
94 строки
2.8 KiB

function BuildDotnet ($solution, $dotnetBuild, $outputDirectory)
Write-Host "Building $solution..."
# create folder
$outFolder = (New-Item -Name "$outputDirectory/utils/$solution" -ItemType Directory -Force).ToString()
# unpack in folder
Get-ChildItem "$solution.sln" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
nuget restore $PSItem.FullName -UseLockFile
if ($dotnetBuild)
Write-Host "Building with dotnet"
dotnet build $PSItem.FullName -o $outFolder
Write-Host "Building with msbuild"
msbuild $PSItem.FullName /p:OutDir=$outFolder
# check if this is running on Azure Pipeline
$IsAzurePipelines = $env:Agent_HomeDirectory + $env:Build_BuildNumber #FIXME: This is not used...
# only need these modules if not running on Azure Pipeline
if(-Not $env:TF_BUILD)
"Installing VSSetup PS1 module" | Write-Host
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -Force
"Installing BuildUtils PS1 module" | Write-Host
Install-Module BuildUtils -Scope CurrentUser -Force
# get location for msbuild and setup alias
$msbuildLocation = Get-LatestMsbuildLocation
set-alias msbuild $msbuildLocation
## Defining variables
$outputDirectory = "dist"
## Setup nanoFirmwareFlasher
$solution = "nanoFirmwareFlasher"
# skip build if running on Azure Pipeline
if(-Not $env:TF_BUILD)
"Setup build for $solution" | Write-Host
BuildDotnet $solution $true $outputDirectory
## Setup nanoFrameworkDeployer
$solution = "nanoFrameworkDeployer"
# skip build if running on Azure Pipeline
if(-Not $env:TF_BUILD)
"Setup build for $solution" | Write-Host
BuildDotnet $solution $false $outputDirectory
## Setup nanoFrameworkSDK
$extName = "VS2022ext"
$vsExtensionVersion = "v2022.2.0.48"
"Downloading VS2022 Extension..." | Write-Host
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$vsExtensionVersion/nanoFramework.Tools.VS2022.Extension.vsix" -Out "$"
Expand-Archive "$" -Force
Get-ChildItem '$MSBuild' -Directory -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$SDKPath = Join-Path -Path $PSItem.FullName -ChildPath "nanoFramework"
Copy-Item -Path $SDKPath -Destination "$outputDirectory/utils/" -Recurse -Force
# Clean nanoFramework SDK resources
Remove-Item "$"
Remove-Item $extName -Recurse -Force
## Setup nuget
$nugetFolder = (New-Item -Name "$outputDirectory/utils/nuget" -ItemType Directory -Force).ToString()
"Downloading nuget CLI..." | Write-Host
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -Out "$nugetFolder/nuget.exe"
if ((-Not $env:TF_BUILD) -And ($IsMacOS -Or $IsLinux))
Write-Output "Adding executable rights to utils folder on Unix"
chmod -R +x ./$outputDirectory/utils/