
231 строка
16 KiB

"You have created a new board {board}" : "Anda telah membuat papan {board} baru",
"{user} has created a new board {board}" : "{user} telah membuat papan {board} baru",
"You have deleted the board {board}" : "Anda telah menghapus papan {board}",
"{user} has deleted the board {board}" : "{user} telah menghapus papan {board}",
"You have restored the board {board}" : "Anda telah memulihkan papan {board}",
"{user} has restored the board {board}" : "{user} telah memulihkan papan {board}",
"You have shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "Anda telah membagikan papan {board} dengan akses {acl}",
"{user} has shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "{user} telah membagikan papan {board} dengan akses {acl}",
"You have removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "Anda telah mencabut akses {acl} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "{user} telah mencabut akses {acl} pada papan {board}",
"You have renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "Anda telah mengubah nama papan {before} menjadi {board}",
"{user} has renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "{user} telah mengubah nama papan {before} menjadi {board}",
"You have archived the board {board}" : "Anda telah mengarsipkan papan {board}",
"{user} has archived the board {before}" : "{user} telah mengarsipkan papan {board}",
"You have unarchived the board {board}" : "Anda telah memulihkan papan {board}",
"{user} has unarchived the board {before}" : "{user} telah memulihkan papan {board}",
"You have created a new list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah membuat daftar baru {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has created a new list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah membuat daftar baru {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have renamed list {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah mengubah nama daftar {before} menjadi {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has renamed list {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah mengubah nama daftar {before} menjadi {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have deleted list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menghapus daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has deleted list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menghapus daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have created card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah membuat kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has created card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah membuat kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have deleted card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menghapus kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has deleted card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menghapus kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "Anda telah mengubah nama kartu {before} menjadi {card}",
"{user} has renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "{user} telah mengubah nama kartu {before} menjadi {card}",
"You have added a description to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menambahkan deskripsi kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has added a description to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menambahkan deskripsi kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have updated the description of card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah memperbarui deskripsi kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has updated the description of the card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah memperbarui deskripsi kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have archived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah mengarsipkan kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has archived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah mengarsipkan kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have unarchived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah memulihkan arsip kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has unarchived card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah memulihkan kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have removed the due date of card {card}" : "Anda telah menghapus tenggat kartu {card}",
"{user} has removed the due date of card {card}" : "{user} telah menghapus tenggat kartu {card}",
"You have set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Anda telah mengatur tenggat kartu {card} ke {after}",
"{user} has set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} telah mengatur tenggat kartu {card} ke {after}",
"You have updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Anda telah memperbarui tenggat kartu {card} ke {after}",
"{user} has updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} telah memperbarui tenggat kartu {card} ke {after}",
"You have added the tag {label} to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menambahkan label {label} ke kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has added the tag {label} to card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menambahkan label {label} ke kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have removed the tag {label} from card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menghapus label {label} dari kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has removed the tag {label} from card {card} in list {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menghapus label {label} dari kartu {card} didalam daftar {stack} pada papan {board}",
"You have assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "Anda telah menugaskan {assigneduser} ke kartu {card} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} telah menugaskan {assigneduser} ke kartu {card} pada papan {board}",
"You have unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "Anda telah tidak menugaskan {assigneduser} ke kartu {card} pada papan {board}",
"{user} has unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} telah tidak menugaskan {assigneduser} ke kartu {card} pada papan {board}",
"You have moved the card {card} from list {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "Anda telah memindahkan kartu {card} dari daftar {stackBefore} ke {stack}",
"{user} has moved the card {card} from list {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "{user} telah memindahkan kartu {card} dari daftar {stackBefore} ke {stack}",
"You have added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Anda telah menyematkan lampiran {attachment} ke kartu {card}",
"{user} has added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} telah menyematkan lampiran {attachment} ke kartu {card}",
"You have updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "Anda telah memperbarui lampiran {attachment} pada kartu {card}",
"{user} has updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "{user} telah memperbarui lampiran {attachment} pada kartu {card}",
"You have deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "Anda telah menghapus lampiran {attachment} dari kartu {card}",
"{user} has deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "{user} telah menghapus lampiran {attachment} dari kartu {card}",
"You have restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Anda telah memulihkan lampiran {attachment} ke kartu {card}",
"{user} has restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} telah memulihkan lampiran {attachment} ke kartu {card}",
"You have commented on card {card}" : "Anda telah berkomentar pada kartu {card}",
"{user} has commented on card {card}" : "{user} telah berkomentar pada kartu {card}",
"Deck" : "Longgok",
"Changes in the <strong>Deck app</strong>" : "Perubahan pada <strong>aplikasi Longgok</strong>",
"A <strong>comment</strong> was created on a card" : "<strong>Komentar</strong> telah dibuat pada suatu kartu",
"Upcoming cards" : "Kartu berikut",
"Personal" : "Personal",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has been assigned to you by %s." : "Kartu \"%s\" pada \"%s\" telah ditugaskan kepada Anda oleh %s.",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has reached its due date." : "Kartu \"%s\" pada \"%s\" telah melampaui tenggat.",
"%s has mentioned you in a comment on \"%s\"." : "%s telah menyebut Anda didalam suatu komentar pada \"%s\".",
"The board \"%s\" has been shared with you by %s." : "Papan \"%s\" telah dibagikan kepada Anda oleh %s.",
"Deck board" : "Papan Longgok",
"No data was provided to create an attachment." : "Tidak ada data untuk membuat lampiran.",
"Finished" : "Selesai",
"To review" : "Perlu ditinjau",
"Action needed" : "Butuh tindakan",
"Later" : "Nanti",
"copy" : "salin",
"To do" : "Akan dikerjakan",
"Doing" : "Sedang dikerjakan",
"Done" : "Selesai",
"Example Task 3" : "Contoh tugas 3",
"Example Task 2" : "Contoh tugas 2",
"Example Task 1" : "Contoh tugas 1",
"The file was uploaded" : "Berkas terunggah",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Berkas terunggah melampau parameter upload_max_filesize pada php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Berkas yang diunggah melampaui direktif MAX_FILE_SIZE yang ditentukan dalam formulir HTML.",
"The file was only partially uploaded" : "Berkas hanya sebagian terunggah",
"No file was uploaded" : "Tidak ada berkas yang diunggah",
"Missing a temporary folder" : "Folder sementara tidak ada",
"Could not write file to disk" : "Tidak dapat menulis berkas ke diska",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "Ekstensi PHP menghentikan proses unggah berkas",
"No file uploaded or file size exceeds maximum of %s" : "Gagal unggah berkas atau ukuran melampaui batas maksimum %s",
"Card not found" : "Kartu tidak ditemukan",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Tanggal salah, format tanggal harus TTTT-BB-HH",
"Personal planning and team project organization" : "Perencanaan pribadi dan pengelolaan proyek tim",
"Card details" : "Detail kartu",
"Add board" : "Tambah papan",
"Select the board to link to a project" : "Pilih papan untuk ditautkan ke proyek",
"Search by board title" : "Cari berdasarkan judul papan",
"Select board" : "Pilih papan",
"Move card to another board" : "Pindahkan kartu ke papan lain",
"Select a board" : "Pilih papan",
"Select a list" : "Pilih daftar",
"Move card" : "Pindahkan kartu",
"Cancel" : "Membatalkan",
"Select a card" : "Pilih kartu",
"Select the card to link to a project" : "Pilih kartu untuk ditautkan ke proyek",
"Link to card" : "Tautan ke kartu",
"File already exists" : "Berkas sudah ada",
"A file with the name {filename} already exists." : "Berkas dengan nama {filename} sudah ada.",
"Do you want to overwrite it?" : "Apakah Anda ingin menimpanya?",
"Overwrite file" : "Menimpa berkas",
"Keep existing file" : "Pertahankan berkas yang ada",
"This board is read only" : "Papan hanya dapat dilihat",
"Drop your files to upload" : "Lepas berkas Anda untuk mengunggah",
"Add card" : "Tambah kartu",
"Archived cards" : "Arsip kartu",
"Add list" : "Tambahkan daftar",
"List name" : "Nama daftar",
"Apply filter" : "Terapkan filter",
"Filter by tag" : "Filter dengan tag",
"Filter by assigned user" : "Filter dengan pengguna",
"Unassigned" : "Belum ditugaskan",
"Open" : "Buka",
"Completed" : "Selesai",
"Filter by due date" : "Filter dengan tenggat",
"Overdue" : "Lewat tenggat",
"Next 24 hours" : "Jangka 24 jam",
"Next 7 days" : "Jangka 7 hari",
"Next 30 days" : "Jangka 30 hari",
"No due date" : "Tanpa tenggat",
"Clear filter" : "Bersihkan filter",
"Show archived cards" : "Tampilan arsip kartu",
"Toggle compact mode" : "Beralih mode ringkas",
"Details" : "Detail",
"Loading board" : "Memuat papan",
"Board not found" : "Papan tidak ditemukan",
"Sharing" : "Berbagi",
"Tags" : "Tag",
"Deleted items" : "Entri terhapus",
"Activity" : "Aktivitas",
"Deleted lists" : "Daftar terhapus",
"Undo" : "Undo",
"Deleted cards" : "Kartu terhapus",
"Board owner" : "Pemilik papan",
"(Group)" : "(Grup)",
"Can edit" : "Can edit",
"Can share" : "Can share",
"Can manage" : "Dapat mengelola",
"Owner" : "Owner",
"Delete" : "Hapus",
"Transfer" : "Transfer",
"Delete list" : "Hapus daftar",
"Add a new card" : "Tambah kartu baru",
"Edit" : "Sunting",
"Add a new tag" : "Tambah tag baru",
"title and color value must be provided" : "judul dan nilai warna harus ditentukan",
"Members" : "Anggota",
"Assign a user to this card…" : "Menugaskan pengguna kepada kartu ini..",
"Add this attachment" : "Tambah lampiran ini",
"Download" : "Unduh",
"Delete Attachment" : "Hapus Lampiran",
"Restore Attachment" : "Pulihkan Lampiran",
"Invalid path selected" : "Jalur terpilih invalid",
"Attachments" : "Lampiran",
"Comments" : "Komentar",
"Modified" : "Dimodifikasi",
"Created" : "Dibuat",
"No comments yet. Begin the discussion!" : "Belum ada komentar. Mulai berdiskusi!",
"Save" : "Simpan",
"The comment cannot be empty." : "Komentar tidak dapat kosong.",
"The comment cannot be longer than 1000 characters." : "Komentar tidak dapat melebihi 1000 karakter.",
"In reply to" : "Membalas kepada",
"Reply" : "Balas",
"Update" : "Perbarui",
"Created:" : "Dibuat:",
"Description" : "Deskrisi",
"(Unsaved)" : "(Tidak tersimpan)",
"(Saving…)" : "(Menyimpan…)",
"Formatting help" : "Bantuan pemformatan",
"Edit description" : "Edit deskripsi.",
"View description" : "Tampilkan deskripsi",
"Add Attachment" : "Tambah Lampiran",
"Choose attachment" : "Pilih lampiran",
"Set a due date" : "Tentukan tenggat",
"Remove due date" : "Hapus tenggat",
"Mark as done" : "Tandai sebagai selesai",
"Unarchive card" : "Memulihkan kartu",
"Archive card" : "Mengarsipkan kartu",
"Assign a tag to this card…" : "Berikan tag pada kartu ini...",
"(group)" : "(grup)",
"Assign to me" : "Tugaskan saya",
"Delete card" : "Hapus kartu",
"seconds ago" : "beberapa detik yang lalu",
"Keyboard shortcuts" : "Pintasan keyboard",
"Keyboard shortcut" : "Pintasan keyboard",
"Search" : "Cari",
"All boards" : "Semua papan",
"Archived boards" : "Papan terarsip",
"Shared with you" : "Shared with you",
"Cancel edit" : "Batal sunting",
"Board details" : "Detail papan",
"Edit board" : "Edit papan",
"Clone board" : "Pengklonaan papan",
"Unarchive board" : "Memulihkan papan",
"Archive board" : "Mengarsipkan papan",
"No notifications" : "Tidak ada notifikasi",
"Delete board" : "Hapus papan",
"Board {0} deleted" : "{0} papan terhapus",
"An error occurred" : "Terjadi kesalahan",
"Delete the board?" : "Hapus papan?",
"Today" : "Hari ini",
"Tomorrow" : "Besok",
"Click to expand comment" : "Klik untuk membuka komentar",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"No upcoming cards" : "Tidak ada kartu berikut",
"upcoming cards" : "kartu berikut",
"Link to a board" : "Tautan ke papan",
"Link to a card" : "Tautan ke kartu",
"Something went wrong" : "Ada yang salah",
"Maximum file size of {size} exceeded" : "Melampaui batas ukuran maksimal {size}",
"Share" : "Bagikan",
"(Circle)" : "(Kelompok)",
"Assign to users/groups/circles" : "Penugasan kepada pengguna/grup/lingkaran"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");