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Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

"GitHub" : "GitHub",
"Error getting OAuth access token" : "Earráid agus comhartha rochtana OAuth á fháil",
"Error during OAuth exchanges" : "Earráid le linn malartuithe OAuth",
"GitHub notifications" : "Fógraí GitHub",
"More notifications" : "Tuilleadh fógraí",
"GitHub code permalink" : "Permalink cód GitHub",
"GitHub issues, pull requests and comments" : "Eisíonn GitHub, tarraing iarratais agus tuairimí",
"Comment" : "Trácht",
"GitHub issues and pull requests" : "Eisíonn GitHub agus iarratais tarraingthe",
"GitHub repositories" : "Taisclanna GitHub",
"Bad HTTP method" : "Droch-mhodh HTTP",
"Bad credentials" : "Dintiúir dona",
"OAuth access token refused" : "Diúltaíodh comhartha rochtana OAuth",
"Connected accounts" : "Cuntais nasctha",
"GitHub integration" : "Comhtháthú GitHub",
"Integration of GitHub software development management service" : "Comhtháthú na seirbhíse bainistíochta forbartha bogearraí GitHub",
"GitHub integration provides a dashboard widget displaying your most important notifications\n and a unified search provider for repositories, issues and pull requests. It also provides a link reference provider\n to render links to issues, pull requests and comments in Talk and Text." : "Soláthraíonn comhtháthú GitHub giuirléid deais a thaispeánann do chuid fógraí is tábhachtaí\nagus soláthraí cuardaigh aontaithe le haghaidh stórtha, eisiúintí agus iarratais tarraingthe. Soláthraíonn sé soláthraí tagartha naisc freisin\nchun naisc le saincheisteanna a sholáthar, iarratais agus tuairimí a tharraingt in Talk and Text.",
"If you want to allow your Nextcloud users to use OAuth to authenticate to, create an OAuth application in your GitHub settings." : "Más mian leat ligean do dúsáideoirí Nextcloud OAuth a úsáid chun a fhíordheimhniú chuig, cruthaigh feidhmchlár OAuth i do shocruithe GitHub.",
"GitHub OAuth settings" : "Socruithe GitHub OAuth",
"Set \"Application name\", \"Homepage URL\" and \"Application description\" to values that will make sense to your Nextcloud users as they will see them when connecting to GitHub using your OAuth app." : "Socraigh \"Ainm an Iarratais\", \"URL Leathanach Baile\" agus \"Cur síos ar an Iarratas\" chuig luachanna a dhéanfaidh ciall do d'úsáideoirí Nextcloud mar a fheicfidh siad iad agus iad ag nascadh le GitHub ag baint úsáide as d'aip OAuth.",
"Make sure you set the \"Authorization callback URL\" to" : "Cinntigh go bhfuil an \"URL aisghlao Údaraithe\" socraithe agat",
"Put the OAuth app \"Client ID\" and \"Client secret\" below." : "Cuir an aip OAuth \"Cliant ID\" agus \"Rúnda an Chliaint\" thíos.",
"Your Nextcloud users will then see a \"Connect to GitHub\" button in their personal settings." : "Feicfidh dúsáideoirí Nextcloud cnaipe “Ceangail le GitHub” ina socruithe pearsanta ansin.",
"Client ID" : "Aitheantas Cliant",
"Client ID of your GitHub application" : "ID Cliant d'fheidhmchlár GitHub",
"Client secret" : "Rún an chliaint",
"Client secret of your GitHub application" : "Rún an chliaint maidir le d'iarratas GitHub",
"The default access token will be used for link previews and unified search by users who didn't connect to GitHub." : "Úsáidfear an comhartha rochtana réamhshocraithe le haghaidh réamhamhairc naisc agus cuardach aontaithe ag úsáideoirí nár nasc le GitHub.",
"Default access token" : "Comhartha rochtana réamhshocraithe",
"personal access token" : "comhartha rochtana pearsanta",
"Use default access token for anonymous users" : "Úsáid comhartha rochtana réamhshocraithe d'úsáideoirí gan ainm",
"Use default access token for guest users" : "Úsáid an comhartha rochtana réamhshocraithe le haghaidh úsáideoirí aoi",
"Use a pop-up for OAuth authentication" : "Úsáid preabfhuinneog le haghaidh fíordheimhnithe OAuth",
"Enable GitHub link previews" : "Cumasaigh réamhamhairc naisc GitHub",
"Enable GitHub dashboard widget" : "Cumasaigh giuirléid deais GitHub",
"GitHub admin options saved" : "Sábháladh roghanna riaracháin GitHub",
"Failed to save GitHub admin options" : "Theip ar shábháil roghanna riaracháin GitHub",
"When you create a personal access token yourself, give it at least \"read:user\", \"user:email\" and \"notifications\" permissions." : "Nuair a chruthaíonn tú tú féin comhartha rochtana pearsanta, tabhair ceadanna \"read:user\", \"user:email\" agus \"fógraí\" dó ar a laghad.",
"GitHub personal access tokens" : "Comharthaí rochtana pearsanta GitHub",
"Enable navigation link" : "Cumasaigh nasc nascleanúna",
"Personal access token" : "Comhartha rochtana pearsanta",
"GitHub personal access token" : "Comhartha rochtana pearsanta GitHub",
"Connect to GitHub" : "Ceangail le GitHub",
"Connected as {user}" : "Ceangailte mar {user}",
"Disconnect from GitHub" : "Dícheangail ó GitHub",
"Enable searching for repositories" : "Cumasaigh cuardach do stórtha",
"Enable searching for issues and pull requests" : "Cumasaigh cuardach le haghaidh saincheisteanna agus iarratais tarraingthe",
"Warning, everything you type in the search bar will be sent to GitHub." : "Rabhadh, seolfar gach rud a chlóscríobhann tú sa bharra cuardaigh chuig GitHub.",
"Connected to GitHub!" : "Ceangailte le GitHub!",
"GitHub OAuth error:" : "Earráid GitHub OAuth:",
"GitHub options saved" : "Roghanna GitHub sábháilte",
"Invalid access token" : "Comhartha rochtana neamhbhailí",
"Failed to save GitHub options" : "Theip ar shábháil roghanna GitHub",
"Loading data" : "Sonraí á lódáil",
"OMG! No GitHub notifications!" : "Ó MO DHIA! Gan aon fhógraí GitHub!",
"Mark as read" : "Marcáil mar léite",
"Unsubscribe" : "Díliostáil",
"No GitHub account connected" : "Níl aon chuntas GitHub ceangailte",
"Error connecting to GitHub" : "Earráid agus ceangal á dhéanamh le GitHub",
"No GitHub notifications!" : "Gan aon fhógraí GitHub!",
"Loading..." : "Á lódáil...",
"Failed to get GitHub notifications" : "Theip ar fhógraí GitHub a fháil",
"Successfully unsubscribed" : "D'éirigh le díliostáil",
"Failed to edit GitHub notification" : "Theip ar an bhfógra GitHub a chur in eagar",
"GitHub API error" : "Earráid API GitHub",
"Unknown error" : "Earráid anaithnid",
"GitHub connected accounts settings" : "Socruithe cuntais ceangailte le GitHub",
"Click to fold/unfold content" : "Cliceáil chun ábhar a fhilleadh/a dhífhilleadh",
"Line {begin} to {end}" : "Líne {begin} go {end}",
"Line {line}" : "Líne {line}",
"by {creator}" : "le {cruthaitheoir}",
"Author" : "Údar",
"Owner" : "Úinéir",
"Click to unfold comment" : "Cliceáil chun trácht a oscailt",
"Click to fold comment" : "Cliceáil chun trácht a fhilleadh",
"Open issue" : "Eagrán oscailte",
"Closed as not planned issue" : "Dúnta mar cheist nach bhfuil beartaithe",
"Closed issue" : "Eisiúint dúnta",
"Open draft pull request" : "Oscail iarratas tarraingte dréachta",
"Open pull request" : "Iarratas tarraingt oscailte",
"Merged pull request" : "Iarratas tarraingthe cumaiscthe",
"Closed pull request" : "Iarratas tarraingt dúnta",
"Unknown state" : "Stát anaithnid",
"Draft" : "Dréacht",
"{logins} reacted with {emoji} emoji" : "D'fhreagair {logins} le {emoji} emoji",
"Review requested" : "Athbhreithniú iarrtha",
"opened {relativeDate}" : "oscail {relativeDate}",
"was closed {relativeDate}" : "dúnta {relativeDate}",
"was merged {relativeDate}" : "cumasc {relativeDate}",
"Comment from {login}" : "Nóta tráchta ó {login}",
"commented {date}" : "dúirt {date}",
"edited {date}" : "curtha in eagar {date}",
"Assigned to {login}" : "Sannta do {login}",
"Failed to save GitHub OAuth state" : "Theip ar shábháil stát GitHub OAuth"
"nplurals=5; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4);");