Š·ŠµŃŠŗŠ°Š»Š¾ ŠøŠ· https://github.com/nextcloud/circles.git
107 ŃŃŃŠ¾ŠŗŠø
7.2 KiB
107 ŃŃŃŠ¾ŠŗŠø
7.2 KiB
{ "translations": {
"You deleted {circle}" : "××ק×Ŗ ××Ŗ {circle}",
"{author} deleted {circle}" : "{circle} × ××ק ×¢× ××× {author}",
"You removed {member} from {circle}" : "××”×Ø×Ŗ ××Ŗ {member} ××××¢×× {circle}",
"You joined {circle}" : "×××Øפ×Ŗ ×× {circle}",
"You accepted the invitation to join {circle}" : "ק××××Ŗ ××Ŗ ×××§×©× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"{member} accepted the invitation to join {circle}" : "×××§×©× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle} ××Ŗק××× ×¢× ××× {member}",
"You added {member} as member to {circle}" : "××הפ×Ŗ ××Ŗ {member} ××××Ø××Ŗ ×××¢×× {circle}",
"You added {external} to {circle}" : "××הפ×Ŗ ××Ŗ {external} ×× {circle}",
"You accepted {member}'s request to join {circle}" : "× ×¢× ××Ŗ ×××§×©× ×©× {member} ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"Your request to join {circle} has been accepted by {author}" : "×קש×Ŗ× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle} × ×¢× ×Ŗ× ×¢× ××× {author}",
"You left {circle}" : "×¢×××Ŗ ××Ŗ {circle}",
"You declined the invitation to join {circle}" : "××××Ŗ ××Ŗ ××××× × ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"You cancelled your request to join {circle}" : "×××××Ŗ ××Ŗ ×קש×Ŗ× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"You have been removed from {circle} by {author}" : "×××”×Ø×Ŗ ××××¢×× {circle} ×¢× ××× {author}",
"You removed {external} from {circle}" : "××”×Ø×Ŗ ××Ŗ {external} ××××¢×× {circle}",
"You cancelled {member}'s invitation to join {circle}" : "×××××Ŗ ××Ŗ ××××× × ×©× {member} ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"Your invitation to join {circle} has been cancelled by {author}" : "×××× ×Ŗ× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle} ××××× ×¢× ××× {author}",
"You invited {member} to join {circle}" : "×××× ×Ŗ ××Ŗ {member} ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"You have been invited to join {circle} by {author}" : "××××× ×Ŗ ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle} ×¢× ××× {author}",
"You sent a request to join {circle}" : "ש×××Ŗ ××§×©× ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"{member} sent a request to join {circle}" : "× ×©××× ××§×©× ×¢× ××× {member} ××צ××Ø×£ ×× {circle}",
"You are the new owner of {circle}" : "ק××××Ŗ ××¢×××Ŗ ×¢× {circle}",
"{member} is the new owner of {circle}" : "×××¢×××Ŗ ×¢× {circle} ×××¢××Ø× ×××× {member}",
"Shared to Circles" : "ש××Ŗ×£ ×××¢××××",
"Single" : "××××",
"Personal" : "××ש×",
"System" : "××¢×Ø××Ŗ",
"Visible" : "××××",
"Open" : "פ×Ŗ××",
"Invite" : "×××× ×",
"Friends" : "×××Ø××",
"Password protected" : "×××× ××”×”××",
"No Owner" : "××× ××¢×××",
"Hidden" : "×××”×Ŗ×Ø",
"Backend" : "×× ×× ××",
"Local" : "×ק×××",
"Root" : "××”××”",
"Federated" : "Federated",
"Mount point" : "× ×§×××Ŗ ×¢××××",
"Nextcloud Group" : "ק××צ×Ŗ Nextcloud",
"Email address" : "××Ŗ×××Ŗ ×××ד×",
"Contact" : "××ש/×ש×Ŗ קש×Ø",
"Circle" : "××¢××",
"Nextcloud App" : "××ש×××× Nextcloud",
"Member" : "×××Ø",
"Moderator" : "פ×ק××",
"Admin" : "×× ××",
"Owner" : "××¢×××Ŗ",
"Password to access Ā»%1$sĀ« shared to you by %2$s" : "×”××”×× ××××©× ×-Ā»%1$sĀ« ×ש××Ŗ×£ ×× ×¢× ××× %2$s",
"Password to access Ā»%sĀ«" : "×”×”××Ŗ ××××©× ×× ā%sā",
"It is protected with the following password:" : "××× ×××× ××”×”×× ××××:",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s ××Ø× %2$s",
"Click the button below to open it." : "×ש ××××ׄ ×¢× ××פ×Ŗ××Ø ×××× ××× ×פ×Ŗ×× ×××Ŗ×.",
"Open Ā»%sĀ«" : "פ×Ŗ×××Ŗ ā%sā",
"Password to access files" : "×”×”×× ××ש×Ŗ ×ק×צ××",
"Fresh installation status" : "××¦× ×××Ŗ×§× × ×××ש×",
"Building Local Database" : "××”× ×× ×Ŗ×× ×× ××ק××× × ×× ×",
"Testing Basic Circle Creation" : "× ××ק×Ŗ ×צ××Ø×Ŗ ××¢×× ××”××”×",
"Adding local users and moderators" : "××הפ×Ŗ ×ש×Ŗ×ש×× ××פק××× ×ק×××××",
"Files" : "ק×צ××",
"This feature is not available for personal circles" : "×Ŗ××× × ×× ××× × ×××× × ×××¢×××× ××ש×××",
"Insufficient privileges" : "××× ×הפ×ק ××Øש×××Ŗ",
"This member does not exist" : "×××Ø ×× ××× × ×§×××",
"You are already a member of this circle" : "×××Ø ×ש ×× ×××Ø××Ŗ ×××¢×× ××",
"You have been blocked from this circle" : "××ש×Ŗ× ×××¢×× ××× × ××”××",
"Accept" : "×ש×Ø",
"Refuse" : "×”××Ø××",
"%s" : "%s",
"No files in here" : "××× ××× ×§×צ××",
"No entries found in this folder" : "×× × ×צ×× ×Øש××××Ŗ ××Ŗ×ק××× ××××Ŗ",
"Name" : "ש×",
"Size" : "××××",
"Modified" : "×××¢× ×©×× ××",
"Circles" : "××¢××××",
"Circles' files" : "ק×צ×× ×©× ××¢××××",
"Select circles to filter by" : "× × ×××××Ø ××¢×××× ××”×× ××",
"No circles found" : "×× × ×צ×× ××¢××××",
"Please select circles to filter by" : "× × ×××××Ø ××¢×××× ××”×× ××",
"No files found for the selected circles" : "×× × ×צ×× ×§×צ×× ×××¢×××× ×× ×××Ø××",
"You created the circle {circle}" : "×צ×Ø×Ŗ ××Ŗ ×××¢×× {circle}",
"{author} created the circle {circle}" : "×××¢×× {circle} × ×צ×Ø ×¢× ××× {author}",
"Join Request" : "×קש×Ŗ ×צ××Øפ××Ŗ",
"Password Protected" : "×××× ××”×”××",
"Circle Invite" : "×××× × ×××¢××",
"Email Address" : "××Ŗ×××Ŗ ×××ד×",
"Circle not found" : "×××¢×× ×× × ×צ×",
"Circle not found " : "×××¢×× ×× × ×צ×",
"You cannot join this circle" : "××× ×× ×פש×Ø××Ŗ ××צ××Ø×£ ×××¢×× ×××",
"This member is the owner of the circle" : "×××Ø ×× ××× ××¢× ×××¢××",
"You are now a member of the Circle \"%2$s\"" : "××Ŗק×××Ŗ ××××Ø××Ŗ ×××¢×× ā%2$sā",
"You have been invited by %1$s into the Circle \"%2$s\"" : "××××× ×Ŗ ×¢× ××× %1$s ×××¢×× ā%2$sā",
"Leave the circle" : "××¢××× ××Ŗ ×××¢××",
"Personal Circle" : "××¢×× ××ש×",
"You need a specify a type of circle" : "×¢××× ×צ××× ××Ŗ ×”×× ×××¢××",
"A circle with that name exists" : "×××Ø ×§××× ××¢×× ××©× ×××",
"This member is not the owner of the circle" : "×××Ø ×× ××× × ×××¢××× ×©× ×××¢××",
"This member is not an admin of the circle" : "×××Ø ×× ××× × ×× ×× ×©× ×××¢××",
"Group contains too many members" : "×ק×××¦× ××××× ×××Ŗ×Ø ××× ×××Ø××",
"This group does not exist" : "ק×××¦× ×× ××× × ×§××××Ŗ",
"This group is already linked to the circle" : "ק×××¦× ×× ×××Ø ×ק×ש×Ø×Ŗ ×××¢×× ××",
"now" : "×¢×ש××",
"Email format is not valid" : "×Ŗצ××Ø×Ŗ ×××××“× ×©××××",
"This contact is not available" : "××ש קש×Ø ×× ××× × ××××",
"This item is already shared with this circle" : "פ×Ø×× ×× ×××Ø ×©××Ŗ×£ ×¢× ×××¢×× ×××"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: 2;"
} |