
128 строки
13 KiB

{ "translations": {
"You have created a new board {board}" : "Vostede creou o novo taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has created a new board {board}" : "{user} creou o novo taboleiro {board}",
"You have deleted the board {board}" : "Vostede eliminou o taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has deleted the board {board}" : "{user} eliminou o taboleiro {board}",
"You have restored the board {board}" : "Vostede restaurou o taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has restored the board {board}" : "{user} restaurou o taboleiro {board}",
"You have shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "Vostede compartiu o taboleiro {board} con {acl}",
"{user} has shared the board {board} with {acl}" : "{user} compartiu o taboleiro {board} con {acl}",
"You have removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "Vostede retirou a {acl} do taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has removed {acl} from the board {board}" : "{user} retirou a {acl} do taboleiro {board}",
"You have renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "Vostede renomeou o taboleiro {before} como {board}",
"{user} has renamed the board {before} to {board}" : "{user} renomeou o taboleiro {before} como {board}",
"You have archived the board {board}" : "Vostede arquivou o taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has archived the board {before}" : "{user} arquivou o taboleiro {before}",
"You have unarchived the board {board}" : "Vostede desarquivou o taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has unarchived the board {before}" : "{user} desarquivou o taboleiro {before}",
"You have created a new stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede creou unha nova rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has created a new stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} creou unha nova rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have renamed stack {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede renomeou a rima {before} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has renamed stack {before} to {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} renomeou a rima {before} como {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have deleted stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede eliminou a rima {stack} do taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has deleted stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} eliminou a rima {stack} do taboleiro {board}",
"You have created card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede creou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has created card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} creou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have deleted card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede eliminou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has deleted card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} eliminou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "Renomeou a tarxeta {before} a {card}",
"{user} has renamed the card {before} to {card}" : "{user} renomeou a tarxeta {before} a {card}",
"You have added a description to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede engadiu a descrición á tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has added a description to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} engadiu a descrición á tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have updated the description of card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede actualizou a descrición da tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has updated the description of the card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} actualizou a descrición da tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have archived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede arquivou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has archived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} arquivou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have unarchived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede desarquivou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has unarchived card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} desarquivou a tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have removed the due date of card {card}" : "Vostede retirou a caducidade da tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has removed the due date of card {card}" : "{user} retirou a caducidade da tarxeta {card}",
"You have set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Vostede estabeleceu a caducidade da tarxeta {card} a {after}",
"{user} has set the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} estabeleceu a caducidade da tarxeta {card} a {after}",
"You have updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "Vostede actualizou a caducidade da tarxeta {card} a {after}",
"{user} has updated the due date of card {card} to {after}" : "{user} actualizou a caducidade da tarxeta {card} a {after}",
"You have added the tag {label} to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede engadiu a etiqueta {label} á tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has added the tag {label} to card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} engadiu a etiqueta {label} á tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have removed the tag {label} from card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "Vostede retirou a etiqueta {label} da tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has removed the tag {label} from card {card} in stack {stack} on board {board}" : "{user} retirou a etiqueta {label} da tarxeta {card} na rima {stack} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "Vostede asignou a {assigneduser} á tarxeta {card} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has assigned {assigneduser} to card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} asignou a {assigneduser} á tarxeta {card} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "Vostede desasignou a {assigneduser} da tarxeta {card} no taboleiro {board}",
"{user} has unassigned {assigneduser} from card {card} on board {board}" : "{user} desasignou a {assigneduser} da tarxeta {card} no taboleiro {board}",
"You have moved the card {card} from stack {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "Vostede moveu a tarxeta {card} dende a rima {stackBefore} cara a rima {stack}",
"{user} has moved the card {card} from stack {stackBefore} to {stack}" : "{user} moveu a tarxeta {card} dende a rima {stackBefore} cara a rima {stack}",
"You have added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Vostede engadiu o anexo {attachment} na tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has added the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} engadiu o anexo {attachment} na tarxeta {card}",
"You have updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "Vostede actualizou o anexo {attachment} na tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has updated the attachment {attachment} on card {card}" : "{user} actualizou o anexo {attachment} na tarxeta {card}",
"You have deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "Vostede eliminou o anexo {attachment} da tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has deleted the attachment {attachment} from card {card}" : "{user} eliminou o anexo {attachment} da tarxeta {card}",
"You have restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "Vostede restaurou o anexo {attachment} na tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has restored the attachment {attachment} to card {card}" : "{user} restaurou o anexo {attachment} da tarxeta {card}",
"You have commented on card {card}" : "Vostede comentou na tarxeta {card}",
"{user} has commented on card {card}" : "{user} comentou na tarxeta {card}",
"A <strong>card description</strong> inside the Deck app has been changed" : "Cambiouse a <strong>descripción da tarxeta</strong> dentro da aplicación Deck",
"Deck" : "Deck",
"Changes in the <strong>Deck app</strong>" : "Cambios na <strong>aplicación Deck</strong>",
"A <strong>comment</strong> was created on a card" : "Creouse un <strong>comentario</strong> nunha tarxeta",
"Personal" : "Persoal",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has been assigned to you by %s." : "A tarxeta «%s» en «%s» foi asignada a vostede por %s.",
"{user} has assigned the card \"%s\" on \"%s\" to you." : "{user} asignoulle a vostede a tarxeta «%s» en «%s».",
"The card \"%s\" on \"%s\" has reached its due date." : "A tarxeta «%s» en «%s» chegou á súa data de caducidade.",
"%s has mentioned you in a comment on \"%s\"." : "%s mencionouno a vostede nun comentario en «%s».",
"{user} has mentioned you in a comment on \"%s\"." : "{user} mencionouno a vostede nun comentario en «%s».",
"The board \"%s\" has been shared with you by %s." : "O taboleiro «%s» foi compartido con vostede por %s.",
"{user} has shared the board %s with you." : "{user} compartiu o taboleiro %s con vostede.",
"No data was provided to create an attachment." : "Non se forneceu ningún dato para crear un anexo.",
"Finished" : "Rematado",
"To review" : "Para revisar",
"Action needed" : "Necesita atención",
"Later" : "Despois",
"To do" : "Para facer",
"Doing" : "Facendo",
"Done" : "Feito",
"Example Task 3" : "Tarefa de exemplo 3",
"Example Task 2" : "Tarefa de exemplo 2",
"Example Task 1" : "Tarefa de exemplo 1",
"The file was uploaded" : "O ficheiro foi enviado",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "O ficheiro enviado excede a directiva indicada por upload_max_filesize de php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "O ficheiro enviado excede da directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE especificada no formulario HTML",
"The file was only partially uploaded" : "O ficheiro só foi parcialmente enviado",
"No file was uploaded" : "Non se enviou ningún ficheiro",
"Missing a temporary folder" : "Falta un cartafol temporal",
"Could not write file to disk" : "Non foi posíbel escribir o ficheiro no disco",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "Unha extensión PHP detivo o envío de ficheiros",
"No file uploaded or file size exceeds maximum of %s" : "Non se enviou ningún ficheiro ou o tamaño do ficheiro supera o máximo de %s",
"A kanban style project and personal management tool for Nextcloud" : "Un proxecto estilo kanban e unha ferramenta de xestión persoal para o Nextcloud",
"Deck is a kanban style organization tool aimed at personal planning and project organization for teams integrated with Nextcloud.\n\n\n- 📥 Add your tasks to cards and put them in order\n- 📄 Write down additional notes in markdown\n- 🔖 Assign labels for even better organization\n- 👥 Share with your team, friends or family\n- 📎 Attach files and embed them in your markdown description\n- 💬 Discuss with your team using comments\n- ⚡ Keep track of changes in the activity stream\n- 🚀 Get your project organized" : "Deck é unha ferramenta de organización de estilo kanban dirixida a planificación persoal e organización de proxectos para equipos integrados con Nextcloud. \n\n\n- 📥 Engada as súas tarefas ás tarxetas e fagas ordenadas\n- 📄 Escriba notas adicionais en markdown\n- 🔖 Asigne etiquetas para unha mellor organización\n- 👥 Comparta co seu equipo, amigos ou a súa familia\n- 📎 Anexe ficheiros e insíraos na súa descrición de markdown\n- 💬 Debata co seu equipo usando os comentarios\n- ⚡ Faga un seguimento dos cambios no fluxo de actividade\n- 🚀 Teña o seu proxecto organizado",
"Create new board" : "Crear un novo taboleiro",
"Select the board to link to a project" : "Seleccione o taboleiro para ligar a un proxecto",
"Select board" : "Seleccionar taboleiro",
"Show archived cards" : "Amosar as tarxetas arquivadas",
"Hide archived cards" : "Agochar as tarxetas arquivadas",
"Toggle compact mode" : "Alternar o modo compacto",
"Deleted stacks" : "Eliminar rimas",
"Deleted cards" : "Eliminar tarxetas",
"Add a new stack" : "Engadir unha nova rima",
"Add card" : "Engadir tarxeta",
"Edit" : "Editar",
"Tags" : "Etiquetas",
"Due date" : "Data de caducidade",
"Remove due date" : "Retirar a data de caducidade",
"Description" : "Descrición",
"Attachments" : "Anexos",
"Timeline" : "Liña temporal",
"Upload attachment" : "Enviar anexos",
"Delete card" : "Eliminar tarxeta",
"Archived boards" : "Taboleiros arquivados",
"Shared boards" : "Taboleiros compartidos",
"Settings" : "Axustes",
"Limiting Deck will block users not part of those groups from creating their own boards. Users will still be able to work on boards that have been shared with them." : "Limitando Deck bloqueará os usuarios que non formen parte destes grupos, para crear os seus propios taboleiros. Os usuarios aínda así poderán traballar en taboleiros compartidos con eles.",
"New board title" : "Novo título do taboleiro",
"Edit board" : "Editar taboleiro",
"Archive board" : "Arquivar taboleiro",
"Unarchive board" : "Desarquivar taboleiro",
"Delete board" : "Eliminar taboleiro",
"Link to a board" : "Ligar a un taboleiro"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"