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Исходник Ответственный История

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

"No image with the matching MIME type was found on the server." : "在伺服器上找不到具有匹配 MIME 類型的圖像。",
"Recipe with ID %d was not found in database." : "沒有找到 ID 為「%d」的食譜。",
"Downloading of a file failed returned the following error message: %s" : "檔案下載失敗返回以下錯誤消息:%s",
"No content encoding was detected in the content." : "在內容中未檢測到內容編碼。",
"The given image for the recipe %s cannot be parsed. Aborting and skipping it." : "無法剖析食譜 %s的給定圖像。中止並跳過它。",
"No valid recipe was left after heuristics of recipe %s." : "探索食譜 %s 後沒有留下有效食譜。",
"Heuristics failed for image extraction of recipe %s." : "探索式方法無法提取食譜 %s 的圖像。",
"Could not guess image url as no recipe url was found." : "無法猜測圖像 url因為沒有找到食譜 url。",
"Could not guess image url scheme from recipe url %s" : "無法從食譜 URL %s 猜測圖像 URL 方案",
"Could not parse recipe ingredients. It is no array." : "無法分析食譜成分。它不是一個數組。",
"Could not parse recipe instructions as they are no array." : "無法分析食譜指令,因為它們不是數組。",
"Cannot parse recipe: Unknown object found during flattening of instructions." : "無法分析食譜:在指令展平期間發現未知對象。",
"Did not find any p or li entries in the raw string of the instructions." : "在指令的原始字符串中未找到任何 p 或 li 條目。",
"Could not parse the keywords for recipe {recipe}." : "無法分析食譜 {recipe} 的關鍵字。",
"Could not parse the nutrition information successfully for recipe {name}." : "無法成功分析食譜 {name} 的營養信息。",
"Using heuristics to parse the recipeYield field of recipe {name}." : "使用啟發式分析食譜 {name} 的 recipeYield 字段。",
"Using the highest number found in recipeYield string. Totally found: {num}" : "使用在 recipeYield 字符串中找到的最高數字。找到的總數:{num}",
"Could not parse recipeYield field. Falling back to 1." : "無法分析 recipeYield 字段。回落到 1。",
"Could not parse recipe tools. It is no array." : "無法分析食譜工具。它不是一個數組。",
"Could not find recipe in HTML code." : "在 HTML 代碼中找不到食譜。",
"JSON cannot be decoded." : "JSON 無法解碼。",
"No recipe was found." : "沒有找到食譜。",
"Parsing of HTML failed." : "HTML 解析失敗。",
"Unsupported error level during parsing of XML output." : "解析 XML 輸出期間出現不支持的錯誤級別。",
"_Warning %u occurred while parsing %s._::_Warning %u occurred %n times while parsing %s._" : ["分析 %s 時出現 %n 次警告 %u。"],
"_Error %u occurred while parsing %s._::_Error %u occurred %n times while parsing %s._" : ["分析 %s 時出現 %n 次錯誤 %u。"],
"_Fatal error %u occurred while parsing %s._::_Fatal error %u occurred %n times while parsing %s._" : ["分析 %s 時發生 %n 次嚴重錯誤 %u。"],
"First time it occurred in line %u and column %u" : "第一次發生在 %u 行和 %u 列",
"Could not parse duration {duration}" : "無法分析持續時間 {duration}",
"The recipe has already an image file. Cannot create a new one." : "食譜已經有一個圖像檔案。無法創建新的。",
"There is no primary image for the recipe present." : "沒有當前食譜的主圖像。",
"Cannot parse non-POST multipart encoding. This is a bug." : "無法分析 non-POST 多部分編碼。這是一個 bug。",
"Cannot detect type of transmitted data. This is a bug, please report it." : "無法檢測傳輸數據的類型。這是一個錯誤。請向管理員報告。",
"Invalid URL-encoded string found. Please report a bug." : "找到了無效的 URL 編碼的字符串。請報告一個 bug。",
"The user is not logged in. No user configuration can be obtained." : "用戶未登錄,無法獲取用戶配置。",
"Recipes" : "食譜",
"The user folder cannot be created due to missing permissions." : "由於缺少權限,無法創建資料夾。",
"The configured user folder is a file." : "配置的資料夾是一個檔案。",
"User cannot create recipe folder" : "用戶無法創建食譜資料夾",
"in %s" : "在 %s",
"The JSON file in the folder with ID %d does not have a valid name." : "資料夾中 ID 為 %d 的 JSON 檔案沒有有效名稱。",
"Could not parse URL" : "無法解析網址",
"Exception while downloading recipe from %s." : "從 %s 下載食譜時出現異常。",
"Download from %s failed as HTTP status code %d is not in expected range." : "從 %s 下載失敗,因為 HTTP 狀態代碼 %d 不在預期範圍內。",
"Could not find a valid encoding when parsing %s." : "剖析%s 時找不到有效的編碼。",
"No parser found for the given import." : "未找到給定導入的解析器。",
"No recipe name was given. A unique name is required to store the recipe." : "未提供食譜名稱。存儲食譜需要唯一的名稱。",
"Another recipe with that name already exists" : "另一個同名的食譜已經存在",
"No recipe data found. This is a bug" : "未找到食譜數據。這是一個錯誤",
"Recipe with ID %d not found." : "沒有找到 ID 為「%d」的食譜。",
"Image size \"%s\" is not recognized." : "無法識別圖像大小“%s”。",
"The full-sized image is not a thumbnail." : "全尺寸圖像不是縮略圖。",
"The thumbnail type %d is not known." : "縮略圖類型 %d 未知。",
"Cookbook" : "食譜",
"An integrated cookbook using JSON files as recipes" : "一個使用 JSON格式的檔案作為食譜的集成食譜",
"A library for all your recipes. It uses JSON files following the recipe format. To add a recipe to the collection, you can paste in the URL of the recipe, and the provided web page will be parsed and downloaded to whichever folder you specify in the app settings." : "存放您所有食譜的書庫。它使用遵循schema.org食譜格式的JSON檔案。要添加一個食譜到書庫中您可以粘貼食譜的URL所提供的網頁將被解析並下載到您在應用設置中指定的任意資料夾中。",
"Home" : "主頁",
"All recipes" : "所有食譜",
"Edit recipe" : "編輯食譜",
"Loading…" : "載入中…",
"New recipe" : "新食譜",
"Save changes" : "保存更改",
"Reload recipe" : "重新加載食譜",
"Print recipe" : "打印食譜",
"Delete recipe" : "刪除食譜",
"Loading app" : "正在載入應用程式",
"Loading recipe" : "正在載入食譜",
"Recipe not found" : "未找到食譜",
"Page not found" : "沒有找到頁面",
"Filter" : "篩選",
"Search" : "搜尋",
"Category" : "分類",
"Recipe name" : "食譜名稱",
"Tags" : "標籤",
"Search for recipes" : "搜尋食譜",
"Are you sure you want to delete this recipe?" : "您確定要刪除此食譜嗎?",
"Delete failed" : "刪除失敗",
"Cannot access recipe folder." : "無法存取食譜資料夾。",
"You are logged in with a guest account. Therefore, you are not allowed to generate arbitrary files and folders on this Nextcloud instance. To be able to use the Cookbook app as a guest, you need to specify a folder where all recipes are stored. You will need write permission to this folder." : "您使用來賓賬戶登入。因此不允許您在此Nextcloud實例上生成任意檔案和資料夾。為了能夠以訪客身分使用Cookbook應用程序您需要指定一個用於存儲食譜的資料夾。您需要有寫入此資料夾的權限。",
"Select recipe folder" : "選擇食譜資料夾",
"Path to your recipe collection" : "食譜收藏的路徑",
"Create recipe" : "創建食譜",
"Uncategorized recipes" : "未分類食譜",
"Categories" : "分類",
"Rename" : "重新命名",
"Enter new category name" : "輸入新的分類名稱",
"Download recipe from URL" : "從 URL 下載食譜",
"Toggle editing" : "切換編輯",
"Failed to load category {category} recipes" : "加載{category}分類的食譜失敗",
"The server reported an error. Please check." : "伺服器報告了錯誤。請檢查。",
"Could not query the server. This might be a network problem." : "無法查詢伺服器。這可能是網絡問題。",
"Loading category recipes …" : "加載分類食譜中 ......",
"Failed to fetch categories" : "獲取分類失敗",
"Rescan library" : "重新掃描書庫",
"Please pick a folder" : "請選擇一個資料夾",
"Recipe folder" : "食譜資料夾",
"Update interval in minutes" : "更新間距(以分鐘為單位)",
"Print image with recipe" : "打印食譜時包括圖像",
"Show keyword cloud in recipe lists" : "在烹飪食譜列表中顯示關鍵字雲 ",
"Could not set preference for image printing" : "無法設置圖像打印偏好",
"Could not set recipe update interval to {interval}" : "無法將食譜更新間距設置為 {interval}",
"Could not set recipe folder to {path}" : "無法將食譜資料夾路徑設置為 {path}",
"Loading config failed" : "加載配置失敗",
"Enter URL or select from your Nextcloud instance on the right" : "輸入 URL 或從右側的 Nextcloud 實例中選擇",
"Pick a local image" : "挑選一張近端圖像",
"Path to your recipe image" : "食譜圖像的路徑",
"Move entry up" : "向上移動",
"Move entry down" : "向下移動",
"Insert entry above" : "在上方插入",
"Delete entry" : "刪除",
"Add" : "添加",
"Close" : "關閉",
"The page was not found" : "找不到該頁",
"Name" : "名稱",
"Description" : "描述",
"URL" : "URL",
"Image" : "圖像",
"Preparation time (hours:minutes)" : "準備時間(小時:分鐘)",
"Cooking time (hours:minutes)" : "烹調時間(小時:分鐘)",
"Total time (hours:minutes)" : "總時間(小時:分鐘)",
"Choose category" : "選擇分類",
"Keywords" : "關鍵詞",
"Choose keywords" : "選擇關鍵詞",
"Servings" : "份量",
"Nutrition Information" : "營養資訊",
"Pick option" : "選取選項",
"Tools" : "工具",
"Ingredients" : "材料",
"Instructions" : "烹飪方法",
"Calories" : "熱量",
"E.g.: 450 kcal (amount & unit)" : "例如450 千卡 (數量 & 單位)",
"Carbohydrate content" : "碳水化合物含量",
"E.g.: 2 g (amount & unit)" : "例如2克 (數量 & 單位)",
"Cholesterol content" : "膽固醇含量",
"Fat content" : "脂肪含量",
"Fiber content" : "纖維含量",
"Protein content" : "蛋白質含量",
"Saturated-fat content" : "飽和脂肪含量",
"Serving size" : "食用份量",
"Enter serving size (volume or mass)" : "輸入食用份量 (體積或質量)",
"Sodium content" : "鈉含量",
"Sugar content" : "糖含量",
"Trans-fat content" : "反式脂肪含量",
"Unsaturated-fat content" : "不飽和脂肪含量",
"You have unsaved changes! Do you still want to leave?" : "您有未保存的更改!你還要離開嗎?",
"Failed to fetch keywords" : "獲取關鍵詞失敗",
"Loading recipe failed" : "食譜加載失敗",
"Unknown answer returned from server. See logs." : "從伺服器返回的未知答案。請參閱系統記錄。",
"No answer for request was received." : "請求沒有答案。",
"Could not start request to save recipe." : "無法啟動保存食譜的請求。",
"Recipe image" : "食譜圖像",
"Select order" : "選擇排序",
"Creation date" : "建立時間",
"Modification date" : "修改日期",
"Toggle keyword" : "切換關鍵詞",
"Keyword not contained in visible recipes" : "關鍵詞未包含在可見的食譜中",
"Toggle keyword area size" : "切換關鍵字區域大小",
"Order keywords by number of recipes" : "按烹飪食譜的數量對關鍵字進行排序",
"Order keywords alphabetically" : "按字母順序排序",
"Cooking time is up!" : "烹飪時間已到!",
"Search recipes with this keyword" : "用這個關鍵詞搜索食譜",
"Date created" : "創建日期",
"Last modified" : "最後更改",
"Preparation time (H:MM)" : "準備時間 (H:MM)",
"Cooking time (H:MM)" : "烹調時間 (H:MM)",
"Total time (H:MM)" : "總時間 (H:MM)",
"Serving Size" : "份量",
"Energy" : "熱量",
"Sugar" : "糖",
"Carbohydrate" : "澱粉質",
"Cholesterol" : "膽固醇",
"Fiber" : "纖維",
"Protein" : "蛋白質",
"Sodium" : "鈉",
"Fat total" : "總脂肪",
"Saturated Fat" : "飽和脂肪",
"Unsaturated Fat" : "不飽和脂肪",
"Trans Fat" : "反式脂肪",
"Source" : "來源",
"Failed to load recipes with keywords: {tags}" : "無法加載帶有關鍵字的食譜:{tags}",
"Failed to load search results" : "無法加載搜尋結果"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");