# Nextcloud Maps **With MapLibre-GL support** **🌍🌏🌎 The whole world fits inside your cloud!** ![](screenshots/screenshot1.png) - **🗺 Beautiful map:** Using [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org) and [Leaflet](https://leafletjs.com), you can choose between standard map, satellite, topographical, dark mode or even watercolor! 🎨 - **⭐ Favorites:** Save your favorite places, privately! Sync with [GNOME Maps](https://github.com/nextcloud/maps/issues/30) and mobile apps is planned. - **🧭 Routing:** Possible using either [OSRM](http://project-osrm.org), [GraphHopper](https://www.graphhopper.com) or [Mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com). - **🖼 Photos on the map:** No more boring slideshows, just show directly where you were! - **🙋 Contacts on the map:** See where your friends live and plan your next visit. - **📱 Devices:** Lost your phone? Check the map! - **〰 Tracks:** Load GPS tracks or past trips. Recording with [PhoneTrack](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.eneiluj.nextcloud.phonetrack/) or [OwnTracks](https://owntracks.org) is planned. Future plans: - **📆 Events on the map:** Know where you need to go next! - **🗺 Different projections:** The [Mercator projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection) is very biased, as you can see from [The True Size of Africa](http://kai.sub.blue/en/africa.html). Another view like the [Gall-Peters projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall%E2%80%93Peters_projection) would be a possibility. ## User Documentation ### My Maps Custom maps are stored by default in the "/Maps" folder. This folder can be found in the files app. Other folders turned into map by placing a ".index.maps" file into it. Content can therefore be added via: - Webdav (Desktop and Mobile clients) - Files app - Maps app Custom maps can then be shared from the maps or any other app. #### Sharing map Maps can be shared using the nextcloud sharing system. ![](screenshots/shareMap.gif) #### Favorites on custom map Favorites on custom the custom maps are stored in the .favorites.json file. Shared favorite categories can be linked to a custom map. Linked favorite categories are read-only. They can be edited on the owners default map. These links are stored in the ".favorite_shares.json". ![](screenshots/addFavorites.gif) #### Contacts on custom map Contacts on custom maps are stored as vCards (*.vfc) files. ![](screenshots/addContacts.gif) #### Tracks on custom map Tracks on custom map are stored as "*.gpx files". ![](screenshots/addTracks.gif) #### Photos on custom map Photos are stored in the corresponding folder. They can be added from files ![](screenshots/addPhotosFromFiles.gif) or from maps ![](screenshots/addPhotosFromMap.gif) Existing photo albums can be viewed on the map by placing a ".index.maps" file into it. ![](screenshots/photoAlbumOnMap.gif) Scanning photos take time. Therefore photos are scanned in the background. After adding photos it might take a while, until the scan is done and the photos are shown on the map. ## 🏗 Development setup This requires that you [install node and npm](https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm). 1. ☁ Clone this app into the `apps` folder of your Nextcloud: `git clone https://github.com/nextcloud/maps.git` 2. 👩‍💻 In the folder of the app, run the command `make` to install dependencies and build the Javascript. 3. ✅ Enable the app through the app management of your Nextcloud 4. 🎉 Partytime! Help fix [some issues](https://github.com/nextcloud/maps/issues) and [review pull requests](https://github.com/nextcloud/maps/pulls) 👍 ## Admin documentation Media scans are performed with the regular system background job. Scans can also be manually triggered via occ command: `./occ maps:scan-photos` to rescan photos' GPS exif data `./occ maps:scan-tracks` to rescan track files