> Note 1: Before trying to add NuGet packages to your projects and/or before flashing the devices (see next section) using MS Visual Studio (VS), open VS > Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources and make sure that it contains an entry pointing to <https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json>, otherwise add it.
> Note 2: When invoking VS > Project > Manage NuGet Packages make sure that in the Package source drop-down menu (right upper corner) "nuget.org" is selected.
The NuGets bring support for the screens as well and require to be flashed with the proper image (using [`nanoff`](https://github.com/nanoframework/nanoFirmwareFlasher) dotnet CLI).
On the examples below replace `COM3` with the appropriate number of the COM port to which your device is connected. (on Windows you can check this in the Device Manager).
Once you have the NuGets, you can then enjoy accessing the screen, the accelerometer, get a Grove I2C connecter, add events on the buttons. And you don't even need to think about anything, all is done for you in the most transparent way!
> Note 4: All the classes that you'll have access are all using the Lazy pattern to be instantiated including the screen. This have the advantage to use as little memory and setup time as possible.
The Console class works in a similar way as the classic `System.Console`. In order to use it you have to reference it using the fully qualified name of the methods, like this:
> Note: You can change the default font as well, you need to provide it as a property. The Cursor positions are calculated with the largest possible character.
M5Core2 and Fire have PSRAM, so you can get a full screen buffer as well. Refer to the [Graphics samples](https://github.com/nanoframework/Samples#graphics-for-screens) to understand all you can do with it.
If you have intensive graphic need with any of the M5Stack, you can adjust the memory requested. While both M5Core2 and Fire have PSRAM and can accommodate very large amount like 2 Mb or more, the ones without cannot go more than few Kb or tens of Kb.
// This will allocate 2 Mb of memory for the graphics
On the M5StickC/CPlus they are called `ButtonM5` and `ButtonRight`. You can get access to the status of the button, the events and everything you need. For example:
> Note: The M5Core2 has touch screen and the buttons are "virtual"". See next section to see how to use them.
### M5Core2 touch panel and buttons
The touch panel comes with the screen. Both are initialized and activated at the same time. To get the touch events, you'll have to register to the `TouchEvent` event:
M5Core2.TouchEvent += TouchEventCallback;
Here is an example on how to check if you are on a button or not and get the various elements:
if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.LeftButton) == TouchEventCategory.LeftButton)
else if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.MiddleButton) == TouchEventCategory.MiddleButton)
else if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.RightButton) == TouchEventCategory.RightButton)
if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.Moving) == TouchEventCategory.Moving)
if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.LiftUp) == TouchEventCategory.LiftUp)
if ((e.TouchEventCategory & TouchEventCategory.DoubleTouch) == TouchEventCategory.DoubleTouch)
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
The `TouchEventCategory` enum is a flag and can combine buttons and states. The buttons are mutually exclusive, so you can only have the Left, Middle or Right button, the states are `Moving` and `LiftUp`. `Moving` is happening when a contact has already been made and the touch point is moving. `LiftUp` will appear when the contact is released.
`DoubleTouch` is a specific that let you know there is another contact point happening. Each contact point will receive this flag. The event will be raised 2 times, one for each point. In a double touch context, you may not get the second point `LiftUp` event but you'll get the change with the disappearance of the DoubleTouch flag and the final `LiftUp` on the first point.
The M5Core and M5StickC/CPlus are exposing their power management elements. It is not recommended to change any default value except if you know what you are doing.
Please refer to the detailed examples for the [AXP192](https://github.com/nanoframework/nanoFramework.IoT.Device/blob/develop/devices/Axp192/README.md) used in the M5StickC/CPlus; M5Core2 and [IP5306](https://github.com/nanoframework/nanoFramework.IoT.Device/blob/develop/devices/Ip5306/README.md) for the M5Core and Fire.
Debug.WriteLine($"Accelerometer data x:{acc.X} y:{acc.Y} z:{acc.Z}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Gyroscope data x:{gyr.X} y:{gyr.Y} z:{gyr.Z}\n");
Refer to the [MPU6886 documentation](https://github.com/nanoframework/nanoFramework.IoT.Device/blob/develop/devices/Mpu6886/README.md) for more detailed usage on this sensor.
The M5Core, M5Core2, Fire and Atom Lite/Matrix exposes 2 DAC and you can access them thru the `Dac1` and `Dac2` properties. Refer to the [DAC documentation](https://github.com/nanoframework/System.Device.Dac) for more information.
On the M5Core2, wav files can be played using I2S by installing the package [nanoFramework.System.Device.I2s](https://github.com/nanoframework/System.Device.I2S).
To play wav files on the M5Core2, use following initialization:
int bckPin = 12;
int dataPin = 2;
int wsPin = 0;
I2sWavPlayer.Bus bus = I2sWavPlayer.Bus.One;
var audioFile = "D:\\Variation-CLJ013901.wav";
using (var player = new I2sWavPlayer(bus, audioFile, bckPin, dataPin, wsPin))
M5Core2.Power.Gpio2Value = PinValue.High; //speaker power on
M5Core2.Power.Gpio2Value = PinValue.Low; //speaker power off
The M5StickC/CPlus and Atom Lite/Matrix exposes an infrared led. You can access it thru the `InfraredLed` property. This will give you a `TransmitterChannel`. Check out the [sample pack](https://github.com/nanoframework/Samples/tree/main/samples/Hardware.Esp32.Rmt) to understand how to use it.
The position of the LEDs in the array follows their placement in the matrix, being 0 the one at the top left corner, growing left to right, top to bottom.
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