The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It offers a [RESTful API]( for app developers. The source code is [available on GitHub](
* [Set up ownCloud Background Jobs]( to enable feed updates. A recommended timespan for feed updates is 15-30 Minutes.
* [Set up ownCloud Background Jobs]( to enable feed updates. A recommended timespan for feed updates is 15-30 Minutes.
Delete the folder **owncloud/apps/news**, then connect to your database and run the following commands where **oc\_** is your table prefix (defaults to oc\_)
DELETE FROM oc_appconfig WHERE appid = 'news';
DROP TABLE oc_news_items;
DROP TABLE oc_news_feeds;
DROP TABLE oc_news_folders;
### All feeds are not updated anymore
[This is a bug in the core backgroundjob system]( deleting the **owncloud/data/cron.lock** file gets the cron back up running
Another way to fix this is to run a custom [updater script](
### All feeds are not updated and theres no cron.lock
* Check if the cronjob exists with **crontab -u www-data -e** (replace www-data with your httpd user)
* Check the file permissions of the **cron.php** file and if **www-data** (or whatever your httpd user is called like) can read and execute that script
* Check if the cronjob is ever executed by placing an **error_log('updating')** in the [background job file]( If the cronjob runs, there should be an updating log statement in your httpd log.
* If there is no **updating** statement in your logs check if your cronjob is executed by executing a different script
* If your cron works fine but owncloud's cronjobs are never executed, file a bug in [core](
* Try the [updater script](
### News always redirects to files
This problem is related to opcode caching, [check the issue tracker for how to solve it](
All configuration values are set inside **owncloud/data/news/config/config.ini**
The configuration is in **INI** format and looks like this:
autoPurgeMinimumInterval = 60
autoPurgeCount = 200
simplePieCacheDuration = 1800
feedFetcherTimeout = 60
useCronUpdates = true
proxyHost =
proxyPort = 8080
proxyUser =
proxyPassword =
* **autoPurgeMinimumInterval**: Minimum amount of seconds after deleted feeds and folders are removed from the database.
* **autoPurgeCount**: Defines the minimum amount of articles that can be unread per feed before they get deleted
* **simplePieCacheDuration**: Amount of seconds to cache feeds
* **feedFetcherTimeout**: Maximum number of seconds to wait for an RSS or Atom feed to load. If a feed takes longer than that number of seconds to update, the update will be aborted
* **useCronUpdates**: To use a custom update/cron script you need to disable the cronjob which is run by ownCloud by default by setting this to false
### Not working (not yet)
* **proxHost**: The adress of the proxy. Leave blank if no proxy should be used