2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" ? > < ! DOCTYPE TS > < TS language = "it" version = "2.0" >
< context >
< name > CreateAnOwncloudPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "39" / >
< source > Create a new ownCloud < / source >
< translation > Crea un nuovo ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "61" / >
< source > Where do you want to create your ownCloud ? < / source >
< translation > Dove vuoi creare il tuo ownCloud ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "73" / >
< source > create ownCloud on this computer < / source >
< translation > crea ownCloud su questo computer < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "105" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installs the ownCloud on this computer . Other people will not be able to access your data by default . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installa ownCloud su questo computer . In modo predefinito , altre persone non potranno accedere ad i tuoi dati & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "132" / >
< source > create ownCloud on my internet domain < / source >
< translation > crea ownCloud sul mio dominio internet < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "155" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installs ownCloud on a domain you control . You need the FTP credentials for the installation . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This ownCloud will be accessible from the internet . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; installa ownCloud su un tuo dominio . Hai bisogno delle credenziali FTP per l & apos ; installazione . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Questo ownCloud sarà accessibile da Internet . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/createanowncloudpage.ui" line = "177" / >
< source > & amp ; Domain : < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Dominio : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > mydomain . org < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardNetworkPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "27" / >
< source > Network Settings < / source >
< translation > Impostazioni di rete < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "34" / >
< source > Set networking options : < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Imposta opzioni di rete : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "40" / >
< source > Only enable if network is available < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Abilita solo se la rete è disponibile < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardnetworkpage.ui" line = "47" / >
< source > restrict to this local network < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > restringi alla rete locale < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardOwncloudPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "20" / >
< source > ownCloud Settings < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Impostazioni di ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "29" / >
< source > URL : < / source >
< translation > URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "36" / >
< source > User : < / source >
< translation > Utente : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "46" / >
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > Password : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > Alias : < / source >
< translation > Alias : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardowncloudpage.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > ownCloud < / source >
< translation > ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardSourcePage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Sync Directory < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Sincronizza cartella < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "32" / >
< source > Pick a local folder on your computer to sync : < / source >
< translation > Scegli una cartella sul tuo computer da sincronizzare : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "43" / >
< source > & amp ; Choose . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > S & amp ; cegli . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardsourcepage.ui" line = "54" / >
< source > & amp ; Directory alias name : < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Alias della car & amp ; tella : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "45" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > / home / local1 < / source >
< translation > / home / local1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "46" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Music < / source >
< translation > Musica < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > FolderWizardTargetPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Express Upload Target < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Pick a place where the data should go to : < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > to your & amp ; ownCloud < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "29" / >
< source > Synchronization Target < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Destinazione sincronizzazione < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > Select a destination folder for your data < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Seleziona una cartella di destinazione per i tuoi dati < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "78" / >
< source > on your & amp ; ownCloud server < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > sul tuo server & amp ; ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "91" / >
< source > Folder on ownCloud : < / source >
< translation > Cartella su ownCloud : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "148" / >
< source > to a & amp ; local folder < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > a una cartella & amp ; locale < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "161" / >
< source > Folder name : < / source >
< translation > Nome cartella : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "171" / >
< source > C & amp ; hoose . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Sce & amp ; gli . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "218" / >
< source > to a & amp ; remote folder ( URL ) < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > a una cartella & amp ; remota ( URL ) < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "231" / >
< source > URL : < / source >
< translation > URL : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "361" / >
< source > TextLabel < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > EtichettaTesto < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizardtargetpage.ui" line = "383" / >
< source > create < / source >
< translation > crea < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "182" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > root < / source >
< translation > root < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "183" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > / home / local < / source >
< translation > / home / local < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "184" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > scp : //john@host.com//myfolder</source>
< translation > scp : //john@host.com//miacartella</translation>
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : Application < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "200" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > No ownCloud Configuration < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Nessuna configurazione di ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; No ownCloud connection was configured yet . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; P l e a s e c o n f i g u r e o n e b y c l i c k i n g o n t h e t r a y i c o n ! & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "201" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; No server connection has been configured for this ownCloud client . & lt ; /p><p>Please right click on the ownCloud system tray icon and select <i>Configure</i & gt ; to connect this client to an ownCloud server . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Non è stata configurata alcuna connessione a un server per questo client di ownCloud . & lt ; /p><p>Fai clic con il tasto destro sull'icona del vassoio di sistema di ownCloud e seleziona <i>Configura</i & gt ; per connettere il client a un server ownCloud . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "236" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; The ownCloud at % 1 could not be reached . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; ownCloud su % 1 non è raggiungibile . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "237" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; The detailed error message is & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Il messaggio di errore dettagliato è & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "239" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Please check your configuration by clicking on the tray icon . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Controlla la tua configurazione facendo clic sull & apos ; icona di sistema . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "241" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Connection Failed < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Connessione a ownCloud non riuscita < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "269" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "276" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > No ownCloud Connection < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Nessuna connessione a ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "270" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Your ownCloud credentials are not correct . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; P l e a s e c o r r e c t t h e m b y s t a r t i n g t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n d i a l o g f r o m t h e t r a y ! & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Le tue credenziali ownCloud non sono corrette . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; C o r r e g g i l e a v v i a n d o l a f i n e s t r a d i d i a l o g o d i c o n f i g u r a z i o n e d a l v a s s o i o d i s i s t e m a ! & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "277" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Your ownCloud user name or password is not correct . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; P l e a s e c o r r e c t i t b y s t a r t i n g t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n d i a l o g f r o m t h e t r a y ! & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Il nome utente o la password ownCloud non sono corretti . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; C o r r e g g i l i a v v i a n d o l a f i n e s t r a d i d i a l o g o d i c o n f i g u r a z i o n e d a l v a s s o i o d i s i s t e m a ! & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "289" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Sync Started < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Sincronizzazione con ownCloud iniziata < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "289" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Sync started for % 1 configured sync folder ( s ) . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Sincronizzazione iniziata per % 1 cartelle configurate . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "304" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Open ownCloud . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Apri ownCloud . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "306" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Open status . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Apri stato : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "308" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Add folder . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Aggiungi cartella . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "310" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Configure . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Configura . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "312" / >
< source > Configure proxy . . . < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Configura proxy . . . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "314" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Quit < / source >
< translation > Esci < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > open folder % 1 < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "345" / >
< source > Managed Folders : < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Cartelle gestite : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "578" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Confirm Folder Remove < / source >
< translation > Conferma la rimozione della cartella < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "579" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Do you really want to remove upload folder & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; ? < / s o u r c e >
< translation > Vuoi veramente rimuovere la cartella & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; ? < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "613" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Undefined Folder State < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Stato della cartella non definito < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "616" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The folder waits to start syncing . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > La cartella è in attesa di essere sincronizzata . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "619" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "753" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Sync is running . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > La sincronizzazione è in corso . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "622" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "758" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Last Sync was successful . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > L & apos ; ultima sincronizzazione è stato completata correttamente . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "625" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "764" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Syncing Error . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Errore di sincronizzazione . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "628" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "770" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Setup Error . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Errore di configurazione . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "631" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "773" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Undefined Error State . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Stato di errore non definito . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "635" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Folder information < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Informazioni sulla cartella < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "650" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Unknown < / source >
< translation > Sconosciuto < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "652" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Changed files :
< / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > File modificati :
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "654" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Added files :
< / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > File aggiunti :
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "656" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > New files in the server , or files deleted locally :
< / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Nuovi file nel server , o file eliminati localmente :
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "683" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Sync Running < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > La sincronizzazione è in corso < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "684" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The syncing operation is running . & lt ; br / & gt ; Do you want to terminate it ? < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > L & apos ; operazione di sincronizzazione è in corso . & lt ; br / & gt ; Vuoi terminarla ? < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "746" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Undefined State . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Stato non definito . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "749" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Waits to start syncing . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Attende l & apos ; inizio della sincronizzazione . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "778" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Sync is paused . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Sincronizzazione sospesa . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/application.cpp" line = "794" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > No sync folders configured . < / source >
< translation > Nessuna cartella configurata per la sincronizzazione . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : CSyncThread < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "169" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync create failed . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Creazione di CSync non riuscita . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "205" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync failed to create a lock file . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > CSync non è riuscito a creare il file di lock . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "208" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync failed to load the state db . < / source >
< translation > CSync non è riuscito a caricare lo state db . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > The system time between the local machine and the server differs too much . Please use a time syncronization service ( ntp ) on both machines . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "211" / >
< source > The system time on this client is different than the system time on the server . Please use a time synchronization service ( NTP ) on the server and client machines so that the times remain the same . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > L & apos ; ora di sistema su questo client è diversa dall & apos ; ora di sistema del server . Usa un servizio di sincronizzazione dell & apos ; orario ( NTP ) sul server e sulle macchine client in modo che l & apos ; ora sia la stessa . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "216" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync could not detect the filesystem type . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > CSync non è riuscito a individuare il tipo di filesystem . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "219" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync got an error while processing internal trees . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Errore di CSync durante l & apos ; elaborazione degli alberi interni . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; The target directory % 1 does not exist . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; P l e a s e c r e a t e i t a n d t r y a g a i n . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "222" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; The target directory % 1 does not exist . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; P l e a s e c h e c k t h e s y n c s e t u p . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; La cartella di destinazione % 1 non esiste . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; C o n t r o l l a l a c o n f i g u r a z i o n e d e l l a s i n c r o n i z z a z i o n e . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "228" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; The ownCloud plugin for csync could not be loaded . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please verify the installation ! & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; Non è stato possibile caricare il plugin ownCloud per csync . & lt ; br / & gt ; Verifica l & apos ; installazione ! & lt ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "232" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The local filesystem can not be written . Please check permissions . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Il filesystem locale non può essere scritto . Controlla i permessi . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "236" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > A remote file can not be written . Please check the remote access . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Un file remoto non può essere scritto . Controlla l & apos ; accesso remoto . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "239" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > An internal error number % 1 happend . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > SI è verificato un errore interno numero % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "255" / >
< source > CSync failed to reach the host . Either host or proxy settings are not valid . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > CSync non è riuscito a contattare l & apos ; host . Le impostazioni dell & apos ; host o del proxy non sono valide . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "258" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync Update failed . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > CSync Update non riuscito . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > The local filesystem has directories which are write protected .
That prevents ownCloud from successful syncing .
Please make sure that all directories are writeable . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "272" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync encountered an error while examining the file system .
Syncing is not possible . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > CSync ha incontrato un errore durante l & apos ; analisi del filesystem .
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
Impossibile sincronizzare . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "275" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync update generated a strange instruction .
Please write a bug report . < / source >
< translation > L & apos ; aggiornamento di CSync ha generato un & apos ; istruzione non corretta .
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
Segnala questo bug . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "278" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Local filesystem problems . Better disable Syncing and check . < / source >
< translation > Problemi sul filesystem locale . È consigliato disabilitare la sincronizzazione e controllare . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "283" / >
< source > The local filesystem has % 1 write protected directories . That can hinder successful syncing . & lt ; p / & gt ; Please make sure that all local directories are writeable . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Il filesystem locale ha % 1 cartelle protette da scrittura . Ciò può impedire il completamento della sincronizzazione . & lt ; p / & gt ; Assicurati che tutte le cartelle locali siano scrivibili . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "303" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync reconcile failed . < / source >
< translation > Riconciliazione di CSync non riuscita . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/csyncthread.cpp" line = "307" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > CSync propagate failed . < / source >
< translation > Propagazione di CSync non riuscita . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : CreateAnOwncloudPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "335" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > mydomain . org < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > miodominio . org < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderViewDelegate < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "152" / >
< source > Remote path : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Percorso remoto : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizard < / name >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "460" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > % 1 Folder Wizard < / source >
< translation > Proceduta guidata cartella di % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizardSourcePage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "74" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > No local directory selected ! < / source >
< translation > Nessuna cartella locale selezionata ! < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "90" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The local path % 1 is already an upload folder . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please pick another one ! < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Il percorso locale % 1 è già una cartella di caricamento . & lt ; br / & gt ; Selezionane un altro ! < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "94" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > An already configured folder is contained in the current entry . < / source >
< translation > Una cartella già configurata è contenuta nella voce corrente . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "99" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > An already configured folder contains the currently entered directory . < / source >
< translation > Una cartella già configurata contiene la cartella appena inserita . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "109" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The alias can not be empty . Please provide a descriptive alias word . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > L & apos ; alias non può essere vuoto . Fornisci un alias significativo . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "120" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; br / & gt ; The alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; i s a l r e a d y i n u s e . P l e a s e p i c k a n o t h e r a l i a s . < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; br / & gt ; L & apos ; alias & lt ; i & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / i & g t ; è g i à i n u s o . I n d i c a u n a l t r o a l i a s . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "141" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Select the source folder < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Seleziona la cartella di origine < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : FolderWizardTargetPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "216" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The folder is not available on your ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Click to let mirall create it . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > La cartella non è disponibile sul tuo ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Clic per lasciare che mirall la crei . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "241" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Folder on ownCloud was successfully created . < / source >
< translation > La cartella su ownCloud è stata creata con successo . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "244" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Failed to create the folder on ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please check manually . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Non è stato possibile creare la cartella su ownCloud . & lt ; br / & gt ; Controlla manualmente . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "264" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Better do not use the remote root directory . & lt ; br / & gt ; If you do , you can & lt ; b & gt ; not & lt ; / b & g t ; m i r r o r a n o t h e r l o c a l f o l d e r . < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > È consigliabile non utilizzare la cartella radice sul server . & lt ; br / & gt ; Utilizzandola & lt ; b & gt ; non & lt ; / b & g t ; p o t r a i c r e a r e i l m i r r o r d i u n & a p o s ; a l t r a c a r t e l l a l o c a l e . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "312" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > to your & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; ( v e r s i o n % 2 ) < / s o u r c e >
< translation > al tuo & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; ( v e r s i o n e % 2 ) < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "322" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > no configured ownCloud found ! < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > non è stato trovato alcun ownCloud configurato ! < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "323" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Your ownCloud could not be reached : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Il tuo ownCloud non è raggiungibile : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/folderwizard.cpp" line = "390" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Select the target folder < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Seleziona la cartella di destinazione < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : LogBrowser < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "123" / >
< source > Log Output < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Risultato log < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "135" / >
< source > & amp ; Search : < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Cerca : < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "143" / >
< source > & amp ; Find < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Tro & amp ; va < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "161" / >
< source > Clear < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Svuota < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "162" / >
< source > Clear the log display . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Svuota la visualizzazione del log . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "168" / >
< source > S & amp ; ave < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > S & amp ; alva < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "169" / >
< source > Save the log file to a file on disk for debugging . < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Salva un file di log sul disco per il debug . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "207" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "264" / >
< source > Error < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Errore < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "208" / >
< source > & lt ; nobr & gt ; File & apos ; % 1 & apos ; & lt ; br / & gt ; cannot be opened for writing . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; The log output can & lt ; b & gt ; not & lt ; / b & g t ; b e s a v e d ! & l t ; / n o b r & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; nobr & gt ; Il file & apos ; % 1 & apos ; & lt ; br / & gt ; non può essere aperto in scrittura . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Il risultato del log & lt ; b & gt ; non & lt ; / b & g t ; p u ò e s s e r e s a l v a t o ! & l t ; / n o b r & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "254" / >
< source > Save log file < / source >
2012-08-15 04:04:21 +04:00
< translation > Salva file di log < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/logbrowser.cpp" line = "264" / >
< source > Could not write to log file < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Impossibile scrivere il file di log < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudCredentialsPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "245" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > john < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > john < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "246" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > secret < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > segreto < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudFTPAccessPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "291" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > ftp . mydomain . org < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > ftp . miodominio . org < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "292" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > john < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > john < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "293" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > secret < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > segreto < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudSetupPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "78" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > john < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > john < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "79" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > secret < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > segreto < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudSetupWizard < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "70" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > % 1 Connection Wizard < / source >
< translation > Procedura guidata di connessione di % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "129" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Trying to connect to ownCloud at % 1 . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Tentativo di connessione a ownCloud su % 1 in corso . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "161" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Successfully connected to % 1 : ownCloud version % 2 ( % 3 ) & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Connesso a % 1 : ownCloud versione % 2 ( % 3 ) & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "172" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Failed to connect to ownCloud ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Connessione ad ownCloud non riuscita ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "173" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Error : & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Errore : & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "258" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Starting script owncloud - admin . . . < / source >
< translation > Avvio script owncloud - admin . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "309" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Installation of ownCloud failed ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Installazione di ownCloud non riuscita ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "314" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; Installation of ownCloud succeeded ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; ownCloud installato correttamente ! & lt ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "347" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The owncloud admin script can not be found .
Setup can not be done . < / source >
< translation > Lo script owncloud admin non è stato trovato .
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
La configurazione non può essere completata . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "388" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > Creation of remote folder % 1 could not be started . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > La creazione della cartella remota % 1 non può essere iniziata . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "412" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > Remote folder % 1 created successfully . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > La cartella remota % 1 è stata creata correttamente . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "414" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > The remote folder % 1 already exists . Connecting it for syncing . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > La cartella remota % 1 esiste già . Connessione in corso per la sincronizzazione < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "416" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > The folder creation resulted in HTTP error code % d < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > La creazione della cartella ha prodotto un codice di errore HTTP % d < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "437" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > A sync connection from % 1 to remote directory % 2 was set up . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Una connessione di sincronizzazione da % 1 alla cartella remota % 2 è stata stabilita . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "442" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > Congratulations , your ownCloud can be connected ! < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Congratulazioni , puoi collegarti al tuo ownCloud ! < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "444" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > Press Finish to permanently accept this connection . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Premi Fine per accettare definitivamente questa connessione . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "447" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > An ownCloud connection could not be established . Please check again . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Non è possibile stabilire una connessione a ownCloud . Controlla ancora . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Skipping automatic setup of sync folders as there are already sync folders . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Checking local sync folder % 1 < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "367" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Local sync folder % 1 already exists , setting it up for sync . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / source >
< translation > La cartella di sincronizzazione locale % 1 esiste già , impostata per la sincronizzazione . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "369" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Creating local sync folder % 1 . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Creazione della cartella locale di sincronizzazione % 1 in corso . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Creating local sync folder % 1 < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "372" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > ok < / source >
< translation > ok < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "374" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > failed . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > non riuscita . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Start Creation of remote folder % 1 failed . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Remote folder % 1 created sucessfully . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "100" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Local sync folder % 1 successfully created ! & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; font color = & quot ; green & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Cartella locale % 1 creta correttamente ! & lt ; / b & g t ; & l t ; / f o n t & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > The remote folder % 1 already exists . Automatic sync setup is skipped for security reasons . Please configure your sync folder manually . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "418" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; Remote folder creation failed probably because the provided credentials are wrong . & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; Please go back and check your credentials . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; font color = & quot ; red & quot ; & gt ; La creazione della cartella remota non è riuscita probabilmente perché le credenziali fornite non sono corrette . & lt ; /font><br/ & gt ; Torna indietro e controlla le credenziali inserite . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetupwizard.cpp" line = "424" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Remote folder % 1 creation failed with error & lt ; tt & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / t t & g t ; . < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Creazione della cartella remota % 1 non riuscita con errore & lt ; tt & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / t t & g t ; . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudWizardResultPage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "416" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Congratulations ! Your & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; title = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; new ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; i s n o w u p a n d r u n n i n g ! < / s o u r c e >
< translation > Congratulazioni ! Il tuo & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; title = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; nuovo ownCloud & lt ; / a & g t ; è a t t i v o e f u n z i o n a n t e ! < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizard.cpp" line = "190" / >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< source > http : //owncloud.mydomain.org</source>
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > http : //owncloud.miodominio.org</translation>
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : ProxyDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.cpp" line = "31" / >
< source > Hostname of proxy server < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Nome host del server proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.cpp" line = "32" / >
< source > Username for proxy server < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Nome utente del server proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.cpp" line = "33" / >
< source > Password for proxy server < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Password del server proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< context >
< name > Mirall : : SslErrorDialog < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "28" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > SSL Connection < / source >
< translation > Connessione SSL < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "89" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Warnings about current SSL Connection : < / source >
< translation > Errori sulla connessione SSL corrente : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "125" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > with Certificate % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > con certificato % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "129" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "143" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Organization : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Organizzazione : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "130" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "144" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Unit : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Reparto : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "131" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "145" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Country : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Nazione : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "135" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Effective Date : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Data effettiva : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "136" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Expiry Date : % 1 < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Data di scadenza : % 1 < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrordialog.cpp" line = "140" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Issuer : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Emittente : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : StatusDialog < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "230" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Pause < / source >
< translation > Pausa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "232" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Resume < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Riprendi < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "401" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Checking ownCloud connection . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Controllo connessione a ownCloud in corso . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "406" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > No ownCloud connection configured . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Nessuna connessione a ownCloud configurata . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "428" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Connected to & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; , o w n C l o u d % 3 < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Connesso a & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 1 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; , o w n C l o u d % 3 < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "429" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Version : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Versione : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "442" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > unknown problem . < / source >
< translation > problema sconosciuto . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.cpp" line = "445" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Failed to connect to ownCloud : & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Connessione ad ownCloud non riuscita : & lt ; tt & gt ; % 1 & lt ; / t t & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : Theme < / name >
< message >
< source > Status undefined < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Waiting to start sync < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Sync is running < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Sync Success < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Sync Error - Click info button for details . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Setup Error < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : UpdateDetector < / name >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "115" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Client Version Check < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Controllo versione del client < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "117" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; A new version of the ownCloud Client is available . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Una nuova versione del client ownCloud è disponibile . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/updatedetector.cpp" line = "118" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > % 1 is available . The installed version is % 3 . & lt ; p / & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; For more information see & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 2 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > % 1 è disponibile . La versione installata è % 3 . & lt ; p / & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Per ulteriori informazioni vedi & lt ; a href = & quot ; % 2 & quot ; & gt ; % 2 & lt ; / a & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mirall : : ownCloudFolder < / name >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudfolder.cpp" line = "242" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > The CSync thread terminated . < / source >
< translation > Il thread di CSync è stato terminato . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< context >
< name > MirallConfigFile < / name >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/mirallconfigfile.cpp" line = "331" / >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< source > ownCloud Password Required < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Password di ownCloud richiesta < / translation >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-25 04:04:37 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/mirallconfigfile.cpp" line = "332" / >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< source > Please enter your ownCloud password : < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Digita la password di ownCloud : < / translation >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< context >
< name > OwncloudCredentialsPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "29" / >
< source > ownCloud Credentials < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Credenziali di ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > Provide ownCloud Credentials < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Fornisci le credenziali di ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 9 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Please enter the username and password for your ownCloud Instance . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; If you do not wish to store the credentials on your local machine , check the box . ownCloud will prompt you for your password every time the client starts . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 9 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Digita il nome utente e la password per la tua istanza di ownCloud . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Se non desideri memorizzare le credenziali sulla macchina locale , marca la casella . ownCloud chiederà la password a ogni avvio del client . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 9 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Provide username and password to connect your ownCloud Instance . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; If you do not want to store the credentials on your local machine , check the button . ownCloud will ask you for the passwort on every start than . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > ownCloud - User : < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Utente ownCloud : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "98" / >
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > Password : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudcredentialspage.ui" line = "115" / >
< source > Do not store password on local machine . < / source >
< translation > Non salvare la password sul sistema locale . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > john < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > secret < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudFTPAccessPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "29" / >
< source > FTP Access to your Webaccount : < / source >
< translation > Accesso FTP al tuo account web : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > FTP Details and Credentials < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Dettagli e credenziali FTP < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "57" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; The details here are used to install the owncloud data on your web space which is accessible over ftp . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Questi dettagli sono usati per l & apos ; installazione di owncloud nello spazio web accessibile tramite ftp . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "79" / >
< source > FTP - URL : < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > URL FTP : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "93" / >
< source > FTP - User : < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Utente FTP : < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudftpaccesspage.ui" line = "107" / >
< source > Password : < / source >
< translation > Password : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > ftp . mydomain . org < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > john < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudSetupPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "31" / >
< source > Create the ownCloud Connection < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Crea connessione a ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "39" / >
< source > Server & amp ; address : < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Indiri & amp ; zzo del server : < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > https : //</source>
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > https : //</translation>
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "58" / >
< source > Enter the url of the ownCloud you want to connect to ( without http or https ) . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Digita l & apos ; URL di ownCloud al quale vuoi collegarti ( senza http o https ) . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "71" / >
< source > Use & amp ; secure connection < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Usa connessione & amp ; sicura < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "84" / >
< source > CheckBox < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > CasellaSelezione < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "99" / >
< source > & amp ; Username : < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Nome & amp ; utente : < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "109" / >
< source > Enter the ownCloud username . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Digita il nome utente di ownCloud . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "116" / >
< source > & amp ; Password : < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > & amp ; Password : < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "126" / >
< source > Enter the ownCloud password . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Digita la password di ownCloud . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "141" / >
< source > Do not allow the local storage of the password . < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Non consentire l & apos ; archiviazione locale della password . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "144" / >
< source > & amp ; do not store Password on local machine . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Non salvare la password sulla macchina locale . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "153" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "181" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudsetuppage.ui" line = "188" / >
< source > TextLabel < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > EtichettaTesto < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudWizardResultPage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "43" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Result < / source >
< translation > Risultato < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "65" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This page shows the status of the connection . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Questa pagina mostra lo stato della connessione . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "27" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardresultpage.ui" line = "85" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > EtichettaTesto < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > OwncloudWizardSelectTypePage < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "29" / >
< source > Create an ownCloud Connection < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Crea una connessione a ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "51" / >
< source > Select the ownCloud you want to connect to < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Seleziona l & apos ; istanza di ownCloud alla quale vuoi collegarti < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > connect my ownCloud < / source >
< translation > accesso al mio ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "89" / >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 9 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Specify the ownCloud you want to connect to . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Enter the web address of your ownCloud server below . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 9 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Specifica l & apos ; istanza di ownCloud alla quale vuoi collegarti . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - size :11pt ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Digita in basso l & apos ; indirizzo web del tuo server ownCloud . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "110" / >
< source > ownCloud - Link : < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Collegamento ownCloud : < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Select this option if you have an ownCloud instance running on a server . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Enter the web address of your ownCloud below . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > ownCloud - URL : < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "120" / >
< source > Note : To specify an SSL secured connection , start the url with https . < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Nota : per specificare una connessione sicura SSL , inizia l & apos ; URL con https . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "133" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > create a new ownCloud < / source >
< translation > crea un nuovo ownCloud < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudwizardselecttypepage.ui" line = "156" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : ' S a n s S e r i f ' ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; Select if you want to create a new ownCloud either on the local machine or on your server . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; This wizard will guide you through all neccessary steps . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC & quot ; - //W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
& lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head & gt ; & lt ; meta name = & quot ; qrichtext & quot ; content = & quot ; 1 & quot ; / & g t ; & l t ; s t y l e t y p e = & q u o t ; t e x t / c s s & q u o t ; & g t ;
p , li { white - space : pre - wrap ; }
& lt ; / s t y l e & g t ; & l t ; / h e a d & g t ; & l t ; b o d y s t y l e = & q u o t ; f o n t - f a m i l y : & a p o s ; S a n s S e r i f & a p o s ; ; f o n t - s i z e : 1 1 p t ; f o n t - w e i g h t : 4 0 0 ; f o n t - s t y l e : n o r m a l ; & q u o t ; & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
Seleziona questa opzione se vuoi creare una nuova istanza di ownCloud in locale o in remoto . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ;
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
& lt ; p style = & quot ; - qt - paragraph - type : empty ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p style = & quot ; margin - top :0px ; margin - bottom :0px ; margin - left :0px ; margin - right :0px ; - qt - block - indent :0 ; text - indent :0px ; & quot ; & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; color : # 585858 ; & quot ; & gt ;
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
Questa procedura guidata ti aiuterà durante i passaggi necessari . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > http : //owncloud.mydomain.org</source>
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > QObject < / name >
< message >
< source > ownCloud Password Required < / source >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > Please enter your ownCloud password : < / source >
2012-08-18 04:03:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "34" / >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "52" / >
< source > Status undefined < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > Stato non definito < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "37" / >
< source > Waiting to start sync < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > In attesa di sincronizzazione < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "40" / >
< source > Sync is running < / source >
2012-08-16 04:04:24 +04:00
< translation > La sincronizzazione è in corso < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "43" / >
< source > Sync Success < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Sincronizzazione completata < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "46" / >
< source > Sync Error - Click info button for details . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Errore di sincronizzazione - Clic sul pulsante informazioni per i dettagli . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/theme.cpp" line = "49" / >
< source > Setup Error < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Errore di configurazione < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > appname < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/owncloudtheme.cpp" line = "36" / >
< source > ownCloud < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > proxyDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Proxy Settings < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Impostazioni proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Configure Proxies to access your ownCloud < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Configura proxy per accedere a ownCloud < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "43" / >
< source > No Proxy < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Nessun proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "53" / >
< source > Use system proxy < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Usa proxy di sistema < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "60" / >
< source > Manual proxy configuration < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Configurazione manuale proxy < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > User < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Utente < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "116" / >
< source > Password < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Password < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "142" / >
< source > Port < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Porta < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "149" / >
< source > Host < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Host < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/proxydialog.ui" line = "172" / >
< source > Proxy server requires password < / source >
2012-08-19 04:03:13 +04:00
< translation > Il server proxy richiede una password < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > sslErrorsDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrorsdialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrorsdialog.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Check if you want to continue via SSL and trust the shown certificates . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Verifica se desideri continuare utilizzando SSL e considerare affidabili i certificati mostrati . < / translation >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Check if you want t continue via SSL and trust the shown certificates . < / source >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/sslerrorsdialog.ui" line = "44" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > SSL Connection < / source >
< translation > Connessione SSL < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > statusDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "14" / >
< source > Form < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Modulo < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "25" / >
< source > Sync Directory Status < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Stato di sincronizzazione della cartella < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "41" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Add Sync . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Aggiugi sincronizzazione . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "48" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Remove . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Rimuovi . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "58" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Fetch . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Recupera . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "65" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Push . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Invia . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "72" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Pause < / source >
< translation > Pausa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "79" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Info . . . < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > Informazioni . . . < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "103" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > TextLabel < / source >
2012-08-23 04:02:45 +04:00
< translation > EtichettaTesto < / translation >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< / message >
< message >
2012-08-13 01:33:05 +04:00
< location filename = "../src/mirall/statusdialog.ui" line = "132" / >
2012-08-10 13:22:30 +04:00
< source > Close < / source >
< translation > Chiudi < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< / TS >