
197 строки
16 KiB

"Please provide a content for your comment." : "请提供评论内容",
"Posting the comment failed." : "评论发表失败",
"The comment has been deleted" : "评论已删除",
"The associated stack is deleted as well, it will be restored as well." : "相关联的任务也已删除,当然也可以进行恢复。",
"Restore associated stack" : "恢复相关联的任务",
"Remove user from card" : "从卡片中删除用户",
"Hours" : "小时",
"Minutes" : "分",
"Maximum file size of {size} exceeded" : "文件大小 {size} 超出最大限制",
"You have created a new board {board}" : "您创建了一个新面板 {board}",
"{user} has created a new board {board}" : "{user} 创建了一个新面板 {board}",
"You have deleted the board {board}" : "您删除了面板 {board}",
"{user} has deleted the board {board}" : "{user} 删除了面板 {board}",
"You have restored the board {board}" : "您恢复了面板 {board}",
"{user} has restored the board {board}" : "{user} 恢复了 {board}",
"You have shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "您已共享 {board} 给 {acl}",
"{user} has shared the board {board} with {sharee}" : "{user} 已共享面板 {board} 给 {sharee}",
"You have removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "您从面板 {board} 中移除了 {acl}",
"{user} has removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "{user} 从面板 {board} 中移除了 {acl} ",
"You have renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "您将面板 {before} 重命名为 {board}",
"{user} has renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "{user} 将面板 {before} 重命名为 {board}",
"You have archived the board {board}" : "您已将面板 {board} 存档",
"{user} has archived the board {before}" : "{user} 已将面板 {before} 存档",
"You have unarchived the board {board}" : "您撤销了 {board} 存档",
"{user} has unarchived the board {before}" : "{user} 撤销了面板 {before} 存档",
"You have created a new stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您在面板 {board} 上创建了新任务 {stack} ",
"{user} has created a new stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 在面板 {board} 上创建了新任务 {stack}",
"You have renamed stack {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "您将面板 {board} 上的任务 {before} 重命名为 {stack}",
"{user} has renamed stack {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 将面板 {board} 上的任务 {before} 重命名为 {stack}",
"You have deleted stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您删除了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack}",
"{user} has deleted stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 删除了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack}",
"You have created card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您在面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中创建了卡片 {card}",
"{user} has created card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 在面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中创建了卡片 {card}",
"You have deleted card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您在面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中删除了卡片 {card}",
"{user} has deleted card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 在面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中删除了卡片 {card}",
"You have renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "您将卡片 {before} 重命名为 {card}",
"{user} has renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "{user} 将卡片 {before} 重命名为 {card}",
"You have added a description to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您为面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 添加了描述",
"{user} has added a description to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 为面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 添加了描述",
"You have updated the description of card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您更新了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 的描述",
"{user} has updated the description card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 更新了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 的描述",
"You have archived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您已对面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 存档",
"{user} has archived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 已对面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 存档",
"You have unarchived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您已对面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 恢复存档",
"{user} has unarchived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 已对面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 恢复存档",
"You have removed the due date of card {card}" : "您移除了到期的卡片 {card}",
"{user} has removed the due date of card {card}" : "{user} 移除了到期的卡片 {card}",
"You have set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "您设置到期的卡片 {card} 为 {after}",
"{user} has set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} 设置到期的卡片 {card} 为 {after}",
"You have updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "您更新到期的卡片 {card} 为 {after}",
"{user} has updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} 更新到期的卡片 {card} 为 {after}",
"You have added the tag {label} to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您为面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 添加了标签 {label}",
"{user} has added the tag {label} to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 为面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 添加了标签 {label}",
"You have removed the tag {label} from card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "您移除了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 的标签 {label}",
"{user} has removed the tag {label} from card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} 移除了面板 {board} 上的任务 {stack} 中的卡片 {card} 的标签 {label}",
"You have assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "您将面板 {board} 上的卡片 {card} 指派给了 {assigneduser}",
"{user} has assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} 将面板 {board} 上的卡片 {card} 指派给了 {assigneduser}",
"You have unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "您对 {assigneduser} 取消了面板 {board} 上的卡片 {card} 指派",
"{user} has unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} 对 {assigneduser} 取消了面板 {board} 上的卡片 {card} 指派",
"You have moved the card {card} from stack {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "您将卡片 {card} 从任务 {stackBefore} 移到任务 {stack}",
"{user} has moved the card {card} from stack {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "{user} 将卡片 {card} 从任务 {stackBefore} 移到任务 {stack}",
"You have added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "您为卡片 {card} 添加了附件 {attachment}",
"{user} has added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} 为卡片 {card} 添加了附件 {attachment}",
"You have updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "您更新了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"{user} has updated the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} 更新了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"You have deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "您删除了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"{user} has deleted the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} 删除了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"You have restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "您恢复了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"{user} has restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} 恢复了卡片 {card} 中的附件 {attachment}",
"You have commented on card {card}" : "您评论了卡片 {card}",
"{user} has commented on card {card}" : "{user} 评论了卡片 {card}",
"A <strong>card description</strong> inside the Deck app has been changed" : "看板应用中的 <strong>卡片描述</strong> 已改变",
"Deck" : "看板",
"Changes in the <strong>Deck app</strong>" : "<strong>看板应用</strong>中的改变",
"Personal" : "个人",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has been assigned to you by %s." : "%s已给您指派\"%s\" 中的卡片\"%s\"。",
"{user} has assigned the card \"%s\" on \"%s\" to you." : "{user} 已给您指派\"%s\" 中的卡片\"%s\"。",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has reached its due date." : "\"%s\"中的卡片 \"%s\" 已到期。",
"%s has mentioned you in a comment on \"%s\"." : "%s 在 “%s” 的评论中提到了您。",
"{user} has mentioned you in a comment on \"%s\"." : "{user} 在 “%s” 的评论中提到了您。",
"The board \"%s\" has been shared with you by %s." : "面板 \"%s\" 已由 %s 共享给您。",
"{user} has shared the board %s with you." : "{user} 共享面板 %s 给您。",
"No data was provided to create an attachment." : "未能提供数据以创建附件",
"Finished" : "完成",
"To review" : "回顾",
"Action needed" : "需要操作",
"Later" : "稍后",
"To do" : "待办",
"Doing" : "进行中",
"Done" : "完成",
"Example Task 3" : "示例任务 3",
"Example Task 2" : "示例任务 2",
"Example Task 1" : "示例任务 1",
"The file was uploaded" : "文件已上传",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "上传文件的大小已超过 php.ini 中 upload_max_filesize 设置的值",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "上传的文件长度超出了 HTML 表单中 MAX_FILE_SIZE 的限制",
"The file was only partially uploaded" : "文件仅部分上传",
"No file was uploaded" : "没有文件被上传",
"Missing a temporary folder" : "缺少临时文件夹",
"Could not write file to disk" : "无法写入文件到磁盘",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "PHP扩展停止了文件上传。",
"No file uploaded or file size exceeds maximum of %s" : "没有文件被上传或文件大小超出最大值 %s",
"A kanban style project and personal management tool for Nextcloud" : "一款用于 Nextcloud 的看板风格的项目和个人管理工具 ",
"Deck is a kanban style organization tool aimed at personal planning and project organization for teams integrated with Nextcloud.\n\n\n- 📥 Add your tasks to cards and put them in order\n- 📄 Write down additional notes in markdown\n- 🔖 Assign labels for even better organization\n- 👥 Share with your team, friends or family\n- 📎 Attach files and embed them in your markdown description\n- 💬 Discuss with your team using comments\n- ⚡ Keep track of changes in the activity stream\n- 🚀 Get your project organized" : "看板是集成于 Nextcloud 中的一款看板风格的任务管理工具,用于帮助进行个人计划与项目安排。\n\n\n- 📥 把您的任务添加到卡片上,并将它们有序排列\n- 📄 将您的补充说明用markdown写下来\n- 🔖 利用指派标签更好地进行筹划\n- 👥 与您的团队,朋友或家人共享\n- 📎 附加文件并将它们嵌入到您的markdown说明中\n- 💬 用评论与您的团队讨论\n- ⚡ 在活动流中紧跟变化\n- 🚀 使您的项目井井有条",
"Add a new stack" : "添加一个新任务",
"Submit" : "提交",
"Show archived cards" : "显示已存档的卡片",
"Hide archived cards" : "隐藏已存档的卡片",
"Toggle compact mode" : "切换简洁模式",
"Show board details" : "显示面板详情",
"All Boards" : "全部面板",
"Archived boards" : "已归档面板",
"Share board" : "共享面板",
"Archived cards" : "已存档卡片",
"Actions" : "操作",
"Drop your files here to upload it to the card" : "将您的文件放置至此以将之上传到该卡片",
"Assign card to me" : "对我指派卡片",
"Unassign card from me" : "取消指派给我的卡片",
"Archive card" : "存档卡片",
"Unarchive card" : "恢复卡片存档",
"Delete card" : "删除卡片",
"Enter a card title" : "输入卡片标题",
"Add card" : "添加卡片",
"Close" : "关闭",
"Sharing" : "共享",
"Tags" : "标签",
"Deleted items" : "已删除项",
"Timeline" : "时间线",
"Select users or groups to share with" : "选择要共享的用户或组",
"No matching user or group found." : "未找到匹配的用户或组。",
"Loading" : "加载中",
"Edit" : "编辑",
"Share" : "共享",
"Manage" : "管理",
"Discard share" : "取消共享",
"Sharing has been disabled for your account." : "您的账户已禁用分享",
"Update tag" : "更新标签",
"Edit tag" : "编辑标签",
"Delete tag" : "删除标签",
"Create" : "创建",
"Create a new tag" : "创建新标签",
"Deleted stacks" : "已删除的任务",
"Deleted cards" : "已删除卡片",
"Status" : "状态",
"No archived boards to display" : "无归档面板可显示",
"No shared boards to display" : "无共享面板可显示",
"Title" : "标题",
"Members" : "会员",
"More actions" : "更多操作",
"Edit board" : "编辑面板",
"Archive board" : "归档面板",
"Unarchive board" : "未归档面板",
"Delete board" : "删除面板",
"Update board" : "更新面板",
"Reset board" : "重置面板",
"Undo board deletion - Otherwise the board will be deleted during the next cronjob run." : "取消删除面板 - 否则面板将在下一次定时任务运行时删除。",
"Create new board" : "创建新面板",
"New board title" : "新面板标题",
"Create board" : "创建面板",
"Select an attachment" : "选择一个附件",
"Cancel upload" : "取消上传",
"by" : "由",
"Undo file deletion - Otherwise the file will be deleted during the next cronjob run." : "取消删除文件 - 否则文件将在下一次定时任务运行时删除",
"Undo file deletion" : "取消删除文件",
"Insert the file into the description" : "将文件插入到说明中",
"Delete attachment" : "删除附件",
"Modified:" : "修改于:",
"Created:" : "创建于:",
"Choose a tag" : "选择一个标签",
"Add a tag" : "添加标签",
"Select tags" : "选择标签",
"Assign users" : "指派用户",
"Choose a user to assign" : "选择一个待指派用户",
"Assign this card to a user" : "将该卡片指派给用户",
"Due date" : "截至日期",
"Click to set" : "点击设置",
"Remove due date" : "移除截至日期",
"Description" : "描述",
"Attachments" : "附件",
"Saved" : "已保存",
"Unsaved changes" : "未保存的修改",
"Insert attachment" : "插入附件",
"Formatting help" : "格式化帮助",
"Upload attachment" : "上传附件",
"Add a card description…" : "添加卡片描述…",
"Shared boards" : "已共享面板",
"Move board to archive" : "移动面板到归档",
"Create a new board" : "创建一个新面板",
"Settings" : "设置",
"Limit deck to groups" : "对用户组限制看板",
"Limiting Deck will block users not part of those groups from creating their own boards. Users will still be able to work on boards that have been shared with them." : "非面板创建用户组的用户将不能使用受限看板。但用户仍然能够使用已共享给他们的面板工作。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");