# Copy this file to .env or just set these environment variables # Webmaker profile 2. Should include /user export PROFILE_URL="http://localhost:1969/user" # For Webmaker Events - https://github.com/mozilla/webmaker-events-2 export EVENTS_URL="http://localhost:1981" # teach.webmaker.org export TEACH_URL="https://teach.webmaker.org" # default port is 7777 export PORT=7777 # Link supplied to the login server when a user requests a login. export LOGIN_EMAIL_URL="http://localhost:7777" # Cluster options export RESTART=1 export FORKS=2 # List flags: FLAG_XYZ => flags.xyz # FLAGS_HOUROFCODE: true | false # Displays the 'Hour of Code' campaign message. export FLAGS_HOUROFCODE=false # Badges export BADGES_ENDPOINT=https://badgekit-api.mofostaging.net export BADGES_KEY=master export BADGES_SECRET= export BADGES_SYSTEM=webmaker export BACKPACK_PUSH_URL=https://backpack.openbadges.org/issuer/frameless # API is available at mozilla/MakeAPI # default API endpoint is http://makeapi.mofostaging.net export MAKE_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:5000" # make authentication - private and public keys must be generated by the MakeAPI export MAKE_PRIVATEKEY="00000000-0000-0000-000000000000" export MAKE_PUBLICKEY="00000000-0000-0000-000000000000" # API is available at mozilla/login.webmaker.org # default Persona SSO is http://localhost:3000 export AUDIENCE="http://localhost:7777" # Set NODE_ENV to development for testing export NODE_ENV="development" # Where can we find the login API endpoint export LOGIN="http://localhost:3000" # What is our fully qualified login API acces point? export LOGINAPI="http://testuser:password@localhost:3000" # Persona locations - UNCOMMENT FOR USE WITH LOCAL PERSONA #export PERSONA_HOSTNAME="http://localhost:10002" #export PERSONA_VERIFIER_URI="http://localhost:10000/verify" # And a cookie secret export SESSION_SECRET="dummy secret value" # A domain for webmaker super cookies # You should only set this when running in a non-localhost environment export COOKIE_DOMAIN="" # Is this server running behind an SSL-enabled load-balancer? export FORCE_SSL=false # Google Analytics info export GA_ACCOUNT="" export GA_DOMAIN="" # Set to true to enable GELF formatted logging. setting to false will enable express.logger for logging. export ENABLE_GELF_LOGS=false # i18n Language Support export SUPPORTED_LANGS='[ "*" ]' # Point to Prerender service for bot usage (SEO) # Test locally by installing from: https://github.com/prerender/prerender # It's best to put this service on a port other than 3000 (default) to avoid collisions with WM Login server # Use this URL scheme to test: http://localhost:7777/?_escaped_fragment_=STRING_AFTER_#! export PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:3001 # Point to the domain that houses the xray goggles library export XRAY_GOGGLES_URL=http://goggles.mozilla.org