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197 строки
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namespace Mozilla;
if (!class_exists('WP_SW_Manager')) {
* Holds the shared manager for composing the service workers.
* Service Workers enable web applications to send push notifications, work
* offline or perform background tasks periodically. Currently the standard only
* allows **one service worker per scope** making it hard for plugin developers
* to combine different focused and isolated functionality.
* The WP_SW_Manager library provides a collaborative way to generate service
* workers. It is as simple as registering a callback for writing your service
* worker functionality:
* ```php
* WP_SW_Manager::get_manager()->sw()->add_contents(write_sw);
* function write_sw() {
* echo 'console.log("Here is my plugin!")';
* }
* ```
* @version 0.2.0
* @license GPL
* @author Salvador de la Puente González <salva@unoyunodiez.com>
class WP_SW_Manager {
* The name of the enqueued script in charge of registering the
* service workers.
* In case you have client code depending on the registration of
* a service worker, use this const as dependency to ensure your
* script is added **after** the registration script:
* ```php
* wp_register_script('my-plugin-script', 'url/to/my/script.js', array(WP_SW_Manager::SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT));
* ```
* From your JavaScript code, you can access these registrations
* via `$swRegistrations` variable.
* @see WP_SW_Manager::get_js_id()
* @api
* @var string
const SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT = 'wp-sw-manager-registrar';
const SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT_URL = 'wpswmanager_sw-registrar.js';
private static $instance;
* Obtains the shared manager.
* @api
* @returns WP_SW_Manager The shared manager instance.
public static function get_manager() {
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
private $dynamic_server;
private $router;
private $service_workers;
private function __construct() {
$this->dynamic_server = WP_Serve_File::getInstance();
$this->router = WP_SW_Manager_Router::get_router();
$this->service_workers = array();
* Selects the combinator representing the service worker to write into.
* As only one service worker per scope is currently allowed by the
* ServiceWorker API, the manager identify the proper service worker
* based on the scope only.
* @api
* @param string $scope The scope used to select the service worker.
* If omitted, it defaults to the URL where WordPress site is installed.
* @return WP_SW_Combinator The combinator instance to generate the
* content of the service worker.
public function sw($scope='') {
if (!$scope) { $scope = $this->default_scope(); }
if (!array_key_exists($scope, $this->service_workers)) {
return $this->service_workers[$scope];
* Obtains the JavaScript ID to select the registration promise in
* JavaScript client code.
* When attaching content to a service worker combinator, the worker
* is automatically [registered](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorkerContainer/register)
* with a client JavaScript script. If you need to access this registration,
* you can use the `$swRegistrations` object in your client scripts. This
* object is a map between service workers and registration promises. To index
* the proper service worker you need a unique key that can be retrieved
* with this function.
* @api
* @param string $scope The scope identifying the service worker.
* If omitted, it defaults to the URL where WordPress site is installed.
* @return string A string representing the unique identifier for the
* service worker registration promise.
public function sw_js_id($scope='') {
if (!$scope) { $scope = $this->default_scope(); }
return $scope;
private function default_scope() {
return site_url('/', 'relative');
private function setup_sw_registrar_script() {
$this->dynamic_server->add_file(self::SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT_URL, array($this, 'sw_registrar'));
add_action('init', array($this, 'check_registrations'), 999);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_registrar'));
public function check_registrations() {
$last_registrations = get_option('wpswmanager_registrations', array());
$current_registrations = array_keys($this->service_workers);
$areEqual = array_count_values($last_registrations) == array_count_values($current_registrations);
if (!$areEqual) {
update_option('wpswmanager_registrations', $current_registrations);
public function enqueue_registrar() {
$url = WP_Serve_File::get_relative_to_wp_root_url(self::SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT_URL);
wp_enqueue_script(self::SW_REGISTRAR_SCRIPT, $url);
private function add_new_sw($scope) {
$virtual_url = "wpswmanager/sw/sw@$scope";
$real_url = $this->router->add_route($virtual_url, array($this, 'write_sw'), $scope);
$service_worker = new WP_SW_Manager_Combinator($real_url);
$this->service_workers[$scope] = $service_worker;
public function sw_registrar() {
$contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/lib/js/sw-registrar.js');
$contents = str_replace('$enabledSw', $this->json_for_sw_registrations(), $contents);
return array(
'content' => $contents,
'contentType' => 'application/javascript'
public function write_sw($scope) {
$service_worker = $this->service_workers[$scope];
header('Content-Type: application/javascript');
header('Service-Worker-Allowed: ' . $scope);
include(__DIR__ . '/lib/js/localforage.nopromises.min.js');
include(__DIR__ . '/lib/js/sw-base.js');
include(__DIR__ . '/lib/js/sw-start.js');
private function end() {
private function json_for_sw_registrations() {
$registrations = array();
foreach ($this->service_workers as $scope => $service_worker) {
if ($service_worker->has_content()) {
$registrations[] = array(
'scope' => $scope,
'url' => $service_worker->get_url()
return json_encode($registrations);