import import // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath "${ANDROID_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION}" classpath "com.jfrog.bintray.gradle:gradle-bintray-plugin:${GRADLE_BINTRAY_PLUGIN_VERSION}" classpath "com.github.dcendents:android-maven-gradle-plugin:${ANDROID_MAVEN_GRADLE_PLUGIN_VERSION}" // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files } } plugins { id "" version "3.1.2" } project.ext { buildToolsVersion = "${BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION}" compileSdkVersion = COMPILE_SDK_VERSION.toInteger() minSdkVersion = MIN_SDK_VERSION samplesMinSdkVersion = SAMPLES_MIN_SDK_VERSION targetSdkVersion = TARGET_SDK_VERSION preDexLibs = !project.hasProperty('disablePreDex') } subprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() } task allclean { } afterEvaluate { project -> allclean.dependsOn(project.tasks.matching { == 'clean'}) if (project.tasks.matching { == 'assembleRelease'}) { def jarList = new ArrayList() task setJarList(dependsOn: assembleRelease) << { configurations.compile.each { jarList.add(it) } } task copyDeps(dependsOn: setJarList, type: Copy) { from jarList into 'build/external' } } } project.plugins.whenPluginAdded { plugin -> if ("".equals( { = rootProject.ext.preDexLibs } else if ("".equals( { = rootProject.ext.preDexLibs } } apply plugin: '' ext.makeNdkTasks = { name, deps -> task "ndk_build_${name}"(dependsOn: deps, type: Exec) { inputs.files("src/main/jni/${name}") outputs.dir("$buildDir/${name}") commandLine getNdkBuildFullPath(project), 'NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null', 'NDK_APPLICATION_MK=../', 'NDK_OUT=' + temporaryDir, "NDK_LIBS_OUT=$buildDir/${name}", '-C', file("src/main/jni/${name}").absolutePath, '--jobs', Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() } task "ndk_clean_$name"(type: Exec) { ignoreExitValue true commandLine getNdkBuildFullPath(project), 'NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null', 'NDK_APPLICATION_MK=../', 'NDK_OUT=' + temporaryDir, "NDK_LIBS_OUT=$buildDir/${name}", '-C', file("src/main/jni/${name}").absolutePath, 'clean' } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { compileTask -> compileTask.dependsOn "ndk_build_$name" } clean.dependsOn "ndk_clean_$name" } ext.getNdkBuildName = { if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) { return "ndk-build.cmd" } else { return "ndk-build" } } ext.getNdkBuildFullPath = { Project project -> File propFile = project.rootProject.file('') if (!propFile.exists()) { return getNdkBuildName() } Properties properties = new Properties() properties.load(propFile.newDataInputStream()) def ndkCommand = properties.getProperty('ndk.command') if (ndkCommand != null) { return ndkCommand } def path = null def ndkPath = properties.getProperty('ndk.path') if (ndkPath != null) { path = ndkPath } else { def ndkDir = properties.getProperty('ndk.dir') if (ndkDir != null) { path = ndkDir } } if (path != null) { if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) { path += File.separator } return path + getNdkBuildName() } else { // if none of above is provided, we assume ndk-build is already in $PATH return getNdkBuildName() } } ext.nativeDepsDir = new File("${projectDir}/nativedeps") ext.downloadsDir = new File("${nativeDepsDir}/downloads") ext.mergeDir = new File("${nativeDepsDir}/merge") task removeNativeDeps(type: Delete) { delete nativeDepsDir } allclean.dependsOn removeNativeDeps task createNativeDepsDirectories { nativeDepsDir.mkdirs() downloadsDir.mkdirs() mergeDir.mkdirs() } ext.createNativeLibrariesTasks = {name, libraryUrl, libraryFileName, libraryDestinationDir, sourceDir, includePaths, destinationDir -> // We create the DownloadTask tasks.create("download${name}", Download) { src libraryUrl onlyIfNewer true overwrite false dest downloadsDir dependsOn createNativeDepsDirectories } // The unpack task tasks.create("unpack${name}", Copy) { String filePath = "${downloadLibjpeg.dest}/${libraryFileName}" ReadableResource resource if (filePath.endsWith("gz")) { resource = resources.gzip(filePath) } else if (filePath.endsWith("bz2")) { resource = resources.bzip2(filePath) } else { throw new GradleException("Could not unpack library " + filePath) } from tarTree(resource) into "${downloadsDir}/${libraryDestinationDir}" dependsOn "download${name}" } // The copy task Task unpackTask = tasks.getByName("unpack${name}") tasks.create("copy${name}", Copy) { from "${unpackTask.destinationDir}/${sourceDir}" from "src/main/jni/third-party/${destinationDir}" include(includePaths) into "${mergeDir}/${destinationDir}" dependsOn "unpack${name}" } } // Libjpeg-turbo createNativeLibrariesTasks( 'Libjpeg', // Name for the tasks "${LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The Url for download "${LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The downloaded file 'libjpeg', // The folder where the file is downloaded "libjpeg-turbo-${LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION}", // The first dir where we have put our customisation ['**/*.c', '**/*.h','**/*.S', '**/*.asm', '**/*.inc', '*.mk'], // Files to compile "libjpeg-turbo-${LIBJPEG_TURBO_VERSION}" // Final destination dir ) // Libpng createNativeLibrariesTasks( 'Libpng', // Name for the tasks "${LIBPNG_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The Url for download "v${LIBPNG_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The downloaded file 'libpng', // The folder where the file is downloaded "libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}", // The first dir where we have put our customisation ['**/*.c', '**/*.h', '**/*.S', '*.mk'], // Files to compile "libpng-${LIBPNG_VERSION}" // Final destination dir ) // Gif createNativeLibrariesTasks( 'Giflib', // Name for the tasks "${GIFLIB_VERSION}.orig.tar.bz2", // The Url for download "giflib_${GIFLIB_VERSION}.orig.tar.bz2", // The downloaded file 'giflib', // The folder where the file is downloaded "giflib-${GIFLIB_VERSION}/lib", // The first dir where we have put our customisation ['*.c', '*.h', '*.mk'], // Files to compile "giflib" // Final destination dir ) // Webp createNativeLibrariesTasks( 'Libwebp', // Name for the tasks "${LIBWEBP_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The Url for download "v${LIBWEBP_VERSION}.tar.gz", // The downloaded file 'libwebp', // The folder where the file is downloaded "libwebp-${LIBWEBP_VERSION}", // The first dir where we have put our customisation ['src/**/*.c', 'src/**/*.h', '*.mk'], // Files to compile "libwebp-${LIBWEBP_VERSION}" // Final destination dir ) }