|$))*)+/ }, li: { tag: 'li', capture: 0, regex: /[ \t]*([*#]).+(\n[ \t]*[^*#\s].*)*(\n[ \t]*\1[*#].+)*/, replaceRegex: /(^|\n)[ \t]*[*#]/g, replaceString: '$1' }, table: { tag: 'table', capture: 0, regex: /(^|\n)(\|.*?[ \t]*(\n|$))+/ }, tr: { tag: 'tr', capture: 2, regex: /(^|\n)(\|.*?)\|?[ \t]*(\n|$)/ }, th: { tag: 'th', regex: /\|+=([^|]*)/, capture: 1 }, td: { tag: 'td', capture: 1, regex: '\\|+([^|~\\[{]*((~(.|(?=\\n)|$)|' + '\\[\\[' + rx.link + '(\\|' + rx.linkText + ')?\\]\\]' + (options && options.strict ? '' : '|' + rx.img) + '|[\\[{])[^|~]*)*)' }, singleLine: { regex: /.+/, capture: 0 }, paragraph: { tag: 'p', capture: 0, regex: /(^|\n)([ \t]*\S.*(\n|$))+/ }, text: { capture: 0, regex: /(^|\n)([ \t]*[^\s].*(\n|$))+/ }, strong: { tag: 'strong', capture: 1, regex: /\*\*([^*~]*((\*(?!\*)|~(.|(?=\n)|$))[^*~]*)*)(\*\*|\n|$)/ }, em: { tag: 'em', capture: 1, regex: '\\/\\/(((?!' + rx.uriPrefix + ')[^\\/~])*' + '((' + rx.rawUri + '|\\/(?!\\/)|~(.|(?=\\n)|$))' + '((?!' + rx.uriPrefix + ')[^\\/~])*)*)(\\/\\/|\\n|$)' }, img: { regex: rx.img, build: function(node, r, options) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = r[1]; img.alt = r[2] === undefined ? (options && options.defaultImageText ? options.defaultImageText : '') : r[2].replace(/~(.)/g, '$1'); node.appendChild(img); } }, namedUri: { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.uri + ')\\|(' + rx.linkText + ')\\]\\]', build: function(node, r, options) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = r[1]; if (options && options.isPlainUri) { link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(r[2])); } else { this.apply(link, r[2], options); } node.appendChild(link); } }, namedLink: { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.link + ')\\|(' + rx.linkText + ')\\]\\]', build: function(node, r, options) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = options && options.linkFormat ? formatLink(r[1].replace(/~(.)/g, '$1'), options.linkFormat) : r[1].replace(/~(.)/g, '$1'); this.apply(link, r[2], options); node.appendChild(link); } }, unnamedUri: { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.uri + ')\\]\\]', build: 'dummy' }, unnamedLink: { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.link + ')\\]\\]', build: 'dummy' }, unnamedInterwikiLink: { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.interwikiLink + ')\\]\\]', build: 'dummy' }, rawUri: { regex: '(' + rx.rawUri + ')', build: 'dummy' }, escapedSequence: { regex: '~(' + rx.rawUri + '|.)', capture: 1, tag: 'span', attrs: { 'class': 'escaped' } }, escapedSymbol: { regex: /~(.)/, capture: 1, tag: 'span', attrs: { 'class': 'escaped' } } }; g.unnamedUri.build = g.rawUri.build = function(node, r, options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } options.isPlainUri = true; g.namedUri.build.call(this, node, Array(r[0], r[1], r[1]), options); }; g.unnamedLink.build = function(node, r, options) { g.namedLink.build.call(this, node, Array(r[0], r[1], r[1]), options); }; g.namedInterwikiLink = { regex: '\\[\\[(' + rx.interwikiLink + ')\\|(' + rx.linkText + ')\\]\\]', build: function(node, r, options) { var link = document.createElement('a'); var m, f; if (options && options.interwiki) { m = r[1].match(/(.*?):(.*)/); f = options.interwiki[m[1]]; } if (typeof f == 'undefined') { if (!g.namedLink.apply) { g.namedLink = new this.constructor(g.namedLink); } return g.namedLink.build.call(g.namedLink, node, r, options); } link.href = formatLink(m[2].replace(/~(.)/g, '$1'), f); this.apply(link, r[2], options); node.appendChild(link); } }; g.unnamedInterwikiLink.build = function(node, r, options) { g.namedInterwikiLink.build.call(this, node, Array(r[0], r[1], r[1]), options); }; g.namedUri.children = g.unnamedUri.children = g.rawUri.children = g.namedLink.children = g.unnamedLink.children = g.namedInterwikiLink.children = g.unnamedInterwikiLink.children = [ g.escapedSymbol, g.img ]; for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { g['h' + i] = { tag: 'h' + i, capture: 2, regex: '(^|\\n)[ \\t]*={' + i + '}[ \\t]' + '([^~]*?(~(.|(?=\\n)|$))*)[ \\t]*=*\\s*(\\n|$)' }; } g.ulist.children = g.olist.children = [ g.li ]; g.li.children = [ g.ulist, g.olist ]; g.li.fallback = g.text; g.table.children = [ g.tr ]; g.tr.children = [ g.th, g.td ]; g.td.children = [ g.singleLine ]; g.th.children = [ g.singleLine ]; g.h1.children = g.h2.children = g.h3.children = g.h4.children = g.h5.children = g.h6.children = g.singleLine.children = g.paragraph.children = g.text.children = g.strong.children = g.em.children = [ g.escapedSequence, g.strong, g.em, g.br, g.rawUri, g.namedUri, g.namedInterwikiLink, g.namedLink, g.unnamedUri, g.unnamedInterwikiLink, g.unnamedLink, g.tt, g.img ]; g.root = { children: [ g.h1, g.h2, g.h3, g.h4, g.h5, g.h6, g.hr, g.ulist, g.olist, g.preBlock, g.table ], fallback: { children: [ g.paragraph ] } }; Parse.Simple.Base.call(this, g, options); }; Parse.Simple.Creole.prototype = new Parse.Simple.Base(); Parse.Simple.Creole.prototype.constructor = Parse.Simple.Creole;