
72 строки
3.8 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Please provide a content for your comment." : "Si us plau, proporciona un comentari.",
"Posting the comment failed." : "Error al posar el comentari.",
"The comment has been deleted" : "S'ha esborrat el comentari",
"Restore associated stack" : "Restaura la pila associada",
"Remove user from card" : "Esborra usuari de la targeta",
"Hours" : "Hores",
"Minutes" : "Minuts",
"Maximum file size of {size} exceeded" : "Mida màxima per fitxer de {size} superada",
"You have created a new board {board}" : "Has creat el nou tauler {board}",
"{user} has created a new board {board}" : "{user} ha creat el nou tauler {board}",
"You have deleted the board {board}" : "Has esborrat el taulell {board}",
"{user} has deleted the board {board}" : "{user} ha esborrat el taulell {board}",
"You have restored the board {board}" : "Has restaurat el taulell {board}",
"{user} has restored the board {board}" : "{user} ha restaurat el taulell {board}",
"You have shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "Has compartit el taulell {board} amb {acl}",
"{user} has shared the board {board} with {sharee}" : "{user} ha compartit el taulell {board} amb {sharee}",
"You have removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "Has tret {acl} del taulell {board}",
"You have archived the board {board}" : "Has arxivat el taulell {board}",
"You have renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "Has canviat el nom de la targeta de {before} a {card}",
"{user} has renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "{user} ha canviat el nom de la targeta de {before} a {card}",
"{user} has assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} ha assignat a {assigneduser} la targeta {card} del taulell {board}",
"Deck" : "Coberta",
"Finished" : "Acabat",
"To review" : "Per revisar",
"Action needed" : "Acció necessaria",
"Later" : "Més tard",
"Add a new stack" : "Afegeix una nova pila",
"Show archived cards" : "Mostra les targetes arxivades",
"Hide archived cards" : "Amaga les targetes arxivades",
"All Boards" : "Totes les juntes",
"Archived boards" : "Taulers arxivats",
"Assign card to me" : "Assigna'm la targeta",
"Unassign card from me" : "Desassigna'm la targeta",
"Enter a card title" : "Introduïu un títol de la targeta",
"Sharing" : "Compartir",
"Tags" : "Etiquetes",
"Select users or groups to share with" : "Seleccioneu usuaris o grups per compartir",
"No matching user or group found." : "No s'ha trobat cap usuari o grup coincident.",
"Edit" : "Edita",
"Share" : "Comparteix",
"Manage" : "Gestor",
"Discard share" : "Descarta la compartició",
"Create a new tag" : "Crea una nova etiqueta",
"Title" : "Title",
"Members" : "Membres",
"More actions" : "Més accions",
"Edit board" : "Edita el tauler",
"Archive board" : "Arxiu",
"Unarchive board" : "Desbloquejar",
"Delete board" : "Eliminat",
"Create new board" : "Crear nova",
"New board title" : "Nou títol",
"by" : "per",
"Modified:" : "Modificat:",
"Created:" : "Creat:",
"Assign users" : "Assigna usuaris",
"Choose a user to assign" : "Escull un usuari per assignar",
"Assign this card to a user" : "Assigna aquesta targeta a un usuari",
"Due date" : "Per la data",
"Click to set" : "Feu clic per configurar",
"Remove due date" : "Elimina la data de venciment",
"Description" : "Descripció",
"Saved" : "Desat",
"Formatting help" : "Format d'ajuda",
"Add a card description…" : "Afegeix una descripció de la targeta ...",
"Shared boards" : "Taulers compartits",
"Move board to archive" : "Mou la placa a l'arxiu",
"Create a new board" : "Crear nova",
"Settings" : "Paràmetres"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"