This setup details a local development installation in order to work and test App Store changes. The App Store is build using `Django <>`_. The frontend is written in TypeScript and does not yet use a JavaScript framework; this decision might change however depending on how JavaScript intensive things might become.
..note:: Only use this guide for your local development installation which is **not connected to the Internet** since your installation will be be initialized with insecure defaults!
The project root contains a **Makefile** which allows you to quickly set everything up by running::
make dev-setup
This will automatically set up the web app using **venv**, **SQLite** as database and create a default **development** settings file in **nextcloudappstore/settings/**. You need to review the development settings and change them according to your setup. An admin user with name **admin** and password **admin** will also be created.
The website is available at ` <>`_. Code changes will auto reload the server so happy developing! For more documentation on development, check out :doc:`storedeveloper`
You can use any editor/IDE that you want to. However if you are already using `IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate <>`_ with the Python plugin or `PyCharm <>`_ you can import a fully installed project with the following steps:
..note:: The configuration uses the **Django** Facet which is only included in the commercial IDE releases.
Afterwards you are presented with the main window. From here, click on the project settings icon:
..image:: _static/img/idea3.png
:alt:main window
Then you need to add a new SDK. To do that click on **New...** -> **Python SDK** -> **Add Local** and select the Python executable **venv/bin/python** in your local **venv** folder:
..image:: _static/img/idea4.png
:alt:project settings
..image:: _static/img/idea5.png
:alt:add sdk
In your project settings go to **SDKs** and select your recently added Python SDK. Rename it to **Python** and close the project window by clicking **OK**.
..image:: _static/img/idea6.png
:alt:rename sdk
You are now ready to start developing. You can start the server by choosing the run configuration **Server** and run all tests by selecting the run configuration **Tests**.
..note:: Should you have issues with unrecognized imports just invalidate your caches by going to your global menu and clicking **File** -> **Invalidate Caches / Restart** -> **Invalidate and Restart**
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Specific Setup
To enable support for Django templates, open your IDE settings by clicking **File** -> **Settings**. Then go to **Languages and Frameworks** -> **Python Template Languages** and select **Django** in the drop down menu on the right. Confirm your changes by clicking **OK**