(function($, OC) { $(function() { if (window.isSecureContext) { window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('geo', OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/openGeoLink/') + '%s', 'Nextcloud Maps'); } mapController.initMap(); mapController.map.favoritesController = favoritesController; favoritesController.initFavorites(mapController.map); routingController.initRoutingControl(mapController.map); photosController.initLayer(mapController.map); nonLocalizedPhotosController.initLayer(mapController.map); mapController.map.photosController = photosController; contactsController.initLayer(mapController.map); mapController.map.contactsController = contactsController; tracksController.initController(mapController.map); tracksController.map.tracksController = tracksController; devicesController.initController(mapController.map); mapController.map.devicesController = devicesController; searchController.initController(mapController.map); // once controllers have been set/initialized, we can restore option values from server optionsController.restoreOptions(); geoLinkController.showLinkLocation(); // Popup $(document).on('click', '#opening-hours-header', function() { $('#opening-hours-table').toggle(); $('#opening-hours-table-toggle-expand').toggle(); $('#opening-hours-table-toggle-collapse').toggle(); }); document.onkeydown = function (e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.key === 'Escape') { if (favoritesController.movingFavoriteId !== null) { favoritesController.leaveMoveFavoriteMode(); } if (contactsController.movingBookid !== null) { contactsController.leaveMoveContactMode(); } if (photosController.movingPhotoPath !== null) { photosController.leaveMovePhotoMode(); } } }; window.onclick = function(event) { $('.leaflet-control-layers').hide(); $('.easy-button-container').show(); if (!event.target.matches('.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button button')) { $('.app-navigation-entry-menu.open').removeClass('open'); } }; }); var geoLinkController = { marker: null, lat: null, lng: null, showLinkLocation: function() { var geourlElem = document.getElementById('geourl'); if (geourlElem) { var geourl = geourlElem.value; [this.lat, this.lng] = geourl.substring(4).split(','); this.marker = L.marker([this.lat, this.lng]); mapController.map.addLayer(this.marker); mapController.map.setView([this.lat, this.lng], 15); } }, shareLocation: function(e) { var lat = e.latlng.lat; var lng = e.latlng.lng; var geoLink = 'geo:' + lat.toFixed(6) + ',' + lng.toFixed(6); var dummy = $('').val(geoLink).appendTo('body').select(); document.execCommand('copy'); $('#dummycopy').remove(); OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Geo link ({geoLink}) copied to clipboard', {geoLink: geoLink})); }, }; var optionsController = { optionValues: {}, enabledFavoriteCategories: [], enabledTracks: [], enabledDevices: [], enabledDeviceLines: [], saveOptionValues: function (optionValues) { var req = { options: optionValues }; var url = OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/saveOptionValue'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary( t('maps', 'Failed to save option values') ); }); }, restoreOptions: function () { var that = this; var url = OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/getOptionsValues'); var req = {}; var optionsValues = {}; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { optionsValues = response.values; // set tilelayer before showing photo layer because it needs a max zoom value if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('tileLayer')) { mapController.changeTileLayer(optionsValues.tileLayer); } else { mapController.changeTileLayer('OpenStreetMap'); } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('photosLayer') || optionsValues.photosLayer === 'true') { photosController.toggleLayer(); } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('contactLayer') || optionsValues.contactLayer === 'true') { contactsController.toggleLayer(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('locControlEnabled') && optionsValues.locControlEnabled === 'true') { mapController.locControl.start(); } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('favoriteCategoryListShow') || optionsValues.favoriteCategoryListShow === 'true') { favoritesController.toggleCategoryList(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('enabledFavoriteCategories') && optionsValues.enabledFavoriteCategories && optionsValues.enabledFavoriteCategories !== '') { that.enabledFavoriteCategories = optionsValues.enabledFavoriteCategories.split('|'); if (favoritesController.favoritesLoaded) { favoritesController.restoreCategoriesState(that.enabledFavoriteCategories); } } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('favoritesEnabled') || optionsValues.favoritesEnabled === 'true') { favoritesController.toggleFavorites(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('routingEnabled') && optionsValues.routingEnabled === 'true') { routingController.toggleRouting(); } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('trackListShow') || optionsValues.trackListShow === 'true') { tracksController.toggleTrackList(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('enabledTracks') && optionsValues.enabledTracks && optionsValues.enabledTracks !== '') { that.enabledTracks = optionsValues.enabledTracks.split('|').map(function (x) { return parseInt(x); }); if (tracksController.trackListLoaded) { tracksController.restoreTracksState(that.enabledTracks); } } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('tracksEnabled') || optionsValues.tracksEnabled === 'true') { tracksController.toggleTracks(); } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('deviceListShow') || optionsValues.deviceListShow === 'true') { devicesController.toggleDeviceList(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('enabledDevices') && optionsValues.enabledDevices && optionsValues.enabledDevices !== '') { that.enabledDevices = optionsValues.enabledDevices.split('|').map(function (x) { return parseInt(x); }); if (devicesController.deviceListLoaded) { devicesController.restoreDevicesState(that.enabledDevices); } } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('enabledDeviceLines') && optionsValues.enabledDeviceLines && optionsValues.enabledDeviceLines !== '') { that.enabledDeviceLines = optionsValues.enabledDeviceLines.split('|').map(function (x) { return parseInt(x); }); if (devicesController.deviceListLoaded) { devicesController.restoreDeviceLinesState(that.enabledDeviceLines); } } if (!optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('devicesEnabled') || optionsValues.devicesEnabled === 'true') { devicesController.toggleDevices(); } if (optionsValues.hasOwnProperty('trackMe') && optionsValues.trackMe === 'true') { $('#track-me').prop('checked', true); devicesController.launchTrackLoop(); } // save tile layer when changed // do it after restore, otherwise restoring triggers save mapController.map.on('baselayerchange ', function(e) { optionsController.saveOptionValues({tileLayer: e.name}); // make sure map is clean for (var ol in mapController.baseOverlays) { mapController.map.removeLayer(mapController.baseOverlays[ol]); } for (var tl in mapController.baseLayers) { if (tl !== e.name) { mapController.map.removeLayer(mapController.baseLayers[tl]); } } if (e.name === 'Watercolor') { mapController.map.addLayer(mapController.baseOverlays['Roads and labels']); } mapController.layerChanged(e.name); }); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary( t('maps', 'Failed to restore options values') ); }); } }; var mapController = { searchMarker: {}, map: {}, locControl: undefined, baseLayers: undefined, displaySearchResult: function(result) { if(this.searchMarker) this.map.removeLayer(this.searchMarker); this.searchMarker = L.marker([result.lat, result.lon], { icon: this.searchIcon }); var name = result.display_name; var popupContent = searchController.parseOsmResult(result); this.searchMarker.bindPopup(popupContent); this.searchMarker.addTo(this.map); this.searchMarker.openPopup(); this.map.flyTo([result.lat, result.lon], 15, {duration: 1}); }, initMap: function() { var that = this; this.searchIcon = L.divIcon({ iconAnchor: [12, 25], className: 'route-waypoint route-middle-waypoint', html: '' }); var attribution = '© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA'; var osm = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution : attribution, noWrap: false, detectRetina: false, maxZoom: 19 }); var attributionESRI = 'Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN...'; var ESRIAerial = L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', { attribution : attributionESRI, noWrap: false, detectRetina: true, maxZoom: 19 }); var roadsOverlay = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.se/hydda/roads_and_labels/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { maxZoom: 18, opacity: 0.7, attribution: 'OpenStreetMap Sweden — Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors' }); var ESRITopo = L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', { attribution : attributionESRI, noWrap: false, detectRetina: false, maxZoom: 19 }); var attributionOpenTopo = 'Map data: © OpenStreetMap, SRTM | Map style: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)'; var openTopo = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution : attributionOpenTopo, noWrap: false, detectRetina: false, maxZoom: 17 }); var attributionDark = '© Map tiles by CartoDB, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.'; var dark = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution : attributionDark, noWrap: false, detectRetina: false, maxZoom: 18 }); var attributionWatercolor = 'Leaflet | © Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0, Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA.'; var watercolor = L.tileLayer('https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}', { attribution : attributionWatercolor, noWrap: false, detectRetina: false, maxZoom: 18, ext: 'jpg', subdomains: 'abcd' }); var starImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/star-dark?color=000000'); var markerRedImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/address?color=EE3333'); var markerBlueImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/address?color=3333EE'); var markerGreenImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/address?color=33EE33'); var photoImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/places/picture?color=000000'); var contactImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/user?color=000000'); var shareImageUrl = OC.generateUrl('/svg/core/actions/share?color=000000'); this.map = L.map('map', { zoom: 2, zoomControl: false, maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 2, center: new L.LatLng(0, 0), maxBounds: new L.LatLngBounds(new L.LatLng(-90, 720), new L.LatLng(90, -720)), layers: [], // right click menu contextmenu: true, contextmenuWidth: 160, contextmenuItems: [{ text: t('maps', 'Add a favorite'), icon: starImageUrl, callback: favoritesController.contextAddFavorite }, { text: t('maps', 'Place photos'), icon: photoImageUrl, callback: photosController.contextPlacePhotos }, { text: t('maps', 'Place photo folder'), icon: photoImageUrl, callback: photosController.contextPlacePhotoFolder }, { text: t('maps', 'Place contact'), icon: contactImageUrl, callback: contactsController.contextPlaceContact }, { text: t('maps', 'Share this location'), icon: shareImageUrl, callback: geoLinkController.shareLocation }, '-', { text: t('maps', 'Route from here'), icon: markerGreenImageUrl, callback: routingController.contextRouteFrom }, { text: t('maps', 'Add route point'), icon: markerBlueImageUrl, callback: routingController.contextRoutePoint }, { text: t('maps', 'Route to here'), icon: markerRedImageUrl, callback: routingController.contextRouteTo }] }); var locale = OC.getLocale(); var imperial = ( locale === 'en_US' || locale === 'en_GB' || locale === 'en_AU' || locale === 'en_IE' || locale === 'en_NZ' || locale === 'en_CA' ); var metric = !imperial; L.control.scale({metric: metric, imperial: imperial, position: 'bottomleft'}) .addTo(this.map); //L.control.mousePosition().addTo(this.map); L.control.zoom({position: 'bottomright'}).addTo(this.map); this.locControl = L.control.locate({ position: 'bottomright', drawCircle: true, drawMarker: true, showPopup: false, icon: 'fa fa-map-marker-alt', iconLoading: 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin', strings: { title: t('maps', 'See current location') }, flyTo: true, returnToPrevBounds: true, setView: 'untilPan', showCompass: true, locateOptions: {enableHighAccuracy: true, maxZoom: 15} }).addTo(this.map); $('.leaflet-control-locate a').click( function(e) { optionsController.saveOptionValues({locControlEnabled: mapController.locControl._active}); }); this.layersButton = L.easyButton({ position: 'bottomright', states: [{ stateName: 'no-importa', icon: ' ', title: t('maps', 'Other layers'), onClick: function(btn, map) { $('.leaflet-control-layers').toggle(); $('.easy-button-container').toggle(); } }] }); this.layersButton.addTo(this.map); // tile layer selector this.baseLayers = { 'OpenStreetMap': osm, 'ESRI Aerial': ESRIAerial, 'ESRI Topo': ESRITopo, 'OpenTopoMap': openTopo, 'Dark': dark, 'Watercolor': watercolor } this.baseOverlays = { 'Roads and labels': roadsOverlay } this.controlLayers = L.control.layers( this.baseLayers, this.baseOverlays, {position: 'bottomright', collapsed: false} ).addTo(this.map); // hide openstreetmap, ESRI Aerial and roads/labels because they are dynamically managed this.controlLayers.removeLayer(this.baseLayers['OpenStreetMap']); this.controlLayers.removeLayer(this.baseLayers['ESRI Aerial']); this.controlLayers.removeLayer(this.baseOverlays['Roads and labels']); $('.leaflet-control-layers').toggle(); // main layers buttons var esriImageUrl = OC.filePath('maps', 'css/images', 'esri.jpg'); this.esriButton = L.easyButton({ position: 'bottomright', states: [{ stateName: 'no-importa', icon: '', title: t('maps', 'Aerial map'), onClick: function(btn, map) { that.changeTileLayer('ESRI Aerial', true); } }] }); var osmImageUrl = OC.filePath('maps', 'css/images', 'osm.png'); this.osmButton = L.easyButton({ position: 'bottomright', states: [{ stateName: 'no-importa', icon: '', title: t('maps', 'Classic map'), onClick: function(btn, map) { that.changeTileLayer('OpenStreetMap', true); } }] }); }, changeTileLayer: function(name, save=false) { for (var tl in this.baseLayers) { this.map.removeLayer(this.baseLayers[tl]); } for (var ol in this.baseOverlays) { this.map.removeLayer(this.baseOverlays[ol]); } this.map.addLayer(this.baseLayers[name]); if (name === 'ESRI Aerial' || name === 'Watercolor') { this.map.addLayer(this.baseOverlays['Roads and labels']); } this.layerChanged(name); if (save) { optionsController.saveOptionValues({tileLayer: name}); } }, layerChanged: function(name) { if (name === 'ESRI Aerial') { this.esriButton.remove(); this.osmButton.addTo(this.map); } else { this.osmButton.remove(); this.esriButton.addTo(this.map); } $('.leaflet-control-layers').hide(); $('.easy-button-container').show(); }, }; var routingController = { control: undefined, map: undefined, enabled: false, initRoutingControl: function(map) { this.map = map; var that = this; this.beginIcon = L.divIcon({ iconAnchor: [12, 25], className: 'route-waypoint route-begin-waypoint', html: '' }); this.middleIcon = L.divIcon({ iconAnchor: [12, 25], className: 'route-waypoint route-middle-waypoint', html: '' }); this.endIcon = L.divIcon({ iconAnchor: [12, 25], className: 'route-waypoint route-end-waypoint', html: '' }); this.osrmRouter = L.Routing.osrmv1({ serviceUrl: 'https://router.project-osrm.org/route/v1', //profile: 'driving', // works with demo server profile: 'car', // works with demo server //profile: 'bicycle', // does not work with demo server... //profile: 'foot', // does not work with demo server... suppressDemoServerWarning: true, // this makes OSRM use our local translations // otherwise it uses osrm-text-instructions which makes us import another lib stepToText: function(e) { } }); this.ghRouter = L.Routing.graphHopper(undefined /* api key */, { serviceUrl: '', urlParameters : { vehicle: 'car' // available ones : car, foot, bike, bike2, mtb, racingbike, motorcycle } }); var lang = OC.getLocale(); // this is for all routing engines except OSRM L.Routing.Localization[lang] = { directions: { N: t('maps', 'north'), NE: t('maps', 'northeast'), E: t('maps', 'east'), SE: t('maps', 'southeast'), S: t('maps', 'south'), SW: t('maps', 'southwest'), W: t('maps', 'west'), NW: t('maps', 'northwest'), SlightRight: t('maps', 'slight right'), Right: t('maps', 'right'), SharpRight: t('maps', 'sharp right'), SlightLeft: t('maps', 'slight left'), Left: t('maps', 'left'), SharpLeft: t('maps', 'sharp left'), Uturn: t('maps', 'Turn around') }, instructions: { // instruction, postfix if the road is named 'Head': [t('maps', 'Head {dir}'), t('maps', ' on {road}')], 'Continue': [t('maps', 'Continue {dir}')], 'TurnAround': [t('maps', 'Turn around')], 'WaypointReached': [t('maps', 'Waypoint reached')], 'Roundabout': [t('maps', 'Take the {exitStr} exit in the roundabout'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'DestinationReached': [t('maps', 'Destination reached')], 'Fork': [t('maps', 'At the fork, turn {modifier}'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'Merge': [t('maps', 'Merge {modifier}'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'OnRamp': [t('maps', 'Turn {modifier} on the ramp'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'OffRamp': [t('maps', 'Take the ramp on the {modifier}'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'EndOfRoad': [t('maps', 'Turn {modifier} at the end of the road'), t('maps', ' onto {road}')], 'Onto': t('maps', 'onto {road}') }, ui: { startPlaceholder: t('maps', 'Start'), viaPlaceholder: t('maps', 'Via {viaNumber}'), endPlaceholder: t('maps', 'Destination') }, formatOrder: function(n) { return n + 'º'; }, units: { meters: t('maps', 'm'), kilometers: t('maps', 'km'), yards: t('maps', 'yd'), miles: t('maps', 'mi'), hours: t('maps', 'h'), minutes: t('maps', 'min'), seconds: t('maps', 's') } }; this.control = L.Routing.control({ router: this.osrmRouter, position: 'topleft', routeWhileDragging: true, reverseWaypoints: true, geocoder: L.Control.Geocoder.nominatim(), language: lang, lineOptions: { styles: [{color: 'black', opacity: 0.15, weight: 9}, {color: 'white', opacity: 0.8, weight: 6}, {color: 'blue', opacity: 1, weight: 2}], }, pointMarkerStyle: {radius: 5, color: '#03f', fillColor: 'white', opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0.7}, createMarker: this.createMarker }) .on('routingerror', this.onRoutingError) .on('routingstart', this.onRoutingStart) .on('routesfound', this.onRoutingEnd); //this.setRouter(this.ghRouter); //console.log(this.control); $('body').on('click', '.routingMenuButton', function(e) { var wasOpen = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('>.app-navigation-entry-menu').hasClass('open'); $('.app-navigation-entry-menu.open').removeClass('open'); if (!wasOpen) { $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('>.app-navigation-entry-menu').addClass('open'); } }); // toggle routing control $('body').on('click', '#navigation-routing > a', function(e) { that.toggleRouting(); optionsController.saveOptionValues({routingEnabled: that.enabled}); }); // export $('body').on('click', '.exportCurrentRoute', function(e) { that.exportRoute(); }); }, toggleRouting: function() { if (this.enabled) { this.control.remove(); $('#navigation-routing').removeClass('active'); $('#map').focus(); this.enabled = false; } else { this.control.addTo(this.map); $('#navigation-routing').addClass('active'); this.enabled = true; $('.leaflet-routing-geocoder input').first().focus(); } }, setRouter: function(router) { this.control._router = router; this.control.options.router = router; }, onRoutingError: function(e) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Routing error: ') + e.error.target.responseText); routingController.onRoutingEnd(); }, onRoutingStart: function(e) { $('#navigation-routing').addClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-routing-reverse-waypoints').addClass('icon-loading-small'); }, onRoutingEnd: function(e) { $('#navigation-routing').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); $('.leaflet-routing-reverse-waypoints').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); }, // this has been tested with graphhopper setRouterVehicle: function(vehicle) { this.control.getRouter().options.urlParameters.vehicle = vehicle; this.control.route(); }, createMarker: function(i, wpt, n) { var icon; if (i === 0) { icon = routingController.beginIcon; } else if (i === n - 1) { icon = routingController.endIcon; } else { icon = routingController.middleIcon; } var marker = L.marker(wpt.latLng, {icon: icon, draggable: true}); return marker; }, exportRoute: function() { if (this.control.hasOwnProperty('_selectedRoute') && this.control._selectedRoute.hasOwnProperty('coordinates') && this.control._selectedRoute.coordinates.length > 0 ) { var latLngCoords = this.control._selectedRoute.coordinates; var gpxRteCoords = ''; for (var i=0; i < latLngCoords.length; i++) { gpxRteCoords = gpxRteCoords + ' \n' + ' \n'; } var name = this.control._selectedRoute.name; var totDist = this.control._selectedRoute.summary.totalDistance; var totTime = this.control._selectedRoute.summary.totalTime; $('#navigation-routing').addClass('icon-loading-small'); var req = { coords: gpxRteCoords, name: name, totDist: totDist, totTime: totTime }; var url = OC.generateUrl('/apps/maps/exportRoute'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: req, async: true }).done(function (response) { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Route exported in {path}', {path: response})); }).always(function (response) { $('#navigation-routing').removeClass('icon-loading-small'); }).fail(function() { OC.Notification.showTemporary(t('maps', 'Failed to export current route')); }); } }, contextRouteFrom: function(e) { if (!routingController.enabled) { routingController.toggleRouting(); } var control = routingController.control; control.spliceWaypoints(0, 1, e.latlng); }, contextRouteTo: function(e) { if (!routingController.enabled) { routingController.toggleRouting(); } var control = routingController.control; control.spliceWaypoints(control.getWaypoints().length - 1, 1, e.latlng); }, contextRoutePoint: function(e) { if (!routingController.enabled) { routingController.toggleRouting(); } var control = routingController.control; routingController.control.spliceWaypoints(control.getWaypoints().length - 1, 0, e.latlng); }, }; var timeFilterController = { min: 0, max: Date.now()/1000, minInitialized: false, maxInitialized: false, valueBegin: null, valueEnd: null, updateFilterTimeBegin: [], updateFilterTimeEnd: [], onUpdateCallbackBlock: false, onChangeCallbackBlock: false, slider : document.getElementById('timeRangeSlider'), sliderConnect: null, connect: function () { noUiSlider.create(this.slider, { start: [20, 80], connect: true, behaviour: 'drag', tooltips: [{ to: function (x) { return new Date(x*1000).toIsoString(); }, }, { to: function (x) { return new Date(x*1000).toIsoString(); } }], range: { 'min': 0, 'max': 1 } }); this.sliderConnect = this.slider.getElementsByClassName('noUi-connect')[0]; this.updateSliderRange(this.min, this.max); this.setSlider(this.min, this.max); var that = this; this.slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle, unencoded, tap, positions) { if (!that.onUpdateCallbackBlock){ that.onUpdateCallbackBlock = true; if (handle === 0) { that.valueBegin = unencoded[0]; photosController.updateTimeFilterBegin(that.valueBegin); nonLocalizedPhotosController.updateTimeFilterBegin(that.valueBegin); contactsController.updateTimeFilterBegin(that.valueBegin); } else { that.valueEnd = unencoded[1]; photosController.updateTimeFilterEnd(that.valueEnd); nonLocalizedPhotosController.updateTimeFilterEnd(that.valueEnd); contactsController.updateTimeFilterEnd(that.valueEnd); } favoritesController.updateFilterDisplay(); tracksController.updateFilterDisplay(); devicesController.updateFilterDisplay(); that.onUpdateCallbackBlock = false; if (Math.round(unencoded[0]) < Math.round(that.min) || Math.round(unencoded[1]) > Math.round(that.max) || positions[1] - positions[0] < 10 ) { that.sliderConnect.classList.add('timeRangeSlider-active'); } else { that.sliderConnect.classList.remove('timeRangeSlider-active'); } } }); this.slider.noUiSlider.on('change', function(values, handle, unencoded, tap, positions) { if (!that.onChangeCallbackBlock) { that.onChangeCallbackBlock = true; if (unencoded[0] < that.min) { var delta = that.min-unencoded[0]; var r = that.max-that.min; that.updateSliderRange(that.min - 25* delta*delta/r, that.max); } if (unencoded[1] > that.max) { var delta = -that.max+unencoded[1]; var r = that.max-that.min; that.updateSliderRange(that.min, that.max + 25*delta*delta/r); } if (positions[1] - positions[0] < 10) { var m = (unencoded[0] + unencoded[1])/2; var d = Math.max((unencoded[1] - unencoded[0])/2,1); that.updateSliderRange(m-2.5*d, m+2.5*d); that.setSlider(unencoded[0], unencoded[1]); } that.sliderConnect.classList.remove('timeRangeSlider-active'); that.onChangeCallbackBlock = false; } }); this.slider.ondblclick = function() { that.updateSliderRangeFromController(); that.setSliderToMaxInterval(); }; }, updateSliderRange: function(min, max) { var range = max - min; this.slider.noUiSlider.updateOptions({ range: { 'min': min - range/10, 'max': max + range/10 }, }); this.min = min; this.max = max; }, setSlider: function(min, max) { this.slider.noUiSlider.set([min, max]); }, // when a controller's data has changed // this changes the min/max slider reachable values (it does not set the values) // it should be called when there are changes in controller data // and when user wants to reset the slider to see everything updateSliderRangeFromController: function() { var i; var mins = []; var maxs = []; var rawMins = [ favoritesController.firstDate, tracksController.firstDate, photosController.photoMarkersOldest, nonLocalizedPhotosController.nonLocalizedPhotoMarkersOldest, contactsController.contactMarkersOldest, devicesController.firstDate ]; var rawMaxs = [ favoritesController.lastDate, tracksController.lastDate, photosController.photoMarkersNewest, nonLocalizedPhotosController.nonLocalizedPhotoMarkersNewest, contactsController.contactMarkersNewest, devicesController.lastDate ]; // get rid of null values for (i=0; i < rawMins.length; i++) { if (rawMins[i] !== null) { mins.push(rawMins[i]); } } for (i=0; i < rawMaxs.length; i++) { if (rawMaxs[i] !== null) { maxs.push(rawMaxs[i]); } } var cmin = null; var cmax = null; // get the min of all controllers if (mins.length > 0) { cmin = Math.min(...mins); } // get the max of all controllers if (maxs.length > 0) { cmax = Math.max(...maxs); } if (cmin !== null && cmax !== null) { $(this.slider).fadeIn(); this.min = cmin; this.max = cmax; // avoid min == max if (cmin === cmax) { this.min = cmin - 10; this.max = cmax + 10; } this.updateSliderRange(this.min, this.max); } else { $(this.slider).fadeOut(); } }, // on first data load, controllers want to set the slider values to global common max setSliderToMaxInterval: function() { this.setSlider(this.min, this.max); } }; var photosController = new PhotosController(optionsController, timeFilterController); var nonLocalizedPhotosController = new NonLocalizedPhotosController(optionsController, timeFilterController, photosController); var contactsController = new ContactsController(optionsController, timeFilterController); var favoritesController = new FavoritesController(optionsController, timeFilterController); var tracksController = new TracksController(optionsController, timeFilterController); var devicesController = new DevicesController(optionsController, timeFilterController); timeFilterController.connect(); var searchController = { map: null, initController: function(map) { this.map = map; var that = this; // Search $('#search-form').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.submitSearchForm(); }); $('#search-submit').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); that.submitSearchForm(); }); $('#search-term').on('focus', function(e) { $(this).select(); that.setSearchAutocomplete(); }); }, setSearchAutocomplete: function() { var that = this; var data = []; // get favorites var favData = favoritesController.getAutocompData(); data.push(...favData); // get contacts var contactData = contactsController.getAutocompData(); data.push(...contactData); //// get devices //var devData = devicesController.getAutocompData(); //data.push(...devData); $('#search-term').autocomplete({ source: data, select: function (e, ui) { var it = ui.item; if (it.type === 'favorite') { console.log('YEAHFAV '+it.label + ' '+it.lat); that.map.setView([it.lat, it.lng], 15); // TODO bring to front } else if (it.type === 'contact') { that.map.setView([it.lat, it.lng], 15); } else if (it.type === 'device') { } } }).data('ui-autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) { var iconClass = 'icon-phone'; if (item.type === 'favorite') { iconClass = 'icon-favorite'; } else if (item.type === 'contact') { iconClass = 'icon-group'; } var listItem = $('
  • ') .data('item.autocomplete', item) .append(' ' + item.label + '') .appendTo(ul); return listItem; }; }, submitSearchForm: function() { var str = $('#search-term').val(); if (str.length < 1) { return; } this.search(str).then(function(results) { if (results.length === 0) { return; } else if (results.length === 1) { var result = results[0]; mapController.displaySearchResult(result); routingController.control.spliceWaypoints(routingController.control.getWaypoints().length - 1, 1, new L.LatLng(result.lat, result.lon)); } else { console.log('multiple results'); var result = results[0]; mapController.displaySearchResult(result); routingController.control.spliceWaypoints(routingController.control.getWaypoints().length - 1, 1, new L.LatLng(result.lat, result.lon)); } }); }, isGeocodeabe: function(str) { var pattern = /^\s*\d+\.?\d*\,\s*\d+\.?\d*\s*$/; return pattern.test(str); }, search: function(str) { var searchTerm = encodeURIComponent(str); var apiUrl = 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search/' + searchTerm + '?format=json&addressdetails=1&extratags=1&namedetails=1&limit=8'; return $.getJSON(apiUrl, {}, function(response) { return response; }); }, geocode: function(latlng) { if (!this.isGeocodeabe(latlng)) { return; } var splits = latlng.split(','); var lat = splits[0].trim(); var lon = splits[1].trim(); var apiUrl = 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=' + lat + '&lon='+ lon + '&addressdetails=1'; return $.getJSON(apiUrl, {}, function(response) { return response; }); }, parseOsmResult: function(result) { var add = result.address; var road, postcode, city, state, name; if (add.road) { road = add.road; if (add.house_number) { road += ' ' + add.house_number; } } if (add.postcode) { postcode = add.postcode; } if (add.city || add.town || add.village) { if (add.city) { city = add.city; } else if (add.town) { city = add.town; } else if (add.village) { city = add.village; } if (add.state) { state = add.state; } } var details = result.namedetails; if (details.name) { name = details.name; } var unformattedHeader; if (name) { unformattedHeader = name; } else if (road) { unformattedHeader = road; } else if (city) { unformattedHeader = city; } var unformattedDesc = ''; var needSeparator = false; // add road to desc if it is not heading and exists (isn't heading, if 'name' is set) if (name && road) { unformattedDesc = road; needSeparator = true; } if (postcode) { if (needSeparator) { unformattedDesc += ', '; needSeparator = false; } unformattedDesc += postcode; } if (city) { if (needSeparator) { unformattedDesc += ', '; needSeparator = false; } else if (unformattedDesc.length > 0) { unformattedDesc += ' '; } unformattedDesc += city; } if (state && add && add.country_code == 'us') { // assume that state is only important for us addresses if (unformattedDesc.length > 0) { unformattedDesc += ' '; } unformattedDesc += '(' + state + ')'; } var header = '

    ' + unformattedHeader + '

    '; if (result.icon) { header = '
    ' + header + '
    '; } var desc = '' + unformattedDesc + ''; // Add extras to parsed desc var extras = result.extratags; if (extras.opening_hours) { desc += '
    '; var oh = new opening_hours(extras.opening_hours, result); var isCurrentlyOpen = oh.getState(); var changeDt = oh.getNextChange(); var currentDt = new Date(); var dtDiff = changeDt.getTime() - currentDt.getTime(); dtDiff = dtDiff / 60000; // get diff in minutes if (oh.getState()) { // is open? desc += 'Open'; if (dtDiff <= 60) { desc += ', closes in ' + dtDiff + ' minutes'; } else { desc += ' until ' + changeDt.toLocaleTimeString() + ''; } } else { desc += 'Closed'; desc += 'opens at ' + changeDt.toLocaleTimeString() + ''; } desc += '
    '; var todayStart = currentDt; todayStart.setHours(0); todayStart.setMinutes(0); todayStart.setSeconds(0); var sevDaysEnd = new Date(todayStart); var sevDaysMs = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; sevDaysEnd.setTime(sevDaysEnd.getTime()+sevDaysMs); var intervals = oh.getOpenIntervals(todayStart, sevDaysEnd); desc += ''; // intervals should be 7, if 8, then first entry is interval after 00:00:00 from last day if (intervals.length == 8) { // set end time of last element to end time of first element and remove it intervals[7][1] = intervals[0][1]; intervals.splice(0, 1); } for (var i=0; i'; var startTime = from.toLocaleTimeString(); var endTime =to.toLocaleTimeString(); desc += ''; desc += ''; } desc += '
    ' + startTime + ' - ' + endTime + '
    '; } if (extras.website) { desc += '
    ' + helpers.beautifyUrl(extras.website) + '
    '; } if (extras.phone) { desc += '
    ' + extras.phone + '
    '; } if (extras.email) { desc += '
    ' + extras.email + '
    '; } return header + desc; } }; var helpers = { beautifyUrl: function(url) { return url.replace(/^(?:\w+:|)\/\/(?:www\.|)(.*[^\/])\/*$/, '$1'); } }; })(jQuery, OC);