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import XRLayer from './XRLayer.js'
XRWebGLLayer defines the WebGL or WebGL 2 context that is rendering the visuals for this layer.
export default class XRWebGLLayer extends XRLayer {
constructor(session, context){
this._session = session
this._context = context
this._width = this._context.canvas.width;
this._height = this._context.canvas.height;
this._framebuffer = null // TODO
get context(){ return this._context }
get antialias(){
// readonly attribute boolean antialias;
throw 'Not implemented'
get depth(){
// readonly attribute boolean depth;
throw 'Not implemented'
get stencil(){
// readonly attribute boolean stencil;
throw 'Not implemented'
get alpha(){
// readonly attribute boolean alpha;
throw 'Not implemented'
get multiview(){
// readonly attribute boolean multiview;
throw 'Not implemented'
get framebuffer(){
return this._framebuffer
set framebufferWidth(w){
this._width = w;
this._context.canvas.width = w;
get framebufferWidth(){
// not using this for now, on iOS it's not good.
// var pr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
//return this._context.canvas.clientWidth;
return this._width;
set framebufferHeight(h){
this._height = h;
this._context.canvas.height = h;
get framebufferHeight(){
// not using this for now, on iOS it's not good.
// var pr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
//return this._context.canvas.clientHeight;
return this._height;
// void requestViewportScaling(double viewportScaleFactor);
throw 'Not implemented'