add a button for people to get out of add folder mode

This commit is contained in:
Bernhard Posselt 2013-04-11 17:55:59 +02:00
Родитель adcf13d214
Коммит 59f42f80ad
6 изменённых файлов: 249 добавлений и 105 удалений

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@ -45,4 +45,16 @@
border-top-left-radius: 0;
height: 30px !important;
margin-top: 1px;
.add-new .back-button {
border-radius: 0;
width: 30px;
background-image: url('%webroot%/core/img/actions/delete.svg');
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.add-new .back-button:hover {
background-image: url('%webroot%/core/img/actions/delete-hover.svg');

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@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ License along with this library. If not, see <>.
angular.module('News').factory '_FeedController', ->
angular.module('News').factory '_FeedController',
class FeedController
@ -74,22 +76,29 @@ angular.module('News').factory '_FeedController', ->
@_$scope.folderEmptyError = false
@_$scope.folderExistsError = false
if angular.isUndefined(folderName) or folderName.trim() == ''
@_$scope.folderEmptyError = true
folderName = folderName.trim()
if @_folderModel.nameExists(folderName)
@_$scope.folderExistsError = true
if not (@_$scope.folderEmptyError or @_$scope.folderExistsError)
@_isAddingFolder = true
@_persistence.createFolder folderName, 0, =>
@$scope.folderName = ''
@$scope.addNewFolder = false
@_folderBl.create folderName
# on success
, =>
@_$scope.folderName = ''
@_$scope.addNewFolder = false
@_isAddingFolder = false
# on error
, =>
@_isAddingFolder = false
catch error
if error instanceof _ExistsError
@_$scope.folderExistsError = true
@_$scope.folderEmptyError = true
@_$scope.$on 'moveFeedToFolder', (scope, data) =>
console.log data
return FeedController
return FeedController

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@ -81,10 +81,31 @@ ItemModel, ShowAll, _ExistsError)->
return @_folderModel.getAll()
create: (folderName) ->
if @_folderModel.nameExists(folderName)
create: (folderName, onSuccess=null, onFailure=null) ->
onSuccess or= ->
onFailure or= ->
if angular.isUndefined(folderName) or folderName.trim() == ''
throw new Error()
folderName = folderName.trim()
if @_folderModel.getByName(folderName)
throw new _ExistsError()
folder =
name: folderName
success = (response) =>
if response.status == 'error'
folder.error = response.msg
@_persistence.createFolder folderName, 0, success
return new FolderBl(FolderModel, FeedBl, ShowAll, ActiveFeed, Persistence,

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@ -258,91 +258,96 @@ License along with this library. If not, see <>.
(function() {
angular.module('News').factory('_FeedController', function() {
var FeedController;
angular.module('News').factory('_FeedController', [
'_ExistsError', function(_ExistsError) {
var FeedController;
FeedController = (function() {
function FeedController(_$scope, _persistence, _folderBl, _feedBl, _subscriptionsBl, _starredBl, _unreadCountFormatter) {
var _this = this;
FeedController = (function() {
function FeedController(_$scope, _persistence, _folderBl, _feedBl, _subscriptionsBl, _starredBl, _unreadCountFormatter) {
var _this = this;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._folderBl = _folderBl;
this._feedBl = _feedBl;
this._subscriptionsBl = _subscriptionsBl;
this._starredBl = _starredBl;
this._unreadCountFormatter = _unreadCountFormatter;
this._isAddingFolder = false;
this._isAddingFeed = false;
this._$scope.folderBl = this._folderBl;
this._$scope.feedBl = this._feedBl;
this._$scope.subscriptionsBl = this._subscriptionsBl;
this._$scope.starredBl = this._starredBl;
this._$scope.unreadCountFormatter = this._unreadCountFormatter;
this._$scope.isAddingFolder = function() {
return _this._isAddingFolder;
this._$scope.isAddingFeed = function() {
return _this._isAddingFeed;
this._$scope.addFeed = function(feedUrl, parentFolderId) {
var onError, onSuccess;
this._$scope = _$scope;
this._persistence = _persistence;
this._folderBl = _folderBl;
this._feedBl = _feedBl;
this._subscriptionsBl = _subscriptionsBl;
this._starredBl = _starredBl;
this._unreadCountFormatter = _unreadCountFormatter;
this._isAddingFolder = false;
this._isAddingFeed = false;
this._$scope.folderBl = this._folderBl;
this._$scope.feedBl = this._feedBl;
this._$scope.subscriptionsBl = this._subscriptionsBl;
this._$scope.starredBl = this._starredBl;
this._$scope.unreadCountFormatter = this._unreadCountFormatter;
this._$scope.isAddingFolder = function() {
return _this._isAddingFolder;
this._$scope.isAddingFeed = function() {
return _this._isAddingFeed;
this._$scope.addFeed = function(feedUrl, parentFolderId) {
var onError, onSuccess;
if (parentFolderId == null) {
parentFolderId = 0;
_this._$scope.feedEmptyError = false;
_this._$scope.feedError = false;
if (angular.isUndefined(feedUrl) || feedUrl.trim() === '') {
_this._$scope.feedEmptyError = true;
if (!_this._$scope.feedEmptyError) {
_this._isAddingFeed = true;
onError = function() {
_this._$scope.feedError = true;
return _this._isAddingFeed = false;
onSuccess = function(data) {
if (data.status === 'error') {
return onError();
} else {
_this._$scope.feedUrl = '';
return _this._isAddingFeed = false;
return _this._persistence.createFeed(feedUrl.trim(), parentFolderId, onSuccess, onError);
this._$scope.addFolder = function(folderName) {
_this._$scope.folderEmptyError = false;
_this._$scope.folderExistsError = false;
if (angular.isUndefined(folderName) || folderName.trim() === '') {
_this._$scope.folderEmptyError = true;
} else {
folderName = folderName.trim();
if (_this._folderModel.nameExists(folderName)) {
_this._$scope.folderExistsError = true;
if (parentFolderId == null) {
parentFolderId = 0;
if (!(_this._$scope.folderEmptyError || _this._$scope.folderExistsError)) {
_this._isAddingFolder = true;
return _this._persistence.createFolder(folderName, 0, function() {
_this.$scope.folderName = '';
_this.$scope.addNewFolder = false;
return _this._isAddingFolder = false;
this._$scope.$on('moveFeedToFolder', function(scope, data) {
return console.log(data);
_this._$scope.feedEmptyError = false;
_this._$scope.feedError = false;
if (angular.isUndefined(feedUrl) || feedUrl.trim() === '') {
_this._$scope.feedEmptyError = true;
if (!_this._$scope.feedEmptyError) {
_this._isAddingFeed = true;
onError = function() {
_this._$scope.feedError = true;
return _this._isAddingFeed = false;
onSuccess = function(data) {
if (data.status === 'error') {
return onError();
} else {
_this._$scope.feedUrl = '';
return _this._isAddingFeed = false;
return _this._persistence.createFeed(feedUrl.trim(), parentFolderId, onSuccess, onError);
this._$scope.addFolder = function(folderName) {
var error;
_this._$scope.folderEmptyError = false;
_this._$scope.folderExistsError = false;
try {
_this._isAddingFolder = true;
return _this._folderBl.create(folderName, function() {
_this._$scope.folderName = '';
_this._$scope.addNewFolder = false;
return _this._isAddingFolder = false;
}, function() {
return _this._isAddingFolder = false;
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
if (error instanceof _ExistsError) {
return _this._$scope.folderExistsError = true;
} else {
return _this._$scope.folderEmptyError = true;
this._$scope.$on('moveFeedToFolder', function(scope, data) {
return console.log(data);
return FeedController;
return FeedController;
return FeedController;
@ -843,10 +848,38 @@ License along with this library. If not, see <>.
return this._folderModel.getAll();
FolderBl.prototype.create = function(folderName) {
if (this._folderModel.nameExists(folderName)) {
FolderBl.prototype.create = function(folderName, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var folder, success,
_this = this;
if (onSuccess == null) {
onSuccess = null;
if (onFailure == null) {
onFailure = null;
onSuccess || (onSuccess = function() {});
onFailure || (onFailure = function() {});
if (angular.isUndefined(folderName) || folderName.trim() === '') {
throw new Error();
folderName = folderName.trim();
if (this._folderModel.getByName(folderName)) {
throw new _ExistsError();
folder = {
name: folderName
success = function(response) {
if (response.status === 'error') {
folder.error = response.msg;
return onFailure();
} else {
return onSuccess();
return this._persistence.createFolder(folderName, 0, success);
return FolderBl;

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@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ describe 'FolderBl', ->
beforeEach =>
angular.module('News').factory 'Persistence', =>
@persistence = {}
@persistence =
createFolder: ->
beforeEach inject (@FolderBl, @FolderModel, @FeedModel, @ShowAll,
@ActiveFeed, @FeedType, @_ExistsError) =>
@ -131,8 +132,64 @@ describe 'FolderBl', ->
xit 'should not create a folder if it already exists', =>
it 'should not create a folder if it already exists', =>
item1 = {id: 4, open: true, name: 'john'}
expect(@FolderBl.create('johns')).toThrow(new @_ExistsError())
expect =>
.toThrow(new @_ExistsError())
expect =>
.not.toThrow(new @_ExistsError())
it 'should not create folders that are empty', =>
expect =>
@FolderBl.create(' ')
.toThrow(new Error())
it 'should create a folder before theres a response from the server', =>
it 'should make a create folder request', =>
@persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder')
@FolderBl.create(' johns ')
expect(@persistence.createFolder).toHaveBeenCalledWith('johns', 0,
it 'should call the onSuccess function on response status ok', =>
onSuccess = jasmine.createSpy('Success')
@persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder')
@persistence.createFolder.andCallFake (folderName, parentId, success) =>
response =
status: 'ok'
@FolderBl.create(' johns ', onSuccess)
it 'should call the handle a response error when creating a folder', =>
onSuccess = jasmine.createSpy('Success')
onFailure = jasmine.createSpy('Failure')
@persistence.createFolder = jasmine.createSpy('add folder')
@persistence.createFolder.andCallFake (folderName, parentId, success) =>
@response =
status: 'error'
msg: 'this is an error'
@FolderBl.create(' johns ', onSuccess, onFailure)

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@ -15,11 +15,18 @@
<div class="add-new-popup">
<fieldset class="personalblock">
<p class="error">
<span ng-show="feedEmptyError"><?php p($l->t('Address must not be empty!')); ?></span>
<span ng-show="feedError">
<?php p($l->t('Could not add feed! Check if feed contains valid RSS or exists already!')); ?>
<span ng-show="feedEmptyError">
<?php p($l->t('Error: address must not be empty!')); ?>
<span ng-show="feedExistsError">
<?php p($l->t('Error: address exists already!')); ?>
<span ng-show="folderEmptyError">
<?php p($l->t('Error: folder name must not be empty!')); ?>
<span ng-show="folderExistsError">
<?php p($l->t('Error: folder exists already')); ?>
<span ng-show="folderExistsError"><?php p($l->t('Folder exists already')); ?></span>
@ -55,13 +62,18 @@
placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Folder name')); ?>"
ui-keyup="{13: 'addFolder(folderName)'}"/>
<button title="<?php p($l->t('Add')); ?>"
<button title="<?php p($l->t('Back')); ?>"
<button title="<?php p($l->t('Add')); ?>"
ng-class="{loading: isAddingFolder()}">
<?php p($l->t('Create')); ?>