This commit is contained in:
Kate Hudson 2014-03-21 12:36:10 -04:00
Родитель 2b58d3ebc5
Коммит ad7d2835ea
2 изменённых файлов: 2 добавлений и 192 удалений

dist/web-literacy-client.js поставляемый
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@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
// if the module has no dependencies, the above pattern can be simplified to
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.WebLiteracyClient = factory();
}(this, function() {
function WebLiteracyClient(options) {
var DEFAULT_LANG = 'en';
var self = this;
// Options
self.options = options = options || {};
options.descriptionSuffix = options.descriptionSuffix || '_desc';
// Set language to English be default
self.strings = self.langs.en;
// Allow users to set language
self.lang = function(l) {
if (l) {
self.strings = self.langs[l];
return self.strings;
self.term = function(tag) {
return self.strings[tag] || self.langs[DEFAULT_LANG][tag];
self.description = function(tag) {
return self.strings[tag + options.descriptionSuffix];
self.all = function() {
return {
return {
term: self.strings[item.tag] || self.langs[DEFAULT_LANG][item.tag],
tag: item.tag
// Set up languages
WebLiteracyClient.prototype.langs = {};
WebLiteracyClient.prototype.template = [
"term": "Navigation",
"description": "Using software tools to browse the Web",
"tag": "weblit-Navigation",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Web Mechanics",
"description": "Understanding the Web ecosystem",
"tag": "weblit-WebMechanics",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Search",
"description": "Locating information, people and resources via the Web",
"tag": "weblit-Search",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Credibility",
"description": "Critically evaluating information found on the Web",
"tag": "weblit-Credibility",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Security",
"description": "Keeping systems, identities, and content safe",
"tag": "weblit-Security",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Composing for the Web",
"description": "Creating and curating content for the Web",
"tag": "weblit-Composing",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Remixing",
"description": "Modifying existing Web resources to create something new",
"tag": "weblit-Remix",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Design and Accessibility",
"description": "Creating universally effective communications through Web resources",
"tag": "weblit-DesignAccessibility",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Coding/Scripting",
"description": "Creating interactive experiences on the Web",
"tag": "weblit-CodingScripting",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Infrastructure",
"description": "Understanding the Internet stack",
"tag": "weblit-Infrastructure",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Sharing",
"description": "Providing access to Web resources",
"tag": "weblit-Sharing",
"deprecates": [
"term": "Collaborating",
"description": "Creating Web resources with others",
"tag": "weblit-Collaborating",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Community Participation",
"description": "Getting involved in web communities and understanding their practices",
"tag": "weblit-Community",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Privacy",
"description": "Examining the consequences of sharing data online",
"tag": "weblit-Privacy",
"deprecates": []
"term": "Open Practices",
"description": "Helping to keep the Web democratic and universally accessible",
"tag": "weblit-OpenPractices",
"deprecates": []
WebLiteracyClient.prototype.langs["en"] = {
"WBLIT-MAP": "Web Literacy Map",
"weblit-Navigation": "Navigation",
"weblit-Navigation_desc": "Using software tools to browse the Web",
"weblit-WebMechanics": "Web Mechanics",
"weblit-WebMechanics_desc": "Understanding the Web ecosystem",
"weblit-Search": "Search",
"weblit-Search_desc": "Locating information, people and resources via the Web",
"weblit-Credibility": "Credibility",
"weblit-Credibility_desc": "Critically evaluating information found on the Web",
"weblit-Security": "Security",
"weblit-Security_desc": "Keeping systems, identities, and content safe",
"weblit-Composing": "Composing for the Web",
"weblit-Composing_desc": "Creating and curating content for the Web",
"weblit-Remix": "Remixing",
"weblit-Remix_desc": "Modifying existing Web resources to create something new",
"weblit-DesignAccessibility": "Design and Accessibility",
"weblit-DesignAccessibility_desc": "Creating universally effective communications through Web resources",
"weblitCodingScripting": "Coding/Scripting",
"weblitCodingScripting_desc": "Creating interactive experiences on the Web",
"weblit-Infrastructure": "Infrastructure",
"weblit-Infrastructure_desc": "Understanding the Internet stack",
"weblit-Sharing": "Sharing",
"weblit-Sharing_desc": "Providing access to Web resources",
"weblit-SharingCollaborating": "Sharing",
"weblit-SharingCollaborating_desc": "Providing access to Web resources",
"weblit-Collaborating": "Collaborating",
"weblit-Collaborating_desc": "Creating Web resources with others",
"weblit-Community": "Community Participation",
"weblit-Community_desc": "Getting involved in web communities and understanding their practices",
"weblit-Privacy": "Privacy",
"weblit-Privacy_desc": "Examining the consequences of sharing data online",
"weblit-OpenPractices": "Open Practices",
"weblit-OpenPractices_desc": "Helping to keep the Web democratic and universally accessible"
return WebLiteracyClient;

dist/weblitmap_strings.1.1.0.json поставляемый
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@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"weblit-Remix_desc": "Modifying existing Web resources to create something new",
"weblit-DesignAccessibility": "Design and Accessibility",
"weblit-DesignAccessibility_desc": "Creating universally effective communications through Web resources",
"weblitCodingScripting": "Coding/Scripting",
"weblitCodingScripting_desc": "Creating interactive experiences on the Web",
"weblit-CodingScripting": "Coding/Scripting",
"weblit-CodingScripting_desc": "Creating interactive experiences on the Web",
"weblit-Infrastructure": "Infrastructure",
"weblit-Infrastructure_desc": "Understanding the Internet stack",
"weblit-Sharing": "Sharing",