OC.L10N.register( "deck", { "You have created a new board {board}" : "Ha creado un nuevo tablero {board}", "{user} has created a new board {board}" : "{user} ha creado un nuevo tablero {board}", "You have deleted the board {board}" : "Eliminó el tablero {board}", "{user} has deleted the board {board}" : "{user} eliminó el tablero {board}", "You have restored the board {board}" : "Restauró el tablero {board}", "{user} has restored the board {board}" : "{user} restaruó el tablero {board}", "You have shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "Compartió el tablero {board} con {acl}", "{user} has shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "{user} compartió el tablero {board} con {acl}", "You have removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "Eliminó {acl} del tablero {board}", "{user} has removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "{user} removió {acl} del tablero {board}", "You have renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "Renombró el tablero {before} a {board}", "{user} has renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "{user} renombró el tablero {before} a {board}", "You have archived the board {board}" : "Archivó el tablero {board}", "{user} has archived the board {before}" : "{user} archivó el tablero {before}", "You have unarchived the board {board}" : "Desarchivó el tablero {board}", "{user} has unarchived the board {before}" : "{user} desarchivó el tablero {before}", "You have created a new list {stack} on board {board}" : "Creó una nueva lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has created a new list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} creó una nueva lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have renamed list {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "Renombró la lista {before} a {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has renamed list {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} renombró la lista {before} a {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have deleted list {stack} on board {board}" : "Eliminó la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has deleted list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} eliminó la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have created card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Creó la tarjeta {card} en la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has created card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} creó la tarjeta {card} en la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have deleted card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Eliminó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has deleted card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} eliminó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "Renombró la tarjeta {before} a {card}", "{user} has renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "{user} renombró la tarjeta {before} a {card}", "You have added a description to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Añadió una descripción a la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has added a description to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} añadió una descripción a la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have updated the description of card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Actualizó la descripción de la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has updated the description of the card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} actualizó la descripción de la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have archived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Archivó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has archived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} archivó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have unarchived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Desarchivó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has unarchived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} desarchivó la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have marked the card {card} as done in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Marcó la tarjeta {card} como completada de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has marked card {card} as done in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} marcó la tarjeta {card} como completada de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have marked the card {card} as undone in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Marcó la tarjeta {card} como no completada de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has marked the card {card} as undone in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} marcó la tarjeta {card} como no completada de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have removed the due date of card {card}" : "Eliminó la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has removed the due date of card {card}" : "{user} eliminó la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card}", "You have set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Estableció la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card} como {after}", "{user} has set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} estableció la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card} como {after}", "You have updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Actualizó la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card} como {after}", "{user} has updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} actualizó la fecha límite de la tarjeta {card} como {after}", "You have added the tag {label} to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Añadió la etiqueta {label} a la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has added the tag {label} to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} añadió la etiqueta {label} a la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have removed the tag {label} from card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Eliminó la etiqueta {label} de la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has removed the tag {label} from card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} eliminó la etiqueta {label} de la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stack} en el tablero {board}", "You have assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "Asignó a {assigneduser} la tarjeta {card} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} asignó a {assigneduser} la tarjeta {card} en el tablero {board}", "You have unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "Quitó a {assigneduser} de la tarjeta {card} en el tablero {board}", "{user} has unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} quitó a {assigneduser} de la tarjeta {card} en el tablero {board}", "You have moved the card {card} from list {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "Movió la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stackBefore} a {stack}", "{user} has moved the card {card} from list {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "{user} movió la tarjeta {card} de la lista {stackBefore} a {stack}", "You have added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Añadió el adjunto {attachment} a la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} añadió el adjunto {attachment} a la tarjeta {card}", "You have updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "Actualizó el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "{user} actualizó el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "You have deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "Eliminó el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "{user} eliminó el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "You have restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Restauró el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} restauró el adjunto {attachment} de la tarjeta {card}", "You have commented on card {card}" : "Comentó en la tarjeta {card}", "{user} has commented on card {card}" : "{user} comentó en la tarjeta {card}", "Deck" : "Deck", "Changes in the Deck app" : "Cambios en la aplicación Deck", "A board, list or card was changed" : "Un tablero, lista o tarjeta cambió", "A comment was created on a card" : "Se creó un comentario en una tarjeta", "A card description has been changed" : "Se cambió una descripción de tarjeta", "Cards due today" : "Tarjetas para hoy", "Cards due tomorrow" : "Tarjetas para mañana", "Upcoming cards" : "Tarjetas próximas", "Load more" : "Cargar más", "Personal" : "Personal", "The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has reached its due date." : "La tarjeta \"%s\" en \"%s\" ha alacanzado su fecha de entrega", "The board \"%s\" has been shared with you by %s." : "El tablero \"%s\" ha sido compartido contigo por %s.", "Deck board" : "Tablero de Deck", "%s on %s" : "%s en %s", "Finished" : "Terminado", "To review" : "Para revisar", "Action needed" : "Acción requerida", "Later" : "Después", "copy" : "copiar", "Done" : "Terminado", "The file was uploaded" : "El archivo fue cargado", "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor establecido en la directiva upload_max_filesize en el archivo php.ini", "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor especificado de la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE en la forma de HTML", "The file was only partially uploaded" : "El archivo sólo fue cargado parcialmente", "No file was uploaded" : "No se cargó el archivo", "Missing a temporary folder" : "Falta una carpeta temporal", "Could not write file to disk" : "No fue posible escribir a disco", "A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "Una extensión de PHP detuvo la carga del archivo", "No file uploaded or file size exceeds maximum of %s" : "No se ha cargado ningún archivo o el tamaño del archivo excede el máximo de %s", "Card not found" : "No se encontró la tarjeta", "Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "La fecha es inválida, por favor sigue el formato AAAA-MM-DD", "Add board" : "Añadir pizarra", "Move card" : "Mover tarjeta", "Cancel" : "Cancelar", "File already exists" : "El archivo ya existe", "Do you want to overwrite it?" : "¿Deseas sobre escribirlo?", "Drop your files to upload" : "Arrastre sus archivos para cargar", "Add card" : "Agregar tarjeta", "Archived cards" : "Tarjetas archivadas", "Add list" : "Añadir lista", "Active filters" : "Filtros activos", "Filter by tag" : "Filtrar por etiqueta", "Unassigned" : "No asignado", "Open" : "Abrir", "Completed" : "Completado", "Overdue" : "Con retraso", "Next 7 days" : "Próximos 7 días", "Next 30 days" : "Próximos 30 días", "No due date" : "Sin fecha de vencimiento", "Clear filter" : "Limpiar filtro", "Hide archived cards" : "Ocultar tarjetas archivadas", "Show archived cards" : "Mostrar tarjetas archivadas", "Open details" : "Abrir detalles", "Details" : "Detalles", "Sharing" : "Compartiendo", "Tags" : "Etiquetas", "Activity" : "Actividad", "Undo" : "Deshacer", "No participants found" : "No se encontraron participantes", "(Group)" : "(Grupo)", "Can edit" : "Puede editar", "Can share" : "Puede compartir", "Can manage" : "Puede gestionar", "Owner" : "Dueño", "Delete" : "Borrar", "Failed to create share with {displayName}" : "Fallo al crear el recurso compartido denominado {displayName}", "Transfer" : "Transferir", "Delete list" : "Eliminar lista", "Edit" : "Editar", "Members" : "Miembros", "Upload new files" : "Cargar nuevos archivos", "Share from Files" : "Compartir desde Archivos", "Show in Files" : "Mostrar en Archivos", "Download" : "Descargar", "Invalid path selected" : "Ruta seleccionada no válida.", "Attachments" : "Adjuntos", "Comments" : "Comentarios", "Modified" : "Modificado", "Created" : "Creado", "Save" : "Guardar", "Reply" : "Responder", "Update" : "Actualizar", "Created:" : "Creado:", "Description" : "Descripción", "Formatting help" : "Ayuda de formato", "Edit description" : "Editar descripción", "Remove due date" : "Eliminar fecha de expiración", "Mark as done" : "Marcar como hecho", "Not done" : "No está finalizado", "Archive card" : "Archivar tarjeta", "(group)" : "(grupo)", "Delete card" : "Eliminar tarjeta", "seconds ago" : "hace segundos", "Keyboard shortcuts" : "Atajos del teclado", "Keyboard shortcut" : "Atajo del teclado", "Action" : "Acción", "Shift" : "Mayús", "Ctrl" : "Ctrl", "Search" : "Buscar", "Enter" : "Intro", "Space" : "Espacio", "Archived boards" : "Tableros archivados", "Shared with you" : "Compartido con usted", "Cancel edit" : "Cancelar edición", "Board details" : "Detalles del tablero", "Edit board" : "Editar el tablero", "Clone board" : "Clonar pizarra", "Unarchive board" : "Desarchivar tablero", "Archive board" : "Archivar tablero", "No notifications" : "No hay notificaciones", "Delete board" : "Borrar tableros", "No reminder" : "Sin recordatorio", "An error occurred" : "Ha ocurrido un error", "Today" : "Hoy", "Tomorrow" : "Mañana", "Close" : "Cerrar", "Error creating the share" : "Error creando el recurso compartido", "Share" : "Compartir", "Searching for users, groups and circles …" : "Buscando usuarios, grupos y círculos …" }, "nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");