{ "TryGoggles": { "message": "Try Goggles now", "description": "Text for the button that takes the user to the X-Ray Goggles homepage" }, "error setting password": { "message": " Uh oh! There was an error trying to set your password, please try again.", "description": "Error displayed if there was a problem setting the new password" }, "Verified Visit Email": { "message": "We emailed you a link & key to sign in", "description": "Message instructing the user to check their email for an account confirmation link" }, "NotAnEmail": { "message": " Uh Oh! That doesn't look like an email address.", "description": "Error message when the text entered in an email input is not an email address" }, "EmailOrUsername": { "message": "Email or Username", "description": "Label text for the sign in input, asks for the username or email of the user's account." }, "XRay-Goggles": { "message": "X-Ray Goggles", "description": "The X-Ray Goggles Tool" }, "AboutResources": { "message": "Teach and learn digital skills and web literacy. Webmaker Resources are full of fun things to discover, make and teach.", "description": "A short description about the Resources section" }, "Set a Password": { "message": "Set A Password", "description": "Label text for the password input box (reset password modal)" }, "Enter key": { "message": "Enter key ", "description": "Label to enter key that was sent to user's email" }, "incorrectToken": { "message": " Uh oh! That key is not correct.", "description": "Error message displayed when the token used to log in is rejected." }, "Minimum password requirements": { "message": "Minimum password requirements", "description": "Text above the list of minimum requirements that a password must satisfy" }, "webmakerAuthTakenError": { "message": " That username is taken. Try adding your favourite number at the end.", "description": "Error message displayed when the entered username is not available for use." }, "Language Preference": { "message": "Language Preference", "description": "Label text for selecting the preferred language for the user." }, "That does not look like an email address or username": { "message": " Uh oh! That doesn't look like an email address or username.", "description": "Error message displayed when the input doesn't match a username or email" }, "webmakerAuthCreateAccount": { "message": "Create Account", "description": "The button text for finishing the join Webmaker process." }, "passLoginFailed": { "message": " Authentication failed!", "description": "Error message when a password login attempt fails" }, "webmakerAuthServerError": { "message": "An unknown error occurred on the server. Try your request again. If the problem persists, get help.", "description": "Error message displayed if an error occurs on the server." }, "Remember me for one year": { "message": "Remember me", "description": "Message displayed next to the remember me checkbox" }, "webmakerAuthAgreeToTerms": { "message": "I agree to Mozilla Webmaker's Terms and Privacy Policy", "description": "I agree to Mozilla Webmaker's terms and privacy policy." }, "Forgot your password?": { "message": "Forgot your password?", "description": "button text for the password reset function" }, "problem sending token": { "message": " There was a problem sending a login key to you, please try again. Get help.", "description": "Error message displayed when the request for a login key fails for some reason." }, "Lets Go!": { "message": "Let's Go!", "description": "Button text for closing the modal dialog after account creation" }, "At least 8 characters": { "message": "At least 8 characters", "description": "A password must contain 8 or more characters" }, "tokenMessage": { "message": "Please check your email to confirm your account.", "description": "Message instructing the user to check their email for an account confirmation link" }, "Done": { "message": "Done", "description": "Done, close the window." }, "Password Reset Success": { "message": " Success! You've successfully reset your password, please sign in!", "description": "Alert displayed after successfully resetting a password" }, "checkEmail": { "message": "Check Your Email", "description": "Message instructing the user to check their email" }, "webmakerAuthMailingList": { "message": "Send me email updates about Webmaker and other Mozilla projects", "description": "Message about opting in for a Mozilla mailing list" }, "Sign up": { "message": "Join", "description": "Join button text" }, "Email": { "message": "Enter Your Email", "description": "Label text for the email input" }, "Visit Email": { "message": "Visit your email to retrieve your key", "description": "Label text above the login key input field" }, "At least 1 upper and lower case character": { "message": "At least 1 uppercase and lowercase character", "description": "A password must contain at least 1 upper and lower case character" }, "Sign in": { "message": "Sign In", "description": "Sign in Button text" }, "aboutWebmaker": { "message": "Make your own web pages, interactive videos, remixes and mobile apps.", "description": "Short description of Webmaker" }, "passwords do not match": { "message": " Uh oh! The passwords do not match!", "description": "Error message displayed when the password input and password confirmation input do not match" }, "trouble with email": { "message": "Trouble with email? Check your spam or get help", "description": "Text that allows users to get help" }, "Expired Login Link": { "message": "Uh Oh! Your login link expired. Request a new email to sign in.", "description": "Error message displayed if a login link is expired" }, "webmakerAuthAgreeError": { "message": " Oh snap! You must agree to our terms and conditions.", "description": "Error message displayed if the terms and conditions checkbox isn't toggled on." }, "resetRequestFailed": { "message": " Uh oh! There was a problem processing your request, please try again.", "description": "Error message displayed if the reset request fails for some reason" }, "Sign in to Webmaker": { "message": "Sign In To Webmaker", "description": "Header text for the sign in modal dialog" }, "webmakerAuthChooseUsername": { "message": "Choose A Username", "description": "Label text for the username selection input" }, "log in with Persona": { "message": "log in with Persona", "description": "Text for the button that initiates a persona login" }, "Resources": { "message": "Resources", "description": "The Resources section of Webmaker" }, "webmakerAuthWelcome": { "message": "Welcome to Webmaker!", "description": "Welcome message for the join Webmaker modal dialog. Displayed after successfully creating a new Webmaker account" }, "you can switch to webmaker login": { "message": "You can switch back to our Webmaker Login experience. We will send you login emails so you do not need a password.", "description": "Message reminding users that they can switch back to the Webmaker Login Key system instead of using a password." }, "webmakerAuthCreateWelcome": { "message": "Create a Webmaker account", "description": "Header text for the join webmaker modal dialog" }, "Cancel": { "message": "Cancel", "description": "Cancel sign up or sign in" }, "Password": { "message": "Password", "description": "Label text for the password input" }, "resetMessage": { "message": "Check your email for a password reset link.", "description": "Directs the user to check their email for a password reset link" }, "ExploreWebmaker": { "message": "Explore the rest of Webmaker", "description": "Text for the button which takes the user to webmaker.org/explore" }, "No account found for your uid": { "message": " We couldn't find your username or email address. Did you mean to create an account? Trouble? Get help.", "description": "Error message displayed when the given username or email doesn't have a Webmaker account and asks if they would like to sign up." }, "ChooseUsername": { "message": "Choose Username", "description": " Label text for selecting a username" }, "Submit": { "message": "Submit", "description": "Label text for the submit new password button in the Reset Password Modal Dialog" }, "At least 1 number": { "message": "At least 1 number", "description": "a password must contain at least one number character" }, "Reset Password": { "message": "Reset Password", "description": "Reset Password Modal title" }, "Next": { "message": "Next", "description": "Go to the next screen" }, "WebmakerAccountExists": { "message": " Heads up! That email already has an account. Did you mean to sign in?", "description": "That email already has an accout. Did you mean to sign in?" }, "webmakerAuthUsernameInvalid": { "message": " Uh oh! All usernames must be between 1-20 characters, and only include \"-\" and alphanumeric symbols", "description": "Error message displayed when the username entered contains symbols that are not allowed." }, "or": { "message": "or", "description": "Text beside the button that initiates a persona login" }, "VisitResources": { "message": "Visit Resources", "description": "Text for the button that takes the user to the X-Ray Goggles homepage" }, "AboutGoggles": { "message": "X-Ray Goggles allow you to see and change the building blocks that make up websites on the Internet. Activate the goggles to play with the code behind any webpage.", "description": "A short description of the X-Ray Goggles" }, "Confirm your password": { "message": "Confirm Your Password", "description": "Label text for the password confirmation input" }, "Password too weak": { "message": " Uh oh! The password you've entered is too weak. Make sure it doesn't contain any common words or patterns, and doesn't contain your email or username", "description": "Error message displayed if the server determined the password entered is too weak." } }