
37 строки
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var habitat = require( 'habitat' );
var env = new habitat(),
cluster = require( 'cluster' ),
shouldRestart = env.get( 'RESTART' ) == 1,
forks = ( env.get( 'FORKS' )|0 ) || require( 'os' ).cpus().length;
// Only (re)fork if we're a) starting up; or b) had a worker get to
// 'listening'. Don't fork in an endless loop if the process is bad.
function fork() {
console.log( 'Starting server worker...' );
cluster.fork().on( 'listening', function() {
console.log( 'Server worker started.' );
cluster.setupMaster({ exec: 'app.js' });
cluster.on( 'exit', function( worker, code, signal ) {
console.error( 'Server worker %s exited.', worker.id );
// Restart server worker only if we've been configured that way.
if ( shouldRestart ) {
// If there are no more workers running, shut down cluster process.
if ( !Object.keys( cluster.workers ).length ) {
console.error( 'No more server workers running, shutting down.' );
process.exit( 1 );
while( forks-- ) {