{ "translations": { "Forms" : "表單", "{user} has shared the form {formTitle} with you" : "{user} 已與您分享了表單 {formTitle}", "{user} has shared the form {formTitle} with group {group}" : "{user} 已與群組 {group} 分享了表單 {formTitle}", "{user} answered your form {formTitle}" : "{user} 已回應您的表單 {formTitle}", "Anonymous user" : "匿名使用者", "A form has been shared with you" : "有人與您分享了表單", "Someone answered a form" : "某人回應了表單", "Copy" : "複製", "Anonymous response" : "匿名回應", "Shared by %s" : "由 %s 分享", "User display name" : "使用顯示名稱", "Timestamp" : "時間戳", "responses" : "回應", "📝 Simple surveys and questionnaires, self-hosted" : "📝 可自架的簡易調查與問卷系統", "**Simple surveys and questionnaires, self-hosted!**\n\n- **📝 Simple design:** No mass of options, only the essentials. Works well on mobile of course.\n- **📊 View & export results:** Results are visualized and can also be exported as CSV in the same format used by Google Forms.\n- **🔒 Data under your control!** Unlike in Google Forms, Typeform, Doodle and others, the survey info and responses are kept private on your instance.\n- **🙋 Get involved!** We have lots of stuff planned like more question types, collaboration on forms, [and much more](https://github.com/nextcloud/forms/milestones)!" : "**可自行搭建的簡易調查與問卷系統!**\n\n- **📝 簡潔設計:** 沒有繁複的設定,只有最基本的元件。當然可以良好相容於行動裝置。\n- **📊 檢視與匯出結果:** 結果可視覺化呈現,也可以使用與 Google 表單相同的CSV格式匯出。\n- **🔒 您的資料,由您掌控!** 不像 Google 表單、Typeform、Doodle 或是其他服務,調查資訊與作答反應會保留在您的站台上不會外洩。\n- **🙋 一起參與!** 我們計畫了很多東西,像是更多的問題類型、表單協作等,[當然還有更多](https://github.com/nextcloud/forms/milestones)!", "New form" : "新增表單", "Your Forms" : "您的表單", "Shared with you" : "與您分享", "Loading forms …" : "正在載入表單……", "No forms created yet" : "尚未建立表單", "Create a form" : "建立表單", "Select a form or create a new one" : "選取表單或建立新的", "Create new form" : "建立新表單", "An error occurred while loading the forms list" : "載入表單列表時發生錯誤", "Unable to create a new form" : "無法建立新表單", "Unable to copy form" : "無法複製表單", "Results" : "結果", "Copy form" : "複製表單", "Delete form" : "刪除表單", "Form link copied" : "已複製表單連結", "Cannot copy, please copy the link manually" : "無法複製,請手動複製連結", "Share link" : "分享連結", "Are you sure you want to delete {title}?" : "您確定您想要刪除 {title} 嗎?", "Error while deleting {title}" : "刪除 {title} 時發生錯誤", "An answer for the {index} option" : "{index} 選項的答案", "Answer number {index}" : "回應編號 {index}", "Delete answer" : "刪除答案", "Error while saving the answer" : "儲存答案時發生錯誤", "Question number {index}" : "問題編號 {index}", "Drag to reorder the questions" : "拖曳以重新排序問題", "Title of question number {index}" : "問題編號 {index} 的標題", "Required" : "必填", "Delete question" : "刪除問題", "Description" : "描述", "This question needs a title!" : "此問題需要標題!", "Add a new answer" : "新增新答案", "There was an issue deleting this option" : "刪除此選項時發生問題", "A long answer for the question “{text}”" : "問題「{text}」的長答案", "A short answer for the question “{text}”" : "問題「{text}」的短答案", "Delete this response" : "刪除此回應", "No response" : "無回應", "User or group name …" : "使用者或群組名稱……", "No recommendations. Start typing." : "無建議。開始打字。", "Searching …" : "正在搜尋……", "No elements found." : "找不到元素。", "Group" : "群組", "Loading {title} …" : "正在載入 {title}……", "Toggle settings" : "切換設定", "Form title" : "表單標題", "Add a question" : "新增問題", "Responses are anonymous." : "回應是匿名的。", "Responses are connected to your Nextcloud account." : "作答回應已連結您的 Nextcloud 帳號。", "An asterisk (*) indicates mandatory questions." : "星號 (*) 表示為必填問題。", "There was an error while adding the new question" : "新增新問題時發生錯誤", "There was an error while removing the question" : "移除問題時發生錯誤", "Error while saving form" : "儲存表單時發生錯誤", "Loading responses …" : "正在載入回應……", "Back to questions" : "回到問題", "{amount} responses" : "{amount} 則回應", "Summary" : "摘要", "Responses" : "回應", "Options" : "設定", "Save CSV to Files" : "儲存為 CSV 檔案", "Download CSV" : "下載 CSV", "Delete all responses" : "刪除所有回應", "No responses yet" : "尚無回應", "Results of submitted forms will show up here" : "遞交表單的結果將會在此顯示", "There was an error while loading the results" : "載入結果時發生錯誤", "Export successful to {file}" : "成功匯出為{檔案}", "There was an error, while exporting to Files" : "匯出為檔案時發生錯誤", "There was an error while removing this response" : "移除此回應時發生錯誤", "Are you sure you want to delete all responses of {title}?" : "您確定您想要刪除 {title} 的所有回應嗎?", "There was an error while removing responses" : "移除回應時發生錯誤", "Share form" : "分享表單", "Share via link" : "透過連結分享", "Show to all users of this instance" : "對此站台所有的使用者開放表單", "Choose users to share with" : "選擇要分享的使用者", "Settings" : "設定", "Anonymous responses" : "匿名回應", "Allow multiple responses per person" : "允許單人送出多次作答回應", "Set expiration date" : "設定到期日", "Expiration date" : "到期日", "Select expiration date" : "選取到期日期", "Expired on {date}" : "已於 {date} 過期", "Expires on {date}" : "於 {date} 到期", "Submitting form …" : "正在遞交表單……", "Thank you for completing the form!" : "感謝您填寫表單!", "Submit" : "送出", "Submit form" : "遞交表單", "There was an error submitting the form" : "遞交表單時發生錯誤", "Error while saving question" : "儲存問題時發生錯誤", "Checkboxes" : "多重勾選框", "Checkbox question title" : "多重勾選框問題標題", "This question needs a title and at least one answer!" : "此問題需要設定標題且至少一個選項!", "Multiple choice" : "多項目單選題", "Multiple choice question title" : "多項目單選題標題", "Dropdown" : "下拉式選單", "Dropdown question title" : "下拉式式選單標題", "People can pick one option" : "使人可以選擇一個選項", "Pick an option" : "選取一個選項", "Short answer" : "短文字簡答", "Short answer question title" : "短文字簡答題標題", "People can enter a short answer" : "使人可以輸入短文字作答", "Enter your answer" : "輸入您的答案", "Long text" : "長文字", "Long text question title" : "長文字問題標題", "People can enter a long text" : "可使人輸入長文字", "Date" : "日期", "Date question title" : "日期問題標題", "People can pick a date" : "可使人選取日期", "Pick a date" : "選取日期", "Datetime" : "日期時間", "Datetime question title" : "日期時間問題標題", "People can pick a date and time" : "可使人選取日期與時間", "Pick a date and time" : "選取日期與時間", "Time" : "時間", "Time question title" : "時間問題標題", "People can pick a time" : "人們可以挑選時間", "Pick a time" : "挑選時間", "Form expired" : "表單已過期", "This form has expired and is no longer taking answers" : "此表單已過期,不再接受回應", "Form not found" : "找不到表單", "This form does not exist" : "此表單不存在" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }