diff --git a/js/bower.json b/js/bower.json
index 8d53d3513..81fe97db8 100644
--- a/js/bower.json
+++ b/js/bower.json
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
"dependencies": {
- "angular": "~1.3.*",
- "angular-route": "~1.3.*",
- "angular-mocks": "~1.3.*",
- "angular-sanitize": "~1.3.*",
- "angular-animate": "~1.3.*",
+ "angular": "~1.5.*",
+ "angular-route": "~1.5.*",
+ "angular-mocks": "~1.5.*",
+ "angular-sanitize": "~1.5.*",
+ "angular-animate": "~1.5.*",
"jquery": "~2.*",
"momentjs": "~2.9.*",
"es6-shim": "~0.*",
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-animate/.bower.json b/js/vendor/angular-animate/.bower.json
index 8faac6795..0f3f892fb 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-animate/.bower.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-animate/.bower.json
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
"name": "angular-animate",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
"main": "./angular-animate.js",
"ignore": [],
"dependencies": {
- "angular": "1.3.20"
+ "angular": "1.5.0"
"homepage": "https://github.com/angular/bower-angular-animate",
- "_release": "1.3.20",
+ "_release": "1.5.0",
"_resolution": {
"type": "version",
- "tag": "v1.3.20",
- "commit": "a0d4208f770315df80866fcb449eff913efbbbdc"
+ "tag": "v1.5.0",
+ "commit": "19b035b16ccf4b1db231207b9453f4a8df0d4a09"
"_source": "git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-animate.git",
- "_target": "~1.3.*",
+ "_target": "~1.5.*",
"_originalSource": "angular-animate"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.js b/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.js
index d0a3f54dc..2778fc564 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.js
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.js
@@ -1,29 +1,3374 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.20
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
+ * @license AngularJS v1.5.0
+ * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
* License: MIT
(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
-/* jshint maxlen: false */
+/* jshint ignore:start */
+var noop = angular.noop;
+var copy = angular.copy;
+var extend = angular.extend;
+var jqLite = angular.element;
+var forEach = angular.forEach;
+var isArray = angular.isArray;
+var isString = angular.isString;
+var isObject = angular.isObject;
+var isUndefined = angular.isUndefined;
+var isDefined = angular.isDefined;
+var isFunction = angular.isFunction;
+var isElement = angular.isElement;
+var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
+var COMMENT_NODE = 8;
+var ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-add';
+var REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-remove';
+var EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX = 'ng-';
+var ACTIVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-active';
+var PREPARE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-prepare';
+var NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME = 'ng-animate';
+var NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA = '$$ngAnimateChildren';
+// Detect proper transitionend/animationend event names.
+// If unprefixed events are not supported but webkit-prefixed are, use the latter.
+// Otherwise, just use W3C names, browsers not supporting them at all will just ignore them.
+// Note: Chrome implements `window.onwebkitanimationend` and doesn't implement `window.onanimationend`
+// but at the same time dispatches the `animationend` event and not `webkitAnimationEnd`.
+// Register both events in case `window.onanimationend` is not supported because of that,
+// do the same for `transitionend` as Safari is likely to exhibit similar behavior.
+// Also, the only modern browser that uses vendor prefixes for transitions/keyframes is webkit
+// therefore there is no reason to test anymore for other vendor prefixes:
+// http://caniuse.com/#search=transition
+if (isUndefined(window.ontransitionend) && isDefined(window.onwebkittransitionend)) {
+ CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
+ TRANSITION_PROP = 'WebkitTransition';
+ TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend';
+} else {
+ TRANSITION_PROP = 'transition';
+ TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'transitionend';
+if (isUndefined(window.onanimationend) && isDefined(window.onwebkitanimationend)) {
+ CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
+ ANIMATION_PROP = 'WebkitAnimation';
+ ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend';
+} else {
+ ANIMATION_PROP = 'animation';
+ ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'animationend';
+var DURATION_KEY = 'Duration';
+var PROPERTY_KEY = 'Property';
+var DELAY_KEY = 'Delay';
+var TIMING_KEY = 'TimingFunction';
+var isPromiseLike = function(p) {
+ return p && p.then ? true : false;
+var ngMinErr = angular.$$minErr('ng');
+function assertArg(arg, name, reason) {
+ if (!arg) {
+ throw ngMinErr('areq', "Argument '{0}' is {1}", (name || '?'), (reason || "required"));
+ }
+ return arg;
+function mergeClasses(a,b) {
+ if (!a && !b) return '';
+ if (!a) return b;
+ if (!b) return a;
+ if (isArray(a)) a = a.join(' ');
+ if (isArray(b)) b = b.join(' ');
+ return a + ' ' + b;
+function packageStyles(options) {
+ var styles = {};
+ if (options && (options.to || options.from)) {
+ styles.to = options.to;
+ styles.from = options.from;
+ }
+ return styles;
+function pendClasses(classes, fix, isPrefix) {
+ var className = '';
+ classes = isArray(classes)
+ ? classes
+ : classes && isString(classes) && classes.length
+ ? classes.split(/\s+/)
+ : [];
+ forEach(classes, function(klass, i) {
+ if (klass && klass.length > 0) {
+ className += (i > 0) ? ' ' : '';
+ className += isPrefix ? fix + klass
+ : klass + fix;
+ }
+ });
+ return className;
+function removeFromArray(arr, val) {
+ var index = arr.indexOf(val);
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ arr.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+function stripCommentsFromElement(element) {
+ if (element instanceof jqLite) {
+ switch (element.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return [];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ // there is no point of stripping anything if the element
+ // is the only element within the jqLite wrapper.
+ // (it's important that we retain the element instance.)
+ if (element[0].nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return element;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return jqLite(extractElementNode(element));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return jqLite(element);
+ }
+function extractElementNode(element) {
+ if (!element[0]) return element;
+ for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+ var elm = element[i];
+ if (elm.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return elm;
+ }
+ }
+function $$addClass($$jqLite, element, className) {
+ forEach(element, function(elm) {
+ $$jqLite.addClass(elm, className);
+ });
+function $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, className) {
+ forEach(element, function(elm) {
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(elm, className);
+ });
+function applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite) {
+ return function(element, options) {
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ $$addClass($$jqLite, element, options.addClass);
+ options.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, options.removeClass);
+ options.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ }
+function prepareAnimationOptions(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if (!options.$$prepared) {
+ var domOperation = options.domOperation || noop;
+ options.domOperation = function() {
+ options.$$domOperationFired = true;
+ domOperation();
+ domOperation = noop;
+ };
+ options.$$prepared = true;
+ }
+ return options;
+function applyAnimationStyles(element, options) {
+ applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options);
+ applyAnimationToStyles(element, options);
+function applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options) {
+ if (options.from) {
+ element.css(options.from);
+ options.from = null;
+ }
+function applyAnimationToStyles(element, options) {
+ if (options.to) {
+ element.css(options.to);
+ options.to = null;
+ }
+function mergeAnimationDetails(element, oldAnimation, newAnimation) {
+ var target = oldAnimation.options || {};
+ var newOptions = newAnimation.options || {};
+ var toAdd = (target.addClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.addClass || '');
+ var toRemove = (target.removeClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.removeClass || '');
+ var classes = resolveElementClasses(element.attr('class'), toAdd, toRemove);
+ if (newOptions.preparationClasses) {
+ target.preparationClasses = concatWithSpace(newOptions.preparationClasses, target.preparationClasses);
+ delete newOptions.preparationClasses;
+ }
+ // noop is basically when there is no callback; otherwise something has been set
+ var realDomOperation = target.domOperation !== noop ? target.domOperation : null;
+ extend(target, newOptions);
+ // TODO(matsko or sreeramu): proper fix is to maintain all animation callback in array and call at last,but now only leave has the callback so no issue with this.
+ if (realDomOperation) {
+ target.domOperation = realDomOperation;
+ }
+ if (classes.addClass) {
+ target.addClass = classes.addClass;
+ } else {
+ target.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (classes.removeClass) {
+ target.removeClass = classes.removeClass;
+ } else {
+ target.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ oldAnimation.addClass = target.addClass;
+ oldAnimation.removeClass = target.removeClass;
+ return target;
+function resolveElementClasses(existing, toAdd, toRemove) {
+ var ADD_CLASS = 1;
+ var REMOVE_CLASS = -1;
+ var flags = {};
+ existing = splitClassesToLookup(existing);
+ toAdd = splitClassesToLookup(toAdd);
+ forEach(toAdd, function(value, key) {
+ flags[key] = ADD_CLASS;
+ });
+ toRemove = splitClassesToLookup(toRemove);
+ forEach(toRemove, function(value, key) {
+ flags[key] = flags[key] === ADD_CLASS ? null : REMOVE_CLASS;
+ });
+ var classes = {
+ addClass: '',
+ removeClass: ''
+ };
+ forEach(flags, function(val, klass) {
+ var prop, allow;
+ if (val === ADD_CLASS) {
+ prop = 'addClass';
+ allow = !existing[klass];
+ } else if (val === REMOVE_CLASS) {
+ prop = 'removeClass';
+ allow = existing[klass];
+ }
+ if (allow) {
+ if (classes[prop].length) {
+ classes[prop] += ' ';
+ }
+ classes[prop] += klass;
+ }
+ });
+ function splitClassesToLookup(classes) {
+ if (isString(classes)) {
+ classes = classes.split(' ');
+ }
+ var obj = {};
+ forEach(classes, function(klass) {
+ // sometimes the split leaves empty string values
+ // incase extra spaces were applied to the options
+ if (klass.length) {
+ obj[klass] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return classes;
+function getDomNode(element) {
+ return (element instanceof angular.element) ? element[0] : element;
+function applyGeneratedPreparationClasses(element, event, options) {
+ var classes = '';
+ if (event) {
+ classes = pendClasses(event, EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX, true);
+ }
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.addClass, ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX));
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.removeClass, REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX));
+ }
+ if (classes.length) {
+ options.preparationClasses = classes;
+ element.addClass(classes);
+ }
+function clearGeneratedClasses(element, options) {
+ if (options.preparationClasses) {
+ element.removeClass(options.preparationClasses);
+ options.preparationClasses = null;
+ }
+ if (options.activeClasses) {
+ element.removeClass(options.activeClasses);
+ options.activeClasses = null;
+ }
+function blockTransitions(node, duration) {
+ // we use a negative delay value since it performs blocking
+ // yet it doesn't kill any existing transitions running on the
+ // same element which makes this safe for class-based animations
+ var value = duration ? '-' + duration + 's' : '';
+ applyInlineStyle(node, [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value]);
+ return [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value];
+function blockKeyframeAnimations(node, applyBlock) {
+ var value = applyBlock ? 'paused' : '';
+ applyInlineStyle(node, [key, value]);
+ return [key, value];
+function applyInlineStyle(node, styleTuple) {
+ var prop = styleTuple[0];
+ var value = styleTuple[1];
+ node.style[prop] = value;
+function concatWithSpace(a,b) {
+ if (!a) return b;
+ if (!b) return a;
+ return a + ' ' + b;
+var $$rAFSchedulerFactory = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) {
+ var queue, cancelFn;
+ function scheduler(tasks) {
+ // we make a copy since RAFScheduler mutates the state
+ // of the passed in array variable and this would be difficult
+ // to track down on the outside code
+ queue = queue.concat(tasks);
+ nextTick();
+ }
+ queue = scheduler.queue = [];
+ /* waitUntilQuiet does two things:
+ * 1. It will run the FINAL `fn` value only when an uncanceled RAF has passed through
+ * 2. It will delay the next wave of tasks from running until the quiet `fn` has run.
+ *
+ * The motivation here is that animation code can request more time from the scheduler
+ * before the next wave runs. This allows for certain DOM properties such as classes to
+ * be resolved in time for the next animation to run.
+ */
+ scheduler.waitUntilQuiet = function(fn) {
+ if (cancelFn) cancelFn();
+ cancelFn = $$rAF(function() {
+ cancelFn = null;
+ fn();
+ nextTick();
+ });
+ };
+ return scheduler;
+ function nextTick() {
+ if (!queue.length) return;
+ var items = queue.shift();
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ items[i]();
+ }
+ if (!cancelFn) {
+ $$rAF(function() {
+ if (!cancelFn) nextTick();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ * @ngdoc directive
+ * @name ngAnimateChildren
+ * @restrict AE
+ * @element ANY
+ *
+ * @description
+ *
+ * ngAnimateChildren allows you to specify that children of this element should animate even if any
+ * of the children's parents are currently animating. By default, when an element has an active `enter`, `leave`, or `move`
+ * (structural) animation, child elements that also have an active structural animation are not animated.
+ *
+ * Note that even if `ngAnimteChildren` is set, no child animations will run when the parent element is removed from the DOM (`leave` animation).
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {string} ngAnimateChildren If the value is empty, `true` or `on`,
+ * then child animations are allowed. If the value is `false`, child animations are not allowed.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ List of items:
Item {{item}}
+ .container.ng-enter,
+ .container.ng-leave {
+ transition: all ease 1.5s;
+ }
+ .container.ng-enter,
+ .container.ng-leave-active {
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ .container.ng-leave,
+ .container.ng-enter-active {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ .item {
+ background: firebrick;
+ color: #FFF;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ }
+ .item.ng-enter,
+ .item.ng-leave {
+ transition: transform 1.5s ease;
+ }
+ .item.ng-enter {
+ transform: translateX(50px);
+ }
+ .item.ng-enter-active {
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ }
+ angular.module('ngAnimateChildren', ['ngAnimate'])
+ .controller('mainController', function() {
+ this.animateChildren = false;
+ this.enterElement = false;
+ });
+ */
+var $$AnimateChildrenDirective = ['$interpolate', function($interpolate) {
+ return {
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ var val = attrs.ngAnimateChildren;
+ if (angular.isString(val) && val.length === 0) { //empty attribute
+ element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA, true);
+ } else {
+ // Interpolate and set the value, so that it is available to
+ // animations that run right after compilation
+ setData($interpolate(val)(scope));
+ attrs.$observe('ngAnimateChildren', setData);
+ }
+ function setData(value) {
+ value = value === 'on' || value === 'true';
+ element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA, value);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+var ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY = '$$animateCss';
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name $animateCss
+ * @kind object
+ *
+ * @description
+ * The `$animateCss` service is a useful utility to trigger customized CSS-based transitions/keyframes
+ * from a JavaScript-based animation or directly from a directive. The purpose of `$animateCss` is NOT
+ * to side-step how `$animate` and ngAnimate work, but the goal is to allow pre-existing animations or
+ * directives to create more complex animations that can be purely driven using CSS code.
+ *
+ * Note that only browsers that support CSS transitions and/or keyframe animations are capable of
+ * rendering animations triggered via `$animateCss` (bad news for IE9 and lower).
+ *
+ * ## Usage
+ * Once again, `$animateCss` is designed to be used inside of a registered JavaScript animation that
+ * is powered by ngAnimate. It is possible to use `$animateCss` directly inside of a directive, however,
+ * any automatic control over cancelling animations and/or preventing animations from being run on
+ * child elements will not be handled by Angular. For this to work as expected, please use `$animate` to
+ * trigger the animation and then setup a JavaScript animation that injects `$animateCss` to trigger
+ * the CSS animation.
+ *
+ * The example below shows how we can create a folding animation on an element using `ng-if`:
+ *
+ * ```html
+ *
+ *
+ * This element will go BOOM
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now we create the **JavaScript animation** that will trigger the CSS transition:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * ngModule.animation('.fold-animation', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) {
+ * return {
+ * enter: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * var height = element[0].offsetHeight;
+ * return $animateCss(element, {
+ * from: { height:'0px' },
+ * to: { height:height + 'px' },
+ * duration: 1 // one second
+ * });
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ## More Advanced Uses
+ *
+ * `$animateCss` is the underlying code that ngAnimate uses to power **CSS-based animations** behind the scenes. Therefore CSS hooks
+ * like `.ng-EVENT`, `.ng-EVENT-active`, `.ng-EVENT-stagger` are all features that can be triggered using `$animateCss` via JavaScript code.
+ *
+ * This also means that just about any combination of adding classes, removing classes, setting styles, dynamically setting a keyframe animation,
+ * applying a hardcoded duration or delay value, changing the animation easing or applying a stagger animation are all options that work with
+ * `$animateCss`. The service itself is smart enough to figure out the combination of options and examine the element styling properties in order
+ * to provide a working animation that will run in CSS.
+ *
+ * The example below showcases a more advanced version of the `.fold-animation` from the example above:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * ngModule.animation('.fold-animation', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) {
+ * return {
+ * enter: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * var height = element[0].offsetHeight;
+ * return $animateCss(element, {
+ * addClass: 'red large-text pulse-twice',
+ * easing: 'ease-out',
+ * from: { height:'0px' },
+ * to: { height:height + 'px' },
+ * duration: 1 // one second
+ * });
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Since we're adding/removing CSS classes then the CSS transition will also pick those up:
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * /* since a hardcoded duration value of 1 was provided in the JavaScript animation code,
+ * the CSS classes below will be transitioned despite them being defined as regular CSS classes */
+ * .red { background:red; }
+ * .large-text { font-size:20px; }
+ *
+ * /* we can also use a keyframe animation and $animateCss will make it work alongside the transition */
+ * .pulse-twice {
+ * animation: 0.5s pulse linear 2;
+ * -webkit-animation: 0.5s pulse linear 2;
+ * }
+ *
+ * @keyframes pulse {
+ * from { transform: scale(0.5); }
+ * to { transform: scale(1.5); }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @-webkit-keyframes pulse {
+ * from { -webkit-transform: scale(0.5); }
+ * to { -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Given this complex combination of CSS classes, styles and options, `$animateCss` will figure everything out and make the animation happen.
+ *
+ * ## How the Options are handled
+ *
+ * `$animateCss` is very versatile and intelligent when it comes to figuring out what configurations to apply to the element to ensure the animation
+ * works with the options provided. Say for example we were adding a class that contained a keyframe value and we wanted to also animate some inline
+ * styles using the `from` and `to` properties.
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * var animator = $animateCss(element, {
+ * from: { background:'red' },
+ * to: { background:'blue' }
+ * });
+ * animator.start();
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .rotating-animation {
+ * animation:0.5s rotate linear;
+ * -webkit-animation:0.5s rotate linear;
+ * }
+ *
+ * @keyframes rotate {
+ * from { transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ * to { transform: rotate(360deg); }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @-webkit-keyframes rotate {
+ * from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ * to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The missing pieces here are that we do not have a transition set (within the CSS code nor within the `$animateCss` options) and the duration of the animation is
+ * going to be detected from what the keyframe styles on the CSS class are. In this event, `$animateCss` will automatically create an inline transition
+ * style matching the duration detected from the keyframe style (which is present in the CSS class that is being added) and then prepare both the transition
+ * and keyframe animations to run in parallel on the element. Then when the animation is underway the provided `from` and `to` CSS styles will be applied
+ * and spread across the transition and keyframe animation.
+ *
+ * ## What is returned
+ *
+ * `$animateCss` works in two stages: a preparation phase and an animation phase. Therefore when `$animateCss` is first called it will NOT actually
+ * start the animation. All that is going on here is that the element is being prepared for the animation (which means that the generated CSS classes are
+ * added and removed on the element). Once `$animateCss` is called it will return an object with the following properties:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * var animator = $animateCss(element, { ... });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now what do the contents of our `animator` variable look like:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * {
+ * // starts the animation
+ * start: Function,
+ *
+ * // ends (aborts) the animation
+ * end: Function
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * To actually start the animation we need to run `animation.start()` which will then return a promise that we can hook into to detect when the animation ends.
+ * If we choose not to run the animation then we MUST run `animation.end()` to perform a cleanup on the element (since some CSS classes and styles may have been
+ * applied to the element during the preparation phase). Note that all other properties such as duration, delay, transitions and keyframes are just properties
+ * and that changing them will not reconfigure the parameters of the animation.
+ *
+ * ### runner.done() vs runner.then()
+ * It is documented that `animation.start()` will return a promise object and this is true, however, there is also an additional method available on the
+ * runner called `.done(callbackFn)`. The done method works the same as `.finally(callbackFn)`, however, it does **not trigger a digest to occur**.
+ * Therefore, for performance reasons, it's always best to use `runner.done(callback)` instead of `runner.then()`, `runner.catch()` or `runner.finally()`
+ * unless you really need a digest to kick off afterwards.
+ *
+ * Keep in mind that, to make this easier, ngAnimate has tweaked the JS animations API to recognize when a runner instance is returned from $animateCss
+ * (so there is no need to call `runner.done(doneFn)` inside of your JavaScript animation code).
+ * Check the {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss#usage animation code above} to see how this works.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be animated
+ * @param {object} options the animation-related options that will be applied during the animation
+ *
+ * * `event` - The DOM event (e.g. enter, leave, move). When used, a generated CSS class of `ng-EVENT` and `ng-EVENT-active` will be applied
+ * to the element during the animation. Multiple events can be provided when spaces are used as a separator. (Note that this will not perform any DOM operation.)
+ * * `structural` - Indicates that the `ng-` prefix will be added to the event class. Setting to `false` or omitting will turn `ng-EVENT` and
+ * `ng-EVENT-active` in `EVENT` and `EVENT-active`. Unused if `event` is omitted.
+ * * `easing` - The CSS easing value that will be applied to the transition or keyframe animation (or both).
+ * * `transitionStyle` - The raw CSS transition style that will be used (e.g. `1s linear all`).
+ * * `keyframeStyle` - The raw CSS keyframe animation style that will be used (e.g. `1s my_animation linear`).
+ * * `from` - The starting CSS styles (a key/value object) that will be applied at the start of the animation.
+ * * `to` - The ending CSS styles (a key/value object) that will be applied across the animation via a CSS transition.
+ * * `addClass` - A space separated list of CSS classes that will be added to the element and spread across the animation.
+ * * `removeClass` - A space separated list of CSS classes that will be removed from the element and spread across the animation.
+ * * `duration` - A number value representing the total duration of the transition and/or keyframe (note that a value of 1 is 1000ms). If a value of `0`
+ * is provided then the animation will be skipped entirely.
+ * * `delay` - A number value representing the total delay of the transition and/or keyframe (note that a value of 1 is 1000ms). If a value of `true` is
+ * used then whatever delay value is detected from the CSS classes will be mirrored on the elements styles (e.g. by setting delay true then the style value
+ * of the element will be `transition-delay: DETECTED_VALUE`). Using `true` is useful when you want the CSS classes and inline styles to all share the same
+ * CSS delay value.
+ * * `stagger` - A numeric time value representing the delay between successively animated elements
+ * ({@link ngAnimate#css-staggering-animations Click here to learn how CSS-based staggering works in ngAnimate.})
+ * * `staggerIndex` - The numeric index representing the stagger item (e.g. a value of 5 is equal to the sixth item in the stagger; therefore when a
+ * `stagger` option value of `0.1` is used then there will be a stagger delay of `600ms`)
+ * * `applyClassesEarly` - Whether or not the classes being added or removed will be used when detecting the animation. This is set by `$animate` when enter/leave/move animations are fired to ensure that the CSS classes are resolved in time. (Note that this will prevent any transitions from occurring on the classes being added and removed.)
+ * * `cleanupStyles` - Whether or not the provided `from` and `to` styles will be removed once
+ * the animation is closed. This is useful for when the styles are used purely for the sake of
+ * the animation and do not have a lasting visual effect on the element (e.g. a collapse and open animation).
+ * By default this value is set to `false`.
+ *
+ * @return {object} an object with start and end methods and details about the animation.
+ *
+ * * `start` - The method to start the animation. This will return a `Promise` when called.
+ * * `end` - This method will cancel the animation and remove all applied CSS classes and styles.
+ */
+var ONE_SECOND = 1000;
+var BASE_TEN = 10;
+ transitionDuration: TRANSITION_DURATION_PROP,
+ transitionDelay: TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP,
+ transitionProperty: TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY,
+ animationDuration: ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP,
+ animationDelay: ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP,
+ transitionDuration: TRANSITION_DURATION_PROP,
+ transitionDelay: TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP,
+ animationDuration: ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP,
+ animationDelay: ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP
+function getCssKeyframeDurationStyle(duration) {
+ return [ANIMATION_DURATION_PROP, duration + 's'];
+function getCssDelayStyle(delay, isKeyframeAnimation) {
+ var prop = isKeyframeAnimation ? ANIMATION_DELAY_PROP : TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP;
+ return [prop, delay + 's'];
+function computeCssStyles($window, element, properties) {
+ var styles = Object.create(null);
+ var detectedStyles = $window.getComputedStyle(element) || {};
+ forEach(properties, function(formalStyleName, actualStyleName) {
+ var val = detectedStyles[formalStyleName];
+ if (val) {
+ var c = val.charAt(0);
+ // only numerical-based values have a negative sign or digit as the first value
+ if (c === '-' || c === '+' || c >= 0) {
+ val = parseMaxTime(val);
+ }
+ // by setting this to null in the event that the delay is not set or is set directly as 0
+ // then we can still allow for negative values to be used later on and not mistake this
+ // value for being greater than any other negative value.
+ if (val === 0) {
+ val = null;
+ }
+ styles[actualStyleName] = val;
+ }
+ });
+ return styles;
+function parseMaxTime(str) {
+ var maxValue = 0;
+ var values = str.split(/\s*,\s*/);
+ forEach(values, function(value) {
+ // it's always safe to consider only second values and omit `ms` values since
+ // getComputedStyle will always handle the conversion for us
+ if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) == 's') {
+ value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
+ }
+ value = parseFloat(value) || 0;
+ maxValue = maxValue ? Math.max(value, maxValue) : value;
+ });
+ return maxValue;
+function truthyTimingValue(val) {
+ return val === 0 || val != null;
+function getCssTransitionDurationStyle(duration, applyOnlyDuration) {
+ var style = TRANSITION_PROP;
+ var value = duration + 's';
+ if (applyOnlyDuration) {
+ style += DURATION_KEY;
+ } else {
+ value += ' linear all';
+ }
+ return [style, value];
+function createLocalCacheLookup() {
+ var cache = Object.create(null);
+ return {
+ flush: function() {
+ cache = Object.create(null);
+ },
+ count: function(key) {
+ var entry = cache[key];
+ return entry ? entry.total : 0;
+ },
+ get: function(key) {
+ var entry = cache[key];
+ return entry && entry.value;
+ },
+ put: function(key, value) {
+ if (!cache[key]) {
+ cache[key] = { total: 1, value: value };
+ } else {
+ cache[key].total++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// we do not reassign an already present style value since
+// if we detect the style property value again we may be
+// detecting styles that were added via the `from` styles.
+// We make use of `isDefined` here since an empty string
+// or null value (which is what getPropertyValue will return
+// for a non-existing style) will still be marked as a valid
+// value for the style (a falsy value implies that the style
+// is to be removed at the end of the animation). If we had a simple
+// "OR" statement then it would not be enough to catch that.
+function registerRestorableStyles(backup, node, properties) {
+ forEach(properties, function(prop) {
+ backup[prop] = isDefined(backup[prop])
+ ? backup[prop]
+ : node.style.getPropertyValue(prop);
+ });
+var $AnimateCssProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) {
+ var gcsLookup = createLocalCacheLookup();
+ var gcsStaggerLookup = createLocalCacheLookup();
+ this.$get = ['$window', '$$jqLite', '$$AnimateRunner', '$timeout',
+ '$$forceReflow', '$sniffer', '$$rAFScheduler', '$$animateQueue',
+ function($window, $$jqLite, $$AnimateRunner, $timeout,
+ $$forceReflow, $sniffer, $$rAFScheduler, $$animateQueue) {
+ var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
+ var parentCounter = 0;
+ function gcsHashFn(node, extraClasses) {
+ var KEY = "$$ngAnimateParentKey";
+ var parentNode = node.parentNode;
+ var parentID = parentNode[KEY] || (parentNode[KEY] = ++parentCounter);
+ return parentID + '-' + node.getAttribute('class') + '-' + extraClasses;
+ }
+ function computeCachedCssStyles(node, className, cacheKey, properties) {
+ var timings = gcsLookup.get(cacheKey);
+ if (!timings) {
+ timings = computeCssStyles($window, node, properties);
+ if (timings.animationIterationCount === 'infinite') {
+ timings.animationIterationCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // we keep putting this in multiple times even though the value and the cacheKey are the same
+ // because we're keeping an internal tally of how many duplicate animations are detected.
+ gcsLookup.put(cacheKey, timings);
+ return timings;
+ }
+ function computeCachedCssStaggerStyles(node, className, cacheKey, properties) {
+ var stagger;
+ // if we have one or more existing matches of matching elements
+ // containing the same parent + CSS styles (which is how cacheKey works)
+ // then staggering is possible
+ if (gcsLookup.count(cacheKey) > 0) {
+ stagger = gcsStaggerLookup.get(cacheKey);
+ if (!stagger) {
+ var staggerClassName = pendClasses(className, '-stagger');
+ $$jqLite.addClass(node, staggerClassName);
+ stagger = computeCssStyles($window, node, properties);
+ // force the conversion of a null value to zero incase not set
+ stagger.animationDuration = Math.max(stagger.animationDuration, 0);
+ stagger.transitionDuration = Math.max(stagger.transitionDuration, 0);
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(node, staggerClassName);
+ gcsStaggerLookup.put(cacheKey, stagger);
+ }
+ }
+ return stagger || {};
+ }
+ var cancelLastRAFRequest;
+ var rafWaitQueue = [];
+ function waitUntilQuiet(callback) {
+ rafWaitQueue.push(callback);
+ $$rAFScheduler.waitUntilQuiet(function() {
+ gcsLookup.flush();
+ gcsStaggerLookup.flush();
+ // PLEASE EXAMINE THE `$$forceReflow` service to understand why.
+ var pageWidth = $$forceReflow();
+ // we use a for loop to ensure that if the queue is changed
+ // during this looping then it will consider new requests
+ for (var i = 0; i < rafWaitQueue.length; i++) {
+ rafWaitQueue[i](pageWidth);
+ }
+ rafWaitQueue.length = 0;
+ });
+ }
+ function computeTimings(node, className, cacheKey) {
+ var timings = computeCachedCssStyles(node, className, cacheKey, DETECT_CSS_PROPERTIES);
+ var aD = timings.animationDelay;
+ var tD = timings.transitionDelay;
+ timings.maxDelay = aD && tD
+ ? Math.max(aD, tD)
+ : (aD || tD);
+ timings.maxDuration = Math.max(
+ timings.animationDuration * timings.animationIterationCount,
+ timings.transitionDuration);
+ return timings;
+ }
+ return function init(element, initialOptions) {
+ // all of the animation functions should create
+ // a copy of the options data, however, if a
+ // parent service has already created a copy then
+ // we should stick to using that
+ var options = initialOptions || {};
+ if (!options.$$prepared) {
+ options = prepareAnimationOptions(copy(options));
+ }
+ var restoreStyles = {};
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ if (!node
+ || !node.parentNode
+ || !$$animateQueue.enabled()) {
+ return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator();
+ }
+ var temporaryStyles = [];
+ var classes = element.attr('class');
+ var styles = packageStyles(options);
+ var animationClosed;
+ var animationPaused;
+ var animationCompleted;
+ var runner;
+ var runnerHost;
+ var maxDelay;
+ var maxDelayTime;
+ var maxDuration;
+ var maxDurationTime;
+ var startTime;
+ var events = [];
+ if (options.duration === 0 || (!$sniffer.animations && !$sniffer.transitions)) {
+ return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator();
+ }
+ var method = options.event && isArray(options.event)
+ ? options.event.join(' ')
+ : options.event;
+ var isStructural = method && options.structural;
+ var structuralClassName = '';
+ var addRemoveClassName = '';
+ if (isStructural) {
+ structuralClassName = pendClasses(method, EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX, true);
+ } else if (method) {
+ structuralClassName = method;
+ }
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ addRemoveClassName += pendClasses(options.addClass, ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX);
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ if (addRemoveClassName.length) {
+ addRemoveClassName += ' ';
+ }
+ addRemoveClassName += pendClasses(options.removeClass, REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX);
+ }
+ // there may be a situation where a structural animation is combined together
+ // with CSS classes that need to resolve before the animation is computed.
+ // However this means that there is no explicit CSS code to block the animation
+ // from happening (by setting 0s none in the class name). If this is the case
+ // we need to apply the classes before the first rAF so we know to continue if
+ // there actually is a detected transition or keyframe animation
+ if (options.applyClassesEarly && addRemoveClassName.length) {
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ }
+ var preparationClasses = [structuralClassName, addRemoveClassName].join(' ').trim();
+ var fullClassName = classes + ' ' + preparationClasses;
+ var activeClasses = pendClasses(preparationClasses, ACTIVE_CLASS_SUFFIX);
+ var hasToStyles = styles.to && Object.keys(styles.to).length > 0;
+ var containsKeyframeAnimation = (options.keyframeStyle || '').length > 0;
+ // there is no way we can trigger an animation if no styles and
+ // no classes are being applied which would then trigger a transition,
+ // unless there a is raw keyframe value that is applied to the element.
+ if (!containsKeyframeAnimation
+ && !hasToStyles
+ && !preparationClasses) {
+ return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator();
+ }
+ var cacheKey, stagger;
+ if (options.stagger > 0) {
+ var staggerVal = parseFloat(options.stagger);
+ stagger = {
+ transitionDelay: staggerVal,
+ animationDelay: staggerVal,
+ transitionDuration: 0,
+ animationDuration: 0
+ };
+ } else {
+ cacheKey = gcsHashFn(node, fullClassName);
+ stagger = computeCachedCssStaggerStyles(node, preparationClasses, cacheKey, DETECT_STAGGER_CSS_PROPERTIES);
+ }
+ if (!options.$$skipPreparationClasses) {
+ $$jqLite.addClass(element, preparationClasses);
+ }
+ var applyOnlyDuration;
+ if (options.transitionStyle) {
+ var transitionStyle = [TRANSITION_PROP, options.transitionStyle];
+ applyInlineStyle(node, transitionStyle);
+ temporaryStyles.push(transitionStyle);
+ }
+ if (options.duration >= 0) {
+ applyOnlyDuration = node.style[TRANSITION_PROP].length > 0;
+ var durationStyle = getCssTransitionDurationStyle(options.duration, applyOnlyDuration);
+ // we set the duration so that it will be picked up by getComputedStyle later
+ applyInlineStyle(node, durationStyle);
+ temporaryStyles.push(durationStyle);
+ }
+ if (options.keyframeStyle) {
+ var keyframeStyle = [ANIMATION_PROP, options.keyframeStyle];
+ applyInlineStyle(node, keyframeStyle);
+ temporaryStyles.push(keyframeStyle);
+ }
+ var itemIndex = stagger
+ ? options.staggerIndex >= 0
+ ? options.staggerIndex
+ : gcsLookup.count(cacheKey)
+ : 0;
+ var isFirst = itemIndex === 0;
+ // this is a pre-emptive way of forcing the setup classes to be added and applied INSTANTLY
+ // without causing any combination of transitions to kick in. By adding a negative delay value
+ // it forces the setup class' transition to end immediately. We later then remove the negative
+ // transition delay to allow for the transition to naturally do it's thing. The beauty here is
+ // that if there is no transition defined then nothing will happen and this will also allow
+ // other transitions to be stacked on top of each other without any chopping them out.
+ if (isFirst && !options.skipBlocking) {
+ blockTransitions(node, SAFE_FAST_FORWARD_DURATION_VALUE);
+ }
+ var timings = computeTimings(node, fullClassName, cacheKey);
+ var relativeDelay = timings.maxDelay;
+ maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0);
+ maxDuration = timings.maxDuration;
+ var flags = {};
+ flags.hasTransitions = timings.transitionDuration > 0;
+ flags.hasAnimations = timings.animationDuration > 0;
+ flags.hasTransitionAll = flags.hasTransitions && timings.transitionProperty == 'all';
+ flags.applyTransitionDuration = hasToStyles && (
+ (flags.hasTransitions && !flags.hasTransitionAll)
+ || (flags.hasAnimations && !flags.hasTransitions));
+ flags.applyAnimationDuration = options.duration && flags.hasAnimations;
+ flags.applyTransitionDelay = truthyTimingValue(options.delay) && (flags.applyTransitionDuration || flags.hasTransitions);
+ flags.applyAnimationDelay = truthyTimingValue(options.delay) && flags.hasAnimations;
+ flags.recalculateTimingStyles = addRemoveClassName.length > 0;
+ if (flags.applyTransitionDuration || flags.applyAnimationDuration) {
+ maxDuration = options.duration ? parseFloat(options.duration) : maxDuration;
+ if (flags.applyTransitionDuration) {
+ flags.hasTransitions = true;
+ timings.transitionDuration = maxDuration;
+ applyOnlyDuration = node.style[TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY].length > 0;
+ temporaryStyles.push(getCssTransitionDurationStyle(maxDuration, applyOnlyDuration));
+ }
+ if (flags.applyAnimationDuration) {
+ flags.hasAnimations = true;
+ timings.animationDuration = maxDuration;
+ temporaryStyles.push(getCssKeyframeDurationStyle(maxDuration));
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxDuration === 0 && !flags.recalculateTimingStyles) {
+ return closeAndReturnNoopAnimator();
+ }
+ if (options.delay != null) {
+ var delayStyle;
+ if (typeof options.delay !== "boolean") {
+ delayStyle = parseFloat(options.delay);
+ // number in options.delay means we have to recalculate the delay for the closing timeout
+ maxDelay = Math.max(delayStyle, 0);
+ }
+ if (flags.applyTransitionDelay) {
+ temporaryStyles.push(getCssDelayStyle(delayStyle));
+ }
+ if (flags.applyAnimationDelay) {
+ temporaryStyles.push(getCssDelayStyle(delayStyle, true));
+ }
+ }
+ // we need to recalculate the delay value since we used a pre-emptive negative
+ // delay value and the delay value is required for the final event checking. This
+ // property will ensure that this will happen after the RAF phase has passed.
+ if (options.duration == null && timings.transitionDuration > 0) {
+ flags.recalculateTimingStyles = flags.recalculateTimingStyles || isFirst;
+ }
+ maxDelayTime = maxDelay * ONE_SECOND;
+ maxDurationTime = maxDuration * ONE_SECOND;
+ if (!options.skipBlocking) {
+ flags.blockTransition = timings.transitionDuration > 0;
+ flags.blockKeyframeAnimation = timings.animationDuration > 0 &&
+ stagger.animationDelay > 0 &&
+ stagger.animationDuration === 0;
+ }
+ if (options.from) {
+ if (options.cleanupStyles) {
+ registerRestorableStyles(restoreStyles, node, Object.keys(options.from));
+ }
+ applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options);
+ }
+ if (flags.blockTransition || flags.blockKeyframeAnimation) {
+ applyBlocking(maxDuration);
+ } else if (!options.skipBlocking) {
+ blockTransitions(node, false);
+ }
+ // TODO(matsko): for 1.5 change this code to have an animator object for better debugging
+ return {
+ $$willAnimate: true,
+ end: endFn,
+ start: function() {
+ if (animationClosed) return;
+ runnerHost = {
+ end: endFn,
+ cancel: cancelFn,
+ resume: null, //this will be set during the start() phase
+ pause: null
+ };
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner(runnerHost);
+ waitUntilQuiet(start);
+ // we don't have access to pause/resume the animation
+ // since it hasn't run yet. AnimateRunner will therefore
+ // set noop functions for resume and pause and they will
+ // later be overridden once the animation is triggered
+ return runner;
+ }
+ };
+ function endFn() {
+ close();
+ }
+ function cancelFn() {
+ close(true);
+ }
+ function close(rejected) { // jshint ignore:line
+ // if the promise has been called already then we shouldn't close
+ // the animation again
+ if (animationClosed || (animationCompleted && animationPaused)) return;
+ animationClosed = true;
+ animationPaused = false;
+ if (!options.$$skipPreparationClasses) {
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(element, preparationClasses);
+ }
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(element, activeClasses);
+ blockKeyframeAnimations(node, false);
+ blockTransitions(node, false);
+ forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) {
+ // There is only one way to remove inline style properties entirely from elements.
+ // By using `removeProperty` this works, but we need to convert camel-cased CSS
+ // styles down to hyphenated values.
+ node.style[entry[0]] = '';
+ });
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
+ if (Object.keys(restoreStyles).length) {
+ forEach(restoreStyles, function(value, prop) {
+ value ? node.style.setProperty(prop, value)
+ : node.style.removeProperty(prop);
+ });
+ }
+ // the reason why we have this option is to allow a synchronous closing callback
+ // that is fired as SOON as the animation ends (when the CSS is removed) or if
+ // the animation never takes off at all. A good example is a leave animation since
+ // the element must be removed just after the animation is over or else the element
+ // will appear on screen for one animation frame causing an overbearing flicker.
+ if (options.onDone) {
+ options.onDone();
+ }
+ if (events && events.length) {
+ // Remove the transitionend / animationend listener(s)
+ element.off(events.join(' '), onAnimationProgress);
+ }
+ //Cancel the fallback closing timeout and remove the timer data
+ var animationTimerData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY);
+ if (animationTimerData) {
+ $timeout.cancel(animationTimerData[0].timer);
+ element.removeData(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY);
+ }
+ // if the preparation function fails then the promise is not setup
+ if (runner) {
+ runner.complete(!rejected);
+ }
+ }
+ function applyBlocking(duration) {
+ if (flags.blockTransition) {
+ blockTransitions(node, duration);
+ }
+ if (flags.blockKeyframeAnimation) {
+ blockKeyframeAnimations(node, !!duration);
+ }
+ }
+ function closeAndReturnNoopAnimator() {
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: endFn,
+ cancel: cancelFn
+ });
+ // should flush the cache animation
+ waitUntilQuiet(noop);
+ close();
+ return {
+ $$willAnimate: false,
+ start: function() {
+ return runner;
+ },
+ end: endFn
+ };
+ }
+ function onAnimationProgress(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ var ev = event.originalEvent || event;
+ // we now always use `Date.now()` due to the recent changes with
+ // event.timeStamp in Firefox, Webkit and Chrome (see #13494 for more info)
+ var timeStamp = ev.$manualTimeStamp || Date.now();
+ /* Firefox (or possibly just Gecko) likes to not round values up
+ * when a ms measurement is used for the animation */
+ var elapsedTime = parseFloat(ev.elapsedTime.toFixed(ELAPSED_TIME_MAX_DECIMAL_PLACES));
+ /* $manualTimeStamp is a mocked timeStamp value which is set
+ * within browserTrigger(). This is only here so that tests can
+ * mock animations properly. Real events fallback to event.timeStamp,
+ * or, if they don't, then a timeStamp is automatically created for them.
+ * We're checking to see if the timeStamp surpasses the expected delay,
+ * but we're using elapsedTime instead of the timeStamp on the 2nd
+ * pre-condition since animationPauseds sometimes close off early */
+ if (Math.max(timeStamp - startTime, 0) >= maxDelayTime && elapsedTime >= maxDuration) {
+ // we set this flag to ensure that if the transition is paused then, when resumed,
+ // the animation will automatically close itself since transitions cannot be paused.
+ animationCompleted = true;
+ close();
+ }
+ }
+ function start() {
+ if (animationClosed) return;
+ if (!node.parentNode) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // even though we only pause keyframe animations here the pause flag
+ // will still happen when transitions are used. Only the transition will
+ // not be paused since that is not possible. If the animation ends when
+ // paused then it will not complete until unpaused or cancelled.
+ var playPause = function(playAnimation) {
+ if (!animationCompleted) {
+ animationPaused = !playAnimation;
+ if (timings.animationDuration) {
+ var value = blockKeyframeAnimations(node, animationPaused);
+ animationPaused
+ ? temporaryStyles.push(value)
+ : removeFromArray(temporaryStyles, value);
+ }
+ } else if (animationPaused && playAnimation) {
+ animationPaused = false;
+ close();
+ }
+ };
+ // checking the stagger duration prevents an accidentally cascade of the CSS delay style
+ // being inherited from the parent. If the transition duration is zero then we can safely
+ // rely that the delay value is an intentional stagger delay style.
+ var maxStagger = itemIndex > 0
+ && ((timings.transitionDuration && stagger.transitionDuration === 0) ||
+ (timings.animationDuration && stagger.animationDuration === 0))
+ && Math.max(stagger.animationDelay, stagger.transitionDelay);
+ if (maxStagger) {
+ $timeout(triggerAnimationStart,
+ Math.floor(maxStagger * itemIndex * ONE_SECOND),
+ false);
+ } else {
+ triggerAnimationStart();
+ }
+ // this will decorate the existing promise runner with pause/resume methods
+ runnerHost.resume = function() {
+ playPause(true);
+ };
+ runnerHost.pause = function() {
+ playPause(false);
+ };
+ function triggerAnimationStart() {
+ // just incase a stagger animation kicks in when the animation
+ // itself was cancelled entirely
+ if (animationClosed) return;
+ applyBlocking(false);
+ forEach(temporaryStyles, function(entry) {
+ var key = entry[0];
+ var value = entry[1];
+ node.style[key] = value;
+ });
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ $$jqLite.addClass(element, activeClasses);
+ if (flags.recalculateTimingStyles) {
+ fullClassName = node.className + ' ' + preparationClasses;
+ cacheKey = gcsHashFn(node, fullClassName);
+ timings = computeTimings(node, fullClassName, cacheKey);
+ relativeDelay = timings.maxDelay;
+ maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0);
+ maxDuration = timings.maxDuration;
+ if (maxDuration === 0) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ flags.hasTransitions = timings.transitionDuration > 0;
+ flags.hasAnimations = timings.animationDuration > 0;
+ }
+ if (flags.applyAnimationDelay) {
+ relativeDelay = typeof options.delay !== "boolean" && truthyTimingValue(options.delay)
+ ? parseFloat(options.delay)
+ : relativeDelay;
+ maxDelay = Math.max(relativeDelay, 0);
+ timings.animationDelay = relativeDelay;
+ delayStyle = getCssDelayStyle(relativeDelay, true);
+ temporaryStyles.push(delayStyle);
+ node.style[delayStyle[0]] = delayStyle[1];
+ }
+ maxDelayTime = maxDelay * ONE_SECOND;
+ maxDurationTime = maxDuration * ONE_SECOND;
+ if (options.easing) {
+ var easeProp, easeVal = options.easing;
+ if (flags.hasTransitions) {
+ temporaryStyles.push([easeProp, easeVal]);
+ node.style[easeProp] = easeVal;
+ }
+ if (flags.hasAnimations) {
+ temporaryStyles.push([easeProp, easeVal]);
+ node.style[easeProp] = easeVal;
+ }
+ }
+ if (timings.transitionDuration) {
+ }
+ if (timings.animationDuration) {
+ events.push(ANIMATIONEND_EVENT);
+ }
+ startTime = Date.now();
+ var timerTime = maxDelayTime + CLOSING_TIME_BUFFER * maxDurationTime;
+ var endTime = startTime + timerTime;
+ var animationsData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY) || [];
+ var setupFallbackTimer = true;
+ if (animationsData.length) {
+ var currentTimerData = animationsData[0];
+ setupFallbackTimer = endTime > currentTimerData.expectedEndTime;
+ if (setupFallbackTimer) {
+ $timeout.cancel(currentTimerData.timer);
+ } else {
+ animationsData.push(close);
+ }
+ }
+ if (setupFallbackTimer) {
+ var timer = $timeout(onAnimationExpired, timerTime, false);
+ animationsData[0] = {
+ timer: timer,
+ expectedEndTime: endTime
+ };
+ animationsData.push(close);
+ element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY, animationsData);
+ }
+ if (events.length) {
+ element.on(events.join(' '), onAnimationProgress);
+ }
+ if (options.to) {
+ if (options.cleanupStyles) {
+ registerRestorableStyles(restoreStyles, node, Object.keys(options.to));
+ }
+ applyAnimationToStyles(element, options);
+ }
+ }
+ function onAnimationExpired() {
+ var animationsData = element.data(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY);
+ // this will be false in the event that the element was
+ // removed from the DOM (via a leave animation or something
+ // similar)
+ if (animationsData) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < animationsData.length; i++) {
+ animationsData[i]();
+ }
+ element.removeData(ANIMATE_TIMER_KEY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }];
+var $$AnimateCssDriverProvider = ['$$animationProvider', function($$animationProvider) {
+ $$animationProvider.drivers.push('$$animateCssDriver');
+ var NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate-shim';
+ var NG_ANIMATE_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor';
+ var NG_OUT_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor-out';
+ var NG_IN_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-anchor-in';
+ function isDocumentFragment(node) {
+ return node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
+ }
+ this.$get = ['$animateCss', '$rootScope', '$$AnimateRunner', '$rootElement', '$sniffer', '$$jqLite', '$document',
+ function($animateCss, $rootScope, $$AnimateRunner, $rootElement, $sniffer, $$jqLite, $document) {
+ // only browsers that support these properties can render animations
+ if (!$sniffer.animations && !$sniffer.transitions) return noop;
+ var bodyNode = $document[0].body;
+ var rootNode = getDomNode($rootElement);
+ var rootBodyElement = jqLite(
+ // this is to avoid using something that exists outside of the body
+ // we also special case the doc fragment case because our unit test code
+ // appends the $rootElement to the body after the app has been bootstrapped
+ isDocumentFragment(rootNode) || bodyNode.contains(rootNode) ? rootNode : bodyNode
+ );
+ var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
+ return function initDriverFn(animationDetails) {
+ return animationDetails.from && animationDetails.to
+ ? prepareFromToAnchorAnimation(animationDetails.from,
+ animationDetails.to,
+ animationDetails.classes,
+ animationDetails.anchors)
+ : prepareRegularAnimation(animationDetails);
+ };
+ function filterCssClasses(classes) {
+ //remove all the `ng-` stuff
+ return classes.replace(/\bng-\S+\b/g, '');
+ }
+ function getUniqueValues(a, b) {
+ if (isString(a)) a = a.split(' ');
+ if (isString(b)) b = b.split(' ');
+ return a.filter(function(val) {
+ return b.indexOf(val) === -1;
+ }).join(' ');
+ }
+ function prepareAnchoredAnimation(classes, outAnchor, inAnchor) {
+ var clone = jqLite(getDomNode(outAnchor).cloneNode(true));
+ var startingClasses = filterCssClasses(getClassVal(clone));
+ outAnchor.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME);
+ inAnchor.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME);
+ rootBodyElement.append(clone);
+ var animatorIn, animatorOut = prepareOutAnimation();
+ // the user may not end up using the `out` animation and
+ // only making use of the `in` animation or vice-versa.
+ // In either case we should allow this and not assume the
+ // animation is over unless both animations are not used.
+ if (!animatorOut) {
+ animatorIn = prepareInAnimation();
+ if (!animatorIn) {
+ return end();
+ }
+ }
+ var startingAnimator = animatorOut || animatorIn;
+ return {
+ start: function() {
+ var runner;
+ var currentAnimation = startingAnimator.start();
+ currentAnimation.done(function() {
+ currentAnimation = null;
+ if (!animatorIn) {
+ animatorIn = prepareInAnimation();
+ if (animatorIn) {
+ currentAnimation = animatorIn.start();
+ currentAnimation.done(function() {
+ currentAnimation = null;
+ end();
+ runner.complete();
+ });
+ return currentAnimation;
+ }
+ }
+ // in the event that there is no `in` animation
+ end();
+ runner.complete();
+ });
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: endFn,
+ cancel: endFn
+ });
+ return runner;
+ function endFn() {
+ if (currentAnimation) {
+ currentAnimation.end();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function calculateAnchorStyles(anchor) {
+ var styles = {};
+ var coords = getDomNode(anchor).getBoundingClientRect();
+ // we iterate directly since safari messes up and doesn't return
+ // all the keys for the coords object when iterated
+ forEach(['width','height','top','left'], function(key) {
+ var value = coords[key];
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'top':
+ value += bodyNode.scrollTop;
+ break;
+ case 'left':
+ value += bodyNode.scrollLeft;
+ break;
+ }
+ styles[key] = Math.floor(value) + 'px';
+ });
+ return styles;
+ }
+ function prepareOutAnimation() {
+ var animator = $animateCss(clone, {
+ delay: true,
+ from: calculateAnchorStyles(outAnchor)
+ });
+ // read the comment within `prepareRegularAnimation` to understand
+ // why this check is necessary
+ return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null;
+ }
+ function getClassVal(element) {
+ return element.attr('class') || '';
+ }
+ function prepareInAnimation() {
+ var endingClasses = filterCssClasses(getClassVal(inAnchor));
+ var toAdd = getUniqueValues(endingClasses, startingClasses);
+ var toRemove = getUniqueValues(startingClasses, endingClasses);
+ var animator = $animateCss(clone, {
+ to: calculateAnchorStyles(inAnchor),
+ addClass: NG_IN_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME + ' ' + toAdd,
+ removeClass: NG_OUT_ANCHOR_CLASS_NAME + ' ' + toRemove,
+ delay: true
+ });
+ // read the comment within `prepareRegularAnimation` to understand
+ // why this check is necessary
+ return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null;
+ }
+ function end() {
+ clone.remove();
+ outAnchor.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME);
+ inAnchor.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_SHIM_CLASS_NAME);
+ }
+ }
+ function prepareFromToAnchorAnimation(from, to, classes, anchors) {
+ var fromAnimation = prepareRegularAnimation(from, noop);
+ var toAnimation = prepareRegularAnimation(to, noop);
+ var anchorAnimations = [];
+ forEach(anchors, function(anchor) {
+ var outElement = anchor['out'];
+ var inElement = anchor['in'];
+ var animator = prepareAnchoredAnimation(classes, outElement, inElement);
+ if (animator) {
+ anchorAnimations.push(animator);
+ }
+ });
+ // no point in doing anything when there are no elements to animate
+ if (!fromAnimation && !toAnimation && anchorAnimations.length === 0) return;
+ return {
+ start: function() {
+ var animationRunners = [];
+ if (fromAnimation) {
+ animationRunners.push(fromAnimation.start());
+ }
+ if (toAnimation) {
+ animationRunners.push(toAnimation.start());
+ }
+ forEach(anchorAnimations, function(animation) {
+ animationRunners.push(animation.start());
+ });
+ var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: endFn,
+ cancel: endFn // CSS-driven animations cannot be cancelled, only ended
+ });
+ $$AnimateRunner.all(animationRunners, function(status) {
+ runner.complete(status);
+ });
+ return runner;
+ function endFn() {
+ forEach(animationRunners, function(runner) {
+ runner.end();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function prepareRegularAnimation(animationDetails) {
+ var element = animationDetails.element;
+ var options = animationDetails.options || {};
+ if (animationDetails.structural) {
+ options.event = animationDetails.event;
+ options.structural = true;
+ options.applyClassesEarly = true;
+ // we special case the leave animation since we want to ensure that
+ // the element is removed as soon as the animation is over. Otherwise
+ // a flicker might appear or the element may not be removed at all
+ if (animationDetails.event === 'leave') {
+ options.onDone = options.domOperation;
+ }
+ }
+ // We assign the preparationClasses as the actual animation event since
+ // the internals of $animateCss will just suffix the event token values
+ // with `-active` to trigger the animation.
+ if (options.preparationClasses) {
+ options.event = concatWithSpace(options.event, options.preparationClasses);
+ }
+ var animator = $animateCss(element, options);
+ // the driver lookup code inside of $$animation attempts to spawn a
+ // driver one by one until a driver returns a.$$willAnimate animator object.
+ // $animateCss will always return an object, however, it will pass in
+ // a flag as a hint as to whether an animation was detected or not
+ return animator.$$willAnimate ? animator : null;
+ }
+ }];
+// TODO(matsko): use caching here to speed things up for detection
+// TODO(matsko): add documentation
+// by the time...
+var $$AnimateJsProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) {
+ this.$get = ['$injector', '$$AnimateRunner', '$$jqLite',
+ function($injector, $$AnimateRunner, $$jqLite) {
+ var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
+ // $animateJs(element, 'enter');
+ return function(element, event, classes, options) {
+ var animationClosed = false;
+ // the `classes` argument is optional and if it is not used
+ // then the classes will be resolved from the element's className
+ // property as well as options.addClass/options.removeClass.
+ if (arguments.length === 3 && isObject(classes)) {
+ options = classes;
+ classes = null;
+ }
+ options = prepareAnimationOptions(options);
+ if (!classes) {
+ classes = element.attr('class') || '';
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ classes += ' ' + options.addClass;
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ classes += ' ' + options.removeClass;
+ }
+ }
+ var classesToAdd = options.addClass;
+ var classesToRemove = options.removeClass;
+ // the lookupAnimations function returns a series of animation objects that are
+ // matched up with one or more of the CSS classes. These animation objects are
+ // defined via the module.animation factory function. If nothing is detected then
+ // we don't return anything which then makes $animation query the next driver.
+ var animations = lookupAnimations(classes);
+ var before, after;
+ if (animations.length) {
+ var afterFn, beforeFn;
+ if (event == 'leave') {
+ beforeFn = 'leave';
+ afterFn = 'afterLeave'; // TODO(matsko): get rid of this
+ } else {
+ beforeFn = 'before' + event.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + event.substr(1);
+ afterFn = event;
+ }
+ if (event !== 'enter' && event !== 'move') {
+ before = packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, beforeFn);
+ }
+ after = packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, afterFn);
+ }
+ // no matching animations
+ if (!before && !after) return;
+ function applyOptions() {
+ options.domOperation();
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ }
+ function close() {
+ animationClosed = true;
+ applyOptions();
+ applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
+ }
+ var runner;
+ return {
+ $$willAnimate: true,
+ end: function() {
+ if (runner) {
+ runner.end();
+ } else {
+ close();
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
+ runner.complete(true);
+ }
+ return runner;
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ if (runner) {
+ return runner;
+ }
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
+ var closeActiveAnimations;
+ var chain = [];
+ if (before) {
+ chain.push(function(fn) {
+ closeActiveAnimations = before(fn);
+ });
+ }
+ if (chain.length) {
+ chain.push(function(fn) {
+ applyOptions();
+ fn(true);
+ });
+ } else {
+ applyOptions();
+ }
+ if (after) {
+ chain.push(function(fn) {
+ closeActiveAnimations = after(fn);
+ });
+ }
+ runner.setHost({
+ end: function() {
+ endAnimations();
+ },
+ cancel: function() {
+ endAnimations(true);
+ }
+ });
+ $$AnimateRunner.chain(chain, onComplete);
+ return runner;
+ function onComplete(success) {
+ close(success);
+ runner.complete(success);
+ }
+ function endAnimations(cancelled) {
+ if (!animationClosed) {
+ (closeActiveAnimations || noop)(cancelled);
+ onComplete(cancelled);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function executeAnimationFn(fn, element, event, options, onDone) {
+ var args;
+ switch (event) {
+ case 'animate':
+ args = [element, options.from, options.to, onDone];
+ break;
+ case 'setClass':
+ args = [element, classesToAdd, classesToRemove, onDone];
+ break;
+ case 'addClass':
+ args = [element, classesToAdd, onDone];
+ break;
+ case 'removeClass':
+ args = [element, classesToRemove, onDone];
+ break;
+ default:
+ args = [element, onDone];
+ break;
+ }
+ args.push(options);
+ var value = fn.apply(fn, args);
+ if (value) {
+ if (isFunction(value.start)) {
+ value = value.start();
+ }
+ if (value instanceof $$AnimateRunner) {
+ value.done(onDone);
+ } else if (isFunction(value)) {
+ // optional onEnd / onCancel callback
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ return noop;
+ }
+ function groupEventedAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName) {
+ var operations = [];
+ forEach(animations, function(ani) {
+ var animation = ani[fnName];
+ if (!animation) return;
+ // note that all of these animations will run in parallel
+ operations.push(function() {
+ var runner;
+ var endProgressCb;
+ var resolved = false;
+ var onAnimationComplete = function(rejected) {
+ if (!resolved) {
+ resolved = true;
+ (endProgressCb || noop)(rejected);
+ runner.complete(!rejected);
+ }
+ };
+ runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: function() {
+ onAnimationComplete();
+ },
+ cancel: function() {
+ onAnimationComplete(true);
+ }
+ });
+ endProgressCb = executeAnimationFn(animation, element, event, options, function(result) {
+ var cancelled = result === false;
+ onAnimationComplete(cancelled);
+ });
+ return runner;
+ });
+ });
+ return operations;
+ }
+ function packageAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName) {
+ var operations = groupEventedAnimations(element, event, options, animations, fnName);
+ if (operations.length === 0) {
+ var a,b;
+ if (fnName === 'beforeSetClass') {
+ a = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'removeClass', options, animations, 'beforeRemoveClass');
+ b = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'addClass', options, animations, 'beforeAddClass');
+ } else if (fnName === 'setClass') {
+ a = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'removeClass', options, animations, 'removeClass');
+ b = groupEventedAnimations(element, 'addClass', options, animations, 'addClass');
+ }
+ if (a) {
+ operations = operations.concat(a);
+ }
+ if (b) {
+ operations = operations.concat(b);
+ }
+ }
+ if (operations.length === 0) return;
+ // TODO(matsko): add documentation
+ return function startAnimation(callback) {
+ var runners = [];
+ if (operations.length) {
+ forEach(operations, function(animateFn) {
+ runners.push(animateFn());
+ });
+ }
+ runners.length ? $$AnimateRunner.all(runners, callback) : callback();
+ return function endFn(reject) {
+ forEach(runners, function(runner) {
+ reject ? runner.cancel() : runner.end();
+ });
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ function lookupAnimations(classes) {
+ classes = isArray(classes) ? classes : classes.split(' ');
+ var matches = [], flagMap = {};
+ for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+ var klass = classes[i],
+ animationFactory = $animateProvider.$$registeredAnimations[klass];
+ if (animationFactory && !flagMap[klass]) {
+ matches.push($injector.get(animationFactory));
+ flagMap[klass] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return matches;
+ }
+ }];
+var $$AnimateJsDriverProvider = ['$$animationProvider', function($$animationProvider) {
+ $$animationProvider.drivers.push('$$animateJsDriver');
+ this.$get = ['$$animateJs', '$$AnimateRunner', function($$animateJs, $$AnimateRunner) {
+ return function initDriverFn(animationDetails) {
+ if (animationDetails.from && animationDetails.to) {
+ var fromAnimation = prepareAnimation(animationDetails.from);
+ var toAnimation = prepareAnimation(animationDetails.to);
+ if (!fromAnimation && !toAnimation) return;
+ return {
+ start: function() {
+ var animationRunners = [];
+ if (fromAnimation) {
+ animationRunners.push(fromAnimation.start());
+ }
+ if (toAnimation) {
+ animationRunners.push(toAnimation.start());
+ }
+ $$AnimateRunner.all(animationRunners, done);
+ var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: endFnFactory(),
+ cancel: endFnFactory()
+ });
+ return runner;
+ function endFnFactory() {
+ return function() {
+ forEach(animationRunners, function(runner) {
+ // at this point we cannot cancel animations for groups just yet. 1.5+
+ runner.end();
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ function done(status) {
+ runner.complete(status);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ return prepareAnimation(animationDetails);
+ }
+ };
+ function prepareAnimation(animationDetails) {
+ // TODO(matsko): make sure to check for grouped animations and delegate down to normal animations
+ var element = animationDetails.element;
+ var event = animationDetails.event;
+ var options = animationDetails.options;
+ var classes = animationDetails.classes;
+ return $$animateJs(element, event, classes, options);
+ }
+ }];
+var NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME = 'data-ng-animate';
+var NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA = '$ngAnimatePin';
+var $$AnimateQueueProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) {
+ var RUNNING_STATE = 2;
+ var ONE_SPACE = ' ';
+ var rules = this.rules = {
+ skip: [],
+ cancel: [],
+ join: []
+ };
+ function makeTruthyCssClassMap(classString) {
+ if (!classString) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var keys = classString.split(ONE_SPACE);
+ var map = Object.create(null);
+ forEach(keys, function(key) {
+ map[key] = true;
+ });
+ return map;
+ }
+ function hasMatchingClasses(newClassString, currentClassString) {
+ if (newClassString && currentClassString) {
+ var currentClassMap = makeTruthyCssClassMap(currentClassString);
+ return newClassString.split(ONE_SPACE).some(function(className) {
+ return currentClassMap[className];
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function isAllowed(ruleType, element, currentAnimation, previousAnimation) {
+ return rules[ruleType].some(function(fn) {
+ return fn(element, currentAnimation, previousAnimation);
+ });
+ }
+ function hasAnimationClasses(animation, and) {
+ var a = (animation.addClass || '').length > 0;
+ var b = (animation.removeClass || '').length > 0;
+ return and ? a && b : a || b;
+ }
+ rules.join.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // if the new animation is class-based then we can just tack that on
+ return !newAnimation.structural && hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
+ });
+ rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // there is no need to animate anything if no classes are being added and
+ // there is no structural animation that will be triggered
+ return !newAnimation.structural && !hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
+ });
+ rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // why should we trigger a new structural animation if the element will
+ // be removed from the DOM anyway?
+ return currentAnimation.event == 'leave' && newAnimation.structural;
+ });
+ rules.skip.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // if there is an ongoing current animation then don't even bother running the class-based animation
+ return currentAnimation.structural && currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && !newAnimation.structural;
+ });
+ rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // there can never be two structural animations running at the same time
+ return currentAnimation.structural && newAnimation.structural;
+ });
+ rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ // if the previous animation is already running, but the new animation will
+ // be triggered, but the new animation is structural
+ return currentAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE && newAnimation.structural;
+ });
+ rules.cancel.push(function(element, newAnimation, currentAnimation) {
+ var nA = newAnimation.addClass;
+ var nR = newAnimation.removeClass;
+ var cA = currentAnimation.addClass;
+ var cR = currentAnimation.removeClass;
+ // early detection to save the global CPU shortage :)
+ if ((isUndefined(nA) && isUndefined(nR)) || (isUndefined(cA) && isUndefined(cR))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return hasMatchingClasses(nA, cR) || hasMatchingClasses(nR, cA);
+ });
+ this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$rootScope', '$rootElement', '$document', '$$HashMap',
+ '$$animation', '$$AnimateRunner', '$templateRequest', '$$jqLite', '$$forceReflow',
+ function($$rAF, $rootScope, $rootElement, $document, $$HashMap,
+ $$animation, $$AnimateRunner, $templateRequest, $$jqLite, $$forceReflow) {
+ var activeAnimationsLookup = new $$HashMap();
+ var disabledElementsLookup = new $$HashMap();
+ var animationsEnabled = null;
+ function postDigestTaskFactory() {
+ var postDigestCalled = false;
+ return function(fn) {
+ // we only issue a call to postDigest before
+ // it has first passed. This prevents any callbacks
+ // from not firing once the animation has completed
+ // since it will be out of the digest cycle.
+ if (postDigestCalled) {
+ fn();
+ } else {
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
+ postDigestCalled = true;
+ fn();
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // Wait until all directive and route-related templates are downloaded and
+ // compiled. The $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests variable keeps track of
+ // all of the remote templates being currently downloaded. If there are no
+ // templates currently downloading then the watcher will still fire anyway.
+ var deregisterWatch = $rootScope.$watch(
+ function() { return $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests === 0; },
+ function(isEmpty) {
+ if (!isEmpty) return;
+ deregisterWatch();
+ // Now that all templates have been downloaded, $animate will wait until
+ // the post digest queue is empty before enabling animations. By having two
+ // calls to $postDigest calls we can ensure that the flag is enabled at the
+ // very end of the post digest queue. Since all of the animations in $animate
+ // use $postDigest, it's important that the code below executes at the end.
+ // This basically means that the page is fully downloaded and compiled before
+ // any animations are triggered.
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
+ // we check for null directly in the event that the application already called
+ // .enabled() with whatever arguments that it provided it with
+ if (animationsEnabled === null) {
+ animationsEnabled = true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ var callbackRegistry = {};
+ // remember that the classNameFilter is set during the provider/config
+ // stage therefore we can optimize here and setup a helper function
+ var classNameFilter = $animateProvider.classNameFilter();
+ var isAnimatableClassName = !classNameFilter
+ ? function() { return true; }
+ : function(className) {
+ return classNameFilter.test(className);
+ };
+ var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
+ function normalizeAnimationDetails(element, animation) {
+ return mergeAnimationDetails(element, animation, {});
+ }
+ // IE9-11 has no method "contains" in SVG element and in Node.prototype. Bug #10259.
+ var contains = Node.prototype.contains || function(arg) {
+ // jshint bitwise: false
+ return this === arg || !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16);
+ // jshint bitwise: true
+ };
+ function findCallbacks(parent, element, event) {
+ var targetNode = getDomNode(element);
+ var targetParentNode = getDomNode(parent);
+ var matches = [];
+ var entries = callbackRegistry[event];
+ if (entries) {
+ forEach(entries, function(entry) {
+ if (contains.call(entry.node, targetNode)) {
+ matches.push(entry.callback);
+ } else if (event === 'leave' && contains.call(entry.node, targetParentNode)) {
+ matches.push(entry.callback);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return matches;
+ }
+ return {
+ on: function(event, container, callback) {
+ var node = extractElementNode(container);
+ callbackRegistry[event] = callbackRegistry[event] || [];
+ callbackRegistry[event].push({
+ node: node,
+ callback: callback
+ });
+ },
+ off: function(event, container, callback) {
+ var entries = callbackRegistry[event];
+ if (!entries) return;
+ callbackRegistry[event] = arguments.length === 1
+ ? null
+ : filterFromRegistry(entries, container, callback);
+ function filterFromRegistry(list, matchContainer, matchCallback) {
+ var containerNode = extractElementNode(matchContainer);
+ return list.filter(function(entry) {
+ var isMatch = entry.node === containerNode &&
+ (!matchCallback || entry.callback === matchCallback);
+ return !isMatch;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ pin: function(element, parentElement) {
+ assertArg(isElement(element), 'element', 'not an element');
+ assertArg(isElement(parentElement), 'parentElement', 'not an element');
+ element.data(NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA, parentElement);
+ },
+ push: function(element, event, options, domOperation) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.domOperation = domOperation;
+ return queueAnimation(element, event, options);
+ },
+ // this method has four signatures:
+ // () - global getter
+ // (bool) - global setter
+ // (element) - element getter
+ // (element, bool) - element setter
+ enabled: function(element, bool) {
+ var argCount = arguments.length;
+ if (argCount === 0) {
+ // () - Global getter
+ bool = !!animationsEnabled;
+ } else {
+ var hasElement = isElement(element);
+ if (!hasElement) {
+ // (bool) - Global setter
+ bool = animationsEnabled = !!element;
+ } else {
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ var recordExists = disabledElementsLookup.get(node);
+ if (argCount === 1) {
+ // (element) - Element getter
+ bool = !recordExists;
+ } else {
+ // (element, bool) - Element setter
+ disabledElementsLookup.put(node, !bool);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bool;
+ }
+ };
+ function queueAnimation(element, event, initialOptions) {
+ // we always make a copy of the options since
+ // there should never be any side effects on
+ // the input data when running `$animateCss`.
+ var options = copy(initialOptions);
+ var node, parent;
+ element = stripCommentsFromElement(element);
+ if (element) {
+ node = getDomNode(element);
+ parent = element.parent();
+ }
+ options = prepareAnimationOptions(options);
+ // we create a fake runner with a working promise.
+ // These methods will become available after the digest has passed
+ var runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
+ // this is used to trigger callbacks in postDigest mode
+ var runInNextPostDigestOrNow = postDigestTaskFactory();
+ if (isArray(options.addClass)) {
+ options.addClass = options.addClass.join(' ');
+ }
+ if (options.addClass && !isString(options.addClass)) {
+ options.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (isArray(options.removeClass)) {
+ options.removeClass = options.removeClass.join(' ');
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass && !isString(options.removeClass)) {
+ options.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ if (options.from && !isObject(options.from)) {
+ options.from = null;
+ }
+ if (options.to && !isObject(options.to)) {
+ options.to = null;
+ }
+ // there are situations where a directive issues an animation for
+ // a jqLite wrapper that contains only comment nodes... If this
+ // happens then there is no way we can perform an animation
+ if (!node) {
+ close();
+ return runner;
+ }
+ var className = [node.className, options.addClass, options.removeClass].join(' ');
+ if (!isAnimatableClassName(className)) {
+ close();
+ return runner;
+ }
+ var isStructural = ['enter', 'move', 'leave'].indexOf(event) >= 0;
+ // this is a hard disable of all animations for the application or on
+ // the element itself, therefore there is no need to continue further
+ // past this point if not enabled
+ // Animations are also disabled if the document is currently hidden (page is not visible
+ // to the user), because browsers slow down or do not flush calls to requestAnimationFrame
+ var skipAnimations = !animationsEnabled || $document[0].hidden || disabledElementsLookup.get(node);
+ var existingAnimation = (!skipAnimations && activeAnimationsLookup.get(node)) || {};
+ var hasExistingAnimation = !!existingAnimation.state;
+ // there is no point in traversing the same collection of parent ancestors if a followup
+ // animation will be run on the same element that already did all that checking work
+ if (!skipAnimations && (!hasExistingAnimation || existingAnimation.state != PRE_DIGEST_STATE)) {
+ skipAnimations = !areAnimationsAllowed(element, parent, event);
+ }
+ if (skipAnimations) {
+ close();
+ return runner;
+ }
+ if (isStructural) {
+ closeChildAnimations(element);
+ }
+ var newAnimation = {
+ structural: isStructural,
+ element: element,
+ event: event,
+ addClass: options.addClass,
+ removeClass: options.removeClass,
+ close: close,
+ options: options,
+ runner: runner
+ };
+ if (hasExistingAnimation) {
+ var skipAnimationFlag = isAllowed('skip', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation);
+ if (skipAnimationFlag) {
+ if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
+ close();
+ return runner;
+ } else {
+ mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
+ return existingAnimation.runner;
+ }
+ }
+ var cancelAnimationFlag = isAllowed('cancel', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation);
+ if (cancelAnimationFlag) {
+ if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
+ // this will end the animation right away and it is safe
+ // to do so since the animation is already running and the
+ // runner callback code will run in async
+ existingAnimation.runner.end();
+ } else if (existingAnimation.structural) {
+ // this means that the animation is queued into a digest, but
+ // hasn't started yet. Therefore it is safe to run the close
+ // method which will call the runner methods in async.
+ existingAnimation.close();
+ } else {
+ // this will merge the new animation options into existing animation options
+ mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
+ return existingAnimation.runner;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // a joined animation means that this animation will take over the existing one
+ // so an example would involve a leave animation taking over an enter. Then when
+ // the postDigest kicks in the enter will be ignored.
+ var joinAnimationFlag = isAllowed('join', element, newAnimation, existingAnimation);
+ if (joinAnimationFlag) {
+ if (existingAnimation.state === RUNNING_STATE) {
+ normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation);
+ } else {
+ applyGeneratedPreparationClasses(element, isStructural ? event : null, options);
+ event = newAnimation.event = existingAnimation.event;
+ options = mergeAnimationDetails(element, existingAnimation, newAnimation);
+ //we return the same runner since only the option values of this animation will
+ //be fed into the `existingAnimation`.
+ return existingAnimation.runner;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // normalization in this case means that it removes redundant CSS classes that
+ // already exist (addClass) or do not exist (removeClass) on the element
+ normalizeAnimationDetails(element, newAnimation);
+ }
+ // when the options are merged and cleaned up we may end up not having to do
+ // an animation at all, therefore we should check this before issuing a post
+ // digest callback. Structural animations will always run no matter what.
+ var isValidAnimation = newAnimation.structural;
+ if (!isValidAnimation) {
+ // animate (from/to) can be quickly checked first, otherwise we check if any classes are present
+ isValidAnimation = (newAnimation.event === 'animate' && Object.keys(newAnimation.options.to || {}).length > 0)
+ || hasAnimationClasses(newAnimation);
+ }
+ if (!isValidAnimation) {
+ close();
+ clearElementAnimationState(element);
+ return runner;
+ }
+ // the counter keeps track of cancelled animations
+ var counter = (existingAnimation.counter || 0) + 1;
+ newAnimation.counter = counter;
+ markElementAnimationState(element, PRE_DIGEST_STATE, newAnimation);
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
+ var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
+ var animationCancelled = !animationDetails;
+ animationDetails = animationDetails || {};
+ // if addClass/removeClass is called before something like enter then the
+ // registered parent element may not be present. The code below will ensure
+ // that a final value for parent element is obtained
+ var parentElement = element.parent() || [];
+ // animate/structural/class-based animations all have requirements. Otherwise there
+ // is no point in performing an animation. The parent node must also be set.
+ var isValidAnimation = parentElement.length > 0
+ && (animationDetails.event === 'animate'
+ || animationDetails.structural
+ || hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails));
+ // this means that the previous animation was cancelled
+ // even if the follow-up animation is the same event
+ if (animationCancelled || animationDetails.counter !== counter || !isValidAnimation) {
+ // if another animation did not take over then we need
+ // to make sure that the domOperation and options are
+ // handled accordingly
+ if (animationCancelled) {
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
+ }
+ // if the event changed from something like enter to leave then we do
+ // it, otherwise if it's the same then the end result will be the same too
+ if (animationCancelled || (isStructural && animationDetails.event !== event)) {
+ options.domOperation();
+ runner.end();
+ }
+ // in the event that the element animation was not cancelled or a follow-up animation
+ // isn't allowed to animate from here then we need to clear the state of the element
+ // so that any future animations won't read the expired animation data.
+ if (!isValidAnimation) {
+ clearElementAnimationState(element);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // this combined multiple class to addClass / removeClass into a setClass event
+ // so long as a structural event did not take over the animation
+ event = !animationDetails.structural && hasAnimationClasses(animationDetails, true)
+ ? 'setClass'
+ : animationDetails.event;
+ markElementAnimationState(element, RUNNING_STATE);
+ var realRunner = $$animation(element, event, animationDetails.options);
+ realRunner.done(function(status) {
+ close(!status);
+ var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
+ if (animationDetails && animationDetails.counter === counter) {
+ clearElementAnimationState(getDomNode(element));
+ }
+ notifyProgress(runner, event, 'close', {});
+ });
+ // this will update the runner's flow-control events based on
+ // the `realRunner` object.
+ runner.setHost(realRunner);
+ notifyProgress(runner, event, 'start', {});
+ });
+ return runner;
+ function notifyProgress(runner, event, phase, data) {
+ runInNextPostDigestOrNow(function() {
+ var callbacks = findCallbacks(parent, element, event);
+ if (callbacks.length) {
+ // do not optimize this call here to RAF because
+ // we don't know how heavy the callback code here will
+ // be and if this code is buffered then this can
+ // lead to a performance regression.
+ $$rAF(function() {
+ forEach(callbacks, function(callback) {
+ callback(element, phase, data);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ runner.progress(event, phase, data);
+ }
+ function close(reject) { // jshint ignore:line
+ clearGeneratedClasses(element, options);
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
+ options.domOperation();
+ runner.complete(!reject);
+ }
+ }
+ function closeChildAnimations(element) {
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ var children = node.querySelectorAll('[' + NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME + ']');
+ forEach(children, function(child) {
+ var state = parseInt(child.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME));
+ var animationDetails = activeAnimationsLookup.get(child);
+ if (animationDetails) {
+ switch (state) {
+ animationDetails.runner.end();
+ /* falls through */
+ activeAnimationsLookup.remove(child);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function clearElementAnimationState(element) {
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ node.removeAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME);
+ activeAnimationsLookup.remove(node);
+ }
+ function isMatchingElement(nodeOrElmA, nodeOrElmB) {
+ return getDomNode(nodeOrElmA) === getDomNode(nodeOrElmB);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This fn returns false if any of the following is true:
+ * a) animations on any parent element are disabled, and animations on the element aren't explicitly allowed
+ * b) a parent element has an ongoing structural animation, and animateChildren is false
+ * c) the element is not a child of the body
+ * d) the element is not a child of the $rootElement
+ */
+ function areAnimationsAllowed(element, parentElement, event) {
+ var bodyElement = jqLite($document[0].body);
+ var bodyElementDetected = isMatchingElement(element, bodyElement) || element[0].nodeName === 'HTML';
+ var rootElementDetected = isMatchingElement(element, $rootElement);
+ var parentAnimationDetected = false;
+ var animateChildren;
+ var elementDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(getDomNode(element));
+ var parentHost = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA);
+ if (parentHost) {
+ parentElement = parentHost;
+ }
+ while (parentElement && parentElement.length) {
+ if (!rootElementDetected) {
+ // angular doesn't want to attempt to animate elements outside of the application
+ // therefore we need to ensure that the rootElement is an ancestor of the current element
+ rootElementDetected = isMatchingElement(parentElement, $rootElement);
+ }
+ var parentNode = parentElement[0];
+ if (parentNode.nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ // no point in inspecting the #document element
+ break;
+ }
+ var details = activeAnimationsLookup.get(parentNode) || {};
+ // either an enter, leave or move animation will commence
+ // therefore we can't allow any animations to take place
+ // but if a parent animation is class-based then that's ok
+ if (!parentAnimationDetected) {
+ var parentElementDisabled = disabledElementsLookup.get(parentNode);
+ if (parentElementDisabled === true && elementDisabled !== false) {
+ // disable animations if the user hasn't explicitly enabled animations on the
+ // current element
+ elementDisabled = true;
+ // element is disabled via parent element, no need to check anything else
+ break;
+ } else if (parentElementDisabled === false) {
+ elementDisabled = false;
+ }
+ parentAnimationDetected = details.structural;
+ }
+ if (isUndefined(animateChildren) || animateChildren === true) {
+ var value = parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA);
+ if (isDefined(value)) {
+ animateChildren = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // there is no need to continue traversing at this point
+ if (parentAnimationDetected && animateChildren === false) break;
+ if (!bodyElementDetected) {
+ // we also need to ensure that the element is or will be a part of the body element
+ // otherwise it is pointless to even issue an animation to be rendered
+ bodyElementDetected = isMatchingElement(parentElement, bodyElement);
+ }
+ if (bodyElementDetected && rootElementDetected) {
+ // If both body and root have been found, any other checks are pointless,
+ // as no animation data should live outside the application
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!rootElementDetected) {
+ // If no rootElement is detected, check if the parentElement is pinned to another element
+ parentHost = parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_PIN_DATA);
+ if (parentHost) {
+ // The pin target element becomes the next parent element
+ parentElement = parentHost;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ parentElement = parentElement.parent();
+ }
+ var allowAnimation = (!parentAnimationDetected || animateChildren) && elementDisabled !== true;
+ return allowAnimation && rootElementDetected && bodyElementDetected;
+ }
+ function markElementAnimationState(element, state, details) {
+ details = details || {};
+ details.state = state;
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ node.setAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_ATTR_NAME, state);
+ var oldValue = activeAnimationsLookup.get(node);
+ var newValue = oldValue
+ ? extend(oldValue, details)
+ : details;
+ activeAnimationsLookup.put(node, newValue);
+ }
+ }];
+var $$AnimationProvider = ['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) {
+ var NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR = 'ng-animate-ref';
+ var drivers = this.drivers = [];
+ var RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY = '$$animationRunner';
+ function setRunner(element, runner) {
+ element.data(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY, runner);
+ }
+ function removeRunner(element) {
+ element.removeData(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY);
+ }
+ function getRunner(element) {
+ return element.data(RUNNER_STORAGE_KEY);
+ }
+ this.$get = ['$$jqLite', '$rootScope', '$injector', '$$AnimateRunner', '$$HashMap', '$$rAFScheduler',
+ function($$jqLite, $rootScope, $injector, $$AnimateRunner, $$HashMap, $$rAFScheduler) {
+ var animationQueue = [];
+ var applyAnimationClasses = applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite);
+ function sortAnimations(animations) {
+ var tree = { children: [] };
+ var i, lookup = new $$HashMap();
+ // this is done first beforehand so that the hashmap
+ // is filled with a list of the elements that will be animated
+ for (i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
+ var animation = animations[i];
+ lookup.put(animation.domNode, animations[i] = {
+ domNode: animation.domNode,
+ fn: animation.fn,
+ children: []
+ });
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
+ processNode(animations[i]);
+ }
+ return flatten(tree);
+ function processNode(entry) {
+ if (entry.processed) return entry;
+ entry.processed = true;
+ var elementNode = entry.domNode;
+ var parentNode = elementNode.parentNode;
+ lookup.put(elementNode, entry);
+ var parentEntry;
+ while (parentNode) {
+ parentEntry = lookup.get(parentNode);
+ if (parentEntry) {
+ if (!parentEntry.processed) {
+ parentEntry = processNode(parentEntry);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
+ }
+ (parentEntry || tree).children.push(entry);
+ return entry;
+ }
+ function flatten(tree) {
+ var result = [];
+ var queue = [];
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) {
+ queue.push(tree.children[i]);
+ }
+ var remainingLevelEntries = queue.length;
+ var nextLevelEntries = 0;
+ var row = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
+ var entry = queue[i];
+ if (remainingLevelEntries <= 0) {
+ remainingLevelEntries = nextLevelEntries;
+ nextLevelEntries = 0;
+ result.push(row);
+ row = [];
+ }
+ row.push(entry.fn);
+ entry.children.forEach(function(childEntry) {
+ nextLevelEntries++;
+ queue.push(childEntry);
+ });
+ remainingLevelEntries--;
+ }
+ if (row.length) {
+ result.push(row);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(matsko): document the signature in a better way
+ return function(element, event, options) {
+ options = prepareAnimationOptions(options);
+ var isStructural = ['enter', 'move', 'leave'].indexOf(event) >= 0;
+ // there is no animation at the current moment, however
+ // these runner methods will get later updated with the
+ // methods leading into the driver's end/cancel methods
+ // for now they just stop the animation from starting
+ var runner = new $$AnimateRunner({
+ end: function() { close(); },
+ cancel: function() { close(true); }
+ });
+ if (!drivers.length) {
+ close();
+ return runner;
+ }
+ setRunner(element, runner);
+ var classes = mergeClasses(element.attr('class'), mergeClasses(options.addClass, options.removeClass));
+ var tempClasses = options.tempClasses;
+ if (tempClasses) {
+ classes += ' ' + tempClasses;
+ options.tempClasses = null;
+ }
+ var prepareClassName;
+ if (isStructural) {
+ prepareClassName = 'ng-' + event + PREPARE_CLASS_SUFFIX;
+ $$jqLite.addClass(element, prepareClassName);
+ }
+ animationQueue.push({
+ // this data is used by the postDigest code and passed into
+ // the driver step function
+ element: element,
+ classes: classes,
+ event: event,
+ structural: isStructural,
+ options: options,
+ beforeStart: beforeStart,
+ close: close
+ });
+ element.on('$destroy', handleDestroyedElement);
+ // we only want there to be one function called within the post digest
+ // block. This way we can group animations for all the animations that
+ // were apart of the same postDigest flush call.
+ if (animationQueue.length > 1) return runner;
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
+ var animations = [];
+ forEach(animationQueue, function(entry) {
+ // the element was destroyed early on which removed the runner
+ // form its storage. This means we can't animate this element
+ // at all and it already has been closed due to destruction.
+ if (getRunner(entry.element)) {
+ animations.push(entry);
+ } else {
+ entry.close();
+ }
+ });
+ // now any future animations will be in another postDigest
+ animationQueue.length = 0;
+ var groupedAnimations = groupAnimations(animations);
+ var toBeSortedAnimations = [];
+ forEach(groupedAnimations, function(animationEntry) {
+ toBeSortedAnimations.push({
+ domNode: getDomNode(animationEntry.from ? animationEntry.from.element : animationEntry.element),
+ fn: function triggerAnimationStart() {
+ // it's important that we apply the `ng-animate` CSS class and the
+ // temporary classes before we do any driver invoking since these
+ // CSS classes may be required for proper CSS detection.
+ animationEntry.beforeStart();
+ var startAnimationFn, closeFn = animationEntry.close;
+ // in the event that the element was removed before the digest runs or
+ // during the RAF sequencing then we should not trigger the animation.
+ var targetElement = animationEntry.anchors
+ ? (animationEntry.from.element || animationEntry.to.element)
+ : animationEntry.element;
+ if (getRunner(targetElement)) {
+ var operation = invokeFirstDriver(animationEntry);
+ if (operation) {
+ startAnimationFn = operation.start;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!startAnimationFn) {
+ closeFn();
+ } else {
+ var animationRunner = startAnimationFn();
+ animationRunner.done(function(status) {
+ closeFn(!status);
+ });
+ updateAnimationRunners(animationEntry, animationRunner);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // we need to sort each of the animations in order of parent to child
+ // relationships. This ensures that the child classes are applied at the
+ // right time.
+ $$rAFScheduler(sortAnimations(toBeSortedAnimations));
+ });
+ return runner;
+ // TODO(matsko): change to reference nodes
+ function getAnchorNodes(node) {
+ var SELECTOR = '[' + NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR + ']';
+ var items = node.hasAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR)
+ ? [node]
+ : node.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR);
+ var anchors = [];
+ forEach(items, function(node) {
+ var attr = node.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR);
+ if (attr && attr.length) {
+ anchors.push(node);
+ }
+ });
+ return anchors;
+ }
+ function groupAnimations(animations) {
+ var preparedAnimations = [];
+ var refLookup = {};
+ forEach(animations, function(animation, index) {
+ var element = animation.element;
+ var node = getDomNode(element);
+ var event = animation.event;
+ var enterOrMove = ['enter', 'move'].indexOf(event) >= 0;
+ var anchorNodes = animation.structural ? getAnchorNodes(node) : [];
+ if (anchorNodes.length) {
+ var direction = enterOrMove ? 'to' : 'from';
+ forEach(anchorNodes, function(anchor) {
+ var key = anchor.getAttribute(NG_ANIMATE_REF_ATTR);
+ refLookup[key] = refLookup[key] || {};
+ refLookup[key][direction] = {
+ animationID: index,
+ element: jqLite(anchor)
+ };
+ });
+ } else {
+ preparedAnimations.push(animation);
+ }
+ });
+ var usedIndicesLookup = {};
+ var anchorGroups = {};
+ forEach(refLookup, function(operations, key) {
+ var from = operations.from;
+ var to = operations.to;
+ if (!from || !to) {
+ // only one of these is set therefore we can't have an
+ // anchor animation since all three pieces are required
+ var index = from ? from.animationID : to.animationID;
+ var indexKey = index.toString();
+ if (!usedIndicesLookup[indexKey]) {
+ usedIndicesLookup[indexKey] = true;
+ preparedAnimations.push(animations[index]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var fromAnimation = animations[from.animationID];
+ var toAnimation = animations[to.animationID];
+ var lookupKey = from.animationID.toString();
+ if (!anchorGroups[lookupKey]) {
+ var group = anchorGroups[lookupKey] = {
+ structural: true,
+ beforeStart: function() {
+ fromAnimation.beforeStart();
+ toAnimation.beforeStart();
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ fromAnimation.close();
+ toAnimation.close();
+ },
+ classes: cssClassesIntersection(fromAnimation.classes, toAnimation.classes),
+ from: fromAnimation,
+ to: toAnimation,
+ anchors: [] // TODO(matsko): change to reference nodes
+ };
+ // the anchor animations require that the from and to elements both have at least
+ // one shared CSS class which effectively marries the two elements together to use
+ // the same animation driver and to properly sequence the anchor animation.
+ if (group.classes.length) {
+ preparedAnimations.push(group);
+ } else {
+ preparedAnimations.push(fromAnimation);
+ preparedAnimations.push(toAnimation);
+ }
+ }
+ anchorGroups[lookupKey].anchors.push({
+ 'out': from.element, 'in': to.element
+ });
+ });
+ return preparedAnimations;
+ }
+ function cssClassesIntersection(a,b) {
+ a = a.split(' ');
+ b = b.split(' ');
+ var matches = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ var aa = a[i];
+ if (aa.substring(0,3) === 'ng-') continue;
+ for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) {
+ if (aa === b[j]) {
+ matches.push(aa);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return matches.join(' ');
+ }
+ function invokeFirstDriver(animationDetails) {
+ // we loop in reverse order since the more general drivers (like CSS and JS)
+ // may attempt more elements, but custom drivers are more particular
+ for (var i = drivers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var driverName = drivers[i];
+ if (!$injector.has(driverName)) continue; // TODO(matsko): remove this check
+ var factory = $injector.get(driverName);
+ var driver = factory(animationDetails);
+ if (driver) {
+ return driver;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function beforeStart() {
+ element.addClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME);
+ if (tempClasses) {
+ $$jqLite.addClass(element, tempClasses);
+ }
+ if (prepareClassName) {
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(element, prepareClassName);
+ prepareClassName = null;
+ }
+ }
+ function updateAnimationRunners(animation, newRunner) {
+ if (animation.from && animation.to) {
+ update(animation.from.element);
+ update(animation.to.element);
+ } else {
+ update(animation.element);
+ }
+ function update(element) {
+ getRunner(element).setHost(newRunner);
+ }
+ }
+ function handleDestroyedElement() {
+ var runner = getRunner(element);
+ if (runner && (event !== 'leave' || !options.$$domOperationFired)) {
+ runner.end();
+ }
+ }
+ function close(rejected) { // jshint ignore:line
+ element.off('$destroy', handleDestroyedElement);
+ removeRunner(element);
+ applyAnimationClasses(element, options);
+ applyAnimationStyles(element, options);
+ options.domOperation();
+ if (tempClasses) {
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(element, tempClasses);
+ }
+ element.removeClass(NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME);
+ runner.complete(!rejected);
+ }
+ };
+ }];
+ * @ngdoc directive
+ * @name ngAnimateSwap
+ * @restrict A
+ * @scope
+ *
+ * @description
+ *
+ * ngAnimateSwap is a animation-oriented directive that allows for the container to
+ * be removed and entered in whenever the associated expression changes. A
+ * common usecase for this directive is a rotating banner component which
+ * contains one image being present at a time. When the active image changes
+ * then the old image will perform a `leave` animation and the new element
+ * will be inserted via an `enter` animation.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * {{ number }}
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * angular.module('ngAnimateSwapExample', ['ngAnimate'])
+ * .controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope', '$interval', function($scope, $interval) {
+ * $scope.number = 0;
+ * $interval(function() {
+ * $scope.number++;
+ * }, 1000);
+ *
+ * var colors = ['red','blue','green','yellow','orange'];
+ * $scope.colorClass = function(number) {
+ * return colors[number % colors.length];
+ * };
+ * }]);
+ *
+ *
+ * .container {
+ * height:250px;
+ * width:250px;
+ * position:relative;
+ * overflow:hidden;
+ * border:2px solid black;
+ * }
+ * .container .cell {
+ * font-size:150px;
+ * text-align:center;
+ * line-height:250px;
+ * position:absolute;
+ * top:0;
+ * left:0;
+ * right:0;
+ * border-bottom:2px solid black;
+ * }
+ * .swap-animation.ng-enter, .swap-animation.ng-leave {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * }
+ * .swap-animation.ng-enter {
+ * top:-250px;
+ * }
+ * .swap-animation.ng-enter-active {
+ * top:0px;
+ * }
+ * .swap-animation.ng-leave {
+ * top:0px;
+ * }
+ * .swap-animation.ng-leave-active {
+ * top:250px;
+ * }
+ * .red { background:red; }
+ * .green { background:green; }
+ * .blue { background:blue; }
+ * .yellow { background:yellow; }
+ * .orange { background:orange; }
+ *
+ *
+ */
+var ngAnimateSwapDirective = ['$animate', '$rootScope', function($animate, $rootScope) {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ transclude: 'element',
+ terminal: true,
+ priority: 600, // we use 600 here to ensure that the directive is caught before others
+ link: function(scope, $element, attrs, ctrl, $transclude) {
+ var previousElement, previousScope;
+ scope.$watchCollection(attrs.ngAnimateSwap || attrs['for'], function(value) {
+ if (previousElement) {
+ $animate.leave(previousElement);
+ }
+ if (previousScope) {
+ previousScope.$destroy();
+ previousScope = null;
+ }
+ if (value || value === 0) {
+ previousScope = scope.$new();
+ $transclude(previousScope, function(element) {
+ previousElement = element;
+ $animate.enter(element, null, $element);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+/* global angularAnimateModule: true,
+ ngAnimateSwapDirective,
+ $$AnimateAsyncRunFactory,
+ $$rAFSchedulerFactory,
+ $$AnimateChildrenDirective,
+ $$AnimateQueueProvider,
+ $$AnimationProvider,
+ $AnimateCssProvider,
+ $$AnimateCssDriverProvider,
+ $$AnimateJsProvider,
+ $$AnimateJsDriverProvider,
* @ngdoc module
* @name ngAnimate
* @description
- * The `ngAnimate` module provides support for JavaScript, CSS3 transition and CSS3 keyframe animation hooks within existing core and custom directives.
+ * The `ngAnimate` module provides support for CSS-based animations (keyframes and transitions) as well as JavaScript-based animations via
+ * callback hooks. Animations are not enabled by default, however, by including `ngAnimate` the animation hooks are enabled for an Angular app.
* # Usage
+ * Simply put, there are two ways to make use of animations when ngAnimate is used: by using **CSS** and **JavaScript**. The former works purely based
+ * using CSS (by using matching CSS selectors/styles) and the latter triggers animations that are registered via `module.animation()`. For
+ * both CSS and JS animations the sole requirement is to have a matching `CSS class` that exists both in the registered animation and within
+ * the HTML element that the animation will be triggered on.
- * To see animations in action, all that is required is to define the appropriate CSS classes
- * or to register a JavaScript animation via the `myModule.animation()` function. The directives that support animation automatically are:
- * `ngRepeat`, `ngInclude`, `ngIf`, `ngSwitch`, `ngShow`, `ngHide`, `ngView` and `ngClass`. Custom directives can take advantage of animation
- * by using the `$animate` service.
- *
- * Below is a more detailed breakdown of the supported animation events provided by pre-existing ng directives:
+ * ## Directive Support
+ * The following directives are "animation aware":
* | Directive | Supported Animations |
* |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
@@ -38,192 +3383,657 @@
* | {@link module:ngMessages#animations ngMessages} | add and remove (ng-active & ng-inactive) |
* | {@link module:ngMessages#animations ngMessage} | enter and leave |
- * You can find out more information about animations upon visiting each directive page.
+ * (More information can be found by visiting each the documentation associated with each directive.)
- * Below is an example of how to apply animations to a directive that supports animation hooks:
+ * ## CSS-based Animations
+ *
+ * CSS-based animations with ngAnimate are unique since they require no JavaScript code at all. By using a CSS class that we reference between our HTML
+ * and CSS code we can create an animation that will be picked up by Angular when an the underlying directive performs an operation.
+ *
+ * The example below shows how an `enter` animation can be made possible on an element using `ng-if`:
* ```html
- *
- *
- *
- *
+ *
+ * Fade me in out
+ *
+ *
+ *
* ```
- * Keep in mind that, by default, if an animation is running, any child elements cannot be animated
- * until the parent element's animation has completed. This blocking feature can be overridden by
- * placing the `ng-animate-children` attribute on a parent container tag.
+ * Notice the CSS class **fade**? We can now create the CSS transition code that references this class:
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * /* The starting CSS styles for the enter animation */
+ * .fade.ng-enter {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * opacity:0;
+ * }
+ *
+ * /* The finishing CSS styles for the enter animation */
+ * .fade.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
+ * opacity:1;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The key thing to remember here is that, depending on the animation event (which each of the directives above trigger depending on what's going on) two
+ * generated CSS classes will be applied to the element; in the example above we have `.ng-enter` and `.ng-enter-active`. For CSS transitions, the transition
+ * code **must** be defined within the starting CSS class (in this case `.ng-enter`). The destination class is what the transition will animate towards.
+ *
+ * If for example we wanted to create animations for `leave` and `move` (ngRepeat triggers move) then we can do so using the same CSS naming conventions:
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * /* now the element will fade out before it is removed from the DOM */
+ * .fade.ng-leave {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * opacity:1;
+ * }
+ * .fade.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
+ * opacity:0;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * We can also make use of **CSS Keyframes** by referencing the keyframe animation within the starting CSS class:
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * /* there is no need to define anything inside of the destination
+ * CSS class since the keyframe will take charge of the animation */
+ * .fade.ng-leave {
+ * animation: my_fade_animation 0.5s linear;
+ * -webkit-animation: my_fade_animation 0.5s linear;
+ * }
+ *
+ * @keyframes my_fade_animation {
+ * from { opacity:1; }
+ * to { opacity:0; }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @-webkit-keyframes my_fade_animation {
+ * from { opacity:1; }
+ * to { opacity:0; }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Feel free also mix transitions and keyframes together as well as any other CSS classes on the same element.
+ *
+ * ### CSS Class-based Animations
+ *
+ * Class-based animations (animations that are triggered via `ngClass`, `ngShow`, `ngHide` and some other directives) have a slightly different
+ * naming convention. Class-based animations are basic enough that a standard transition or keyframe can be referenced on the class being added
+ * and removed.
+ *
+ * For example if we wanted to do a CSS animation for `ngHide` then we place an animation on the `.ng-hide` CSS class:
* ```html
- *
- *
- *
- * ...
- *
+ *
+ * Show and hide me
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ *
+ * All that is going on here with ngShow/ngHide behind the scenes is the `.ng-hide` class is added/removed (when the hidden state is valid). Since
+ * ngShow and ngHide are animation aware then we can match up a transition and ngAnimate handles the rest.
+ *
+ * In addition the addition and removal of the CSS class, ngAnimate also provides two helper methods that we can use to further decorate the animation
+ * with CSS styles.
+ *
+ * ```html
+ *
+ * Highlight this box
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ *
+ * We can also make use of CSS keyframes by placing them within the CSS classes.
+ *
+ *
+ * ### CSS Staggering Animations
+ * A Staggering animation is a collection of animations that are issued with a slight delay in between each successive operation resulting in a
+ * curtain-like effect. The ngAnimate module (versions >=1.2) supports staggering animations and the stagger effect can be
+ * performed by creating a **ng-EVENT-stagger** CSS class and attaching that class to the base CSS class used for
+ * the animation. The style property expected within the stagger class can either be a **transition-delay** or an
+ * **animation-delay** property (or both if your animation contains both transitions and keyframe animations).
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .my-animation.ng-enter {
+ * /* standard transition code */
+ * transition: 1s linear all;
+ * opacity:0;
+ * }
+ * .my-animation.ng-enter-stagger {
+ * /* this will have a 100ms delay between each successive leave animation */
+ * transition-delay: 0.1s;
+ *
+ * /* As of 1.4.4, this must always be set: it signals ngAnimate
+ * to not accidentally inherit a delay property from another CSS class */
+ * transition-duration: 0s;
+ * }
+ * .my-animation.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
+ * /* standard transition styles */
+ * opacity:1;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Staggering animations work by default in ngRepeat (so long as the CSS class is defined). Outside of ngRepeat, to use staggering animations
+ * on your own, they can be triggered by firing multiple calls to the same event on $animate. However, the restrictions surrounding this
+ * are that each of the elements must have the same CSS className value as well as the same parent element. A stagger operation
+ * will also be reset if one or more animation frames have passed since the multiple calls to `$animate` were fired.
+ *
+ * The following code will issue the **ng-leave-stagger** event on the element provided:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * var kids = parent.children();
+ *
+ * $animate.leave(kids[0]); //stagger index=0
+ * $animate.leave(kids[1]); //stagger index=1
+ * $animate.leave(kids[2]); //stagger index=2
+ * $animate.leave(kids[3]); //stagger index=3
+ * $animate.leave(kids[4]); //stagger index=4
+ *
+ * window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
+ * //stagger has reset itself
+ * $animate.leave(kids[5]); //stagger index=0
+ * $animate.leave(kids[6]); //stagger index=1
+ *
+ * $scope.$digest();
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Stagger animations are currently only supported within CSS-defined animations.
+ *
+ * ### The `ng-animate` CSS class
+ *
+ * When ngAnimate is animating an element it will apply the `ng-animate` CSS class to the element for the duration of the animation.
+ * This is a temporary CSS class and it will be removed once the animation is over (for both JavaScript and CSS-based animations).
+ *
+ * Therefore, animations can be applied to an element using this temporary class directly via CSS.
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .zipper.ng-animate {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * }
+ * .zipper.ng-enter {
+ * opacity:0;
+ * }
+ * .zipper.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
+ * opacity:1;
+ * }
+ * .zipper.ng-leave {
+ * opacity:1;
+ * }
+ * .zipper.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
+ * opacity:0;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * (Note that the `ng-animate` CSS class is reserved and it cannot be applied on an element directly since ngAnimate will always remove
+ * the CSS class once an animation has completed.)
+ *
+ *
+ * ### The `ng-[event]-prepare` class
+ *
+ * This is a special class that can be used to prevent unwanted flickering / flash of content before
+ * the actual animation starts. The class is added as soon as an animation is initialized, but removed
+ * before the actual animation starts (after waiting for a $digest).
+ * It is also only added for *structural* animations (`enter`, `move`, and `leave`).
+ *
+ * In practice, flickering can appear when nesting elements with structural animations such as `ngIf`
+ * into elements that have class-based animations such as `ngClass`.
+ *
+ * ```html
+ *
+ *
+ *
* ```
- * When the `on` expression value changes and an animation is triggered then each of the elements within
- * will all animate without the block being applied to child elements.
+ * It is possible that during the `enter` animation, the `.message` div will be briefly visible before it starts animating.
+ * In that case, you can add styles to the CSS that make sure the element stays hidden before the animation starts:
- * ## Are animations run when the application starts?
- * No they are not. When an application is bootstrapped Angular will disable animations from running to avoid
- * a frenzy of animations from being triggered as soon as the browser has rendered the screen. For this to work,
- * Angular will wait for two digest cycles until enabling animations. From there on, any animation-triggering
- * layout changes in the application will trigger animations as normal.
+ * ```css
+ * .message.ng-enter-prepare {
+ * opacity: 0;
+ * }
- * In addition, upon bootstrap, if the routing system or any directives or load remote data (via $http) then Angular
- * will automatically extend the wait time to enable animations once **all** of the outbound HTTP requests
- * are complete.
+ * ```
- * ## CSS-defined Animations
- * The animate service will automatically apply two CSS classes to the animated element and these two CSS classes
- * are designed to contain the start and end CSS styling. Both CSS transitions and keyframe animations are supported
- * and can be used to play along with this naming structure.
+ * ## JavaScript-based Animations
- * The following code below demonstrates how to perform animations using **CSS transitions** with Angular:
+ * ngAnimate also allows for animations to be consumed by JavaScript code. The approach is similar to CSS-based animations (where there is a shared
+ * CSS class that is referenced in our HTML code) but in addition we need to register the JavaScript animation on the module. By making use of the
+ * `module.animation()` module function we can register the animation.
+ *
+ * Let's see an example of a enter/leave animation using `ngRepeat`:
* ```html
- *
- *
- *
- *
+ *
+ * {{ item }}
* ```
- * The following code below demonstrates how to perform animations using **CSS animations** with Angular:
+ * See the **slide** CSS class? Let's use that class to define an animation that we'll structure in our module code by using `module.animation`:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * myModule.animation('.slide', [function() {
+ * return {
+ * // make note that other events (like addClass/removeClass)
+ * // have different function input parameters
+ * enter: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * jQuery(element).fadeIn(1000, doneFn);
+ *
+ * // remember to call doneFn so that angular
+ * // knows that the animation has concluded
+ * },
+ *
+ * move: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * jQuery(element).fadeIn(1000, doneFn);
+ * },
+ *
+ * leave: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * jQuery(element).fadeOut(1000, doneFn);
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The nice thing about JS-based animations is that we can inject other services and make use of advanced animation libraries such as
+ * greensock.js and velocity.js.
+ *
+ * If our animation code class-based (meaning that something like `ngClass`, `ngHide` and `ngShow` triggers it) then we can still define
+ * our animations inside of the same registered animation, however, the function input arguments are a bit different:
* ```html
- *
+ *
+ * this box is moody
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
- *
- *
+ * ```js
+ * myModule.animation('.colorful', [function() {
+ * return {
+ * addClass: function(element, className, doneFn) {
+ * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn
+ * },
+ * removeClass: function(element, className, doneFn) {
+ * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn
+ * },
+ * setClass: function(element, addedClass, removedClass, doneFn) {
+ * // do some cool animation and call the doneFn
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ## CSS + JS Animations Together
+ *
+ * AngularJS 1.4 and higher has taken steps to make the amalgamation of CSS and JS animations more flexible. However, unlike earlier versions of Angular,
+ * defining CSS and JS animations to work off of the same CSS class will not work anymore. Therefore the example below will only result in **JS animations taking
+ * charge of the animation**:
+ *
+ * ```html
+ *
+ * Slide in and out
* ```
- * Both CSS3 animations and transitions can be used together and the animate service will figure out the correct duration and delay timing.
- *
- * Upon DOM mutation, the event class is added first (something like `ng-enter`), then the browser prepares itself to add
- * the active class (in this case `ng-enter-active`) which then triggers the animation. The animation module will automatically
- * detect the CSS code to determine when the animation ends. Once the animation is over then both CSS classes will be
- * removed from the DOM. If a browser does not support CSS transitions or CSS animations then the animation will start and end
- * immediately resulting in a DOM element that is at its final state. This final state is when the DOM element
- * has no CSS transition/animation classes applied to it.
- *
- * ### Structural transition animations
- *
- * Structural transitions (such as enter, leave and move) will always apply a `0s none` transition
- * value to force the browser into rendering the styles defined in the setup (`.ng-enter`, `.ng-leave`
- * or `.ng-move`) class. This means that any active transition animations operating on the element
- * will be cut off to make way for the enter, leave or move animation.
- *
- * ### Class-based transition animations
- *
- * Class-based transitions refer to transition animations that are triggered when a CSS class is
- * added to or removed from the element (via `$animate.addClass`, `$animate.removeClass`,
- * `$animate.setClass`, or by directives such as `ngClass`, `ngModel` and `form`).
- * They are different when compared to structural animations since they **do not cancel existing
- * animations** nor do they **block successive transitions** from rendering on the same element.
- * This distinction allows for **multiple class-based transitions** to be performed on the same element.
- *
- * In addition to ngAnimate supporting the default (natural) functionality of class-based transition
- * animations, ngAnimate also decorates the element with starting and ending CSS classes to aid the
- * developer in further styling the element throughout the transition animation. Earlier versions
- * of ngAnimate may have caused natural CSS transitions to break and not render properly due to
- * $animate temporarily blocking transitions using `0s none` in order to allow the setup CSS class
- * (the `-add` or `-remove` class) to be applied without triggering an animation. However, as of
- * **version 1.3**, this workaround has been removed with ngAnimate and all non-ngAnimate CSS
- * class transitions are compatible with ngAnimate.
- *
- * There is, however, one special case when dealing with class-based transitions in ngAnimate.
- * When rendering class-based transitions that make use of the setup and active CSS classes
- * (e.g. `.fade-add` and `.fade-add-active` for when `.fade` is added) be sure to define
- * the transition value **on the active CSS class** and not the setup class.
+ * ```js
+ * myModule.animation('.slide', [function() {
+ * return {
+ * enter: function(element, doneFn) {
+ * jQuery(element).slideIn(1000, doneFn);
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
* ```css
- * .fade-add {
- * /* remember to place a 0s transition here
- * to ensure that the styles are applied instantly
- * even if the element already has a transition style */
- * transition:0s linear all;
- *
- * /* starting CSS styles */
- * opacity:1;
+ * .slide.ng-enter {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * transform:translateY(-100px);
* }
- * .fade-add.fade-add-active {
- * /* this will be the length of the animation */
- * transition:1s linear all;
- * opacity:0;
+ * .slide.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
+ * transform:translateY(0);
* }
* ```
- * The setup CSS class (in this case `.fade-add`) also has a transition style property, however, it
- * has a duration of zero. This may not be required, however, incase the browser is unable to render
- * the styling present in this CSS class instantly then it could be that the browser is attempting
- * to perform an unnecessary transition.
+ * Does this mean that CSS and JS animations cannot be used together? Do JS-based animations always have higher priority? We can make up for the
+ * lack of CSS animations by using the `$animateCss` service to trigger our own tweaked-out, CSS-based animations directly from
+ * our own JS-based animation code:
- * This workaround, however, does not apply to standard class-based transitions that are rendered
- * when a CSS class containing a transition is applied to an element:
+ * ```js
+ * myModule.animation('.slide', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) {
+ * return {
+ * enter: function(element) {
+* // this will trigger `.slide.ng-enter` and `.slide.ng-enter-active`.
+ * return $animateCss(element, {
+ * event: 'enter',
+ * structural: true
+ * });
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The nice thing here is that we can save bandwidth by sticking to our CSS-based animation code and we don't need to rely on a 3rd-party animation framework.
+ *
+ * The `$animateCss` service is very powerful since we can feed in all kinds of extra properties that will be evaluated and fed into a CSS transition or
+ * keyframe animation. For example if we wanted to animate the height of an element while adding and removing classes then we can do so by providing that
+ * data into `$animateCss` directly:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * myModule.animation('.slide', ['$animateCss', function($animateCss) {
+ * return {
+ * enter: function(element) {
+ * return $animateCss(element, {
+ * event: 'enter',
+ * structural: true,
+ * addClass: 'maroon-setting',
+ * from: { height:0 },
+ * to: { height: 200 }
+ * });
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now we can fill in the rest via our transition CSS code:
* ```css
- * /* this works as expected */
- * .fade {
- * transition:1s linear all;
- * opacity:0;
+ * /* the transition tells ngAnimate to make the animation happen */
+ * .slide.ng-enter { transition:0.5s linear all; }
+ *
+ * /* this extra CSS class will be absorbed into the transition
+ * since the $animateCss code is adding the class */
+ * .maroon-setting { background:red; }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * And `$animateCss` will figure out the rest. Just make sure to have the `done()` callback fire the `doneFn` function to signal when the animation is over.
+ *
+ * To learn more about what's possible be sure to visit the {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss $animateCss service}.
+ *
+ * ## Animation Anchoring (via `ng-animate-ref`)
+ *
+ * ngAnimate in AngularJS 1.4 comes packed with the ability to cross-animate elements between
+ * structural areas of an application (like views) by pairing up elements using an attribute
+ * called `ng-animate-ref`.
+ *
+ * Let's say for example we have two views that are managed by `ng-view` and we want to show
+ * that there is a relationship between two components situated in within these views. By using the
+ * `ng-animate-ref` attribute we can identify that the two components are paired together and we
+ * can then attach an animation, which is triggered when the view changes.
+ *
+ * Say for example we have the following template code:
+ *
+ * ```html
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now, when the view changes (once the link is clicked), ngAnimate will examine the
+ * HTML contents to see if there is a match reference between any components in the view
+ * that is leaving and the view that is entering. It will scan both the view which is being
+ * removed (leave) and inserted (enter) to see if there are any paired DOM elements that
+ * contain a matching ref value.
+ *
+ * The two images match since they share the same ref value. ngAnimate will now create a
+ * transport element (which is a clone of the first image element) and it will then attempt
+ * to animate to the position of the second image element in the next view. For the animation to
+ * work a special CSS class called `ng-anchor` will be added to the transported element.
+ *
+ * We can now attach a transition onto the `.banner.ng-anchor` CSS class and then
+ * ngAnimate will handle the entire transition for us as well as the addition and removal of
+ * any changes of CSS classes between the elements:
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .banner.ng-anchor {
+ * /* this animation will last for 1 second since there are
+ * two phases to the animation (an `in` and an `out` phase) */
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
* }
* ```
- * Please keep this in mind when coding the CSS markup that will be used within class-based transitions.
- * Also, try not to mix the two class-based animation flavors together since the CSS code may become
- * overly complex.
+ * We also **must** include animations for the views that are being entered and removed
+ * (otherwise anchoring wouldn't be possible since the new view would be inserted right away).
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .view-animation.ng-enter, .view-animation.ng-leave {
+ * transition:0.5s linear all;
+ * position:fixed;
+ * left:0;
+ * top:0;
+ * width:100%;
+ * }
+ * .view-animation.ng-enter {
+ * transform:translateX(100%);
+ * }
+ * .view-animation.ng-leave,
+ * .view-animation.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
+ * transform:translateX(0%);
+ * }
+ * .view-animation.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
+ * transform:translateX(-100%);
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now we can jump back to the anchor animation. When the animation happens, there are two stages that occur:
+ * an `out` and an `in` stage. The `out` stage happens first and that is when the element is animated away
+ * from its origin. Once that animation is over then the `in` stage occurs which animates the
+ * element to its destination. The reason why there are two animations is to give enough time
+ * for the enter animation on the new element to be ready.
+ *
+ * The example above sets up a transition for both the in and out phases, but we can also target the out or
+ * in phases directly via `ng-anchor-out` and `ng-anchor-in`.
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * .banner.ng-anchor-out {
+ * transition: 0.5s linear all;
+ *
+ * /* the scale will be applied during the out animation,
+ * but will be animated away when the in animation runs */
+ * transform: scale(1.2);
+ * }
+ *
+ * .banner.ng-anchor-in {
+ * transition: 1s linear all;
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * ### Anchoring Demo
+ *
+ Home
+ .record {
+ display:block;
+ font-size:20px;
+ }
+ .profile {
+ background:black;
+ color:white;
+ font-size:100px;
+ }
+ .view-container {
+ position:relative;
+ }
+ .view-container > .view.ng-animate {
+ position:absolute;
+ top:0;
+ left:0;
+ width:100%;
+ min-height:500px;
+ }
+ .view.ng-enter, .view.ng-leave,
+ .record.ng-anchor {
+ transition:0.5s linear all;
+ }
+ .view.ng-enter {
+ transform:translateX(100%);
+ }
+ .view.ng-enter.ng-enter-active, .view.ng-leave {
+ transform:translateX(0%);
+ }
+ .view.ng-leave.ng-leave-active {
+ transform:translateX(-100%);
+ }
+ .record.ng-anchor-out {
+ background:red;
+ }
+ *
+ * ### How is the element transported?
+ *
+ * When an anchor animation occurs, ngAnimate will clone the starting element and position it exactly where the starting
+ * element is located on screen via absolute positioning. The cloned element will be placed inside of the root element
+ * of the application (where ng-app was defined) and all of the CSS classes of the starting element will be applied. The
+ * element will then animate into the `out` and `in` animations and will eventually reach the coordinates and match
+ * the dimensions of the destination element. During the entire animation a CSS class of `.ng-animate-shim` will be applied
+ * to both the starting and destination elements in order to hide them from being visible (the CSS styling for the class
+ * is: `visibility:hidden`). Once the anchor reaches its destination then it will be removed and the destination element
+ * will become visible since the shim class will be removed.
+ *
+ * ### How is the morphing handled?
+ *
+ * CSS Anchoring relies on transitions and keyframes and the internal code is intelligent enough to figure out
+ * what CSS classes differ between the starting element and the destination element. These different CSS classes
+ * will be added/removed on the anchor element and a transition will be applied (the transition that is provided
+ * in the anchor class). Long story short, ngAnimate will figure out what classes to add and remove which will
+ * make the transition of the element as smooth and automatic as possible. Be sure to use simple CSS classes that
+ * do not rely on DOM nesting structure so that the anchor element appears the same as the starting element (since
+ * the cloned element is placed inside of root element which is likely close to the body element).
+ *
+ * Note that if the root element is on the `` element then the cloned node will be placed inside of body.
+ *
+ *
+ * ## Using $animate in your directive code
+ *
+ * So far we've explored how to feed in animations into an Angular application, but how do we trigger animations within our own directives in our application?
+ * By injecting the `$animate` service into our directive code, we can trigger structural and class-based hooks which can then be consumed by animations. Let's
+ * imagine we have a greeting box that shows and hides itself when the data changes
+ *
+ * ```html
+ * Hi there
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * ngModule.directive('greetingBox', ['$animate', function($animate) {
+ * return function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ * attrs.$observe('active', function(value) {
+ * value ? $animate.addClass(element, 'on') : $animate.removeClass(element, 'on');
+ * });
+ * });
+ * }]);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * Now the `on` CSS class is added and removed on the greeting box component. Now if we add a CSS class on top of the greeting box element
+ * in our HTML code then we can trigger a CSS or JS animation to happen.
+ *
+ * ```css
+ * /* normally we would create a CSS class to reference on the element */
+ * greeting-box.on { transition:0.5s linear all; background:green; color:white; }
+ * ```
+ *
+ * The `$animate` service contains a variety of other methods like `enter`, `leave`, `animate` and `setClass`. To learn more about what's
+ * possible be sure to visit the {@link ng.$animate $animate service API page}.
* ### Preventing Collisions With Third Party Libraries
@@ -247,1896 +4057,65 @@
* ```js
* $animateProvider.classNameFilter(/animate-/);
* ```
- *
- * ### CSS Staggering Animations
- * A Staggering animation is a collection of animations that are issued with a slight delay in between each successive operation resulting in a
- * curtain-like effect. The ngAnimate module (versions >=1.2) supports staggering animations and the stagger effect can be
- * performed by creating a **ng-EVENT-stagger** CSS class and attaching that class to the base CSS class used for
- * the animation. The style property expected within the stagger class can either be a **transition-delay** or an
- * **animation-delay** property (or both if your animation contains both transitions and keyframe animations).
+ * This also may provide your application with a speed boost since only specific elements containing CSS class prefix
+ * will be evaluated for animation when any DOM changes occur in the application.
- * ```css
- * .my-animation.ng-enter {
- * /* standard transition code */
- * -webkit-transition: 1s linear all;
- * transition: 1s linear all;
- * opacity:0;
- * }
- * .my-animation.ng-enter-stagger {
- * /* this will have a 100ms delay between each successive leave animation */
- * -webkit-transition-delay: 0.1s;
- * transition-delay: 0.1s;
+ * ## Callbacks and Promises
- * /* in case the stagger doesn't work then these two values
- * must be set to 0 to avoid an accidental CSS inheritance */
- * -webkit-transition-duration: 0s;
- * transition-duration: 0s;
- * }
- * .my-animation.ng-enter.ng-enter-active {
- * /* standard transition styles */
- * opacity:1;
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * Staggering animations work by default in ngRepeat (so long as the CSS class is defined). Outside of ngRepeat, to use staggering animations
- * on your own, they can be triggered by firing multiple calls to the same event on $animate. However, the restrictions surrounding this
- * are that each of the elements must have the same CSS className value as well as the same parent element. A stagger operation
- * will also be reset if more than 10ms has passed after the last animation has been fired.
- *
- * The following code will issue the **ng-leave-stagger** event on the element provided:
+ * When `$animate` is called it returns a promise that can be used to capture when the animation has ended. Therefore if we were to trigger
+ * an animation (within our directive code) then we can continue performing directive and scope related activities after the animation has
+ * ended by chaining onto the returned promise that animation method returns.
* ```js
- * var kids = parent.children();
- *
- * $animate.leave(kids[0]); //stagger index=0
- * $animate.leave(kids[1]); //stagger index=1
- * $animate.leave(kids[2]); //stagger index=2
- * $animate.leave(kids[3]); //stagger index=3
- * $animate.leave(kids[4]); //stagger index=4
- *
- * $timeout(function() {
- * //stagger has reset itself
- * $animate.leave(kids[5]); //stagger index=0
- * $animate.leave(kids[6]); //stagger index=1
- * }, 100, false);
- * ```
- *
- * Stagger animations are currently only supported within CSS-defined animations.
- *
- * ## JavaScript-defined Animations
- * In the event that you do not want to use CSS3 transitions or CSS3 animations or if you wish to offer animations on browsers that do not
- * yet support CSS transitions/animations, then you can make use of JavaScript animations defined inside of your AngularJS module.
- *
- * ```js
- * //!annotate="YourApp" Your AngularJS Module|Replace this or ngModule with the module that you used to define your application.
- * var ngModule = angular.module('YourApp', ['ngAnimate']);
- * ngModule.animation('.my-crazy-animation', function() {
- * return {
- * enter: function(element, done) {
- * //run the animation here and call done when the animation is complete
- * return function(cancelled) {
- * //this (optional) function will be called when the animation
- * //completes or when the animation is cancelled (the cancelled
- * //flag will be set to true if cancelled).
- * };
- * },
- * leave: function(element, done) { },
- * move: function(element, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered before the class is added
- * beforeAddClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered after the class is added
- * addClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered before the class is removed
- * beforeRemoveClass: function(element, className, done) { },
- *
- * //animation that can be triggered after the class is removed
- * removeClass: function(element, className, done) { }
- * };
+ * // somewhere within the depths of the directive
+ * $animate.enter(element, parent).then(function() {
+ * //the animation has completed
* });
* ```
- * JavaScript-defined animations are created with a CSS-like class selector and a collection of events which are set to run
- * a javascript callback function. When an animation is triggered, $animate will look for a matching animation which fits
- * the element's CSS class attribute value and then run the matching animation event function (if found).
- * In other words, if the CSS classes present on the animated element match any of the JavaScript animations then the callback function will
- * be executed. It should be also noted that only simple, single class selectors are allowed (compound class selectors are not supported).
+ * (Note that earlier versions of Angular prior to v1.4 required the promise code to be wrapped using `$scope.$apply(...)`. This is not the case
+ * anymore.)
- * Within a JavaScript animation, an object containing various event callback animation functions is expected to be returned.
- * As explained above, these callbacks are triggered based on the animation event. Therefore if an enter animation is run,
- * and the JavaScript animation is found, then the enter callback will handle that animation (in addition to the CSS keyframe animation
- * or transition code that is defined via a stylesheet).
- *
- *
- * ### Applying Directive-specific Styles to an Animation
- * In some cases a directive or service may want to provide `$animate` with extra details that the animation will
- * include into its animation. Let's say for example we wanted to render an animation that animates an element
- * towards the mouse coordinates as to where the user clicked last. By collecting the X/Y coordinates of the click
- * (via the event parameter) we can set the `top` and `left` styles into an object and pass that into our function
- * call to `$animate.addClass`.
+ * In addition to the animation promise, we can also make use of animation-related callbacks within our directives and controller code by registering
+ * an event listener using the `$animate` service. Let's say for example that an animation was triggered on our view
+ * routing controller to hook into that:
* ```js
- * canvas.on('click', function(e) {
- * $animate.addClass(element, 'on', {
- * to: {
- * left : e.client.x + 'px',
- * top : e.client.y + 'px'
- * }
- * }):
- * });
+ * ngModule.controller('HomePageController', ['$animate', function($animate) {
+ * $animate.on('enter', ngViewElement, function(element) {
+ * // the animation for this route has completed
+ * }]);
+ * }])
* ```
- * Now when the animation runs, and a transition or keyframe animation is picked up, then the animation itself will
- * also include and transition the styling of the `left` and `top` properties into its running animation. If we want
- * to provide some starting animation values then we can do so by placing the starting animations styles into an object
- * called `from` in the same object as the `to` animations.
- *
- * ```js
- * canvas.on('click', function(e) {
- * $animate.addClass(element, 'on', {
- * from: {
- * position: 'absolute',
- * left: '0px',
- * top: '0px'
- * },
- * to: {
- * left : e.client.x + 'px',
- * top : e.client.y + 'px'
- * }
- * }):
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Once the animation is complete or cancelled then the union of both the before and after styles are applied to the
- * element. If `ngAnimate` is not present then the styles will be applied immediately.
- *
+ * (Note that you will need to trigger a digest within the callback to get angular to notice any scope-related changes.)
-angular.module('ngAnimate', ['ng'])
- /**
- * @ngdoc provider
- * @name $animateProvider
- * @description
- *
- * The `$animateProvider` allows developers to register JavaScript animation event handlers directly inside of a module.
- * When an animation is triggered, the $animate service will query the $animate service to find any animations that match
- * the provided name value.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module to be installed.
- *
- * Please visit the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module overview page learn more about how to use animations in your application.
- *
- */
- .directive('ngAnimateChildren', function() {
- var NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN = '$$ngAnimateChildren';
- return function(scope, element, attrs) {
- var val = attrs.ngAnimateChildren;
- if (angular.isString(val) && val.length === 0) { //empty attribute
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN, true);
- } else {
- scope.$watch(val, function(value) {
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN, !!value);
- });
- }
- };
- })
- //this private service is only used within CSS-enabled animations
- //IE8 + IE9 do not support rAF natively, but that is fine since they
- //also don't support transitions and keyframes which means that the code
- //below will never be used by the two browsers.
- .factory('$$animateReflow', ['$$rAF', '$document', function($$rAF, $document) {
- var bod = $document[0].body;
- return function(fn) {
- //the returned function acts as the cancellation function
- return $$rAF(function() {
- //the line below will force the browser to perform a repaint
- //so that all the animated elements within the animation frame
- //will be properly updated and drawn on screen. This is
- //required to perform multi-class CSS based animations with
- fn(bod.offsetWidth);
- });
- };
- }])
- .config(['$provide', '$animateProvider', function($provide, $animateProvider) {
- var noop = angular.noop;
- var forEach = angular.forEach;
- var selectors = $animateProvider.$$selectors;
- var isArray = angular.isArray;
- var isString = angular.isString;
- var isObject = angular.isObject;
- var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
- var NG_ANIMATE_STATE = '$$ngAnimateState';
- var NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN = '$$ngAnimateChildren';
- var NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME = 'ng-animate';
- var rootAnimateState = {running: true};
- function extractElementNode(element) {
- for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
- var elm = element[i];
- if (elm.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
- return elm;
- }
- }
- }
- function prepareElement(element) {
- return element && angular.element(element);
- }
- function stripCommentsFromElement(element) {
- return angular.element(extractElementNode(element));
- }
- function isMatchingElement(elm1, elm2) {
- return extractElementNode(elm1) == extractElementNode(elm2);
- }
- var $$jqLite;
- $provide.decorator('$animate',
- ['$delegate', '$$q', '$injector', '$sniffer', '$rootElement', '$$asyncCallback', '$rootScope', '$document', '$templateRequest', '$$jqLite',
- function($delegate, $$q, $injector, $sniffer, $rootElement, $$asyncCallback, $rootScope, $document, $templateRequest, $$$jqLite) {
- $$jqLite = $$$jqLite;
- $rootElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE, rootAnimateState);
- // Wait until all directive and route-related templates are downloaded and
- // compiled. The $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests variable keeps track of
- // all of the remote templates being currently downloaded. If there are no
- // templates currently downloading then the watcher will still fire anyway.
- var deregisterWatch = $rootScope.$watch(
- function() { return $templateRequest.totalPendingRequests; },
- function(val, oldVal) {
- if (val !== 0) return;
- deregisterWatch();
- // Now that all templates have been downloaded, $animate will wait until
- // the post digest queue is empty before enabling animations. By having two
- // calls to $postDigest calls we can ensure that the flag is enabled at the
- // very end of the post digest queue. Since all of the animations in $animate
- // use $postDigest, it's important that the code below executes at the end.
- // This basically means that the page is fully downloaded and compiled before
- // any animations are triggered.
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- rootAnimateState.running = false;
- });
- });
- }
- );
- var globalAnimationCounter = 0;
- var classNameFilter = $animateProvider.classNameFilter();
- var isAnimatableClassName = !classNameFilter
- ? function() { return true; }
- : function(className) {
- return classNameFilter.test(className);
- };
- function classBasedAnimationsBlocked(element, setter) {
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- if (setter) {
- data.running = true;
- data.structural = true;
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE, data);
- }
- return data.disabled || (data.running && data.structural);
- }
- function runAnimationPostDigest(fn) {
- var cancelFn, defer = $$q.defer();
- defer.promise.$$cancelFn = function() {
- cancelFn && cancelFn();
- };
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
- cancelFn = fn(function() {
- defer.resolve();
- });
- });
- return defer.promise;
- }
- function parseAnimateOptions(options) {
- // some plugin code may still be passing in the callback
- // function as the last param for the $animate methods so
- // it's best to only allow string or array values for now
- if (isObject(options)) {
- if (options.tempClasses && isString(options.tempClasses)) {
- options.tempClasses = options.tempClasses.split(/\s+/);
- }
- return options;
- }
- }
- function resolveElementClasses(element, cache, runningAnimations) {
- runningAnimations = runningAnimations || {};
- var lookup = {};
- forEach(runningAnimations, function(data, selector) {
- forEach(selector.split(' '), function(s) {
- lookup[s]=data;
- });
- });
- var hasClasses = Object.create(null);
- forEach((element.attr('class') || '').split(/\s+/), function(className) {
- hasClasses[className] = true;
- });
- var toAdd = [], toRemove = [];
- forEach((cache && cache.classes) || [], function(status, className) {
- var hasClass = hasClasses[className];
- var matchingAnimation = lookup[className] || {};
- // When addClass and removeClass is called then $animate will check to
- // see if addClass and removeClass cancel each other out. When there are
- // more calls to removeClass than addClass then the count falls below 0
- // and then the removeClass animation will be allowed. Otherwise if the
- // count is above 0 then that means an addClass animation will commence.
- // Once an animation is allowed then the code will also check to see if
- // there exists any on-going animation that is already adding or remvoing
- // the matching CSS class.
- if (status === false) {
- //does it have the class or will it have the class
- if (hasClass || matchingAnimation.event == 'addClass') {
- toRemove.push(className);
- }
- } else if (status === true) {
- //is the class missing or will it be removed?
- if (!hasClass || matchingAnimation.event == 'removeClass') {
- toAdd.push(className);
- }
- }
- });
- return (toAdd.length + toRemove.length) > 0 && [toAdd.join(' '), toRemove.join(' ')];
- }
- function lookup(name) {
- if (name) {
- var matches = [],
- flagMap = {},
- classes = name.substr(1).split('.');
- //the empty string value is the default animation
- //operation which performs CSS transition and keyframe
- //animations sniffing. This is always included for each
- //element animation procedure if the browser supports
- //transitions and/or keyframe animations. The default
- //animation is added to the top of the list to prevent
- //any previous animations from affecting the element styling
- //prior to the element being animated.
- if ($sniffer.transitions || $sniffer.animations) {
- matches.push($injector.get(selectors['']));
- }
- for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
- var klass = classes[i],
- selectorFactoryName = selectors[klass];
- if (selectorFactoryName && !flagMap[klass]) {
- matches.push($injector.get(selectorFactoryName));
- flagMap[klass] = true;
- }
- }
- return matches;
- }
- }
- function animationRunner(element, animationEvent, className, options) {
- //transcluded directives may sometimes fire an animation using only comment nodes
- //best to catch this early on to prevent any animation operations from occurring
- var node = element[0];
- if (!node) {
- return;
- }
- if (options) {
- options.to = options.to || {};
- options.from = options.from || {};
- }
- var classNameAdd;
- var classNameRemove;
- if (isArray(className)) {
- classNameAdd = className[0];
- classNameRemove = className[1];
- if (!classNameAdd) {
- className = classNameRemove;
- animationEvent = 'removeClass';
- } else if (!classNameRemove) {
- className = classNameAdd;
- animationEvent = 'addClass';
- } else {
- className = classNameAdd + ' ' + classNameRemove;
- }
- }
- var isSetClassOperation = animationEvent == 'setClass';
- var isClassBased = isSetClassOperation
- || animationEvent == 'addClass'
- || animationEvent == 'removeClass'
- || animationEvent == 'animate';
- var currentClassName = element.attr('class');
- var classes = currentClassName + ' ' + className;
- if (!isAnimatableClassName(classes)) {
- return;
- }
- var beforeComplete = noop,
- beforeCancel = [],
- before = [],
- afterComplete = noop,
- afterCancel = [],
- after = [];
- var animationLookup = (' ' + classes).replace(/\s+/g,'.');
- forEach(lookup(animationLookup), function(animationFactory) {
- var created = registerAnimation(animationFactory, animationEvent);
- if (!created && isSetClassOperation) {
- registerAnimation(animationFactory, 'addClass');
- registerAnimation(animationFactory, 'removeClass');
- }
- });
- function registerAnimation(animationFactory, event) {
- var afterFn = animationFactory[event];
- var beforeFn = animationFactory['before' + event.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + event.substr(1)];
- if (afterFn || beforeFn) {
- if (event == 'leave') {
- beforeFn = afterFn;
- //when set as null then animation knows to skip this phase
- afterFn = null;
- }
- after.push({
- event: event, fn: afterFn
- });
- before.push({
- event: event, fn: beforeFn
- });
- return true;
- }
- }
- function run(fns, cancellations, allCompleteFn) {
- var animations = [];
- forEach(fns, function(animation) {
- animation.fn && animations.push(animation);
- });
- var count = 0;
- function afterAnimationComplete(index) {
- if (cancellations) {
- (cancellations[index] || noop)();
- if (++count < animations.length) return;
- cancellations = null;
- }
- allCompleteFn();
- }
- //The code below adds directly to the array in order to work with
- //both sync and async animations. Sync animations are when the done()
- //operation is called right away. DO NOT REFACTOR!
- forEach(animations, function(animation, index) {
- var progress = function() {
- afterAnimationComplete(index);
- };
- switch (animation.event) {
- case 'setClass':
- cancellations.push(animation.fn(element, classNameAdd, classNameRemove, progress, options));
- break;
- case 'animate':
- cancellations.push(animation.fn(element, className, options.from, options.to, progress));
- break;
- case 'addClass':
- cancellations.push(animation.fn(element, classNameAdd || className, progress, options));
- break;
- case 'removeClass':
- cancellations.push(animation.fn(element, classNameRemove || className, progress, options));
- break;
- default:
- cancellations.push(animation.fn(element, progress, options));
- break;
- }
- });
- if (cancellations && cancellations.length === 0) {
- allCompleteFn();
- }
- }
- return {
- node: node,
- event: animationEvent,
- className: className,
- isClassBased: isClassBased,
- isSetClassOperation: isSetClassOperation,
- applyStyles: function() {
- if (options) {
- element.css(angular.extend(options.from || {}, options.to || {}));
- }
- },
- before: function(allCompleteFn) {
- beforeComplete = allCompleteFn;
- run(before, beforeCancel, function() {
- beforeComplete = noop;
- allCompleteFn();
- });
- },
- after: function(allCompleteFn) {
- afterComplete = allCompleteFn;
- run(after, afterCancel, function() {
- afterComplete = noop;
- allCompleteFn();
- });
- },
- cancel: function() {
- if (beforeCancel) {
- forEach(beforeCancel, function(cancelFn) {
- (cancelFn || noop)(true);
- });
- beforeComplete(true);
- }
- if (afterCancel) {
- forEach(afterCancel, function(cancelFn) {
- (cancelFn || noop)(true);
- });
- afterComplete(true);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * @ngdoc service
- * @name $animate
- * @kind object
- *
- * @description
- * The `$animate` service provides animation detection support while performing DOM operations (enter, leave and move) as well as during addClass and removeClass operations.
- * When any of these operations are run, the $animate service
- * will examine any JavaScript-defined animations (which are defined by using the $animateProvider provider object)
- * as well as any CSS-defined animations against the CSS classes present on the element once the DOM operation is run.
- *
- * The `$animate` service is used behind the scenes with pre-existing directives and animation with these directives
- * will work out of the box without any extra configuration.
- *
- * Requires the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module to be installed.
- *
- * Please visit the {@link ngAnimate `ngAnimate`} module overview page learn more about how to use animations in your application.
- * ## Callback Promises
- * With AngularJS 1.3, each of the animation methods, on the `$animate` service, return a promise when called. The
- * promise itself is then resolved once the animation has completed itself, has been cancelled or has been
- * skipped due to animations being disabled. (Note that even if the animation is cancelled it will still
- * call the resolve function of the animation.)
- *
- * ```js
- * $animate.enter(element, container).then(function() {
- * //...this is called once the animation is complete...
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Also note that, due to the nature of the callback promise, if any Angular-specific code (like changing the scope,
- * location of the page, etc...) is executed within the callback promise then be sure to wrap the code using
- * `$scope.$apply(...)`;
- *
- * ```js
- * $animate.leave(element).then(function() {
- * $scope.$apply(function() {
- * $location.path('/new-page');
- * });
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * An animation can also be cancelled by calling the `$animate.cancel(promise)` method with the provided
- * promise that was returned when the animation was started.
- *
- * ```js
- * var promise = $animate.addClass(element, 'super-long-animation');
- * promise.then(function() {
- * //this will still be called even if cancelled
- * });
- *
- * element.on('click', function() {
- * //tooo lazy to wait for the animation to end
- * $animate.cancel(promise);
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * (Keep in mind that the promise cancellation is unique to `$animate` since promises in
- * general cannot be cancelled.)
- *
- */
- return {
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#animate
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description
- * Performs an inline animation on the element which applies the provided `to` and `from` CSS styles to the element.
- * If any detected CSS transition, keyframe or JavaScript matches the provided `className` value then the animation
- * will take on the provided styles. For example, if a transition animation is set for the given className then the
- * provided `from` and `to` styles will be applied alongside the given transition. If a JavaScript animation is
- * detected then the provided styles will be given in as function paramters.
- *
- * ```js
- * ngModule.animation('.my-inline-animation', function() {
- * return {
- * animate : function(element, className, from, to, done) {
- * //styles
- * }
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during the `animate` animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.animate(...)` is called | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 2. `$animate` waits for the next digest to start the animation | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 3. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 4. the `className` class value is added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 5. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` blocks all CSS transitions on the element to ensure the `.className` class styling is applied right away| `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` applies the provided collection of `from` CSS styles to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 8. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 9. `$animate` removes the CSS transition block placed on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate className"` |
- * | 10. the `className-active` class is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate className className-active"` |
- * | 11. `$animate` applies the collection of `to` CSS styles to the element which are then handled by the transition | `class="my-animation ng-animate className className-active"` |
- * | 12. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate className className-active"` |
- * | 13. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 14. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation"` |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {object} from a collection of CSS styles that will be applied to the element at the start of the animation
- * @param {object} to a collection of CSS styles that the element will animate towards
- * @param {string=} className an optional CSS class that will be added to the element for the duration of the animation (the default class is `ng-inline-animate`)
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- animate: function(element, from, to, className, options) {
- className = className || 'ng-inline-animate';
- options = parseAnimateOptions(options) || {};
- options.from = to ? from : null;
- options.to = to ? to : from;
- return runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- return performAnimation('animate', className, stripCommentsFromElement(element), null, null, noop, options, done);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#enter
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description
- * Appends the element to the parentElement element that resides in the document and then runs the enter animation. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be present on the element for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during enter animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.enter(...)` is called | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 2. element is inserted into the `parentElement` element or beside the `afterElement` element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 3. `$animate` waits for the next digest to start the animation | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 4. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 5. the `.ng-enter` class is added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` blocks all CSS transitions on the element to ensure the `.ng-enter` class styling is applied right away | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter"` |
- * | 8. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter"` |
- * | 9. `$animate` removes the CSS transition block placed on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter"` |
- * | 10. the `.ng-enter-active` class is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter ng-enter-active"` |
- * | 11. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-enter ng-enter-active"` |
- * | 12. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 13. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation"` |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {DOMElement} parentElement the parent element of the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {DOMElement} afterElement the sibling element (which is the previous element) of the element that will be the focus of the enter animation
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- enter: function(element, parentElement, afterElement, options) {
- options = parseAnimateOptions(options);
- element = angular.element(element);
- parentElement = prepareElement(parentElement);
- afterElement = prepareElement(afterElement);
- classBasedAnimationsBlocked(element, true);
- $delegate.enter(element, parentElement, afterElement);
- return runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- return performAnimation('enter', 'ng-enter', stripCommentsFromElement(element), parentElement, afterElement, noop, options, done);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#leave
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description
- * Runs the leave animation operation and, upon completion, removes the element from the DOM. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be added for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during leave animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.leave(...)` is called | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 2. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 3. `$animate` waits for the next digest to start the animation | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 4. the `.ng-leave` class is added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave"` |
- * | 5. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` blocks all CSS transitions on the element to ensure the `.ng-leave` class styling is applied right away | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave"` |
- * | 8. `$animate` removes the CSS transition block placed on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave"` |
- * | 9. the `.ng-leave-active` class is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave ng-leave-active"` |
- * | 10. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-leave ng-leave-active"` |
- * | 11. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 12. The element is removed from the DOM | ... |
- * | 13. The returned promise is resolved. | ... |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be the focus of the leave animation
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- leave: function(element, options) {
- options = parseAnimateOptions(options);
- element = angular.element(element);
- cancelChildAnimations(element);
- classBasedAnimationsBlocked(element, true);
- return runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- return performAnimation('leave', 'ng-leave', stripCommentsFromElement(element), null, null, function() {
- $delegate.leave(element);
- }, options, done);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#move
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description
- * Fires the move DOM operation. Just before the animation starts, the animate service will either append it into the parentElement container or
- * add the element directly after the afterElement element if present. Then the move animation will be run. Once
- * the animation is started, the following CSS classes will be added for the duration of the animation:
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during move animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.move(...)` is called | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 2. element is moved into the parentElement element or beside the afterElement element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 3. `$animate` waits for the next digest to start the animation | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 4. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 5. the `.ng-move` class is added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` blocks all CSS transitions on the element to ensure the `.ng-move` class styling is applied right away | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move"` |
- * | 8. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move"` |
- * | 9. `$animate` removes the CSS transition block placed on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move"` |
- * | 10. the `.ng-move-active` class is added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move ng-move-active"` |
- * | 11. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate ng-move ng-move-active"` |
- * | 12. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 13. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation"` |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {DOMElement} parentElement the parentElement element of the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {DOMElement} afterElement the sibling element (which is the previous element) of the element that will be the focus of the move animation
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- move: function(element, parentElement, afterElement, options) {
- options = parseAnimateOptions(options);
- element = angular.element(element);
- parentElement = prepareElement(parentElement);
- afterElement = prepareElement(afterElement);
- cancelChildAnimations(element);
- classBasedAnimationsBlocked(element, true);
- $delegate.move(element, parentElement, afterElement);
- return runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- return performAnimation('move', 'ng-move', stripCommentsFromElement(element), parentElement, afterElement, noop, options, done);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#addClass
- *
- * @description
- * Triggers a custom animation event based off the className variable and then attaches the className value to the element as a CSS class.
- * Unlike the other animation methods, the animate service will suffix the className value with {@type -add} in order to provide
- * the animate service the setup and active CSS classes in order to trigger the animation (this will be skipped if no CSS transitions
- * or keyframes are defined on the -add-active or base CSS class).
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during addClass animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.addClass(element, 'super')` is called | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 2. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate"` |
- * | 3. the `.super-add` class is added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate super-add"` |
- * | 4. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate super-add"` |
- * | 5. the `.super` and `.super-add-active` classes are added (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate super super-add super-add-active"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate super super-add super-add-active"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate super super-add super-add-active"` |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation super"` |
- * | 9. The super class is kept on the element | `class="my-animation super"` |
- * | 10. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation super"` |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be animated
- * @param {string} className the CSS class that will be added to the element and then animated
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- addClass: function(element, className, options) {
- return this.setClass(element, className, [], options);
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#removeClass
- *
- * @description
- * Triggers a custom animation event based off the className variable and then removes the CSS class provided by the className value
- * from the element. Unlike the other animation methods, the animate service will suffix the className value with {@type -remove} in
- * order to provide the animate service the setup and active CSS classes in order to trigger the animation (this will be skipped if
- * no CSS transitions or keyframes are defined on the -remove or base CSS classes).
- *
- * Below is a breakdown of each step that occurs during removeClass animation:
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.removeClass(element, 'super')` is called | `class="my-animation super"` |
- * | 2. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation super ng-animate"` |
- * | 3. the `.super-remove` class is added to the element | `class="my-animation super ng-animate super-remove"` |
- * | 4. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation super ng-animate super-remove"` |
- * | 5. the `.super-remove-active` classes are added and `.super` is removed (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate super-remove super-remove-active"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate super-remove super-remove-active"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate super-remove super-remove-active"` |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation"` |
- * | 9. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation"` |
- *
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element that will be animated
- * @param {string} className the CSS class that will be animated and then removed from the element
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- removeClass: function(element, className, options) {
- return this.setClass(element, [], className, options);
- },
- /**
- *
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#setClass
- *
- * @description Adds and/or removes the given CSS classes to and from the element.
- * Once complete, the `done()` callback will be fired (if provided).
- *
- * | Animation Step | What the element class attribute looks like |
- * |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- * | 1. `$animate.setClass(element, 'on', 'off')` is called | `class="my-animation off"` |
- * | 2. `$animate` runs the JavaScript-defined animations detected on the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate off"` |
- * | 3. the `.on-add` and `.off-remove` classes are added to the element | `class="my-animation ng-animate on-add off-remove off"` |
- * | 4. `$animate` waits for a single animation frame (this performs a reflow) | `class="my-animation ng-animate on-add off-remove off"` |
- * | 5. the `.on`, `.on-add-active` and `.off-remove-active` classes are added and `.off` is removed (this triggers the CSS transition/animation) | `class="my-animation ng-animate on on-add on-add-active off-remove off-remove-active"` |
- * | 6. `$animate` scans the element styles to get the CSS transition/animation duration and delay | `class="my-animation ng-animate on on-add on-add-active off-remove off-remove-active"` |
- * | 7. `$animate` waits for the animation to complete (via events and timeout) | `class="my-animation ng-animate on on-add on-add-active off-remove off-remove-active"` |
- * | 8. The animation ends and all generated CSS classes are removed from the element | `class="my-animation on"` |
- * | 9. The returned promise is resolved. | `class="my-animation on"` |
- *
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will have its CSS classes changed
- * removed from it
- * @param {string} add the CSS classes which will be added to the element
- * @param {string} remove the CSS class which will be removed from the element
- * CSS classes have been set on the element
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be picked up by the CSS transition/animation
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- setClass: function(element, add, remove, options) {
- options = parseAnimateOptions(options);
- var STORAGE_KEY = '$$animateClasses';
- element = angular.element(element);
- element = stripCommentsFromElement(element);
- if (classBasedAnimationsBlocked(element)) {
- return $delegate.$$setClassImmediately(element, add, remove, options);
- }
- // we're using a combined array for both the add and remove
- // operations since the ORDER OF addClass and removeClass matters
- var classes, cache = element.data(STORAGE_KEY);
- var hasCache = !!cache;
- if (!cache) {
- cache = {};
- cache.classes = {};
- }
- classes = cache.classes;
- add = isArray(add) ? add : add.split(' ');
- forEach(add, function(c) {
- if (c && c.length) {
- classes[c] = true;
- }
- });
- remove = isArray(remove) ? remove : remove.split(' ');
- forEach(remove, function(c) {
- if (c && c.length) {
- classes[c] = false;
- }
- });
- if (hasCache) {
- if (options && cache.options) {
- cache.options = angular.extend(cache.options || {}, options);
- }
- //the digest cycle will combine all the animations into one function
- return cache.promise;
- } else {
- element.data(STORAGE_KEY, cache = {
- classes: classes,
- options: options
- });
- }
- return cache.promise = runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- var cache, parentNode, parentElement, elementNode = extractElementNode(element);
- if (elementNode) {
- cache = element.data(STORAGE_KEY);
- element.removeData(STORAGE_KEY);
- parentElement = element.parent();
- parentNode = elementNode.parentNode;
- }
- // TODO(matsko): move this code into the animationsDisabled() function once #8092 is fixed
- if (!parentNode || parentNode['$$NG_REMOVED'] || elementNode['$$NG_REMOVED']) {
- done();
- return;
- }
- var state = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- var classes = resolveElementClasses(element, cache, state.active);
- return !classes
- ? done()
- : performAnimation('setClass', classes, element, parentElement, null, function() {
- if (classes[0]) $delegate.$$addClassImmediately(element, classes[0]);
- if (classes[1]) $delegate.$$removeClassImmediately(element, classes[1]);
- }, cache.options, done);
- });
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#cancel
- * @kind function
- *
- * @param {Promise} animationPromise The animation promise that is returned when an animation is started.
- *
- * @description
- * Cancels the provided animation.
- */
- cancel: function(promise) {
- promise.$$cancelFn();
- },
- /**
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#enabled
- * @kind function
- *
- * @param {boolean=} value If provided then set the animation on or off.
- * @param {DOMElement=} element If provided then the element will be used to represent the enable/disable operation
- * @return {boolean} Current animation state.
- *
- * @description
- * Globally enables/disables animations.
- *
- */
- enabled: function(value, element) {
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 2:
- if (value) {
- cleanup(element);
- } else {
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- data.disabled = true;
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE, data);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- rootAnimateState.disabled = !value;
- break;
- default:
- value = !rootAnimateState.disabled;
- break;
- }
- return !!value;
- }
- };
- /*
- all animations call this shared animation triggering function internally.
- The animationEvent variable refers to the JavaScript animation event that will be triggered
- and the className value is the name of the animation that will be applied within the
- CSS code. Element, `parentElement` and `afterElement` are provided DOM elements for the animation
- and the onComplete callback will be fired once the animation is fully complete.
- */
- function performAnimation(animationEvent, className, element, parentElement, afterElement, domOperation, options, doneCallback) {
- var noopCancel = noop;
- var runner = animationRunner(element, animationEvent, className, options);
- if (!runner) {
- fireDOMOperation();
- fireBeforeCallbackAsync();
- fireAfterCallbackAsync();
- closeAnimation();
- return noopCancel;
- }
- animationEvent = runner.event;
- className = runner.className;
- var elementEvents = angular.element._data(runner.node);
- elementEvents = elementEvents && elementEvents.events;
- if (!parentElement) {
- parentElement = afterElement ? afterElement.parent() : element.parent();
- }
- //skip the animation if animations are disabled, a parent is already being animated,
- //the element is not currently attached to the document body or then completely close
- //the animation if any matching animations are not found at all.
- //NOTE: IE8 + IE9 should close properly (run closeAnimation()) in case an animation was found.
- if (animationsDisabled(element, parentElement)) {
- fireDOMOperation();
- fireBeforeCallbackAsync();
- fireAfterCallbackAsync();
- closeAnimation();
- return noopCancel;
- }
- var ngAnimateState = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- var runningAnimations = ngAnimateState.active || {};
- var totalActiveAnimations = ngAnimateState.totalActive || 0;
- var lastAnimation = ngAnimateState.last;
- var skipAnimation = false;
- if (totalActiveAnimations > 0) {
- var animationsToCancel = [];
- if (!runner.isClassBased) {
- if (animationEvent == 'leave' && runningAnimations['ng-leave']) {
- skipAnimation = true;
- } else {
- //cancel all animations when a structural animation takes place
- for (var klass in runningAnimations) {
- animationsToCancel.push(runningAnimations[klass]);
- }
- ngAnimateState = {};
- cleanup(element, true);
- }
- } else if (lastAnimation.event == 'setClass') {
- animationsToCancel.push(lastAnimation);
- cleanup(element, className);
- } else if (runningAnimations[className]) {
- var current = runningAnimations[className];
- if (current.event == animationEvent) {
- skipAnimation = true;
- } else {
- animationsToCancel.push(current);
- cleanup(element, className);
- }
- }
- if (animationsToCancel.length > 0) {
- forEach(animationsToCancel, function(operation) {
- operation.cancel();
- });
- }
- }
- if (runner.isClassBased
- && !runner.isSetClassOperation
- && animationEvent != 'animate'
- && !skipAnimation) {
- skipAnimation = (animationEvent == 'addClass') == element.hasClass(className); //opposite of XOR
- }
- if (skipAnimation) {
- fireDOMOperation();
- fireBeforeCallbackAsync();
- fireAfterCallbackAsync();
- fireDoneCallbackAsync();
- return noopCancel;
- }
- runningAnimations = ngAnimateState.active || {};
- totalActiveAnimations = ngAnimateState.totalActive || 0;
- if (animationEvent == 'leave') {
- //there's no need to ever remove the listener since the element
- //will be removed (destroyed) after the leave animation ends or
- //is cancelled midway
- element.one('$destroy', function(e) {
- var element = angular.element(this);
- var state = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- if (state) {
- var activeLeaveAnimation = state.active['ng-leave'];
- if (activeLeaveAnimation) {
- activeLeaveAnimation.cancel();
- cleanup(element, 'ng-leave');
- }
- }
- });
- }
- //the ng-animate class does nothing, but it's here to allow for
- //parent animations to find and cancel child animations when needed
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME);
- if (options && options.tempClasses) {
- forEach(options.tempClasses, function(className) {
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, className);
- });
- }
- var localAnimationCount = globalAnimationCounter++;
- totalActiveAnimations++;
- runningAnimations[className] = runner;
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE, {
- last: runner,
- active: runningAnimations,
- index: localAnimationCount,
- totalActive: totalActiveAnimations
- });
- //first we run the before animations and when all of those are complete
- //then we perform the DOM operation and run the next set of animations
- fireBeforeCallbackAsync();
- runner.before(function(cancelled) {
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- cancelled = cancelled ||
- !data || !data.active[className] ||
- (runner.isClassBased && data.active[className].event != animationEvent);
- fireDOMOperation();
- if (cancelled === true) {
- closeAnimation();
- } else {
- fireAfterCallbackAsync();
- runner.after(closeAnimation);
- }
- });
- return runner.cancel;
- function fireDOMCallback(animationPhase) {
- var eventName = '$animate:' + animationPhase;
- if (elementEvents && elementEvents[eventName] && elementEvents[eventName].length > 0) {
- $$asyncCallback(function() {
- element.triggerHandler(eventName, {
- event: animationEvent,
- className: className
- });
- });
- }
- }
- function fireBeforeCallbackAsync() {
- fireDOMCallback('before');
- }
- function fireAfterCallbackAsync() {
- fireDOMCallback('after');
- }
- function fireDoneCallbackAsync() {
- fireDOMCallback('close');
- doneCallback();
- }
- //it is less complicated to use a flag than managing and canceling
- //timeouts containing multiple callbacks.
- function fireDOMOperation() {
- if (!fireDOMOperation.hasBeenRun) {
- fireDOMOperation.hasBeenRun = true;
- domOperation();
- }
- }
- function closeAnimation() {
- if (!closeAnimation.hasBeenRun) {
- if (runner) { //the runner doesn't exist if it fails to instantiate
- runner.applyStyles();
- }
- closeAnimation.hasBeenRun = true;
- if (options && options.tempClasses) {
- forEach(options.tempClasses, function(className) {
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, className);
- });
- }
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- if (data) {
- /* only structural animations wait for reflow before removing an
- animation, but class-based animations don't. An example of this
- failing would be when a parent HTML tag has a ng-class attribute
- causing ALL directives below to skip animations during the digest */
- if (runner && runner.isClassBased) {
- cleanup(element, className);
- } else {
- $$asyncCallback(function() {
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- if (localAnimationCount == data.index) {
- cleanup(element, className, animationEvent);
- }
- });
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE, data);
- }
- }
- fireDoneCallbackAsync();
- }
- }
- }
- function cancelChildAnimations(element) {
- var node = extractElementNode(element);
- if (node) {
- var nodes = angular.isFunction(node.getElementsByClassName) ?
- node.getElementsByClassName(NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME) :
- node.querySelectorAll('.' + NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME);
- forEach(nodes, function(element) {
- element = angular.element(element);
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- if (data && data.active) {
- forEach(data.active, function(runner) {
- runner.cancel();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function cleanup(element, className) {
- if (isMatchingElement(element, $rootElement)) {
- if (!rootAnimateState.disabled) {
- rootAnimateState.running = false;
- rootAnimateState.structural = false;
- }
- } else if (className) {
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {};
- var removeAnimations = className === true;
- if (!removeAnimations && data.active && data.active[className]) {
- data.totalActive--;
- delete data.active[className];
- }
- if (removeAnimations || !data.totalActive) {
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, NG_ANIMATE_CLASS_NAME);
- element.removeData(NG_ANIMATE_STATE);
- }
- }
- }
- function animationsDisabled(element, parentElement) {
- if (rootAnimateState.disabled) {
- return true;
- }
- if (isMatchingElement(element, $rootElement)) {
- return rootAnimateState.running;
- }
- var allowChildAnimations, parentRunningAnimation, hasParent;
- do {
- //the element did not reach the root element which means that it
- //is not apart of the DOM. Therefore there is no reason to do
- //any animations on it
- if (parentElement.length === 0) break;
- var isRoot = isMatchingElement(parentElement, $rootElement);
- var state = isRoot ? rootAnimateState : (parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_STATE) || {});
- if (state.disabled) {
- return true;
- }
- //no matter what, for an animation to work it must reach the root element
- //this implies that the element is attached to the DOM when the animation is run
- if (isRoot) {
- hasParent = true;
- }
- //once a flag is found that is strictly false then everything before
- //it will be discarded and all child animations will be restricted
- if (allowChildAnimations !== false) {
- var animateChildrenFlag = parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN);
- if (angular.isDefined(animateChildrenFlag)) {
- allowChildAnimations = animateChildrenFlag;
- }
- }
- parentRunningAnimation = parentRunningAnimation ||
- state.running ||
- (state.last && !state.last.isClassBased);
- }
- while (parentElement = parentElement.parent());
- return !hasParent || (!allowChildAnimations && parentRunningAnimation);
- }
- }]);
- $animateProvider.register('', ['$window', '$sniffer', '$timeout', '$$animateReflow',
- function($window, $sniffer, $timeout, $$animateReflow) {
- // Detect proper transitionend/animationend event names.
- // If unprefixed events are not supported but webkit-prefixed are, use the latter.
- // Otherwise, just use W3C names, browsers not supporting them at all will just ignore them.
- // Note: Chrome implements `window.onwebkitanimationend` and doesn't implement `window.onanimationend`
- // but at the same time dispatches the `animationend` event and not `webkitAnimationEnd`.
- // Register both events in case `window.onanimationend` is not supported because of that,
- // do the same for `transitionend` as Safari is likely to exhibit similar behavior.
- // Also, the only modern browser that uses vendor prefixes for transitions/keyframes is webkit
- // therefore there is no reason to test anymore for other vendor prefixes: http://caniuse.com/#search=transition
- if (window.ontransitionend === undefined && window.onwebkittransitionend !== undefined) {
- CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
- TRANSITION_PROP = 'WebkitTransition';
- TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend';
- } else {
- TRANSITION_PROP = 'transition';
- TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'transitionend';
- }
- if (window.onanimationend === undefined && window.onwebkitanimationend !== undefined) {
- CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
- ANIMATION_PROP = 'WebkitAnimation';
- ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend';
- } else {
- ANIMATION_PROP = 'animation';
- ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'animationend';
- }
- var DURATION_KEY = 'Duration';
- var PROPERTY_KEY = 'Property';
- var DELAY_KEY = 'Delay';
- var NG_ANIMATE_PARENT_KEY = '$$ngAnimateKey';
- var NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY = '$$ngAnimateCSS3Data';
- var ONE_SECOND = 1000;
- var lookupCache = {};
- var parentCounter = 0;
- var animationReflowQueue = [];
- var cancelAnimationReflow;
- function clearCacheAfterReflow() {
- if (!cancelAnimationReflow) {
- cancelAnimationReflow = $$animateReflow(function() {
- animationReflowQueue = [];
- cancelAnimationReflow = null;
- lookupCache = {};
- });
- }
- }
- function afterReflow(element, callback) {
- if (cancelAnimationReflow) {
- cancelAnimationReflow();
- }
- animationReflowQueue.push(callback);
- cancelAnimationReflow = $$animateReflow(function() {
- forEach(animationReflowQueue, function(fn) {
- fn();
- });
- animationReflowQueue = [];
- cancelAnimationReflow = null;
- lookupCache = {};
- });
- }
- var closingTimer = null;
- var closingTimestamp = 0;
- var animationElementQueue = [];
- function animationCloseHandler(element, totalTime) {
- var node = extractElementNode(element);
- element = angular.element(node);
- //this item will be garbage collected by the closing
- //animation timeout
- animationElementQueue.push(element);
- //but it may not need to cancel out the existing timeout
- //if the timestamp is less than the previous one
- var futureTimestamp = Date.now() + totalTime;
- if (futureTimestamp <= closingTimestamp) {
- return;
- }
- $timeout.cancel(closingTimer);
- closingTimestamp = futureTimestamp;
- closingTimer = $timeout(function() {
- closeAllAnimations(animationElementQueue);
- animationElementQueue = [];
- }, totalTime, false);
- }
- function closeAllAnimations(elements) {
- forEach(elements, function(element) {
- var elementData = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY);
- if (elementData) {
- forEach(elementData.closeAnimationFns, function(fn) {
- fn();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- function getElementAnimationDetails(element, cacheKey) {
- var data = cacheKey ? lookupCache[cacheKey] : null;
- if (!data) {
- var transitionDuration = 0;
- var transitionDelay = 0;
- var animationDuration = 0;
- var animationDelay = 0;
- //we want all the styles defined before and after
- forEach(element, function(element) {
- if (element.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
- var elementStyles = $window.getComputedStyle(element) || {};
- var transitionDurationStyle = elementStyles[TRANSITION_PROP + DURATION_KEY];
- transitionDuration = Math.max(parseMaxTime(transitionDurationStyle), transitionDuration);
- var transitionDelayStyle = elementStyles[TRANSITION_PROP + DELAY_KEY];
- transitionDelay = Math.max(parseMaxTime(transitionDelayStyle), transitionDelay);
- var animationDelayStyle = elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + DELAY_KEY];
- animationDelay = Math.max(parseMaxTime(elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + DELAY_KEY]), animationDelay);
- var aDuration = parseMaxTime(elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + DURATION_KEY]);
- if (aDuration > 0) {
- aDuration *= parseInt(elementStyles[ANIMATION_PROP + ANIMATION_ITERATION_COUNT_KEY], 10) || 1;
- }
- animationDuration = Math.max(aDuration, animationDuration);
- }
- });
- data = {
- total: 0,
- transitionDelay: transitionDelay,
- transitionDuration: transitionDuration,
- animationDelay: animationDelay,
- animationDuration: animationDuration
- };
- if (cacheKey) {
- lookupCache[cacheKey] = data;
- }
- }
- return data;
- }
- function parseMaxTime(str) {
- var maxValue = 0;
- var values = isString(str) ?
- str.split(/\s*,\s*/) :
- [];
- forEach(values, function(value) {
- maxValue = Math.max(parseFloat(value) || 0, maxValue);
- });
- return maxValue;
- }
- function getCacheKey(element) {
- var parentElement = element.parent();
- var parentID = parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_PARENT_KEY);
- if (!parentID) {
- parentElement.data(NG_ANIMATE_PARENT_KEY, ++parentCounter);
- parentID = parentCounter;
- }
- return parentID + '-' + extractElementNode(element).getAttribute('class');
- }
- function animateSetup(animationEvent, element, className, styles) {
- var structural = ['ng-enter','ng-leave','ng-move'].indexOf(className) >= 0;
- var cacheKey = getCacheKey(element);
- var eventCacheKey = cacheKey + ' ' + className;
- var itemIndex = lookupCache[eventCacheKey] ? ++lookupCache[eventCacheKey].total : 0;
- var stagger = {};
- if (itemIndex > 0) {
- var staggerClassName = className + '-stagger';
- var staggerCacheKey = cacheKey + ' ' + staggerClassName;
- var applyClasses = !lookupCache[staggerCacheKey];
- applyClasses && $$jqLite.addClass(element, staggerClassName);
- stagger = getElementAnimationDetails(element, staggerCacheKey);
- applyClasses && $$jqLite.removeClass(element, staggerClassName);
- }
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, className);
- var formerData = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY) || {};
- var timings = getElementAnimationDetails(element, eventCacheKey);
- var transitionDuration = timings.transitionDuration;
- var animationDuration = timings.animationDuration;
- if (structural && transitionDuration === 0 && animationDuration === 0) {
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, className);
- return false;
- }
- var blockTransition = styles || (structural && transitionDuration > 0);
- var blockAnimation = animationDuration > 0 &&
- stagger.animationDelay > 0 &&
- stagger.animationDuration === 0;
- var closeAnimationFns = formerData.closeAnimationFns || [];
- element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY, {
- stagger: stagger,
- cacheKey: eventCacheKey,
- running: formerData.running || 0,
- itemIndex: itemIndex,
- blockTransition: blockTransition,
- closeAnimationFns: closeAnimationFns
- });
- var node = extractElementNode(element);
- if (blockTransition) {
- blockTransitions(node, true);
- if (styles) {
- element.css(styles);
- }
- }
- if (blockAnimation) {
- blockAnimations(node, true);
- }
- return true;
- }
- function animateRun(animationEvent, element, className, activeAnimationComplete, styles) {
- var node = extractElementNode(element);
- var elementData = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY);
- if (node.getAttribute('class').indexOf(className) == -1 || !elementData) {
- activeAnimationComplete();
- return;
- }
- var activeClassName = '';
- var pendingClassName = '';
- forEach(className.split(' '), function(klass, i) {
- var prefix = (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + klass;
- activeClassName += prefix + '-active';
- pendingClassName += prefix + '-pending';
- });
- var style = '';
- var appliedStyles = [];
- var itemIndex = elementData.itemIndex;
- var stagger = elementData.stagger;
- var staggerTime = 0;
- if (itemIndex > 0) {
- var transitionStaggerDelay = 0;
- if (stagger.transitionDelay > 0 && stagger.transitionDuration === 0) {
- transitionStaggerDelay = stagger.transitionDelay * itemIndex;
- }
- var animationStaggerDelay = 0;
- if (stagger.animationDelay > 0 && stagger.animationDuration === 0) {
- animationStaggerDelay = stagger.animationDelay * itemIndex;
- appliedStyles.push(CSS_PREFIX + 'animation-play-state');
- }
- staggerTime = Math.round(Math.max(transitionStaggerDelay, animationStaggerDelay) * 100) / 100;
- }
- if (!staggerTime) {
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, activeClassName);
- if (elementData.blockTransition) {
- blockTransitions(node, false);
- }
- }
- var eventCacheKey = elementData.cacheKey + ' ' + activeClassName;
- var timings = getElementAnimationDetails(element, eventCacheKey);
- var maxDuration = Math.max(timings.transitionDuration, timings.animationDuration);
- if (maxDuration === 0) {
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, activeClassName);
- animateClose(element, className);
- activeAnimationComplete();
- return;
- }
- if (!staggerTime && styles && Object.keys(styles).length > 0) {
- if (!timings.transitionDuration) {
- element.css('transition', timings.animationDuration + 's linear all');
- appliedStyles.push('transition');
- }
- element.css(styles);
- }
- var maxDelay = Math.max(timings.transitionDelay, timings.animationDelay);
- var maxDelayTime = maxDelay * ONE_SECOND;
- if (appliedStyles.length > 0) {
- //the element being animated may sometimes contain comment nodes in
- //the jqLite object, so we're safe to use a single variable to house
- //the styles since there is always only one element being animated
- var oldStyle = node.getAttribute('style') || '';
- if (oldStyle.charAt(oldStyle.length - 1) !== ';') {
- oldStyle += ';';
- }
- node.setAttribute('style', oldStyle + ' ' + style);
- }
- var startTime = Date.now();
- var css3AnimationEvents = ANIMATIONEND_EVENT + ' ' + TRANSITIONEND_EVENT;
- var animationTime = (maxDelay + maxDuration) * CLOSING_TIME_BUFFER;
- var totalTime = (staggerTime + animationTime) * ONE_SECOND;
- var staggerTimeout;
- if (staggerTime > 0) {
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, pendingClassName);
- staggerTimeout = $timeout(function() {
- staggerTimeout = null;
- if (timings.transitionDuration > 0) {
- blockTransitions(node, false);
- }
- if (timings.animationDuration > 0) {
- blockAnimations(node, false);
- }
- $$jqLite.addClass(element, activeClassName);
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, pendingClassName);
- if (styles) {
- if (timings.transitionDuration === 0) {
- element.css('transition', timings.animationDuration + 's linear all');
- }
- element.css(styles);
- appliedStyles.push('transition');
- }
- }, staggerTime * ONE_SECOND, false);
- }
- element.on(css3AnimationEvents, onAnimationProgress);
- elementData.closeAnimationFns.push(function() {
- onEnd();
- activeAnimationComplete();
- });
- elementData.running++;
- animationCloseHandler(element, totalTime);
- return onEnd;
- // This will automatically be called by $animate so
- // there is no need to attach this internally to the
- // timeout done method.
- function onEnd() {
- element.off(css3AnimationEvents, onAnimationProgress);
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, activeClassName);
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, pendingClassName);
- if (staggerTimeout) {
- $timeout.cancel(staggerTimeout);
- }
- animateClose(element, className);
- var node = extractElementNode(element);
- for (var i in appliedStyles) {
- node.style.removeProperty(appliedStyles[i]);
- }
- }
- function onAnimationProgress(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- var ev = event.originalEvent || event;
- var timeStamp = ev.$manualTimeStamp || ev.timeStamp || Date.now();
- /* Firefox (or possibly just Gecko) likes to not round values up
- * when a ms measurement is used for the animation */
- var elapsedTime = parseFloat(ev.elapsedTime.toFixed(ELAPSED_TIME_MAX_DECIMAL_PLACES));
- /* $manualTimeStamp is a mocked timeStamp value which is set
- * within browserTrigger(). This is only here so that tests can
- * mock animations properly. Real events fallback to event.timeStamp,
- * or, if they don't, then a timeStamp is automatically created for them.
- * We're checking to see if the timeStamp surpasses the expected delay,
- * but we're using elapsedTime instead of the timeStamp on the 2nd
- * pre-condition since animations sometimes close off early */
- if (Math.max(timeStamp - startTime, 0) >= maxDelayTime && elapsedTime >= maxDuration) {
- activeAnimationComplete();
- }
- }
- }
- function blockTransitions(node, bool) {
- node.style[TRANSITION_PROP + PROPERTY_KEY] = bool ? 'none' : '';
- }
- function blockAnimations(node, bool) {
- node.style[ANIMATION_PROP + ANIMATION_PLAYSTATE_KEY] = bool ? 'paused' : '';
- }
- function animateBefore(animationEvent, element, className, styles) {
- if (animateSetup(animationEvent, element, className, styles)) {
- return function(cancelled) {
- cancelled && animateClose(element, className);
- };
- }
- }
- function animateAfter(animationEvent, element, className, afterAnimationComplete, styles) {
- if (element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY)) {
- return animateRun(animationEvent, element, className, afterAnimationComplete, styles);
- } else {
- animateClose(element, className);
- afterAnimationComplete();
- }
- }
- function animate(animationEvent, element, className, animationComplete, options) {
- //If the animateSetup function doesn't bother returning a
- //cancellation function then it means that there is no animation
- //to perform at all
- var preReflowCancellation = animateBefore(animationEvent, element, className, options.from);
- if (!preReflowCancellation) {
- clearCacheAfterReflow();
- animationComplete();
- return;
- }
- //There are two cancellation functions: one is before the first
- //reflow animation and the second is during the active state
- //animation. The first function will take care of removing the
- //data from the element which will not make the 2nd animation
- //happen in the first place
- var cancel = preReflowCancellation;
- afterReflow(element, function() {
- //once the reflow is complete then we point cancel to
- //the new cancellation function which will remove all of the
- //animation properties from the active animation
- cancel = animateAfter(animationEvent, element, className, animationComplete, options.to);
- });
- return function(cancelled) {
- (cancel || noop)(cancelled);
- };
- }
- function animateClose(element, className) {
- $$jqLite.removeClass(element, className);
- var data = element.data(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY);
- if (data) {
- if (data.running) {
- data.running--;
- }
- if (!data.running || data.running === 0) {
- element.removeData(NG_ANIMATE_CSS_DATA_KEY);
- }
- }
- }
- return {
- animate: function(element, className, from, to, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- options.from = from;
- options.to = to;
- return animate('animate', element, className, animationCompleted, options);
- },
- enter: function(element, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- return animate('enter', element, 'ng-enter', animationCompleted, options);
- },
- leave: function(element, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- return animate('leave', element, 'ng-leave', animationCompleted, options);
- },
- move: function(element, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- return animate('move', element, 'ng-move', animationCompleted, options);
- },
- beforeSetClass: function(element, add, remove, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var className = suffixClasses(remove, '-remove') + ' ' +
- suffixClasses(add, '-add');
- var cancellationMethod = animateBefore('setClass', element, className, options.from);
- if (cancellationMethod) {
- afterReflow(element, animationCompleted);
- return cancellationMethod;
- }
- clearCacheAfterReflow();
- animationCompleted();
- },
- beforeAddClass: function(element, className, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var cancellationMethod = animateBefore('addClass', element, suffixClasses(className, '-add'), options.from);
- if (cancellationMethod) {
- afterReflow(element, animationCompleted);
- return cancellationMethod;
- }
- clearCacheAfterReflow();
- animationCompleted();
- },
- beforeRemoveClass: function(element, className, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- var cancellationMethod = animateBefore('removeClass', element, suffixClasses(className, '-remove'), options.from);
- if (cancellationMethod) {
- afterReflow(element, animationCompleted);
- return cancellationMethod;
- }
- clearCacheAfterReflow();
- animationCompleted();
- },
- setClass: function(element, add, remove, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- remove = suffixClasses(remove, '-remove');
- add = suffixClasses(add, '-add');
- var className = remove + ' ' + add;
- return animateAfter('setClass', element, className, animationCompleted, options.to);
- },
- addClass: function(element, className, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- return animateAfter('addClass', element, suffixClasses(className, '-add'), animationCompleted, options.to);
- },
- removeClass: function(element, className, animationCompleted, options) {
- options = options || {};
- return animateAfter('removeClass', element, suffixClasses(className, '-remove'), animationCompleted, options.to);
- }
- };
- function suffixClasses(classes, suffix) {
- var className = '';
- classes = isArray(classes) ? classes : classes.split(/\s+/);
- forEach(classes, function(klass, i) {
- if (klass && klass.length > 0) {
- className += (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + klass + suffix;
- }
- });
- return className;
- }
- }]);
- }]);
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name $animate
+ * @kind object
+ *
+ * @description
+ * The ngAnimate `$animate` service documentation is the same for the core `$animate` service.
+ *
+ * Click here {@link ng.$animate to learn more about animations with `$animate`}.
+ */
+angular.module('ngAnimate', [])
+ .directive('ngAnimateSwap', ngAnimateSwapDirective)
+ .directive('ngAnimateChildren', $$AnimateChildrenDirective)
+ .factory('$$rAFScheduler', $$rAFSchedulerFactory)
+ .provider('$$animateQueue', $$AnimateQueueProvider)
+ .provider('$$animation', $$AnimationProvider)
+ .provider('$animateCss', $AnimateCssProvider)
+ .provider('$$animateCssDriver', $$AnimateCssDriverProvider)
+ .provider('$$animateJs', $$AnimateJsProvider)
+ .provider('$$animateJsDriver', $$AnimateJsDriverProvider);
})(window, window.angular);
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js b/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js
index 70c25a381..8e8e41dfd 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js
@@ -1,33 +1,56 @@
- AngularJS v1.3.20
- (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
+ AngularJS v1.5.0
+ (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
License: MIT
-(function(N,f,W){'use strict';f.module("ngAnimate",["ng"]).directive("ngAnimateChildren",function(){return function(X,r,g){g=g.ngAnimateChildren;f.isString(g)&&0===g.length?r.data("$$ngAnimateChildren",!0):X.$watch(g,function(f){r.data("$$ngAnimateChildren",!!f)})}}).factory("$$animateReflow",["$$rAF","$document",function(f,r){var g=r[0].body;return function(r){return f(function(){r(g.offsetWidth)})}}]).config(["$provide","$animateProvider",function(X,r){function g(f){for(var n=0;n=B&&b>=y&&c()}var m=g(e);a=e.data("$$ngAnimateCSS3Data");if(-1!=m.getAttribute("class").indexOf(b)&&
-a){var l="",t="";n(b.split(" "),function(a,b){var e=(0=a&&(a=e,e=0,b.push(t),t=[]);t.push(g.fn);g.children.forEach(function(a){e++;
+c.push(a)});a--}t.length&&b.push(t);return b}(c)}var M=[],r=U(a);return function(u,A,v){function z(a){a=a.hasAttribute("ng-animate-ref")?[a]:a.querySelectorAll("[ng-animate-ref]");var b=[];s(a,function(a){var c=a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref");c&&c.length&&b.push(a)});return b}function K(a){var b=[],c={};s(a,function(a,f){var d=G(a.element),h=0<=["enter","move"].indexOf(a.event),d=a.structural?z(d):[];if(d.length){var e=h?"to":"from";s(d,function(a){var b=a.getAttribute("ng-animate-ref");c[b]=c[b]||
+{};c[b][e]={animationID:f,element:I(a)}})}else b.push(a)});var d={},h={};s(c,function(c,e){var l=c.from,t=c.to;if(l&&t){var g=a[l.animationID],E=a[t.animationID],k=l.animationID.toString();if(!h[k]){var z=h[k]={structural:!0,beforeStart:function(){g.beforeStart();E.beforeStart()},close:function(){g.close();E.close()},classes:J(g.classes,E.classes),from:g,to:E,anchors:[]};z.classes.length?b.push(z):(b.push(g),b.push(E))}h[k].anchors.push({out:l.element,"in":t.element})}else l=l?l.animationID:t.animationID,
+t=l.toString(),d[t]||(d[t]=!0,b.push(a[l]))});return b}function J(a,b){a=a.split(" ");b=b.split(" ");for(var c=[],d=0;d=P&&b>=O&&(wa=!0,q())}function L(){function b(){if(!A){t(!1);s(m,
+function(a){l.style[a[0]]=a[1]});z(a,f);e.addClass(a,ca);if(p.recalculateTimingStyles){ja=l.className+" "+da;ga=r(l,ja);F=v(l,ja,ga);$=F.maxDelay;n=Math.max($,0);O=F.maxDuration;if(0===O){q();return}p.hasTransitions=0B.expectedEndTime)?H.cancel(B.timer):g.push(q)}L&&(k=H(c,k,!1),g[0]={timer:k,expectedEndTime:d},g.push(q),a.data("$$animateCss",g));if(ea.length)a.on(ea.join(" "),E);f.to&&(f.cleanupStyles&&Ga(x,l,Object.keys(f.to)),Ba(a,
+f))}}function c(){var b=a.data("$$animateCss");if(b){for(var d=1;d 4,
+ args = hasParams ? Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4) : [],
+ iteration = 0,
skipApply = (angular.isDefined(invokeApply) && !invokeApply),
deferred = (skipApply ? $$q : $q).defer(),
promise = deferred.promise;
count = (angular.isDefined(count)) ? count : 0;
- promise.then(null, null, fn);
+ promise.then(null, null, (!hasParams) ? fn : function() {
+ fn.apply(null, args);
+ });
promise.$$intervalId = nextRepeatId;
@@ -489,7 +469,7 @@ angular.mock.$IntervalProvider = function() {
if (fn.id === promise.$$intervalId) fnIndex = index;
- if (fnIndex !== undefined) {
+ if (angular.isDefined(fnIndex)) {
repeatFns.splice(fnIndex, 1);
@@ -531,7 +511,7 @@ angular.mock.$IntervalProvider = function() {
if (fn.id === promise.$$intervalId) fnIndex = index;
- if (fnIndex !== undefined) {
+ if (angular.isDefined(fnIndex)) {
repeatFns.splice(fnIndex, 1);
return true;
@@ -581,20 +561,20 @@ function jsonStringToDate(string) {
tzHour = 0,
tzMin = 0;
if (match[9]) {
- tzHour = int(match[9] + match[10]);
- tzMin = int(match[9] + match[11]);
+ tzHour = toInt(match[9] + match[10]);
+ tzMin = toInt(match[9] + match[11]);
- date.setUTCFullYear(int(match[1]), int(match[2]) - 1, int(match[3]));
- date.setUTCHours(int(match[4] || 0) - tzHour,
- int(match[5] || 0) - tzMin,
- int(match[6] || 0),
- int(match[7] || 0));
+ date.setUTCFullYear(toInt(match[1]), toInt(match[2]) - 1, toInt(match[3]));
+ date.setUTCHours(toInt(match[4] || 0) - tzHour,
+ toInt(match[5] || 0) - tzMin,
+ toInt(match[6] || 0),
+ toInt(match[7] || 0));
return date;
return string;
-function int(str) {
+function toInt(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
@@ -606,8 +586,9 @@ function padNumber(num, digits, trim) {
num = '' + num;
while (num.length < digits) num = '0' + num;
- if (trim)
+ if (trim) {
num = num.substr(num.length - digits);
+ }
return neg + num;
@@ -657,11 +638,12 @@ angular.mock.TzDate = function(offset, timestamp) {
self.origDate = jsonStringToDate(timestamp);
timestamp = self.origDate.getTime();
- if (isNaN(timestamp))
+ if (isNaN(timestamp)) {
throw {
name: "Illegal Argument",
message: "Arg '" + tsStr + "' passed into TzDate constructor is not a valid date string"
+ }
} else {
self.origDate = new Date(timestamp);
@@ -776,77 +758,152 @@ angular.mock.TzDate = function(offset, timestamp) {
angular.mock.TzDate.prototype = Date.prototype;
/* jshint +W101 */
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name $animate
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Mock implementation of the {@link ng.$animate `$animate`} service. Exposes two additional methods
+ * for testing animations.
+ */
angular.mock.animate = angular.module('ngAnimateMock', ['ng'])
.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
- var reflowQueue = [];
- $provide.value('$$animateReflow', function(fn) {
- var index = reflowQueue.length;
- reflowQueue.push(fn);
- return function cancel() {
- reflowQueue.splice(index, 1);
- };
+ $provide.factory('$$forceReflow', function() {
+ function reflowFn() {
+ reflowFn.totalReflows++;
+ }
+ reflowFn.totalReflows = 0;
+ return reflowFn;
- $provide.decorator('$animate', ['$delegate', '$$asyncCallback', '$timeout', '$browser', '$rootScope', '$$rAF',
- function($delegate, $$asyncCallback, $timeout, $browser, $rootScope, $$rAF) {
+ $provide.factory('$$animateAsyncRun', function() {
+ var queue = [];
+ var queueFn = function() {
+ return function(fn) {
+ queue.push(fn);
+ };
+ };
+ queueFn.flush = function() {
+ if (queue.length === 0) return false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
+ queue[i]();
+ }
+ queue = [];
+ return true;
+ };
+ return queueFn;
+ });
+ $provide.decorator('$$animateJs', ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
+ var runners = [];
+ var animateJsConstructor = function() {
+ var animator = $delegate.apply($delegate, arguments);
+ // If no javascript animation is found, animator is undefined
+ if (animator) {
+ runners.push(animator);
+ }
+ return animator;
+ };
+ animateJsConstructor.$closeAndFlush = function() {
+ runners.forEach(function(runner) {
+ runner.end();
+ });
+ runners = [];
+ };
+ return animateJsConstructor;
+ }]);
+ $provide.decorator('$animateCss', ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
+ var runners = [];
+ var animateCssConstructor = function(element, options) {
+ var animator = $delegate(element, options);
+ runners.push(animator);
+ return animator;
+ };
+ animateCssConstructor.$closeAndFlush = function() {
+ runners.forEach(function(runner) {
+ runner.end();
+ });
+ runners = [];
+ };
+ return animateCssConstructor;
+ }]);
+ $provide.decorator('$animate', ['$delegate', '$timeout', '$browser', '$$rAF', '$animateCss', '$$animateJs',
+ '$$forceReflow', '$$animateAsyncRun', '$rootScope',
+ function($delegate, $timeout, $browser, $$rAF, $animateCss, $$animateJs,
+ $$forceReflow, $$animateAsyncRun, $rootScope) {
var animate = {
queue: [],
cancel: $delegate.cancel,
+ on: $delegate.on,
+ off: $delegate.off,
+ pin: $delegate.pin,
+ get reflows() {
+ return $$forceReflow.totalReflows;
+ },
enabled: $delegate.enabled,
- triggerCallbackEvents: function() {
- $$asyncCallback.flush();
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#closeAndFlush
+ * @description
+ *
+ * This method will close all pending animations (both {@link ngAnimate#javascript-based-animations Javascript}
+ * and {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss CSS}) and it will also flush any remaining animation frames and/or callbacks.
+ */
+ closeAndFlush: function() {
+ // we allow the flush command to swallow the errors
+ // because depending on whether CSS or JS animations are
+ // used, there may not be a RAF flush. The primary flush
+ // at the end of this function must throw an exception
+ // because it will track if there were pending animations
+ this.flush(true);
+ $animateCss.$closeAndFlush();
+ $$animateJs.$closeAndFlush();
+ this.flush();
- triggerCallbackPromise: function() {
- $timeout.flush(0);
- },
- triggerCallbacks: function() {
- this.triggerCallbackEvents();
- this.triggerCallbackPromise();
- },
- triggerReflow: function() {
- angular.forEach(reflowQueue, function(fn) {
- fn();
- });
- reflowQueue = [];
- },
- flush: function() {
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#flush
+ * @description
+ *
+ * This method is used to flush the pending callbacks and animation frames to either start
+ * an animation or conclude an animation. Note that this will not actually close an
+ * actively running animation (see {@link ngMock.$animate#closeAndFlush `closeAndFlush()`} for that).
+ */
+ flush: function(hideErrors) {
var doNextRun, somethingFlushed = false;
do {
doNextRun = false;
- if (reflowQueue.length) {
- doNextRun = somethingFlushed = true;
- this.triggerReflow();
- }
if ($$rAF.queue.length) {
- doNextRun = somethingFlushed = true;
- }
- if ($$asyncCallback.queue.length) {
doNextRun = somethingFlushed = true;
- this.triggerCallbackEvents();
- if (timeoutsRemaining()) {
- var oldValue = timeoutsRemaining();
- this.triggerCallbackPromise();
- var newValue = timeoutsRemaining();
- if (newValue < oldValue) {
- doNextRun = somethingFlushed = true;
- }
+ if ($$animateAsyncRun.flush()) {
+ doNextRun = somethingFlushed = true;
} while (doNextRun);
- if (!somethingFlushed) {
+ if (!somethingFlushed && !hideErrors) {
throw new Error('No pending animations ready to be closed or flushed');
- function timeoutsRemaining() {
- return $browser.deferredFns.length;
- }
@@ -971,7 +1028,7 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
* - `$httpBackend.when` - specifies a backend definition
- * # Request Expectations vs Backend Definitions
+ * ## Request Expectations vs Backend Definitions
* Request expectations provide a way to make assertions about requests made by the application and
* to define responses for those requests. The test will fail if the expected requests are not made
@@ -1027,7 +1084,7 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
* the request. The response from the first matched definition is returned.
- * # Flushing HTTP requests
+ * ## Flushing HTTP requests
* The $httpBackend used in production always responds to requests asynchronously. If we preserved
* this behavior in unit testing, we'd have to create async unit tests, which are hard to write,
@@ -1037,7 +1094,7 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
* the async api of the backend, while allowing the test to execute synchronously.
- * # Unit testing with mock $httpBackend
+ * ## Unit testing with mock $httpBackend
* The following code shows how to setup and use the mock backend when unit testing a controller.
* First we create the controller under test:
@@ -1051,19 +1108,19 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
function MyController($scope, $http) {
var authToken;
- $http.get('/auth.py').success(function(data, status, headers) {
- authToken = headers('A-Token');
- $scope.user = data;
+ $http.get('/auth.py').then(function(response) {
+ authToken = response.headers('A-Token');
+ $scope.user = response.data;
$scope.saveMessage = function(message) {
var headers = { 'Authorization': authToken };
$scope.status = 'Saving...';
- $http.post('/add-msg.py', message, { headers: headers } ).success(function(response) {
+ $http.post('/add-msg.py', message, { headers: headers } ).then(function(response) {
$scope.status = '';
- }).error(function() {
- $scope.status = 'ERROR!';
+ }).catch(function() {
+ $scope.status = 'Failed...';
@@ -1144,7 +1201,7 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
$httpBackend.expectPOST('/add-msg.py', undefined, function(headers) {
- // check if the header was send, if it wasn't the expectation won't
+ // check if the header was sent, if it wasn't the expectation won't
// match the request and the test will fail
return headers['Authorization'] == 'xxx';
}).respond(201, '');
@@ -1153,7 +1210,87 @@ angular.mock.dump = function(object) {
- ```
+ ```
+ *
+ * ## Dynamic responses
+ *
+ * You define a response to a request by chaining a call to `respond()` onto a definition or expectation.
+ * If you provide a **callback** as the first parameter to `respond(callback)` then you can dynamically generate
+ * a response based on the properties of the request.
+ *
+ * The `callback` function should be of the form `function(method, url, data, headers, params)`.
+ *
+ * ### Query parameters
+ *
+ * By default, query parameters on request URLs are parsed into the `params` object. So a request URL
+ * of `/list?q=searchstr&orderby=-name` would set `params` to be `{q: 'searchstr', orderby: '-name'}`.
+ *
+ * ### Regex parameter matching
+ *
+ * If an expectation or definition uses a **regex** to match the URL, you can provide an array of **keys** via a
+ * `params` argument. The index of each **key** in the array will match the index of a **group** in the
+ * **regex**.
+ *
+ * The `params` object in the **callback** will now have properties with these keys, which hold the value of the
+ * corresponding **group** in the **regex**.
+ *
+ * This also applies to the `when` and `expect` shortcut methods.
+ *
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $httpBackend.expect('GET', /\/user\/(.+)/, undefined, undefined, ['id'])
+ * .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
+ * // for requested url of '/user/1234' params is {id: '1234'}
+ * });
+ *
+ * $httpBackend.whenPATCH(/\/user\/(.+)\/article\/(.+)/, undefined, undefined, ['user', 'article'])
+ * .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
+ * // for url of '/user/1234/article/567' params is {user: '1234', article: '567'}
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * ## Matching route requests
+ *
+ * For extra convenience, `whenRoute` and `expectRoute` shortcuts are available. These methods offer colon
+ * delimited matching of the url path, ignoring the query string. This allows declarations
+ * similar to how application routes are configured with `$routeProvider`. Because these methods convert
+ * the definition url to regex, declaration order is important. Combined with query parameter parsing,
+ * the following is possible:
+ *
+ ```js
+ $httpBackend.whenRoute('GET', '/users/:id')
+ .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
+ return [200, MockUserList[Number(params.id)]];
+ });
+ $httpBackend.whenRoute('GET', '/users')
+ .respond(function(method, url, data, headers, params) {
+ var userList = angular.copy(MockUserList),
+ defaultSort = 'lastName',
+ count, pages, isPrevious, isNext;
+ // paged api response '/v1/users?page=2'
+ params.page = Number(params.page) || 1;
+ // query for last names '/v1/users?q=Archer'
+ if (params.q) {
+ userList = $filter('filter')({lastName: params.q});
+ }
+ pages = Math.ceil(userList.length / pagingLength);
+ isPrevious = params.page > 1;
+ isNext = params.page < pages;
+ return [200, {
+ count: userList.length,
+ previous: isPrevious,
+ next: isNext,
+ // sort field -> '/v1/users?sortBy=firstName'
+ results: $filter('orderBy')(userList, params.sortBy || defaultSort)
+ .splice((params.page - 1) * pagingLength, pagingLength)
+ }];
+ });
+ ```
angular.mock.$HttpBackendProvider = function() {
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$timeout', createHttpBackendMock];
@@ -1210,7 +1347,7 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
return handleResponse;
function handleResponse() {
- var response = wrapped.response(method, url, data, headers);
+ var response = wrapped.response(method, url, data, headers, wrapped.params(url));
xhr.$$respHeaders = response[2];
callback(copy(response[0]), copy(response[1]), xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(),
copy(response[3] || ''));
@@ -1228,14 +1365,16 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
if (expectation && expectation.match(method, url)) {
- if (!expectation.matchData(data))
+ if (!expectation.matchData(data)) {
throw new Error('Expected ' + expectation + ' with different data\n' +
'EXPECTED: ' + prettyPrint(expectation.data) + '\nGOT: ' + data);
+ }
- if (!expectation.matchHeaders(headers))
+ if (!expectation.matchHeaders(headers)) {
throw new Error('Expected ' + expectation + ' with different headers\n' +
'EXPECTED: ' + prettyPrint(expectation.headers) + '\nGOT: ' +
+ }
@@ -1271,26 +1410,27 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* Creates a new backend definition.
* @param {string} method HTTP method.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string))=} data HTTP request body or function that receives
* data string and returns true if the data is as expected.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers or function that receives http header
* object and returns true if the headers match the current definition.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
* - respond –
* `{function([status,] data[, headers, statusText])
- * | function(function(method, url, data, headers)}`
+ * | function(function(method, url, data, headers, params)}`
* – The respond method takes a set of static data to be returned or a function that can
* return an array containing response status (number), response data (string), response
* headers (Object), and the text for the status (string). The respond method returns the
* `requestHandler` object for possible overrides.
- $httpBackend.when = function(method, url, data, headers) {
- var definition = new MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers),
+ $httpBackend.when = function(method, url, data, headers, keys) {
+ var definition = new MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers, keys),
chain = {
respond: function(status, data, headers, statusText) {
definition.passThrough = undefined;
@@ -1317,9 +1457,10 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for GET requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1331,9 +1472,10 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for HEAD requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1345,9 +1487,10 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for DELETE requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1359,11 +1502,12 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for POST requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string))=} data HTTP request body or function that receives
* data string and returns true if the data is as expected.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1375,11 +1519,12 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for PUT requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string))=} data HTTP request body or function that receives
* data string and returns true if the data is as expected.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1391,14 +1536,61 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for JSONP requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $httpBackend#whenRoute
+ * @description
+ * Creates a new backend definition that compares only with the requested route.
+ *
+ * @param {string} method HTTP method.
+ * @param {string} url HTTP url string that supports colon param matching.
+ * @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
+ * request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
+ * order to change how a matched request is handled. See #when for more info.
+ */
+ $httpBackend.whenRoute = function(method, url) {
+ var pathObj = parseRoute(url);
+ return $httpBackend.when(method, pathObj.regexp, undefined, undefined, pathObj.keys);
+ };
+ function parseRoute(url) {
+ var ret = {
+ regexp: url
+ },
+ keys = ret.keys = [];
+ if (!url || !angular.isString(url)) return ret;
+ url = url
+ .replace(/([().])/g, '\\$1')
+ .replace(/(\/)?:(\w+)([\?\*])?/g, function(_, slash, key, option) {
+ var optional = option === '?' ? option : null;
+ var star = option === '*' ? option : null;
+ keys.push({ name: key, optional: !!optional });
+ slash = slash || '';
+ return ''
+ + (optional ? '' : slash)
+ + '(?:'
+ + (optional ? slash : '')
+ + (star && '(.+?)' || '([^/]+)')
+ + (optional || '')
+ + ')'
+ + (optional || '');
+ })
+ .replace(/([\/$\*])/g, '\\$1');
+ ret.regexp = new RegExp('^' + url, 'i');
+ return ret;
+ }
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1407,27 +1599,28 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* Creates a new request expectation.
* @param {string} method HTTP method.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string)|Object)=} data HTTP request body or function that
* receives data string and returns true if the data is as expected, or Object if request body
* is in JSON format.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers or function that receives http header
* object and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
* - respond –
* `{function([status,] data[, headers, statusText])
- * | function(function(method, url, data, headers)}`
+ * | function(function(method, url, data, headers, params)}`
* – The respond method takes a set of static data to be returned or a function that can
* return an array containing response status (number), response data (string), response
* headers (Object), and the text for the status (string). The respond method returns the
* `requestHandler` object for possible overrides.
- $httpBackend.expect = function(method, url, data, headers) {
- var expectation = new MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers),
+ $httpBackend.expect = function(method, url, data, headers, keys) {
+ var expectation = new MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers, keys),
chain = {
respond: function(status, data, headers, statusText) {
expectation.response = createResponse(status, data, headers, statusText);
@@ -1439,16 +1632,16 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
return chain;
* @ngdoc method
* @name $httpBackend#expectGET
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for GET requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled. See #expect for more info.
@@ -1460,9 +1653,10 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for HEAD requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1474,9 +1668,10 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for DELETE requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1488,12 +1683,13 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for POST requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string)|Object)=} data HTTP request body or function that
* receives data string and returns true if the data is as expected, or Object if request body
* is in JSON format.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1505,12 +1701,13 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for PUT requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string)|Object)=} data HTTP request body or function that
* receives data string and returns true if the data is as expected, or Object if request body
* is in JSON format.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1522,12 +1719,13 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for PATCH requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp|function(string)|Object)=} data HTTP request body or function that
* receives data string and returns true if the data is as expected, or Object if request body
* is in JSON format.
* @param {Object=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -1539,14 +1737,32 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
* @description
* Creates a new request expectation for JSONP requests. For more info see `expect()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives an url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
* request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
* order to change how a matched request is handled.
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $httpBackend#expectRoute
+ * @description
+ * Creates a new request expectation that compares only with the requested route.
+ *
+ * @param {string} method HTTP method.
+ * @param {string} url HTTP url string that supports colon param matching.
+ * @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` method that controls how a matched
+ * request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke `respond` again in
+ * order to change how a matched request is handled. See #expect for more info.
+ */
+ $httpBackend.expectRoute = function(method, url) {
+ var pathObj = parseRoute(url);
+ return $httpBackend.expect(method, pathObj.regexp, undefined, undefined, pathObj.keys);
+ };
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1636,20 +1852,20 @@ function createHttpBackendMock($rootScope, $timeout, $delegate, $browser) {
function createShortMethods(prefix) {
angular.forEach(['GET', 'DELETE', 'JSONP', 'HEAD'], function(method) {
- $httpBackend[prefix + method] = function(url, headers) {
- return $httpBackend[prefix](method, url, undefined, headers);
+ $httpBackend[prefix + method] = function(url, headers, keys) {
+ return $httpBackend[prefix](method, url, undefined, headers, keys);
angular.forEach(['PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH'], function(method) {
- $httpBackend[prefix + method] = function(url, data, headers) {
- return $httpBackend[prefix](method, url, data, headers);
+ $httpBackend[prefix + method] = function(url, data, headers, keys) {
+ return $httpBackend[prefix](method, url, data, headers, keys);
-function MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers) {
+function MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers, keys) {
this.data = data;
this.headers = headers;
@@ -1688,6 +1904,59 @@ function MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers) {
this.toString = function() {
return method + ' ' + url;
+ this.params = function(u) {
+ return angular.extend(parseQuery(), pathParams());
+ function pathParams() {
+ var keyObj = {};
+ if (!url || !angular.isFunction(url.test) || !keys || keys.length === 0) return keyObj;
+ var m = url.exec(u);
+ if (!m) return keyObj;
+ for (var i = 1, len = m.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var key = keys[i - 1];
+ var val = m[i];
+ if (key && val) {
+ keyObj[key.name || key] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ return keyObj;
+ }
+ function parseQuery() {
+ var obj = {}, key_value, key,
+ queryStr = u.indexOf('?') > -1
+ ? u.substring(u.indexOf('?') + 1)
+ : "";
+ angular.forEach(queryStr.split('&'), function(keyValue) {
+ if (keyValue) {
+ key_value = keyValue.replace(/\+/g,'%20').split('=');
+ key = tryDecodeURIComponent(key_value[0]);
+ if (angular.isDefined(key)) {
+ var val = angular.isDefined(key_value[1]) ? tryDecodeURIComponent(key_value[1]) : true;
+ if (!hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
+ obj[key] = val;
+ } else if (angular.isArray(obj[key])) {
+ obj[key].push(val);
+ } else {
+ obj[key] = [obj[key],val];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function tryDecodeURIComponent(value) {
+ try {
+ return decodeURIComponent(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore any invalid uri component
+ }
+ }
+ };
function createMockXhr() {
@@ -1796,48 +2065,33 @@ angular.mock.$TimeoutDecorator = ['$delegate', '$browser', function($delegate, $
angular.mock.$RAFDecorator = ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
- var queue, rafFn = function(fn) {
- var index = queue.length;
- queue.push(fn);
+ var rafFn = function(fn) {
+ var index = rafFn.queue.length;
+ rafFn.queue.push(fn);
return function() {
- queue.splice(index, 1);
+ rafFn.queue.splice(index, 1);
- queue = rafFn.queue = [];
+ rafFn.queue = [];
rafFn.supported = $delegate.supported;
rafFn.flush = function() {
- if (queue.length === 0) {
+ if (rafFn.queue.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No rAF callbacks present');
- var length = queue.length;
+ var length = rafFn.queue.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- queue[i]();
+ rafFn.queue[i]();
- queue.length = 0;
+ rafFn.queue = rafFn.queue.slice(i);
return rafFn;
-angular.mock.$AsyncCallbackDecorator = ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
- var queue, addFn = function(fn) {
- queue.push(fn);
- };
- queue = addFn.queue = [];
- addFn.flush = function() {
- angular.forEach(queue, function(fn) {
- fn();
- });
- queue.length = 0;
- };
- return addFn;
@@ -1871,7 +2125,7 @@ angular.mock.$RootElementProvider = function() {
* // Controller definition ...
- * myMod.controller('MyDirectiveController', ['log', function($log) {
+ * myMod.controller('MyDirectiveController', ['$log', function($log) {
* $log.info(this.name);
* })];
@@ -1880,7 +2134,7 @@ angular.mock.$RootElementProvider = function() {
* describe('myDirectiveController', function() {
* it('should write the bound name to the log', inject(function($controller, $log) {
- * var ctrl = $controller('MyDirective', { /* no locals */ }, { name: 'Clark Kent' });
+ * var ctrl = $controller('MyDirectiveController', { /* no locals */ }, { name: 'Clark Kent' });
* expect(ctrl.name).toEqual('Clark Kent');
* expect($log.info.logs).toEqual(['Clark Kent']);
* });
@@ -1917,6 +2171,49 @@ angular.mock.$ControllerDecorator = ['$delegate', function($delegate) {
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name $componentController
+ * @description
+ * A service that can be used to create instances of component controllers.
+ *
+ * Be aware that the controller will be instantiated and attached to the scope as specified in
+ * the component definition object. That means that you must always provide a `$scope` object
+ * in the `locals` param.
+ *
+ * @param {string} componentName the name of the component whose controller we want to instantiate
+ * @param {Object} locals Injection locals for Controller.
+ * @param {Object=} bindings Properties to add to the controller before invoking the constructor. This is used
+ * to simulate the `bindToController` feature and simplify certain kinds of tests.
+ * @param {string=} ident Override the property name to use when attaching the controller to the scope.
+ * @return {Object} Instance of requested controller.
+ */
+angular.mock.$ComponentControllerProvider = ['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider) {
+ return {
+ $get: ['$controller','$injector', function($controller,$injector) {
+ return function $componentController(componentName, locals, bindings, ident) {
+ // get all directives associated to the component name
+ var directives = $injector.get(componentName + 'Directive');
+ // look for those directives that are components
+ var candidateDirectives = directives.filter(function(directiveInfo) {
+ // components have controller, controllerAs and restrict:'E'
+ return directiveInfo.controller && directiveInfo.controllerAs && directiveInfo.restrict === 'E';
+ });
+ // check if valid directives found
+ if (candidateDirectives.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error('No component found');
+ }
+ if (candidateDirectives.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error('Too many components found');
+ }
+ // get the info of the component
+ var directiveInfo = candidateDirectives[0];
+ return $controller(directiveInfo.controller, locals, bindings, ident || directiveInfo.controllerAs);
+ };
+ }]
+ };
* @ngdoc module
@@ -1940,11 +2237,11 @@ angular.module('ngMock', ['ng']).provider({
$log: angular.mock.$LogProvider,
$interval: angular.mock.$IntervalProvider,
$httpBackend: angular.mock.$HttpBackendProvider,
- $rootElement: angular.mock.$RootElementProvider
+ $rootElement: angular.mock.$RootElementProvider,
+ $componentController: angular.mock.$ComponentControllerProvider
}).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$timeout', angular.mock.$TimeoutDecorator);
$provide.decorator('$$rAF', angular.mock.$RAFDecorator);
- $provide.decorator('$$asyncCallback', angular.mock.$AsyncCallbackDecorator);
$provide.decorator('$rootScope', angular.mock.$RootScopeDecorator);
$provide.decorator('$controller', angular.mock.$ControllerDecorator);
@@ -2023,18 +2320,20 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* Creates a new backend definition.
* @param {string} method HTTP method.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp)=} data HTTP request body.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers or function that receives http header
* object and returns true if the headers match the current definition.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
* - respond –
* `{function([status,] data[, headers, statusText])
- * | function(function(method, url, data, headers)}`
+ * | function(function(method, url, data, headers, params)}`
* – The respond method takes a set of static data to be returned or a function that can return
* an array containing response status (number), response data (string), response headers
* (Object), and the text for the status (string).
@@ -2051,9 +2350,11 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for GET requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2066,9 +2367,11 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for HEAD requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2081,9 +2384,11 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for DELETE requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2096,10 +2401,12 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for POST requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp)=} data HTTP request body.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2112,10 +2419,12 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for PUT requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp)=} data HTTP request body.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2128,10 +2437,12 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for PATCH requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
* @param {(string|RegExp)=} data HTTP request body.
* @param {(Object|function(Object))=} headers HTTP headers.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2144,8 +2455,23 @@ angular.module('ngMockE2E', ['ng']).config(['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Creates a new backend definition for JSONP requests. For more info see `when()`.
- * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives the url
- * and returns true if the url match the current definition.
+ * @param {string|RegExp|function(string)} url HTTP url or function that receives a url
+ * and returns true if the url matches the current definition.
+ * @param {(Array)=} keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described on
+ * {@link ngMock.$httpBackend $httpBackend mock}.
+ * @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
+ * control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
+ * `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
+ */
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $httpBackend#whenRoute
+ * @module ngMockE2E
+ * @description
+ * Creates a new backend definition that compares only with the requested route.
+ *
+ * @param {string} method HTTP method.
+ * @param {string} url HTTP url string that supports colon param matching.
* @returns {requestHandler} Returns an object with `respond` and `passThrough` methods that
* control how a matched request is handled. You can save this object for later use and invoke
* `respond` or `passThrough` again in order to change how a matched request is handled.
@@ -2278,12 +2604,12 @@ if (window.jasmine || window.mocha) {
currentSpec.$injector = null;
currentSpec.$modules = null;
+ currentSpec.$providerInjector = null;
currentSpec = null;
if (injector) {
- var $browser = injector.get('$browser');
- if ($browser.pollFns) $browser.pollFns.length = 0;
+ injector.get('$rootScope').$destroy();
// clean up jquery's fragment cache
@@ -2315,8 +2641,9 @@ if (window.jasmine || window.mocha) {
* @param {...(string|Function|Object)} fns any number of modules which are represented as string
* aliases or as anonymous module initialization functions. The modules are used to
* configure the injector. The 'ng' and 'ngMock' modules are automatically loaded. If an
- * object literal is passed they will be registered as values in the module, the key being
- * the module name and the value being what is returned.
+ * object literal is passed each key-value pair will be registered on the module via
+ * {@link auto.$provide $provide}.value, the key being the string name (or token) to associate
+ * with the value on the injector.
window.module = angular.mock.module = function() {
var moduleFns = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
@@ -2326,16 +2653,21 @@ if (window.jasmine || window.mocha) {
if (currentSpec.$injector) {
throw new Error('Injector already created, can not register a module!');
} else {
- var modules = currentSpec.$modules || (currentSpec.$modules = []);
+ var fn, modules = currentSpec.$modules || (currentSpec.$modules = []);
angular.forEach(moduleFns, function(module) {
if (angular.isObject(module) && !angular.isArray(module)) {
- modules.push(function($provide) {
+ fn = function($provide) {
angular.forEach(module, function(value, key) {
$provide.value(key, value);
- });
+ };
} else {
- modules.push(module);
+ fn = module;
+ }
+ if (currentSpec.$providerInjector) {
+ currentSpec.$providerInjector.invoke(fn);
+ } else {
+ modules.push(fn);
@@ -2449,6 +2781,9 @@ if (window.jasmine || window.mocha) {
function workFn() {
var modules = currentSpec.$modules || [];
var strictDi = !!currentSpec.$injectorStrict;
+ modules.unshift(function($injector) {
+ currentSpec.$providerInjector = $injector;
+ });
var injector = currentSpec.$injector;
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-mocks/bower.json b/js/vendor/angular-mocks/bower.json
index c922b3f2c..17caeeaf1 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-mocks/bower.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-mocks/bower.json
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
"name": "angular-mocks",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
"main": "./angular-mocks.js",
"ignore": [],
"dependencies": {
- "angular": "1.3.20"
+ "angular": "1.5.0"
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-mocks/package.json b/js/vendor/angular-mocks/package.json
index 8638f213b..bd85655d8 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-mocks/package.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-mocks/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "angular-mocks",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
"description": "AngularJS mocks for testing",
"main": "angular-mocks.js",
"scripts": {
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-route/.bower.json b/js/vendor/angular-route/.bower.json
index 364469984..9681c57a2 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-route/.bower.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-route/.bower.json
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
"name": "angular-route",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
"main": "./angular-route.js",
"ignore": [],
"dependencies": {
- "angular": "1.3.20"
+ "angular": "1.5.0"
"homepage": "https://github.com/angular/bower-angular-route",
- "_release": "1.3.20",
+ "_release": "1.5.0",
"_resolution": {
"type": "version",
- "tag": "v1.3.20",
- "commit": "785879cc163aee00ca7ef262ece356b8d81fd794"
+ "tag": "v1.5.0",
+ "commit": "6f03a206107b3ae860ee7f7fd061db252c452903"
"_source": "git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-route.git",
- "_target": "~1.3.*",
+ "_target": "~1.5.*",
"_originalSource": "angular-route"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.js b/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.js
index f0cd2a201..45ac238ee 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.js
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.20
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
+ * @license AngularJS v1.5.0
+ * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
* License: MIT
(function(window, angular, undefined) {'use strict';
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* - `controller` – `{(string|function()=}` – Controller fn that should be associated with
* newly created scope or the name of a {@link angular.Module#controller registered
* controller} if passed as a string.
- * - `controllerAs` – `{string=}` – A controller alias name. If present the controller will be
- * published to scope under the `controllerAs` name.
+ * - `controllerAs` – `{string=}` – An identifier name for a reference to the controller.
+ * If present, the controller will be published to scope under the `controllerAs` name.
* - `template` – `{string=|function()=}` – html template as a string or a function that
* returns an html template as a string which should be used by {@link
* ngRoute.directive:ngView ngView} or {@link ng.directive:ngInclude ngInclude} directives.
@@ -105,8 +105,17 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* If all the promises are resolved successfully, the values of the resolved promises are
* injected and {@link ngRoute.$route#$routeChangeSuccess $routeChangeSuccess} event is
* fired. If any of the promises are rejected the
- * {@link ngRoute.$route#$routeChangeError $routeChangeError} event is fired. The map object
- * is:
+ * {@link ngRoute.$route#$routeChangeError $routeChangeError} event is fired.
+ * For easier access to the resolved dependencies from the template, the `resolve` map will
+ * be available on the scope of the route, under `$resolve` (by default) or a custom name
+ * specified by the `resolveAs` property (see below). This can be particularly useful, when
+ * working with {@link angular.Module#component components} as route templates.
+ *
+ * **Note:** If your scope already contains a property with this name, it will be hidden
+ * or overwritten. Make sure, you specify an appropriate name for this property, that
+ * does not collide with other properties on the scope.
+ *
+ * The map object is:
* - `key` – `{string}`: a name of a dependency to be injected into the controller.
* - `factory` - `{string|function}`: If `string` then it is an alias for a service.
@@ -116,7 +125,10 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* `ngRoute.$routeParams` will still refer to the previous route within these resolve
* functions. Use `$route.current.params` to access the new route parameters, instead.
- * - `redirectTo` – {(string|function())=} – value to update
+ * - `resolveAs` - `{string=}` - The name under which the `resolve` map will be available on
+ * the scope of the route. If omitted, defaults to `$resolve`.
+ *
+ * - `redirectTo` – `{(string|function())=}` – value to update
* {@link ng.$location $location} path with and trigger route redirection.
* If `redirectTo` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
@@ -129,13 +141,13 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* The custom `redirectTo` function is expected to return a string which will be used
* to update `$location.path()` and `$location.search()`.
- * - `[reloadOnSearch=true]` - {boolean=} - reload route when only `$location.search()`
+ * - `[reloadOnSearch=true]` - `{boolean=}` - reload route when only `$location.search()`
* or `$location.hash()` changes.
* If the option is set to `false` and url in the browser changes, then
* `$routeUpdate` event is broadcasted on the root scope.
- * - `[caseInsensitiveMatch=false]` - {boolean=} - match routes without being case sensitive
+ * - `[caseInsensitiveMatch=false]` - `{boolean=}` - match routes without being case sensitive
* If the option is set to `true`, then the particular route can be matched without being
* case sensitive
@@ -265,7 +277,7 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* @property {Object} current Reference to the current route definition.
* The route definition contains:
- * - `controller`: The controller constructor as define in route definition.
+ * - `controller`: The controller constructor as defined in the route definition.
* - `locals`: A map of locals which is used by {@link ng.$controller $controller} service for
* controller instantiation. The `locals` contain
* the resolved values of the `resolve` map. Additionally the `locals` also contain:
@@ -273,6 +285,10 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
* - `$scope` - The current route scope.
* - `$template` - The current route template HTML.
+ * The `locals` will be assigned to the route scope's `$resolve` property. You can override
+ * the property name, using `resolveAs` in the route definition. See
+ * {@link ngRoute.$routeProvider $routeProvider} for more info.
+ *
* @property {Object} routes Object with all route configuration Objects as its properties.
* @description
@@ -468,10 +484,18 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
reload: function() {
forceReload = true;
+ var fakeLocationEvent = {
+ defaultPrevented: false,
+ preventDefault: function fakePreventDefault() {
+ this.defaultPrevented = true;
+ forceReload = false;
+ }
+ };
$rootScope.$evalAsync(function() {
- // Don't support cancellation of a reload for now...
- prepareRoute();
- commitRoute();
+ prepareRoute(fakeLocationEvent);
+ if (!fakeLocationEvent.defaultPrevented) commitRoute();
@@ -609,8 +633,8 @@ function $RouteProvider() {
return $q.all(locals);
- // after route change
then(function(locals) {
+ // after route change
if (nextRoute == $route.current) {
if (nextRoute) {
nextRoute.locals = locals;
@@ -796,7 +820,6 @@ ngRouteModule.directive('ngView', ngViewFillContentFactory);
.view-animate.ng-enter, .view-animate.ng-leave {
- -webkit-transition:all cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) 1.5s;
transition:all cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) 1.5s;
@@ -982,6 +1005,7 @@ function ngViewFillContentFactory($compile, $controller, $route) {
$element.data('$ngControllerController', controller);
$element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
+ scope[current.resolveAs || '$resolve'] = locals;
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.min.js b/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.min.js
index d4111b9e6..4d0d01878 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.min.js
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-route/angular-route.min.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- AngularJS v1.3.20
- (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
+ AngularJS v1.5.0
+ (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
License: MIT
-(function(p,c,C){'use strict';function v(r,h,g){return{restrict:"ECA",terminal:!0,priority:400,transclude:"element",link:function(a,f,b,d,y){function z(){k&&(g.cancel(k),k=null);l&&(l.$destroy(),l=null);m&&(k=g.leave(m),k.then(function(){k=null}),m=null)}function x(){var b=r.current&&r.current.locals;if(c.isDefined(b&&b.$template)){var b=a.$new(),d=r.current;m=y(b,function(b){g.enter(b,null,m||f).then(function(){!c.isDefined(t)||t&&!a.$eval(t)||h()});z()});l=d.scope=b;l.$emit("$viewContentLoaded");
-l.$eval(w)}else z()}var l,m,k,t=b.autoscroll,w=b.onload||"";a.$on("$routeChangeSuccess",x);x()}}}function A(c,h,g){return{restrict:"ECA",priority:-400,link:function(a,f){var b=g.current,d=b.locals;f.html(d.$template);var y=c(f.contents());b.controller&&(d.$scope=a,d=h(b.controller,d),b.controllerAs&&(a[b.controllerAs]=d),f.data("$ngControllerController",d),f.children().data("$ngControllerController",d));y(a)}}}p=c.module("ngRoute",["ng"]).provider("$route",function(){function r(a,f){return c.extend(Object.create(a),
-f)}function h(a,c){var b=c.caseInsensitiveMatch,d={originalPath:a,regexp:a},g=d.keys=[];a=a.replace(/([().])/g,"\\$1").replace(/(\/)?:(\w+)([\?\*])?/g,function(a,c,b,d){a="?"===d?d:null;d="*"===d?d:null;g.push({name:b,optional:!!a});c=c||"";return""+(a?"":c)+"(?:"+(a?c:"")+(d&&"(.+?)"||"([^/]+)")+(a||"")+")"+(a||"")}).replace(/([\/$\*])/g,"\\$1");d.regexp=new RegExp("^"+a+"$",b?"i":"");return d}var g={};this.when=function(a,f){var b=c.copy(f);c.isUndefined(b.reloadOnSearch)&&(b.reloadOnSearch=!0);
-c.isUndefined(b.caseInsensitiveMatch)&&(b.caseInsensitiveMatch=this.caseInsensitiveMatch);g[a]=c.extend(b,a&&h(a,b));if(a){var d="/"==a[a.length-1]?a.substr(0,a.length-1):a+"/";g[d]=c.extend({redirectTo:a},h(d,b))}return this};this.caseInsensitiveMatch=!1;this.otherwise=function(a){"string"===typeof a&&(a={redirectTo:a});this.when(null,a);return this};this.$get=["$rootScope","$location","$routeParams","$q","$injector","$templateRequest","$sce",function(a,f,b,d,h,p,x){function l(b){var e=s.current;
-(v=(n=k())&&e&&n.$$route===e.$$route&&c.equals(n.pathParams,e.pathParams)&&!n.reloadOnSearch&&!w)||!e&&!n||a.$broadcast("$routeChangeStart",n,e).defaultPrevented&&b&&b.preventDefault()}function m(){var u=s.current,e=n;if(v)u.params=e.params,c.copy(u.params,b),a.$broadcast("$routeUpdate",u);else if(e||u)w=!1,(s.current=e)&&e.redirectTo&&(c.isString(e.redirectTo)?f.path(t(e.redirectTo,e.params)).search(e.params).replace():f.url(e.redirectTo(e.pathParams,f.path(),f.search())).replace()),d.when(e).then(function(){if(e){var a=
-c.extend({},e.resolve),b,f;c.forEach(a,function(b,e){a[e]=c.isString(b)?h.get(b):h.invoke(b,null,null,e)});c.isDefined(b=e.template)?c.isFunction(b)&&(b=b(e.params)):c.isDefined(f=e.templateUrl)&&(c.isFunction(f)&&(f=f(e.params)),c.isDefined(f)&&(e.loadedTemplateUrl=x.valueOf(f),b=p(f)));c.isDefined(b)&&(a.$template=b);return d.all(a)}}).then(function(f){e==s.current&&(e&&(e.locals=f,c.copy(e.params,b)),a.$broadcast("$routeChangeSuccess",e,u))},function(b){e==s.current&&a.$broadcast("$routeChangeError",
-e,u,b)})}function k(){var a,b;c.forEach(g,function(d,g){var q;if(q=!b){var h=f.path();q=d.keys;var l={};if(d.regexp)if(h=d.regexp.exec(h)){for(var k=1,m=h.length;k
+ * @ngdoc provider
+ * @name $sanitizeProvider
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Creates and configures {@link $sanitize} instance.
+ */
function $SanitizeProvider() {
+ var svgEnabled = false;
this.$get = ['$$sanitizeUri', function($$sanitizeUri) {
+ if (svgEnabled) {
+ angular.extend(validElements, svgElements);
+ }
return function(html) {
var buf = [];
htmlParser(html, htmlSanitizeWriter(buf, function(uri, isImage) {
- return !/^unsafe/.test($$sanitizeUri(uri, isImage));
+ return !/^unsafe:/.test($$sanitizeUri(uri, isImage));
return buf.join('');
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $sanitizeProvider#enableSvg
+ * @kind function
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Enables a subset of svg to be supported by the sanitizer.
+ *
+ *
+ *
By enabling this setting without taking other precautions, you might expose your
+ * application to click-hijacking attacks. In these attacks, sanitized svg elements could be positioned
+ * outside of the containing element and be rendered over other elements on the page (e.g. a login
+ * link). Such behavior can then result in phishing incidents.
+ *
+ *
To protect against these, explicitly setup `overflow: hidden` css rule for all potential svg
+ * tags within the sanitized content:
+ angular.module('linkyExample', ['ngSanitize'])
+ .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
+ $scope.snippet =
+ 'Pretty text with some links:\n'+
+ 'http://angularjs.org/,\n'+
+ 'mailto:us@somewhere.org,\n'+
+ 'another@somewhere.org,\n'+
+ 'and one more:';
+ $scope.snippetWithSingleURL = 'http://angularjs.org/';
+ }]);
it('should linkify the snippet with urls', function() {
expect(element(by.id('linky-filter')).element(by.binding('snippet | linky')).getText()).
@@ -618,20 +633,32 @@ angular.module('ngSanitize', []).provider('$sanitize', $SanitizeProvider);
it('should work with the target property', function() {
- element(by.binding("snippetWithTarget | linky:'_blank'")).getText()).
+ element(by.binding("snippetWithSingleURL | linky:'_blank'")).getText()).
expect(element(by.css('#linky-target a')).getAttribute('target')).toEqual('_blank');
+ it('should optionally add custom attributes', function() {
+ expect(element(by.id('linky-custom-attributes')).
+ element(by.binding("snippetWithSingleURL | linky:'_self':{rel: 'nofollow'}")).getText()).
+ toBe('http://angularjs.org/');
+ expect(element(by.css('#linky-custom-attributes a')).getAttribute('rel')).toEqual('nofollow');
+ });
angular.module('ngSanitize').filter('linky', ['$sanitize', function($sanitize) {
- /((ftp|https?):\/\/|(www\.)|(mailto:)?[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@)\S*[^\s.;,(){}<>"”’]/i,
+ /((ftp|https?):\/\/|(www\.)|(mailto:)?[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@)\S*[^\s.;,(){}<>"\u201d\u2019]/i,
MAILTO_REGEXP = /^mailto:/i;
- return function(text, target) {
- if (!text) return text;
+ var linkyMinErr = angular.$$minErr('linky');
+ var isString = angular.isString;
+ return function(text, target, attributes) {
+ if (text == null || text === '') return text;
+ if (!isString(text)) throw linkyMinErr('notstring', 'Expected string but received: {0}', text);
var match;
var raw = text;
var html = [];
@@ -660,8 +687,19 @@ angular.module('ngSanitize').filter('linky', ['$sanitize', function($sanitize) {
function addLink(url, text) {
+ var key;
html.push('=c;d--)e.end&&e.end(f[d]);f.length=c}}"string"!==typeof a&&(a=null===a||"undefined"===typeof a?"":""+a);var b,k,f=[],m=a,l;for(f.last=function(){return f[f.length-1]};a;){l="";k=!0;if(f.last()&&w[f.last()])a=a.replace(new RegExp("([\\W\\w]*)<\\s*\\/\\s*"+f.last()+"[^>]*>","i"),function(a,b){b=b.replace(H,"$1").replace(I,"$1");e.chars&&e.chars(q(b));return""}),c("",f.last());else{if(0===a.indexOf("\x3c!--"))b=a.indexOf("--",4),0<=b&&a.lastIndexOf("--\x3e",b)===b&&(e.comment&&
-e.comment(a.substring(4,b)),a=a.substring(b+3),k=!1);else if(x.test(a)){if(b=a.match(x))a=a.replace(b[0],""),k=!1}else if(J.test(a)){if(b=a.match(y))a=a.substring(b[0].length),b[0].replace(y,c),k=!1}else K.test(a)&&((b=a.match(z))?(b[4]&&(a=a.substring(b[0].length),b[0].replace(z,d)),k=!1):(l+="<",a=a.substring(1)));k&&(b=a.indexOf("<"),l+=0>b?a:a.substring(0,b),a=0>b?"":a.substring(b),e.chars&&e.chars(q(l)))}if(a==m)throw L("badparse",a);m=a}c()}function q(a){if(!a)return"";A.innerHTML=a.replace(//g,">")}function r(a,e){var d=!1,c=h.bind(a,a.push);return{start:function(a,k,f){a=h.lowercase(a);!d&&w[a]&&(d=a);d||!0!==C[a]||(c("<"),c(a),h.forEach(k,function(d,f){var k=h.lowercase(f),g="img"===a&&"src"===k||"background"===
-k;!0!==O[k]||!0===D[k]&&!e(d,g)||(c(" "),c(f),c('="'),c(B(d)),c('"'))}),c(f?"/>":">"))},end:function(a){a=h.lowercase(a);d||!0!==C[a]||(c(""),c(a),c(">"));a==d&&(d=!1)},chars:function(a){d||c(B(a))}}}var L=h.$$minErr("$sanitize"),z=/^<((?:[a-zA-Z])[\w:-]*)((?:\s+[\w:-]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)\s*(>?)/,y=/^<\/\s*([\w:-]+)[^>]*>/,G=/([\w:-]+)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g,K=/^,J=/^<\//,H=/\x3c!--(.*?)--\x3e/g,x=/]*?)>/i,
-I=/"\u201d\u2019]/i,d=/^mailto:/i;return function(c,b){function k(a){a&&g.push(E(a))}function f(a,c){g.push("');k(c);g.push("")}if(!c)return c;for(var m,l=c,g=[],n,p;m=l.match(e);)n=m[0],m[2]||m[4]||(n=(m[3]?"http://":"mailto:")+n),p=m.index,k(l.substr(0,p)),f(n,m[0].replace(d,"")),l=l.substring(p+m[0].length);k(l);return a(g.join(""))}}])})(window,window.angular);
+(function(A,e,B){'use strict';function C(a){var c=[];v(c,e.noop).chars(a);return c.join("")}function h(a,c){var b={},d=a.split(","),l;for(l=0;l=document.documentMode&&n(g);a=g.innerHTML;g.innerHTML=a}while(a!==g.innerHTML);for(b=g.firstChild;b;){switch(b.nodeType){case 1:c.start(b.nodeName.toLowerCase(),E(b.attributes));
+break;case 3:c.chars(b.textContent)}var d;if(!(d=b.firstChild)&&(1==b.nodeType&&c.end(b.nodeName.toLowerCase()),d=b.nextSibling,!d))for(;null==d;){b=b.parentNode;if(b===g)break;d=b.nextSibling;1==b.nodeType&&c.end(b.nodeName.toLowerCase())}b=d}for(;b=g.firstChild;)g.removeChild(b)}function E(a){for(var c={},b=0,d=a.length;b/g,">")}function v(a,c){var b=!1,d=e.bind(a,a.push);return{start:function(a,f){a=e.lowercase(a);!b&&H[a]&&(b=a);b||!0!==t[a]||(d("<"),d(a),e.forEach(f,function(b,f){var g=e.lowercase(f),h="img"===a&&"src"===g||"background"===g;!0!==I[g]||!0===y[g]&&!c(b,h)||(d(" "),d(f),d('="'),d(x(b)),d('"'))}),d(">"))},end:function(a){a=e.lowercase(a);b||!0!==t[a]||!0===z[a]||(d(""),d(a),d(">"));a==
+b&&(b=!1)},chars:function(a){b||d(x(a))}}}function n(a){if(a.nodeType===Node.ELEMENT_NODE)for(var c=a.attributes,b=0,d=c.length;b"\u201d\u2019]/i,b=/^mailto:/i,d=e.$$minErr("linky"),g=e.isString;return function(f,h,m){function k(a){a&&p.push(C(a))}function q(a,b){var c;p.push("');k(b);p.push("")}if(null==f||""===f)return f;if(!g(f))throw d("notstring",f);for(var r=f,p=[],s,n;f=r.match(c);)s=f[0],f[2]||f[4]||(s=(f[3]?"http://":"mailto:")+s),n=f.index,k(r.substr(0,n)),q(s,f[0].replace(b,"")),r=r.substring(n+f[0].length);k(r);return a(p.join(""))}}])})(window,window.angular);
//# sourceMappingURL=angular-sanitize.min.js.map
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js.map b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js.map
index 010412986..7276abd2d 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js.map
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js.map
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/bower.json b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/bower.json
index 81659fd06..3f31319ad 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/bower.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/bower.json
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
"name": "angular-sanitize",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
"main": "./angular-sanitize.js",
"ignore": [],
"dependencies": {
- "angular": "1.3.20"
+ "angular": "1.5.0"
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/package.json b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/package.json
index 2c89248cc..3f7065580 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/package.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular-sanitize/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "angular-sanitize",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
"description": "AngularJS module for sanitizing HTML",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular/.bower.json b/js/vendor/angular/.bower.json
index de4082649..20697e366 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular/.bower.json
+++ b/js/vendor/angular/.bower.json
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
"name": "angular",
- "version": "1.3.20",
+ "version": "1.5.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
"main": "./angular.js",
"ignore": [],
"dependencies": {},
"homepage": "https://github.com/angular/bower-angular",
- "_release": "1.3.20",
+ "_release": "1.5.0",
"_resolution": {
"type": "version",
- "tag": "v1.3.20",
- "commit": "0cd10f27471310fe07167b00f8a4242c6bba4df2"
+ "tag": "v1.5.0",
+ "commit": "017a583b226a335740c5b50b3e9381a52d0bb260"
"_source": "git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git",
- "_target": "~1.3.*",
+ "_target": "~1.5.*",
"_originalSource": "angular"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular/angular-csp.css b/js/vendor/angular/angular-csp.css
index 0ce9d864c..f3cd926cb 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular/angular-csp.css
+++ b/js/vendor/angular/angular-csp.css
@@ -11,3 +11,11 @@
ng\:form {
display: block;
+.ng-animate-shim {
+ visibility:hidden;
+.ng-anchor {
+ position:absolute;
diff --git a/js/vendor/angular/angular.js b/js/vendor/angular/angular.js
index 2445ab55e..a8aad46a8 100644
--- a/js/vendor/angular/angular.js
+++ b/js/vendor/angular/angular.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * @license AngularJS v1.3.20
- * (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
+ * @license AngularJS v1.5.0
+ * (c) 2010-2016 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
* License: MIT
(function(window, document, undefined) {'use strict';
@@ -38,28 +38,33 @@
function minErr(module, ErrorConstructor) {
ErrorConstructor = ErrorConstructor || Error;
return function() {
- var code = arguments[0],
- prefix = '[' + (module ? module + ':' : '') + code + '] ',
- template = arguments[1],
- templateArgs = arguments,
+ var SKIP_INDEXES = 2;
- message, i;
+ var templateArgs = arguments,
+ code = templateArgs[0],
+ message = '[' + (module ? module + ':' : '') + code + '] ',
+ template = templateArgs[1],
+ paramPrefix, i;
- message = prefix + template.replace(/\{\d+\}/g, function(match) {
- var index = +match.slice(1, -1), arg;
+ message += template.replace(/\{\d+\}/g, function(match) {
+ var index = +match.slice(1, -1),
+ shiftedIndex = index + SKIP_INDEXES;
- if (index + 2 < templateArgs.length) {
- return toDebugString(templateArgs[index + 2]);
+ if (shiftedIndex < templateArgs.length) {
+ return toDebugString(templateArgs[shiftedIndex]);
return match;
- message = message + '\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.20/' +
+ message += '\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.0/' +
(module ? module + '/' : '') + code;
- for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- message = message + (i == 2 ? '?' : '&') + 'p' + (i - 2) + '=' +
- encodeURIComponent(toDebugString(arguments[i]));
+ for (i = SKIP_INDEXES, paramPrefix = '?'; i < templateArgs.length; i++, paramPrefix = '&') {
+ message += paramPrefix + 'p' + (i - SKIP_INDEXES) + '=' +
+ encodeURIComponent(toDebugString(templateArgs[i]));
return new ErrorConstructor(message);
@@ -86,20 +91,21 @@ function minErr(module, ErrorConstructor) {
nodeName_: true,
isArrayLike: true,
forEach: true,
- sortedKeys: true,
forEachSorted: true,
reverseParams: true,
nextUid: true,
setHashKey: true,
extend: true,
- int: true,
+ toInt: true,
inherit: true,
+ merge: true,
noop: true,
identity: true,
valueFn: true,
isUndefined: true,
isDefined: true,
isObject: true,
+ isBlankObject: true,
isString: true,
isNumber: true,
isDate: true,
@@ -123,12 +129,15 @@ function minErr(module, ErrorConstructor) {
shallowCopy: true,
equals: true,
csp: true,
+ jq: true,
concat: true,
sliceArgs: true,
bind: true,
toJsonReplacer: true,
toJson: true,
fromJson: true,
+ convertTimezoneToLocal: true,
+ timezoneToOffset: true,
startingTag: true,
tryDecodeURIComponent: true,
parseKeyValue: true,
@@ -179,29 +188,9 @@ var REGEX_STRING_REGEXP = /^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/;
// This is used so that it's possible for internal tests to create mock ValidityStates.
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name angular.lowercase
- * @module ng
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description Converts the specified string to lowercase.
- * @param {string} string String to be converted to lowercase.
- * @returns {string} Lowercased string.
- */
-var lowercase = function(string) {return isString(string) ? string.toLowerCase() : string;};
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- * @ngdoc function
- * @name angular.uppercase
- * @module ng
- * @kind function
- *
- * @description Converts the specified string to uppercase.
- * @param {string} string String to be converted to uppercase.
- * @returns {string} Uppercased string.
- */
+var lowercase = function(string) {return isString(string) ? string.toLowerCase() : string;};
var uppercase = function(string) {return isString(string) ? string.toUpperCase() : string;};
@@ -221,7 +210,7 @@ var manualUppercase = function(s) {
// String#toLowerCase and String#toUpperCase don't produce correct results in browsers with Turkish
// locale, for this reason we need to detect this case and redefine lowercase/uppercase methods
-// with correct but slower alternatives.
+// with correct but slower alternatives. See https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/11387
if ('i' !== 'I'.toLowerCase()) {
lowercase = manualLowercase;
uppercase = manualUppercase;
@@ -236,6 +225,7 @@ var
splice = [].splice,
push = [].push,
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf,
ngMinErr = minErr('ng'),
/** @name angular */
@@ -257,20 +247,25 @@ msie = document.documentMode;
* String ...)
function isArrayLike(obj) {
- if (obj == null || isWindow(obj)) {
- return false;
- }
+ // `null`, `undefined` and `window` are not array-like
+ if (obj == null || isWindow(obj)) return false;
+ // arrays, strings and jQuery/jqLite objects are array like
+ // * jqLite is either the jQuery or jqLite constructor function
+ // * we have to check the existence of jqLite first as this method is called
+ // via the forEach method when constructing the jqLite object in the first place
+ if (isArray(obj) || isString(obj) || (jqLite && obj instanceof jqLite)) return true;
// Support: iOS 8.2 (not reproducible in simulator)
// "length" in obj used to prevent JIT error (gh-11508)
var length = "length" in Object(obj) && obj.length;
- if (obj.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && length) {
- return true;
- }
+ // NodeList objects (with `item` method) and
+ // other objects with suitable length characteristics are array-like
+ return isNumber(length) &&
+ (length >= 0 && ((length - 1) in obj || obj instanceof Array) || typeof obj.item == 'function');
- return isString(obj) || isArray(obj) || length === 0 ||
- typeof length === 'number' && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj;
@@ -328,23 +323,32 @@ function forEach(obj, iterator, context) {
} else if (obj.forEach && obj.forEach !== forEach) {
obj.forEach(iterator, context, obj);
- } else {
+ } else if (isBlankObject(obj)) {
+ // createMap() fast path --- Safe to avoid hasOwnProperty check because prototype chain is empty
+ for (key in obj) {
+ iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof obj.hasOwnProperty === 'function') {
+ // Slow path for objects inheriting Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty check needed
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);
+ } else {
+ // Slow path for objects which do not have a method `hasOwnProperty`
+ for (key in obj) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
+ iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);
+ }
+ }
return obj;
-function sortedKeys(obj) {
- return Object.keys(obj).sort();
function forEachSorted(obj, iterator, context) {
- var keys = sortedKeys(obj);
+ var keys = Object.keys(obj).sort();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
iterator.call(context, obj[keys[i]], keys[i]);
@@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ function forEachSorted(obj, iterator, context) {
* @returns {function(*, string)}
function reverseParams(iteratorFn) {
- return function(value, key) { iteratorFn(key, value); };
+ return function(value, key) {iteratorFn(key, value);};
@@ -389,6 +393,41 @@ function setHashKey(obj, h) {
+function baseExtend(dst, objs, deep) {
+ var h = dst.$$hashKey;
+ for (var i = 0, ii = objs.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var obj = objs[i];
+ if (!isObject(obj) && !isFunction(obj)) continue;
+ var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ for (var j = 0, jj = keys.length; j < jj; j++) {
+ var key = keys[j];
+ var src = obj[key];
+ if (deep && isObject(src)) {
+ if (isDate(src)) {
+ dst[key] = new Date(src.valueOf());
+ } else if (isRegExp(src)) {
+ dst[key] = new RegExp(src);
+ } else if (src.nodeName) {
+ dst[key] = src.cloneNode(true);
+ } else if (isElement(src)) {
+ dst[key] = src.clone();
+ } else {
+ if (!isObject(dst[key])) dst[key] = isArray(src) ? [] : {};
+ baseExtend(dst[key], [src], true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ dst[key] = src;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setHashKey(dst, h);
+ return dst;
* @ngdoc function
* @name angular.extend
@@ -399,31 +438,44 @@ function setHashKey(obj, h) {
* Extends the destination object `dst` by copying own enumerable properties from the `src` object(s)
* to `dst`. You can specify multiple `src` objects. If you want to preserve original objects, you can do so
* by passing an empty object as the target: `var object = angular.extend({}, object1, object2)`.
- * Note: Keep in mind that `angular.extend` does not support recursive merge (deep copy).
+ *
+ * **Note:** Keep in mind that `angular.extend` does not support recursive merge (deep copy). Use
+ * {@link angular.merge} for this.
* @param {Object} dst Destination object.
* @param {...Object} src Source object(s).
* @returns {Object} Reference to `dst`.
function extend(dst) {
- var h = dst.$$hashKey;
- for (var i = 1, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++) {
- var obj = arguments[i];
- if (obj) {
- var keys = Object.keys(obj);
- for (var j = 0, jj = keys.length; j < jj; j++) {
- var key = keys[j];
- dst[key] = obj[key];
- }
- }
- }
- setHashKey(dst, h);
- return dst;
+ return baseExtend(dst, slice.call(arguments, 1), false);
-function int(str) {
+* @ngdoc function
+* @name angular.merge
+* @module ng
+* @kind function
+* @description
+* Deeply extends the destination object `dst` by copying own enumerable properties from the `src` object(s)
+* to `dst`. You can specify multiple `src` objects. If you want to preserve original objects, you can do so
+* by passing an empty object as the target: `var object = angular.merge({}, object1, object2)`.
+* Unlike {@link angular.extend extend()}, `merge()` recursively descends into object properties of source
+* objects, performing a deep copy.
+* @param {Object} dst Destination object.
+* @param {...Object} src Source object(s).
+* @returns {Object} Reference to `dst`.
+function merge(dst) {
+ return baseExtend(dst, slice.call(arguments, 1), true);
+function toInt(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
@@ -476,6 +528,11 @@ identity.$inject = [];
function valueFn(value) {return function() {return value;};}
+function hasCustomToString(obj) {
+ return isFunction(obj.toString) && obj.toString !== toString;
* @ngdoc function
* @name angular.isUndefined
@@ -525,6 +582,16 @@ function isObject(value) {
+ * Determine if a value is an object with a null prototype
+ *
+ * @returns {boolean} True if `value` is an `Object` with a null prototype
+ */
+function isBlankObject(value) {
+ return value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && !getPrototypeOf(value);
* @ngdoc function
* @name angular.isString
@@ -661,6 +728,16 @@ function isPromiseLike(obj) {
+var TYPED_ARRAY_REGEXP = /^\[object (?:Uint8|Uint8Clamped|Uint16|Uint32|Int8|Int16|Int32|Float32|Float64)Array\]$/;
+function isTypedArray(value) {
+ return value && isNumber(value.length) && TYPED_ARRAY_REGEXP.test(toString.call(value));
+function isArrayBuffer(obj) {
+ return toString.call(obj) === '[object ArrayBuffer]';
var trim = function(value) {
return isString(value) ? value.trim() : value;
@@ -697,9 +774,10 @@ function isElement(node) {
* @returns {object} in the form of {key1:true, key2:true, ...}
function makeMap(str) {
- var obj = {}, items = str.split(","), i;
- for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
+ var obj = {}, items = str.split(','), i;
+ for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
obj[items[i]] = true;
+ }
return obj;
@@ -714,9 +792,10 @@ function includes(array, obj) {
function arrayRemove(array, value) {
var index = array.indexOf(value);
- if (index >= 0)
+ if (index >= 0) {
array.splice(index, 1);
- return value;
+ }
+ return index;
@@ -777,77 +856,138 @@ function arrayRemove(array, value) {
-function copy(source, destination, stackSource, stackDest) {
- if (isWindow(source) || isScope(source)) {
- throw ngMinErr('cpws',
- "Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported.");
+function copy(source, destination) {
+ var stackSource = [];
+ var stackDest = [];
+ if (destination) {
+ if (isTypedArray(destination) || isArrayBuffer(destination)) {
+ throw ngMinErr('cpta', "Can't copy! TypedArray destination cannot be mutated.");
+ }
+ if (source === destination) {
+ throw ngMinErr('cpi', "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical.");
+ }
+ // Empty the destination object
+ if (isArray(destination)) {
+ destination.length = 0;
+ } else {
+ forEach(destination, function(value, key) {
+ if (key !== '$$hashKey') {
+ delete destination[key];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ stackSource.push(source);
+ stackDest.push(destination);
+ return copyRecurse(source, destination);
- if (!destination) {
- destination = source;
- if (source) {
- if (isArray(source)) {
- destination = copy(source, [], stackSource, stackDest);
- } else if (isDate(source)) {
- destination = new Date(source.getTime());
- } else if (isRegExp(source)) {
- destination = new RegExp(source.source, source.toString().match(/[^\/]*$/)[0]);
- destination.lastIndex = source.lastIndex;
- } else if (isObject(source)) {
- var emptyObject = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(source));
- destination = copy(source, emptyObject, stackSource, stackDest);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (source === destination) throw ngMinErr('cpi',
- "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical.");
+ return copyElement(source);
- stackSource = stackSource || [];
- stackDest = stackDest || [];
- if (isObject(source)) {
- var index = stackSource.indexOf(source);
- if (index !== -1) return stackDest[index];
- stackSource.push(source);
- stackDest.push(destination);
- }
- var result;
+ function copyRecurse(source, destination) {
+ var h = destination.$$hashKey;
+ var result, key;
if (isArray(source)) {
- destination.length = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
- result = copy(source[i], null, stackSource, stackDest);
- if (isObject(source[i])) {
- stackSource.push(source[i]);
- stackDest.push(result);
+ for (var i = 0, ii = source.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ destination.push(copyElement(source[i]));
+ }
+ } else if (isBlankObject(source)) {
+ // createMap() fast path --- Safe to avoid hasOwnProperty check because prototype chain is empty
+ for (key in source) {
+ destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]);
+ }
+ } else if (source && typeof source.hasOwnProperty === 'function') {
+ // Slow path, which must rely on hasOwnProperty
+ for (key in source) {
+ if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]);
- destination.push(result);
} else {
- var h = destination.$$hashKey;
- if (isArray(destination)) {
- destination.length = 0;
- } else {
- forEach(destination, function(value, key) {
- delete destination[key];
- });
- }
- for (var key in source) {
- if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- result = copy(source[key], null, stackSource, stackDest);
- if (isObject(source[key])) {
- stackSource.push(source[key]);
- stackDest.push(result);
- }
- destination[key] = result;
+ // Slowest path --- hasOwnProperty can't be called as a method
+ for (key in source) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
+ destination[key] = copyElement(source[key]);
- setHashKey(destination,h);
+ }
+ setHashKey(destination, h);
+ return destination;
+ }
+ function copyElement(source) {
+ // Simple values
+ if (!isObject(source)) {
+ return source;
+ // Already copied values
+ var index = stackSource.indexOf(source);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ return stackDest[index];
+ }
+ if (isWindow(source) || isScope(source)) {
+ throw ngMinErr('cpws',
+ "Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported.");
+ }
+ var needsRecurse = false;
+ var destination = copyType(source);
+ if (destination === undefined) {
+ destination = isArray(source) ? [] : Object.create(getPrototypeOf(source));
+ needsRecurse = true;
+ }
+ stackSource.push(source);
+ stackDest.push(destination);
+ return needsRecurse
+ ? copyRecurse(source, destination)
+ : destination;
+ }
+ function copyType(source) {
+ switch (toString.call(source)) {
+ case '[object Int8Array]':
+ case '[object Int16Array]':
+ case '[object Int32Array]':
+ case '[object Float32Array]':
+ case '[object Float64Array]':
+ case '[object Uint8Array]':
+ case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]':
+ case '[object Uint16Array]':
+ case '[object Uint32Array]':
+ return new source.constructor(copyElement(source.buffer));
+ case '[object ArrayBuffer]':
+ //Support: IE10
+ if (!source.slice) {
+ var copied = new ArrayBuffer(source.byteLength);
+ new Uint8Array(copied).set(new Uint8Array(source));
+ return copied;
+ }
+ return source.slice(0);
+ case '[object Boolean]':
+ case '[object Number]':
+ case '[object String]':
+ case '[object Date]':
+ return new source.constructor(source.valueOf());
+ case '[object RegExp]':
+ var re = new RegExp(source.source, source.toString().match(/[^\/]*$/)[0]);
+ re.lastIndex = source.lastIndex;
+ return re;
+ }
+ if (isFunction(source.cloneNode)) {
+ return source.cloneNode(true);
+ }
- return destination;
@@ -910,64 +1050,131 @@ function equals(o1, o2) {
if (o1 === null || o2 === null) return false;
if (o1 !== o1 && o2 !== o2) return true; // NaN === NaN
var t1 = typeof o1, t2 = typeof o2, length, key, keySet;
- if (t1 == t2) {
- if (t1 == 'object') {
- if (isArray(o1)) {
- if (!isArray(o2)) return false;
- if ((length = o1.length) == o2.length) {
- for (key = 0; key < length; key++) {
- if (!equals(o1[key], o2[key])) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- } else if (isDate(o1)) {
- if (!isDate(o2)) return false;
- return equals(o1.getTime(), o2.getTime());
- } else if (isRegExp(o1)) {
- return isRegExp(o2) ? o1.toString() == o2.toString() : false;
- } else {
- if (isScope(o1) || isScope(o2) || isWindow(o1) || isWindow(o2) ||
- isArray(o2) || isDate(o2) || isRegExp(o2)) return false;
- keySet = {};
- for (key in o1) {
- if (key.charAt(0) === '$' || isFunction(o1[key])) continue;
+ if (t1 == t2 && t1 == 'object') {
+ if (isArray(o1)) {
+ if (!isArray(o2)) return false;
+ if ((length = o1.length) == o2.length) {
+ for (key = 0; key < length; key++) {
if (!equals(o1[key], o2[key])) return false;
- keySet[key] = true;
- }
- for (key in o2) {
- if (!keySet.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
- key.charAt(0) !== '$' &&
- o2[key] !== undefined &&
- !isFunction(o2[key])) return false;
return true;
+ } else if (isDate(o1)) {
+ if (!isDate(o2)) return false;
+ return equals(o1.getTime(), o2.getTime());
+ } else if (isRegExp(o1)) {
+ if (!isRegExp(o2)) return false;
+ return o1.toString() == o2.toString();
+ } else {
+ if (isScope(o1) || isScope(o2) || isWindow(o1) || isWindow(o2) ||
+ isArray(o2) || isDate(o2) || isRegExp(o2)) return false;
+ keySet = createMap();
+ for (key in o1) {
+ if (key.charAt(0) === '$' || isFunction(o1[key])) continue;
+ if (!equals(o1[key], o2[key])) return false;
+ keySet[key] = true;
+ }
+ for (key in o2) {
+ if (!(key in keySet) &&
+ key.charAt(0) !== '$' &&
+ isDefined(o2[key]) &&
+ !isFunction(o2[key])) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
return false;
var csp = function() {
- if (isDefined(csp.isActive_)) return csp.isActive_;
+ if (!isDefined(csp.rules)) {
- var active = !!(document.querySelector('[ng-csp]') ||
- document.querySelector('[data-ng-csp]'));
- if (!active) {
+ var ngCspElement = (document.querySelector('[ng-csp]') ||
+ document.querySelector('[data-ng-csp]'));
+ if (ngCspElement) {
+ var ngCspAttribute = ngCspElement.getAttribute('ng-csp') ||
+ ngCspElement.getAttribute('data-ng-csp');
+ csp.rules = {
+ noUnsafeEval: !ngCspAttribute || (ngCspAttribute.indexOf('no-unsafe-eval') !== -1),
+ noInlineStyle: !ngCspAttribute || (ngCspAttribute.indexOf('no-inline-style') !== -1)
+ };
+ } else {
+ csp.rules = {
+ noUnsafeEval: noUnsafeEval(),
+ noInlineStyle: false
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return csp.rules;
+ function noUnsafeEval() {
try {
/* jshint -W031, -W054 */
new Function('');
/* jshint +W031, +W054 */
+ return false;
} catch (e) {
- active = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ * @ngdoc directive
+ * @module ng
+ * @name ngJq
+ *
+ * @element ANY
+ * @param {string=} ngJq the name of the library available under `window`
+ * to be used for angular.element
+ * @description
+ * Use this directive to force the angular.element library. This should be
+ * used to force either jqLite by leaving ng-jq blank or setting the name of
+ * the jquery variable under window (eg. jQuery).
+ *
+ * Since angular looks for this directive when it is loaded (doesn't wait for the
+ * DOMContentLoaded event), it must be placed on an element that comes before the script
+ * which loads angular. Also, only the first instance of `ng-jq` will be used and all
+ * others ignored.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * This example shows how to force jqLite using the `ngJq` directive to the `html` tag.
+ ```html
+ ...
+ ...
+ ```
+ * @example
+ * This example shows how to use a jQuery based library of a different name.
+ * The library name must be available at the top most 'window'.
+ ```html
+ ...
+ ...
+ ```
+ */
+var jq = function() {
+ if (isDefined(jq.name_)) return jq.name_;
+ var el;
+ var i, ii = ngAttrPrefixes.length, prefix, name;
+ for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
+ prefix = ngAttrPrefixes[i];
+ if (el = document.querySelector('[' + prefix.replace(':', '\\:') + 'jq]')) {
+ name = el.getAttribute(prefix + 'jq');
+ break;
- return (csp.isActive_ = active);
+ return (jq.name_ = name);
function concat(array1, array2, index) {
return array1.concat(slice.call(array2, index));
@@ -1050,7 +1257,7 @@ function toJsonReplacer(key, value) {
* @returns {string|undefined} JSON-ified string representing `obj`.
function toJson(obj, pretty) {
- if (typeof obj === 'undefined') return undefined;
+ if (isUndefined(obj)) return undefined;
if (!isNumber(pretty)) {
pretty = pretty ? 2 : null;
@@ -1077,6 +1284,30 @@ function fromJson(json) {
+var ALL_COLONS = /:/g;
+function timezoneToOffset(timezone, fallback) {
+ // IE/Edge do not "understand" colon (`:`) in timezone
+ timezone = timezone.replace(ALL_COLONS, '');
+ var requestedTimezoneOffset = Date.parse('Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 ' + timezone) / 60000;
+ return isNaN(requestedTimezoneOffset) ? fallback : requestedTimezoneOffset;
+function addDateMinutes(date, minutes) {
+ date = new Date(date.getTime());
+ date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + minutes);
+ return date;
+function convertTimezoneToLocal(date, timezone, reverse) {
+ reverse = reverse ? -1 : 1;
+ var dateTimezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
+ var timezoneOffset = timezoneToOffset(timezone, dateTimezoneOffset);
+ return addDateMinutes(date, reverse * (timezoneOffset - dateTimezoneOffset));
* @returns {string} Returns the string representation of the element.
@@ -1092,7 +1323,7 @@ function startingTag(element) {
return element[0].nodeType === NODE_TYPE_TEXT ? lowercase(elemHtml) :
- replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, function(match, nodeName) { return '<' + lowercase(nodeName); });
+ replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, function(match, nodeName) {return '<' + lowercase(nodeName);});
} catch (e) {
return lowercase(elemHtml);
@@ -1124,13 +1355,19 @@ function tryDecodeURIComponent(value) {
* @returns {Object.}
function parseKeyValue(/**string*/keyValue) {
- var obj = {}, key_value, key;
+ var obj = {};
forEach((keyValue || "").split('&'), function(keyValue) {
+ var splitPoint, key, val;
if (keyValue) {
- key_value = keyValue.replace(/\+/g,'%20').split('=');
- key = tryDecodeURIComponent(key_value[0]);
+ key = keyValue = keyValue.replace(/\+/g,'%20');
+ splitPoint = keyValue.indexOf('=');
+ if (splitPoint !== -1) {
+ key = keyValue.substring(0, splitPoint);
+ val = keyValue.substring(splitPoint + 1);
+ }
+ key = tryDecodeURIComponent(key);
if (isDefined(key)) {
- var val = isDefined(key_value[1]) ? tryDecodeURIComponent(key_value[1]) : true;
+ val = isDefined(val) ? tryDecodeURIComponent(val) : true;
if (!hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
obj[key] = val;
} else if (isArray(obj[key])) {
@@ -1205,10 +1442,9 @@ var ngAttrPrefixes = ['ng-', 'data-ng-', 'ng:', 'x-ng-'];
function getNgAttribute(element, ngAttr) {
var attr, i, ii = ngAttrPrefixes.length;
- element = jqLite(element);
for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
attr = ngAttrPrefixes[i] + ngAttr;
- if (isString(attr = element.attr(attr))) {
+ if (isString(attr = element.getAttribute(attr))) {
return attr;
@@ -1530,7 +1766,6 @@ function snake_case(name, separator) {
var bindJQueryFired = false;
-var skipDestroyOnNextJQueryCleanData;
function bindJQuery() {
var originalCleanData;
@@ -1539,7 +1774,11 @@ function bindJQuery() {
// bind to jQuery if present;
- jQuery = window.jQuery;
+ var jqName = jq();
+ jQuery = isUndefined(jqName) ? window.jQuery : // use jQuery (if present)
+ !jqName ? undefined : // use jqLite
+ window[jqName]; // use jQuery specified by `ngJq`
// Use jQuery if it exists with proper functionality, otherwise default to us.
// Angular 1.2+ requires jQuery 1.7+ for on()/off() support.
// Angular 1.3+ technically requires at least jQuery 2.1+ but it may work with older
@@ -1560,15 +1799,11 @@ function bindJQuery() {
originalCleanData = jQuery.cleanData;
jQuery.cleanData = function(elems) {
var events;
- if (!skipDestroyOnNextJQueryCleanData) {
- for (var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++) {
- events = jQuery._data(elem, "events");
- if (events && events.$destroy) {
- jQuery(elem).triggerHandler('$destroy');
- }
+ for (var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++) {
+ events = jQuery._data(elem, "events");
+ if (events && events.$destroy) {
+ jQuery(elem).triggerHandler('$destroy');
- } else {
- skipDestroyOnNextJQueryCleanData = false;
@@ -1643,22 +1878,24 @@ function getter(obj, path, bindFnToScope) {
* Return the DOM siblings between the first and last node in the given array.
* @param {Array} array like object
- * @returns {jqLite} jqLite collection containing the nodes
+ * @returns {Array} the inputted object or a jqLite collection containing the nodes
function getBlockNodes(nodes) {
- // TODO(perf): just check if all items in `nodes` are siblings and if they are return the original
- // collection, otherwise update the original collection.
+ // TODO(perf): update `nodes` instead of creating a new object?
var node = nodes[0];
var endNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
- var blockNodes = [node];
+ var blockNodes;
- do {
- node = node.nextSibling;
- if (!node) break;
- blockNodes.push(node);
- } while (node !== endNode);
+ for (var i = 1; node !== endNode && (node = node.nextSibling); i++) {
+ if (blockNodes || nodes[i] !== node) {
+ if (!blockNodes) {
+ blockNodes = jqLite(slice.call(nodes, 0, i));
+ }
+ blockNodes.push(node);
+ }
+ }
- return jqLite(blockNodes);
+ return blockNodes || nodes;
@@ -1722,8 +1959,8 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* All modules (angular core or 3rd party) that should be available to an application must be
* registered using this mechanism.
- * When passed two or more arguments, a new module is created. If passed only one argument, an
- * existing module (the name passed as the first argument to `module`) is retrieved.
+ * Passing one argument retrieves an existing {@link angular.Module},
+ * whereas passing more than one argument creates a new {@link angular.Module}
* # Module
@@ -1760,7 +1997,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* unspecified then the module is being retrieved for further configuration.
* @param {Function=} configFn Optional configuration function for the module. Same as
* {@link angular.Module#config Module#config()}.
- * @returns {module} new module with the {@link angular.Module} api.
+ * @returns {angular.Module} new module with the {@link angular.Module} api.
return function module(name, requires, configFn) {
var assertNotHasOwnProperty = function(name, context) {
@@ -1830,7 +2067,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @description
* See {@link auto.$provide#provider $provide.provider()}.
- provider: invokeLater('$provide', 'provider'),
+ provider: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'provider'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1841,7 +2078,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @description
* See {@link auto.$provide#factory $provide.factory()}.
- factory: invokeLater('$provide', 'factory'),
+ factory: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'factory'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1852,7 +2089,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @description
* See {@link auto.$provide#service $provide.service()}.
- service: invokeLater('$provide', 'service'),
+ service: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'service'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1872,11 +2109,23 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @param {string} name constant name
* @param {*} object Constant value.
* @description
- * Because the constant are fixed, they get applied before other provide methods.
+ * Because the constants are fixed, they get applied before other provide methods.
* See {@link auto.$provide#constant $provide.constant()}.
constant: invokeLater('$provide', 'constant', 'unshift'),
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name angular.Module#decorator
+ * @module ng
+ * @param {string} The name of the service to decorate.
+ * @param {Function} This function will be invoked when the service needs to be
+ * instantiated and should return the decorated service instance.
+ * @description
+ * See {@link auto.$provide#decorator $provide.decorator()}.
+ */
+ decorator: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$provide', 'decorator'),
* @ngdoc method
* @name angular.Module#animation
@@ -1890,7 +2139,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* Defines an animation hook that can be later used with
- * {@link ngAnimate.$animate $animate} service and directives that use this service.
+ * {@link $animate $animate} service and directives that use this service.
* ```js
* module.animation('.animation-name', function($inject1, $inject2) {
@@ -1909,7 +2158,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* See {@link ng.$animateProvider#register $animateProvider.register()} and
* {@link ngAnimate ngAnimate module} for more information.
- animation: invokeLater('$animateProvider', 'register'),
+ animation: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$animateProvider', 'register'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1927,7 +2176,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* (`myapp_subsection_filterx`).
- filter: invokeLater('$filterProvider', 'register'),
+ filter: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$filterProvider', 'register'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1939,7 +2188,7 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @description
* See {@link ng.$controllerProvider#register $controllerProvider.register()}.
- controller: invokeLater('$controllerProvider', 'register'),
+ controller: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$controllerProvider', 'register'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -1952,7 +2201,20 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
* @description
* See {@link ng.$compileProvider#directive $compileProvider.directive()}.
- directive: invokeLater('$compileProvider', 'directive'),
+ directive: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$compileProvider', 'directive'),
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name angular.Module#component
+ * @module ng
+ * @param {string} name Name of the component in camel-case (i.e. myComp which will match as my-comp)
+ * @param {Object} options Component definition object (a simplified
+ * {@link ng.$compile#directive-definition-object directive definition object})
+ *
+ * @description
+ * See {@link ng.$compileProvider#component $compileProvider.component()}.
+ */
+ component: invokeLaterAndSetModuleName('$compileProvider', 'component'),
* @ngdoc method
@@ -2002,6 +2264,19 @@ function setupModuleLoader(window) {
return moduleInstance;
+ /**
+ * @param {string} provider
+ * @param {string} method
+ * @returns {angular.Module}
+ */
+ function invokeLaterAndSetModuleName(provider, method) {
+ return function(recipeName, factoryFunction) {
+ if (factoryFunction && isFunction(factoryFunction)) factoryFunction.$$moduleName = name;
+ invokeQueue.push([provider, method, arguments]);
+ return moduleInstance;
+ };
+ }
@@ -2017,7 +2292,7 @@ function serializeObject(obj) {
val = toJsonReplacer(key, val);
if (isObject(val)) {
- if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) return '<>';
+ if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) return '...';
@@ -2028,7 +2303,7 @@ function serializeObject(obj) {
function toDebugString(obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'function') {
return obj.toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/, '');
- } else if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {
+ } else if (isUndefined(obj)) {
return 'undefined';
} else if (typeof obj !== 'string') {
return serializeObject(obj);
@@ -2039,7 +2314,6 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
/* global angularModule: true,
version: true,
- $LocaleProvider,
@@ -2056,7 +2330,6 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
- ngCspDirective,
@@ -2093,16 +2366,27 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
+ $CoreAnimateCssProvider,
+ $$CoreAnimateJsProvider,
+ $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider,
+ $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider,
+ $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider,
+ $DateProvider,
+ $$ForceReflowProvider,
+ $$HashMapProvider,
+ $HttpParamSerializerProvider,
+ $HttpParamSerializerJQLikeProvider,
+ $xhrFactoryProvider,
@@ -2118,9 +2402,9 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
- $$AsyncCallbackProvider,
- $$jqLiteProvider
+ $$jqLiteProvider,
+ $$CookieReaderProvider
@@ -2129,8 +2413,9 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
* @name angular.version
* @module ng
* @description
- * An object that contains information about the current AngularJS version. This object has the
- * following properties:
+ * An object that contains information about the current AngularJS version.
+ *
+ * This object has the following properties:
* - `full` – `{string}` – Full version string, such as "0.9.18".
* - `major` – `{number}` – Major version number, such as "0".
@@ -2139,11 +2424,11 @@ function toDebugString(obj) {
* - `codeName` – `{string}` – Code name of the release, such as "jiggling-armfat".
var version = {
- full: '1.3.20', // all of these placeholder strings will be replaced by grunt's
+ full: '1.5.0', // all of these placeholder strings will be replaced by grunt's
major: 1, // package task
- minor: 3,
- dot: 20,
- codeName: 'shallow-translucence'
+ minor: 5,
+ dot: 0,
+ codeName: 'ennoblement-facilitation'
@@ -2152,6 +2437,7 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
'bootstrap': bootstrap,
'copy': copy,
'extend': extend,
+ 'merge': merge,
'equals': equals,
'element': jqLite,
'forEach': forEach,
@@ -2181,11 +2467,6 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
angularModule = setupModuleLoader(window);
- try {
- angularModule('ngLocale');
- } catch (e) {
- angularModule('ngLocale', []).provider('$locale', $LocaleProvider);
- }
angularModule('ng', ['ngLocale'], ['$provide',
function ngModule($provide) {
@@ -2248,16 +2529,25 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
$anchorScroll: $AnchorScrollProvider,
$animate: $AnimateProvider,
+ $animateCss: $CoreAnimateCssProvider,
+ $$animateJs: $$CoreAnimateJsProvider,
+ $$animateQueue: $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider,
+ $$AnimateRunner: $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider,
+ $$animateAsyncRun: $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider,
$browser: $BrowserProvider,
$cacheFactory: $CacheFactoryProvider,
$controller: $ControllerProvider,
$document: $DocumentProvider,
$exceptionHandler: $ExceptionHandlerProvider,
$filter: $FilterProvider,
+ $$forceReflow: $$ForceReflowProvider,
$interpolate: $InterpolateProvider,
$interval: $IntervalProvider,
$http: $HttpProvider,
+ $httpParamSerializer: $HttpParamSerializerProvider,
+ $httpParamSerializerJQLike: $HttpParamSerializerJQLikeProvider,
$httpBackend: $HttpBackendProvider,
+ $xhrFactory: $xhrFactoryProvider,
$location: $LocationProvider,
$log: $LogProvider,
$parse: $ParseProvider,
@@ -2273,8 +2563,9 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
$timeout: $TimeoutProvider,
$window: $WindowProvider,
$$rAF: $$RAFProvider,
- $$asyncCallback: $$AsyncCallbackProvider,
- $$jqLite: $$jqLiteProvider
+ $$jqLite: $$jqLiteProvider,
+ $$HashMap: $$HashMapProvider,
+ $$cookieReader: $$CookieReaderProvider
@@ -2313,16 +2604,22 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
* If jQuery is available, `angular.element` is an alias for the
* [jQuery](http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/) function. If jQuery is not available, `angular.element`
- * delegates to Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or "jqLite."
+ * delegates to Angular's built-in subset of jQuery, called "jQuery lite" or **jqLite**.
- *
jqLite is a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery that allows
- * Angular to manipulate the DOM in a cross-browser compatible way. **jqLite** implements only the most
- * commonly needed functionality with the goal of having a very small footprint.
+ * jqLite is a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery that allows
+ * Angular to manipulate the DOM in a cross-browser compatible way. jqLite implements only the most
+ * commonly needed functionality with the goal of having a very small footprint.
- * To use `jQuery`, simply ensure it is loaded before the `angular.js` file.
+ * To use `jQuery`, simply ensure it is loaded before the `angular.js` file. You can also use the
+ * {@link ngJq `ngJq`} directive to specify that jqlite should be used over jQuery, or to use a
+ * specific version of jQuery if multiple versions exist on the page.
- *
**Note:** all element references in Angular are always wrapped with jQuery or
- * jqLite; they are never raw DOM references.
+ *
**Note:** All element references in Angular are always wrapped with jQuery or
+ * jqLite (such as the element argument in a directive's compile / link function). They are never raw DOM references.
+ *
+ *
**Note:** Keep in mind that this function will not find elements
+ * by tag name / CSS selector. For lookups by tag name, try instead `angular.element(document).find(...)`
+ * or `$document.find()`, or use the standard DOM APIs, e.g. `document.querySelectorAll()`.
* ## Angular's jqLite
* jqLite provides only the following jQuery methods:
@@ -2335,7 +2632,8 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
* - [`children()`](http://api.jquery.com/children/) - Does not support selectors
* - [`clone()`](http://api.jquery.com/clone/)
* - [`contents()`](http://api.jquery.com/contents/)
- * - [`css()`](http://api.jquery.com/css/) - Only retrieves inline-styles, does not call `getComputedStyle()`. As a setter, does not convert numbers to strings or append 'px'.
+ * - [`css()`](http://api.jquery.com/css/) - Only retrieves inline-styles, does not call `getComputedStyle()`.
+ * As a setter, does not convert numbers to strings or append 'px', and also does not have automatic property prefixing.
* - [`data()`](http://api.jquery.com/data/)
* - [`detach()`](http://api.jquery.com/detach/)
* - [`empty()`](http://api.jquery.com/empty/)
@@ -2345,7 +2643,7 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
* - [`html()`](http://api.jquery.com/html/)
* - [`next()`](http://api.jquery.com/next/) - Does not support selectors
* - [`on()`](http://api.jquery.com/on/) - Does not support namespaces, selectors or eventData
- * - [`off()`](http://api.jquery.com/off/) - Does not support namespaces or selectors
+ * - [`off()`](http://api.jquery.com/off/) - Does not support namespaces, selectors or event object as parameter
* - [`one()`](http://api.jquery.com/one/) - Does not support namespaces or selectors
* - [`parent()`](http://api.jquery.com/parent/) - Does not support selectors
* - [`prepend()`](http://api.jquery.com/prepend/)
@@ -2359,7 +2657,7 @@ function publishExternalAPI(angular) {
* - [`text()`](http://api.jquery.com/text/)
* - [`toggleClass()`](http://api.jquery.com/toggleClass/)
* - [`triggerHandler()`](http://api.jquery.com/triggerHandler/) - Passes a dummy event object to handlers.
- * - [`unbind()`](http://api.jquery.com/unbind/) - Does not support namespaces
+ * - [`unbind()`](http://api.jquery.com/unbind/) - Does not support namespaces or event object as parameter
* - [`val()`](http://api.jquery.com/val/)
* - [`wrap()`](http://api.jquery.com/wrap/)
@@ -2431,10 +2729,10 @@ function camelCase(name) {
replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1');
-var SINGLE_TAG_REGEXP = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/;
+var SINGLE_TAG_REGEXP = /^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/;
var HTML_REGEXP = /<|?\w+;/;
-var TAG_NAME_REGEXP = /<([\w:]+)/;
-var XHTML_TAG_REGEXP = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi;
+var TAG_NAME_REGEXP = /<([\w:-]+)/;
+var XHTML_TAG_REGEXP = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi;
var wrapMap = {
'option': [1, ''],
@@ -2462,6 +2760,19 @@ function jqLiteAcceptsData(node) {
return nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT || !nodeType || nodeType === NODE_TYPE_DOCUMENT;
+function jqLiteHasData(node) {
+ for (var key in jqCache[node.ng339]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function jqLiteCleanData(nodes) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ jqLiteRemoveData(nodes[i]);
+ }
function jqLiteBuildFragment(html, context) {
var tmp, tag, wrap,
fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
@@ -2514,6 +2825,24 @@ function jqLiteParseHTML(html, context) {
return [];
+function jqLiteWrapNode(node, wrapper) {
+ var parent = node.parentNode;
+ if (parent) {
+ parent.replaceChild(wrapper, node);
+ }
+ wrapper.appendChild(node);
+// IE9-11 has no method "contains" in SVG element and in Node.prototype. Bug #10259.
+var jqLiteContains = Node.prototype.contains || function(arg) {
+ // jshint bitwise: false
+ return !!(this.compareDocumentPosition(arg) & 16);
+ // jshint bitwise: true
function JQLite(element) {
if (element instanceof JQLite) {
@@ -2572,17 +2901,23 @@ function jqLiteOff(element, type, fn, unsupported) {
delete events[type];
} else {
- forEach(type.split(' '), function(type) {
- if (isDefined(fn)) {
- var listenerFns = events[type];
- arrayRemove(listenerFns || [], fn);
- if (listenerFns && listenerFns.length > 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- removeEventListenerFn(element, type, handle);
- delete events[type];
+ var removeHandler = function(type) {
+ var listenerFns = events[type];
+ if (isDefined(fn)) {
+ arrayRemove(listenerFns || [], fn);
+ }
+ if (!(isDefined(fn) && listenerFns && listenerFns.length > 0)) {
+ removeEventListenerFn(element, type, handle);
+ delete events[type];
+ }
+ };
+ forEach(type.split(' '), function(type) {
+ removeHandler(type);
+ if (MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]) {
+ removeHandler(MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]);
+ }
@@ -2723,7 +3058,7 @@ function jqLiteInheritedData(element, name, value) {
while (element) {
for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
- if ((value = jqLite.data(element, names[i])) !== undefined) return value;
+ if (isDefined(value = jqLite.data(element, names[i]))) return value;
// If dealing with a document fragment node with a host element, and no parent, use the host
@@ -2750,7 +3085,7 @@ function jqLiteRemove(element, keepData) {
function jqLiteDocumentLoaded(action, win) {
win = win || window;
if (win.document.readyState === 'complete') {
- // Force the action to be run async for consistent behaviour
+ // Force the action to be run async for consistent behavior
// from the action's point of view
// i.e. it will definitely not be in a $apply
@@ -2829,14 +3164,15 @@ function getBooleanAttrName(element, name) {
return booleanAttr && BOOLEAN_ELEMENTS[nodeName_(element)] && booleanAttr;
-function getAliasedAttrName(element, name) {
- var nodeName = element.nodeName;
- return (nodeName === 'INPUT' || nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') && ALIASED_ATTR[name];
+function getAliasedAttrName(name) {
+ return ALIASED_ATTR[name];
data: jqLiteData,
- removeData: jqLiteRemoveData
+ removeData: jqLiteRemoveData,
+ hasData: jqLiteHasData,
+ cleanData: jqLiteCleanData
}, function(fn, name) {
JQLite[name] = fn;
@@ -2967,7 +3303,7 @@ forEach({
// in a way that survives minification.
// jqLiteEmpty takes no arguments but is a setter.
if (fn !== jqLiteEmpty &&
- (((fn.length == 2 && (fn !== jqLiteHasClass && fn !== jqLiteController)) ? arg1 : arg2) === undefined)) {
+ (isUndefined((fn.length == 2 && (fn !== jqLiteHasClass && fn !== jqLiteController)) ? arg1 : arg2))) {
if (isObject(arg1)) {
// we are a write, but the object properties are the key/values
@@ -2988,7 +3324,7 @@ forEach({
// TODO: do we still need this?
var value = fn.$dv;
// Only if we have $dv do we iterate over all, otherwise it is just the first element.
- var jj = (value === undefined) ? Math.min(nodeCount, 1) : nodeCount;
+ var jj = (isUndefined(value)) ? Math.min(nodeCount, 1) : nodeCount;
for (var j = 0; j < jj; j++) {
var nodeValue = fn(this[j], arg1, arg2);
value = value ? value + nodeValue : nodeValue;
@@ -3037,6 +3373,9 @@ function createEventHandler(element, events) {
return event.immediatePropagationStopped === true;
+ // Some events have special handlers that wrap the real handler
+ var handlerWrapper = eventFns.specialHandlerWrapper || defaultHandlerWrapper;
// Copy event handlers in case event handlers array is modified during execution.
if ((eventFnsLength > 1)) {
eventFns = shallowCopy(eventFns);
@@ -3044,7 +3383,7 @@ function createEventHandler(element, events) {
for (var i = 0; i < eventFnsLength; i++) {
if (!event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
- eventFns[i].call(element, event);
+ handlerWrapper(element, event, eventFns[i]);
@@ -3055,6 +3394,22 @@ function createEventHandler(element, events) {
return eventHandler;
+function defaultHandlerWrapper(element, event, handler) {
+ handler.call(element, event);
+function specialMouseHandlerWrapper(target, event, handler) {
+ // Refer to jQuery's implementation of mouseenter & mouseleave
+ // Read about mouseenter and mouseleave:
+ // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_mouse.html#link8
+ var related = event.relatedTarget;
+ // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
+ // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
+ if (!related || (related !== target && !jqLiteContains.call(target, related))) {
+ handler.call(target, event);
+ }
// Functions iterating traversal.
// These functions chain results into a single
@@ -3083,35 +3438,28 @@ forEach({
var types = type.indexOf(' ') >= 0 ? type.split(' ') : [type];
var i = types.length;
- while (i--) {
- type = types[i];
+ var addHandler = function(type, specialHandlerWrapper, noEventListener) {
var eventFns = events[type];
if (!eventFns) {
- events[type] = [];
- if (type === 'mouseenter' || type === 'mouseleave') {
- // Refer to jQuery's implementation of mouseenter & mouseleave
- // Read about mouseenter and mouseleave:
- // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_mouse.html#link8
- jqLiteOn(element, MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type], function(event) {
- var target = this, related = event.relatedTarget;
- // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
- // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
- if (!related || (related !== target && !target.contains(related))) {
- handle(event, type);
- }
- });
- } else {
- if (type !== '$destroy') {
- addEventListenerFn(element, type, handle);
- }
+ eventFns = events[type] = [];
+ eventFns.specialHandlerWrapper = specialHandlerWrapper;
+ if (type !== '$destroy' && !noEventListener) {
+ addEventListenerFn(element, type, handle);
- eventFns = events[type];
+ };
+ while (i--) {
+ type = types[i];
+ if (MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type]) {
+ addHandler(MOUSE_EVENT_MAP[type], specialMouseHandlerWrapper);
+ addHandler(type, undefined, true);
+ } else {
+ addHandler(type);
+ }
@@ -3146,8 +3494,9 @@ forEach({
children: function(element) {
var children = [];
forEach(element.childNodes, function(element) {
- if (element.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT)
+ if (element.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
+ }
return children;
@@ -3178,12 +3527,7 @@ forEach({
wrap: function(element, wrapNode) {
- wrapNode = jqLite(wrapNode).eq(0).clone()[0];
- var parent = element.parentNode;
- if (parent) {
- parent.replaceChild(wrapNode, element);
- }
- wrapNode.appendChild(element);
+ jqLiteWrapNode(element, jqLite(wrapNode).eq(0).clone()[0]);
remove: jqLiteRemove,
@@ -3393,6 +3737,12 @@ HashMap.prototype = {
+var $$HashMapProvider = [function() {
+ this.$get = [function() {
+ return HashMap;
+ }];
* @ngdoc function
* @module ng
@@ -3455,17 +3805,23 @@ HashMap.prototype = {
* Implicit module which gets automatically added to each {@link auto.$injector $injector}.
-var FN_ARGS = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m;
+var ARROW_ARG = /^([^\(]+?)=>/;
+var FN_ARGS = /^[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m;
var FN_ARG_SPLIT = /,/;
var FN_ARG = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/;
var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;
var $injectorMinErr = minErr('$injector');
+function extractArgs(fn) {
+ var fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''),
+ args = fnText.match(ARROW_ARG) || fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
+ return args;
function anonFn(fn) {
// For anonymous functions, showing at the very least the function signature can help in
// debugging.
- var fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''),
- args = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
+ var args = extractArgs(fn);
if (args) {
return 'function(' + (args[1] || '').replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, ' ') + ')';
@@ -3474,7 +3830,6 @@ function anonFn(fn) {
function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
var $inject,
- fnText,
@@ -3489,8 +3844,7 @@ function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
throw $injectorMinErr('strictdi',
'{0} is not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode', name);
- fnText = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '');
- argDecl = fnText.match(FN_ARGS);
+ argDecl = extractArgs(fn);
forEach(argDecl[1].split(FN_ARG_SPLIT), function(arg) {
arg.replace(FN_ARG, function(all, underscore, name) {
@@ -3880,8 +4234,20 @@ function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
* Register a **service constructor**, which will be invoked with `new` to create the service
* instance.
- * This is short for registering a service where its provider's `$get` property is the service
- * constructor function that will be used to instantiate the service instance.
+ * This is short for registering a service where its provider's `$get` property is a factory
+ * function that returns an instance instantiated by the injector from the service constructor
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Internally it looks a bit like this:
+ *
+ * ```
+ * {
+ * $get: function() {
+ * return $injector.instantiate(constructor);
+ * }
+ * }
+ * ```
+ *
* You should use {@link auto.$provide#service $provide.service(class)} if you define your service
* as a type/class.
@@ -3982,7 +4348,7 @@ function annotate(fn, strictDi, name) {
* @description
* Register a **service decorator** with the {@link auto.$injector $injector}. A service decorator
- * intercepts the creation of a service, allowing it to override or modify the behaviour of the
+ * intercepts the creation of a service, allowing it to override or modify the behavior of the
* service. The object returned by the decorator may be the original service, or a new service
* object which replaces or wraps and delegates to the original service.
@@ -4031,14 +4397,19 @@ function createInjector(modulesToLoad, strictDi) {
throw $injectorMinErr('unpr', "Unknown provider: {0}", path.join(' <- '));
instanceCache = {},
- instanceInjector = (instanceCache.$injector =
+ protoInstanceInjector =
createInternalInjector(instanceCache, function(serviceName, caller) {
var provider = providerInjector.get(serviceName + providerSuffix, caller);
- return instanceInjector.invoke(provider.$get, provider, undefined, serviceName);
- }));
+ return instanceInjector.invoke(
+ provider.$get, provider, undefined, serviceName);
+ }),
+ instanceInjector = protoInstanceInjector;
- forEach(loadModules(modulesToLoad), function(fn) { instanceInjector.invoke(fn || noop); });
+ providerCache['$injector' + providerSuffix] = { $get: valueFn(protoInstanceInjector) };
+ var runBlocks = loadModules(modulesToLoad);
+ instanceInjector = protoInstanceInjector.get('$injector');
+ instanceInjector.strictDi = strictDi;
+ forEach(runBlocks, function(fn) { if (fn) instanceInjector.invoke(fn); });
return instanceInjector;
@@ -4111,6 +4482,7 @@ function createInjector(modulesToLoad, strictDi) {
// Module Loading
function loadModules(modulesToLoad) {
+ assertArg(isUndefined(modulesToLoad) || isArray(modulesToLoad), 'modulesToLoad', 'not an array');
var runBlocks = [], moduleFn;
forEach(modulesToLoad, function(module) {
if (loadedModules.get(module)) return;
@@ -4187,48 +4559,67 @@ function createInjector(modulesToLoad, strictDi) {
+ function injectionArgs(fn, locals, serviceName) {
+ var args = [],
+ $inject = createInjector.$$annotate(fn, strictDi, serviceName);
+ for (var i = 0, length = $inject.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var key = $inject[i];
+ if (typeof key !== 'string') {
+ throw $injectorMinErr('itkn',
+ 'Incorrect injection token! Expected service name as string, got {0}', key);
+ }
+ args.push(locals && locals.hasOwnProperty(key) ? locals[key] :
+ getService(key, serviceName));
+ }
+ return args;
+ }
+ function isClass(func) {
+ // IE 9-11 do not support classes and IE9 leaks with the code below.
+ if (msie <= 11) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Workaround for MS Edge.
+ // Check https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/Feedback/Details/2211653
+ return typeof func === 'function'
+ && /^(?:class\s|constructor\()/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(func));
+ }
function invoke(fn, self, locals, serviceName) {
if (typeof locals === 'string') {
serviceName = locals;
locals = null;
- var args = [],
- $inject = createInjector.$$annotate(fn, strictDi, serviceName),
- length, i,
- key;
- for (i = 0, length = $inject.length; i < length; i++) {
- key = $inject[i];
- if (typeof key !== 'string') {
- throw $injectorMinErr('itkn',
- 'Incorrect injection token! Expected service name as string, got {0}', key);
- }
- args.push(
- locals && locals.hasOwnProperty(key)
- ? locals[key]
- : getService(key, serviceName)
- );
- }
+ var args = injectionArgs(fn, locals, serviceName);
if (isArray(fn)) {
- fn = fn[length];
+ fn = fn[fn.length - 1];
- // http://jsperf.com/angularjs-invoke-apply-vs-switch
- // #5388
- return fn.apply(self, args);
+ if (!isClass(fn)) {
+ // http://jsperf.com/angularjs-invoke-apply-vs-switch
+ // #5388
+ return fn.apply(self, args);
+ } else {
+ args.unshift(null);
+ return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(fn, args))();
+ }
function instantiate(Type, locals, serviceName) {
// Check if Type is annotated and use just the given function at n-1 as parameter
// e.g. someModule.factory('greeter', ['$window', function(renamed$window) {}]);
- // Object creation: http://jsperf.com/create-constructor/2
- var instance = Object.create((isArray(Type) ? Type[Type.length - 1] : Type).prototype || null);
- var returnedValue = invoke(Type, instance, locals, serviceName);
- return isObject(returnedValue) || isFunction(returnedValue) ? returnedValue : instance;
+ var ctor = (isArray(Type) ? Type[Type.length - 1] : Type);
+ var args = injectionArgs(Type, locals, serviceName);
+ // Empty object at position 0 is ignored for invocation with `new`, but required.
+ args.unshift(null);
+ return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(ctor, args))();
return {
invoke: invoke,
instantiate: instantiate,
@@ -4281,9 +4672,10 @@ function $AnchorScrollProvider() {
* @requires $rootScope
* @description
- * When called, it checks the current value of {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} and
- * scrolls to the related element, according to the rules specified in the
- * [Html5 spec](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#the-indicated-part-of-the-document).
+ * When called, it scrolls to the element related to the specified `hash` or (if omitted) to the
+ * current value of {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()}, according to the rules specified
+ * in the
+ * [HTML5 spec](http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/browsers.html#the-indicated-part-of-the-document).
* It also watches the {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} and automatically scrolls to
* match any anchor whenever it changes. This can be disabled by calling
@@ -4292,6 +4684,9 @@ function $AnchorScrollProvider() {
* Additionally, you can use its {@link ng.$anchorScroll#yOffset yOffset} property to specify a
* vertical scroll-offset (either fixed or dynamic).
+ * @param {string=} hash The hash specifying the element to scroll to. If omitted, the value of
+ * {@link ng.$location#hash $location.hash()} will be used.
+ *
* @property {(number|function|jqLite)} yOffset
* If set, specifies a vertical scroll-offset. This is often useful when there are fixed
* positioned elements at the top of the page, such as navbars, headers etc.
@@ -4475,8 +4870,9 @@ function $AnchorScrollProvider() {
- function scroll() {
- var hash = $location.hash(), elm;
+ function scroll(hash) {
+ hash = isString(hash) ? hash : $location.hash();
+ var elm;
// empty hash, scroll to the top of the page
if (!hash) scrollTo(null);
@@ -4510,6 +4906,159 @@ function $AnchorScrollProvider() {
var $animateMinErr = minErr('$animate');
+var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
+var NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME = 'ng-animate';
+function mergeClasses(a,b) {
+ if (!a && !b) return '';
+ if (!a) return b;
+ if (!b) return a;
+ if (isArray(a)) a = a.join(' ');
+ if (isArray(b)) b = b.join(' ');
+ return a + ' ' + b;
+function extractElementNode(element) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+ var elm = element[i];
+ if (elm.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return elm;
+ }
+ }
+function splitClasses(classes) {
+ if (isString(classes)) {
+ classes = classes.split(' ');
+ }
+ // Use createMap() to prevent class assumptions involving property names in
+ // Object.prototype
+ var obj = createMap();
+ forEach(classes, function(klass) {
+ // sometimes the split leaves empty string values
+ // incase extra spaces were applied to the options
+ if (klass.length) {
+ obj[klass] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+// if any other type of options value besides an Object value is
+// passed into the $animate.method() animation then this helper code
+// will be run which will ignore it. While this patch is not the
+// greatest solution to this, a lot of existing plugins depend on
+// $animate to either call the callback (< 1.2) or return a promise
+// that can be changed. This helper function ensures that the options
+// are wiped clean incase a callback function is provided.
+function prepareAnimateOptions(options) {
+ return isObject(options)
+ ? options
+ : {};
+var $$CoreAnimateJsProvider = function() {
+ this.$get = function() {};
+// this is prefixed with Core since it conflicts with
+// the animateQueueProvider defined in ngAnimate/animateQueue.js
+var $$CoreAnimateQueueProvider = function() {
+ var postDigestQueue = new HashMap();
+ var postDigestElements = [];
+ this.$get = ['$$AnimateRunner', '$rootScope',
+ function($$AnimateRunner, $rootScope) {
+ return {
+ enabled: noop,
+ on: noop,
+ off: noop,
+ pin: noop,
+ push: function(element, event, options, domOperation) {
+ domOperation && domOperation();
+ options = options || {};
+ options.from && element.css(options.from);
+ options.to && element.css(options.to);
+ if (options.addClass || options.removeClass) {
+ addRemoveClassesPostDigest(element, options.addClass, options.removeClass);
+ }
+ var runner = new $$AnimateRunner(); // jshint ignore:line
+ // since there are no animations to run the runner needs to be
+ // notified that the animation call is complete.
+ runner.complete();
+ return runner;
+ }
+ };
+ function updateData(data, classes, value) {
+ var changed = false;
+ if (classes) {
+ classes = isString(classes) ? classes.split(' ') :
+ isArray(classes) ? classes : [];
+ forEach(classes, function(className) {
+ if (className) {
+ changed = true;
+ data[className] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ function handleCSSClassChanges() {
+ forEach(postDigestElements, function(element) {
+ var data = postDigestQueue.get(element);
+ if (data) {
+ var existing = splitClasses(element.attr('class'));
+ var toAdd = '';
+ var toRemove = '';
+ forEach(data, function(status, className) {
+ var hasClass = !!existing[className];
+ if (status !== hasClass) {
+ if (status) {
+ toAdd += (toAdd.length ? ' ' : '') + className;
+ } else {
+ toRemove += (toRemove.length ? ' ' : '') + className;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ forEach(element, function(elm) {
+ toAdd && jqLiteAddClass(elm, toAdd);
+ toRemove && jqLiteRemoveClass(elm, toRemove);
+ });
+ postDigestQueue.remove(element);
+ }
+ });
+ postDigestElements.length = 0;
+ }
+ function addRemoveClassesPostDigest(element, add, remove) {
+ var data = postDigestQueue.get(element) || {};
+ var classesAdded = updateData(data, add, true);
+ var classesRemoved = updateData(data, remove, false);
+ if (classesAdded || classesRemoved) {
+ postDigestQueue.put(element, data);
+ postDigestElements.push(element);
+ if (postDigestElements.length === 1) {
+ $rootScope.$$postDigest(handleCSSClassChanges);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }];
* @ngdoc provider
@@ -4517,20 +5066,18 @@ var $animateMinErr = minErr('$animate');
* @description
* Default implementation of $animate that doesn't perform any animations, instead just
- * synchronously performs DOM
- * updates and calls done() callbacks.
+ * synchronously performs DOM updates and resolves the returned runner promise.
- * In order to enable animations the ngAnimate module has to be loaded.
+ * In order to enable animations the `ngAnimate` module has to be loaded.
- * To see the functional implementation check out src/ngAnimate/animate.js
+ * To see the functional implementation check out `src/ngAnimate/animate.js`.
var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
+ var provider = this;
+ this.$$registeredAnimations = Object.create(null);
- this.$$selectors = {};
- /**
+ /**
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animateProvider#register
@@ -4539,33 +5086,43 @@ var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
* animation object which contains callback functions for each event that is expected to be
* animated.
- * * `eventFn`: `function(Element, doneFunction)` The element to animate, the `doneFunction`
- * must be called once the element animation is complete. If a function is returned then the
- * animation service will use this function to cancel the animation whenever a cancel event is
- * triggered.
+ * * `eventFn`: `function(element, ... , doneFunction, options)`
+ * The element to animate, the `doneFunction` and the options fed into the animation. Depending
+ * on the type of animation additional arguments will be injected into the animation function. The
+ * list below explains the function signatures for the different animation methods:
+ * - setClass: function(element, addedClasses, removedClasses, doneFunction, options)
+ * - addClass: function(element, addedClasses, doneFunction, options)
+ * - removeClass: function(element, removedClasses, doneFunction, options)
+ * - enter, leave, move: function(element, doneFunction, options)
+ * - animate: function(element, fromStyles, toStyles, doneFunction, options)
+ *
+ * Make sure to trigger the `doneFunction` once the animation is fully complete.
* ```js
* return {
- * eventFn : function(element, done) {
- * //code to run the animation
- * //once complete, then run done()
- * return function cancellationFunction() {
- * //code to cancel the animation
- * }
- * }
- * }
+ * //enter, leave, move signature
+ * eventFn : function(element, done, options) {
+ * //code to run the animation
+ * //once complete, then run done()
+ * return function endFunction(wasCancelled) {
+ * //code to cancel the animation
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
* ```
- * @param {string} name The name of the animation.
+ * @param {string} name The name of the animation (this is what the class-based CSS value will be compared to).
* @param {Function} factory The factory function that will be executed to return the animation
* object.
this.register = function(name, factory) {
+ if (name && name.charAt(0) !== '.') {
+ throw $animateMinErr('notcsel', "Expecting class selector starting with '.' got '{0}'.", name);
+ }
var key = name + '-animation';
- if (name && name.charAt(0) != '.') throw $animateMinErr('notcsel',
- "Expecting class selector starting with '.' got '{0}'.", name);
- this.$$selectors[name.substr(1)] = key;
+ provider.$$registeredAnimations[name.substr(1)] = key;
$provide.factory(key, factory);
@@ -4576,8 +5133,8 @@ var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
* @description
* Sets and/or returns the CSS class regular expression that is checked when performing
* an animation. Upon bootstrap the classNameFilter value is not set at all and will
- * therefore enable $animate to attempt to perform an animation on any element.
- * When setting the classNameFilter value, animations will only be performed on elements
+ * therefore enable $animate to attempt to perform an animation on any element that is triggered.
+ * When setting the `classNameFilter` value, animations will only be performed on elements
* that successfully match the filter expression. This in turn can boost performance
* for low-powered devices as well as applications containing a lot of structural operations.
* @param {RegExp=} expression The className expression which will be checked against all animations
@@ -4586,102 +5143,167 @@ var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
this.classNameFilter = function(expression) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
this.$$classNameFilter = (expression instanceof RegExp) ? expression : null;
+ if (this.$$classNameFilter) {
+ var reservedRegex = new RegExp("(\\s+|\\/)" + NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME + "(\\s+|\\/)");
+ if (reservedRegex.test(this.$$classNameFilter.toString())) {
+ throw $animateMinErr('nongcls','$animateProvider.classNameFilter(regex) prohibits accepting a regex value which matches/contains the "{0}" CSS class.', NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME);
+ }
+ }
return this.$$classNameFilter;
- this.$get = ['$$q', '$$asyncCallback', '$rootScope', function($$q, $$asyncCallback, $rootScope) {
- var currentDefer;
- function runAnimationPostDigest(fn) {
- var cancelFn, defer = $$q.defer();
- defer.promise.$$cancelFn = function ngAnimateMaybeCancel() {
- cancelFn && cancelFn();
- };
- $rootScope.$$postDigest(function ngAnimatePostDigest() {
- cancelFn = fn(function ngAnimateNotifyComplete() {
- defer.resolve();
- });
- });
- return defer.promise;
- }
- function resolveElementClasses(element, classes) {
- var toAdd = [], toRemove = [];
- var hasClasses = createMap();
- forEach((element.attr('class') || '').split(/\s+/), function(className) {
- hasClasses[className] = true;
- });
- forEach(classes, function(status, className) {
- var hasClass = hasClasses[className];
- // If the most recent class manipulation (via $animate) was to remove the class, and the
- // element currently has the class, the class is scheduled for removal. Otherwise, if
- // the most recent class manipulation (via $animate) was to add the class, and the
- // element does not currently have the class, the class is scheduled to be added.
- if (status === false && hasClass) {
- toRemove.push(className);
- } else if (status === true && !hasClass) {
- toAdd.push(className);
+ this.$get = ['$$animateQueue', function($$animateQueue) {
+ function domInsert(element, parentElement, afterElement) {
+ // if for some reason the previous element was removed
+ // from the dom sometime before this code runs then let's
+ // just stick to using the parent element as the anchor
+ if (afterElement) {
+ var afterNode = extractElementNode(afterElement);
+ if (afterNode && !afterNode.parentNode && !afterNode.previousElementSibling) {
+ afterElement = null;
- });
- return (toAdd.length + toRemove.length) > 0 &&
- [toAdd.length ? toAdd : null, toRemove.length ? toRemove : null];
- }
- function cachedClassManipulation(cache, classes, op) {
- for (var i=0, ii = classes.length; i < ii; ++i) {
- var className = classes[i];
- cache[className] = op;
- }
- }
- function asyncPromise() {
- // only serve one instance of a promise in order to save CPU cycles
- if (!currentDefer) {
- currentDefer = $$q.defer();
- $$asyncCallback(function() {
- currentDefer.resolve();
- currentDefer = null;
- });
- }
- return currentDefer.promise;
- }
- function applyStyles(element, options) {
- if (angular.isObject(options)) {
- var styles = extend(options.from || {}, options.to || {});
- element.css(styles);
+ afterElement ? afterElement.after(element) : parentElement.prepend(element);
- *
* @ngdoc service
* @name $animate
- * @description The $animate service provides rudimentary DOM manipulation functions to
- * insert, remove and move elements within the DOM, as well as adding and removing classes.
- * This service is the core service used by the ngAnimate $animator service which provides
- * high-level animation hooks for CSS and JavaScript.
+ * @description The $animate service exposes a series of DOM utility methods that provide support
+ * for animation hooks. The default behavior is the application of DOM operations, however,
+ * when an animation is detected (and animations are enabled), $animate will do the heavy lifting
+ * to ensure that animation runs with the triggered DOM operation.
- * $animate is available in the AngularJS core, however, the ngAnimate module must be included
- * to enable full out animation support. Otherwise, $animate will only perform simple DOM
- * manipulation operations.
+ * By default $animate doesn't trigger any animations. This is because the `ngAnimate` module isn't
+ * included and only when it is active then the animation hooks that `$animate` triggers will be
+ * functional. Once active then all structural `ng-` directives will trigger animations as they perform
+ * their DOM-related operations (enter, leave and move). Other directives such as `ngClass`,
+ * `ngShow`, `ngHide` and `ngMessages` also provide support for animations.
- * To learn more about enabling animation support, click here to visit the {@link ngAnimate
- * ngAnimate module page} as well as the {@link ngAnimate.$animate ngAnimate $animate service
- * page}.
+ * It is recommended that the`$animate` service is always used when executing DOM-related procedures within directives.
+ *
+ * To learn more about enabling animation support, click here to visit the
+ * {@link ngAnimate ngAnimate module page}.
return {
- animate: function(element, from, to) {
- applyStyles(element, { from: from, to: to });
- return asyncPromise();
+ // we don't call it directly since non-existant arguments may
+ // be interpreted as null within the sub enabled function
+ /**
+ *
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#on
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Sets up an event listener to fire whenever the animation event (enter, leave, move, etc...)
+ * has fired on the given element or among any of its children. Once the listener is fired, the provided callback
+ * is fired with the following params:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * $animate.on('enter', container,
+ * function callback(element, phase) {
+ * // cool we detected an enter animation within the container
+ * }
+ * );
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {string} event the animation event that will be captured (e.g. enter, leave, move, addClass, removeClass, etc...)
+ * @param {DOMElement} container the container element that will capture each of the animation events that are fired on itself
+ * as well as among its children
+ * @param {Function} callback the callback function that will be fired when the listener is triggered
+ *
+ * The arguments present in the callback function are:
+ * * `element` - The captured DOM element that the animation was fired on.
+ * * `phase` - The phase of the animation. The two possible phases are **start** (when the animation starts) and **close** (when it ends).
+ */
+ on: $$animateQueue.on,
+ /**
+ *
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#off
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Deregisters an event listener based on the event which has been associated with the provided element. This method
+ * can be used in three different ways depending on the arguments:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // remove all the animation event listeners listening for `enter`
+ * $animate.off('enter');
+ *
+ * // remove all the animation event listeners listening for `enter` on the given element and its children
+ * $animate.off('enter', container);
+ *
+ * // remove the event listener function provided by `callback` that is set
+ * // to listen for `enter` on the given `container` as well as its children
+ * $animate.off('enter', container, callback);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {string} event the animation event (e.g. enter, leave, move, addClass, removeClass, etc...)
+ * @param {DOMElement=} container the container element the event listener was placed on
+ * @param {Function=} callback the callback function that was registered as the listener
+ */
+ off: $$animateQueue.off,
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#pin
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Associates the provided element with a host parent element to allow the element to be animated even if it exists
+ * outside of the DOM structure of the Angular application. By doing so, any animation triggered via `$animate` can be issued on the
+ * element despite being outside the realm of the application or within another application. Say for example if the application
+ * was bootstrapped on an element that is somewhere inside of the `` tag, but we wanted to allow for an element to be situated
+ * as a direct child of `document.body`, then this can be achieved by pinning the element via `$animate.pin(element)`. Keep in mind
+ * that calling `$animate.pin(element, parentElement)` will not actually insert into the DOM anywhere; it will just create the association.
+ *
+ * Note that this feature is only active when the `ngAnimate` module is used.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the external element that will be pinned
+ * @param {DOMElement} parentElement the host parent element that will be associated with the external element
+ */
+ pin: $$animateQueue.pin,
+ /**
+ *
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#enabled
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Used to get and set whether animations are enabled or not on the entire application or on an element and its children. This
+ * function can be called in four ways:
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * // returns true or false
+ * $animate.enabled();
+ *
+ * // changes the enabled state for all animations
+ * $animate.enabled(false);
+ * $animate.enabled(true);
+ *
+ * // returns true or false if animations are enabled for an element
+ * $animate.enabled(element);
+ *
+ * // changes the enabled state for an element and its children
+ * $animate.enabled(element, true);
+ * $animate.enabled(element, false);
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement=} element the element that will be considered for checking/setting the enabled state
+ * @param {boolean=} enabled whether or not the animations will be enabled for the element
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} whether or not animations are enabled
+ */
+ enabled: $$animateQueue.enabled,
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#cancel
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Cancels the provided animation.
+ *
+ * @param {Promise} animationPromise The animation promise that is returned when an animation is started.
+ */
+ cancel: function(runner) {
+ runner.end && runner.end();
@@ -4689,39 +5311,25 @@ var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animate#enter
* @kind function
- * @description Inserts the element into the DOM either after the `after` element or
- * as the first child within the `parent` element. When the function is called a promise
- * is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
+ * @description Inserts the element into the DOM either after the `after` element (if provided) or
+ * as the first child within the `parent` element and then triggers an animation.
+ * A promise is returned that will be resolved during the next digest once the animation
+ * has completed.
+ *
* @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be inserted into the DOM
* @param {DOMElement} parent the parent element which will append the element as
- * a child (if the after element is not present)
- * @param {DOMElement} after the sibling element which will append the element
- * after itself
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of styles that will be applied to the element.
+ * a child (so long as the after element is not present)
+ * @param {DOMElement=} after the sibling element after which the element will be appended
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
* @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
enter: function(element, parent, after, options) {
- applyStyles(element, options);
- after ? after.after(element)
- : parent.prepend(element);
- return asyncPromise();
- },
- /**
- *
- * @ngdoc method
- * @name $animate#leave
- * @kind function
- * @description Removes the element from the DOM. When the function is called a promise
- * is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be removed from the DOM
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be applied to the element.
- * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
- */
- leave: function(element, options) {
- applyStyles(element, options);
- element.remove();
- return asyncPromise();
+ parent = parent && jqLite(parent);
+ after = after && jqLite(after);
+ parent = parent || after.parent();
+ domInsert(element, parent, after);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'enter', prepareAnimateOptions(options));
@@ -4729,166 +5337,422 @@ var $AnimateProvider = ['$provide', function($provide) {
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animate#move
* @kind function
- * @description Moves the position of the provided element within the DOM to be placed
- * either after the `after` element or inside of the `parent` element. When the function
- * is called a promise is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
+ * @description Inserts (moves) the element into its new position in the DOM either after
+ * the `after` element (if provided) or as the first child within the `parent` element
+ * and then triggers an animation. A promise is returned that will be resolved
+ * during the next digest once the animation has completed.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be moved into the new DOM position
+ * @param {DOMElement} parent the parent element which will append the element as
+ * a child (so long as the after element is not present)
+ * @param {DOMElement=} after the sibling element after which the element will be appended
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be moved around within the
- * DOM
- * @param {DOMElement} parent the parent element where the element will be
- * inserted into (if the after element is not present)
- * @param {DOMElement} after the sibling element where the element will be
- * positioned next to
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be applied to the element.
* @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
move: function(element, parent, after, options) {
- // Do not remove element before insert. Removing will cause data associated with the
- // element to be dropped. Insert will implicitly do the remove.
- return this.enter(element, parent, after, options);
+ parent = parent && jqLite(parent);
+ after = after && jqLite(after);
+ parent = parent || after.parent();
+ domInsert(element, parent, after);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'move', prepareAnimateOptions(options));
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#leave
+ * @kind function
+ * @description Triggers an animation and then removes the element from the DOM.
+ * When the function is called a promise is returned that will be resolved during the next
+ * digest once the animation has completed.
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will be removed from the DOM
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
+ * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
+ */
+ leave: function(element, options) {
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'leave', prepareAnimateOptions(options), function() {
+ element.remove();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animate#addClass
* @kind function
- * @description Adds the provided className CSS class value to the provided element.
- * When the function is called a promise is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will have the className value
- * added to it
- * @param {string} className the CSS class which will be added to the element
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be applied to the element.
+ *
+ * @description Triggers an addClass animation surrounding the addition of the provided CSS class(es). Upon
+ * execution, the addClass operation will only be handled after the next digest and it will not trigger an
+ * animation if element already contains the CSS class or if the class is removed at a later step.
+ * Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations
+ * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points
+ * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to
+ * @param {string} className the CSS class(es) that will be added (multiple classes are separated via spaces)
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
* @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
addClass: function(element, className, options) {
- return this.setClass(element, className, [], options);
- },
- $$addClassImmediately: function(element, className, options) {
- element = jqLite(element);
- className = !isString(className)
- ? (isArray(className) ? className.join(' ') : '')
- : className;
- forEach(element, function(element) {
- jqLiteAddClass(element, className);
- });
- applyStyles(element, options);
- return asyncPromise();
+ options = prepareAnimateOptions(options);
+ options.addClass = mergeClasses(options.addclass, className);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'addClass', options);
- *
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animate#removeClass
* @kind function
- * @description Removes the provided className CSS class value from the provided element.
- * When the function is called a promise is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will have the className value
- * removed from it
- * @param {string} className the CSS class which will be removed from the element
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be applied to the element.
+ *
+ * @description Triggers a removeClass animation surrounding the removal of the provided CSS class(es). Upon
+ * execution, the removeClass operation will only be handled after the next digest and it will not trigger an
+ * animation if element does not contain the CSS class or if the class is added at a later step.
+ * Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations
+ * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points
+ * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to
+ * @param {string} className the CSS class(es) that will be removed (multiple classes are separated via spaces)
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
* @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
removeClass: function(element, className, options) {
- return this.setClass(element, [], className, options);
- },
- $$removeClassImmediately: function(element, className, options) {
- element = jqLite(element);
- className = !isString(className)
- ? (isArray(className) ? className.join(' ') : '')
- : className;
- forEach(element, function(element) {
- jqLiteRemoveClass(element, className);
- });
- applyStyles(element, options);
- return asyncPromise();
+ options = prepareAnimateOptions(options);
+ options.removeClass = mergeClasses(options.removeClass, className);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'removeClass', options);
- *
* @ngdoc method
* @name $animate#setClass
* @kind function
- * @description Adds and/or removes the given CSS classes to and from the element.
- * When the function is called a promise is returned that will be resolved at a later time.
- * @param {DOMElement} element the element which will have its CSS classes changed
- * removed from it
- * @param {string} add the CSS classes which will be added to the element
- * @param {string} remove the CSS class which will be removed from the element
- * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options that will be applied to the element.
+ *
+ * @description Performs both the addition and removal of a CSS classes on an element and (during the process)
+ * triggers an animation surrounding the class addition/removal. Much like `$animate.addClass` and
+ * `$animate.removeClass`, `setClass` will only evaluate the classes being added/removed once a digest has
+ * passed. Note that class-based animations are treated differently compared to structural animations
+ * (like enter, move and leave) since the CSS classes may be added/removed at different points
+ * depending if CSS or JavaScript animations are used.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS classes will be applied to
+ * @param {string} add the CSS class(es) that will be added (multiple classes are separated via spaces)
+ * @param {string} remove the CSS class(es) that will be removed (multiple classes are separated via spaces)
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
* @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
setClass: function(element, add, remove, options) {
- var self = this;
- var STORAGE_KEY = '$$animateClasses';
- var createdCache = false;
- element = jqLite(element);
- var cache = element.data(STORAGE_KEY);
- if (!cache) {
- cache = {
- classes: {},
- options: options
- };
- createdCache = true;
- } else if (options && cache.options) {
- cache.options = angular.extend(cache.options || {}, options);
- }
- var classes = cache.classes;
- add = isArray(add) ? add : add.split(' ');
- remove = isArray(remove) ? remove : remove.split(' ');
- cachedClassManipulation(classes, add, true);
- cachedClassManipulation(classes, remove, false);
- if (createdCache) {
- cache.promise = runAnimationPostDigest(function(done) {
- var cache = element.data(STORAGE_KEY);
- element.removeData(STORAGE_KEY);
- // in the event that the element is removed before postDigest
- // is run then the cache will be undefined and there will be
- // no need anymore to add or remove and of the element classes
- if (cache) {
- var classes = resolveElementClasses(element, cache.classes);
- if (classes) {
- self.$$setClassImmediately(element, classes[0], classes[1], cache.options);
- }
- }
- done();
- });
- element.data(STORAGE_KEY, cache);
- }
- return cache.promise;
+ options = prepareAnimateOptions(options);
+ options.addClass = mergeClasses(options.addClass, add);
+ options.removeClass = mergeClasses(options.removeClass, remove);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'setClass', options);
- $$setClassImmediately: function(element, add, remove, options) {
- add && this.$$addClassImmediately(element, add);
- remove && this.$$removeClassImmediately(element, remove);
- applyStyles(element, options);
- return asyncPromise();
- },
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc method
+ * @name $animate#animate
+ * @kind function
+ *
+ * @description Performs an inline animation on the element which applies the provided to and from CSS styles to the element.
+ * If any detected CSS transition, keyframe or JavaScript matches the provided className value, then the animation will take
+ * on the provided styles. For example, if a transition animation is set for the given classNamem, then the provided `from` and
+ * `to` styles will be applied alongside the given transition. If the CSS style provided in `from` does not have a corresponding
+ * style in `to`, the style in `from` is applied immediately, and no animation is run.
+ * If a JavaScript animation is detected then the provided styles will be given in as function parameters into the `animate`
+ * method (or as part of the `options` parameter):
+ *
+ * ```js
+ * ngModule.animation('.my-inline-animation', function() {
+ * return {
+ * animate : function(element, from, to, done, options) {
+ * //animation
+ * done();
+ * }
+ * }
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param {DOMElement} element the element which the CSS styles will be applied to
+ * @param {object} from the from (starting) CSS styles that will be applied to the element and across the animation.
+ * @param {object} to the to (destination) CSS styles that will be applied to the element and across the animation.
+ * @param {string=} className an optional CSS class that will be applied to the element for the duration of the animation. If
+ * this value is left as empty then a CSS class of `ng-inline-animate` will be applied to the element.
+ * (Note that if no animation is detected then this value will not be applied to the element.)
+ * @param {object=} options an optional collection of options/styles that will be applied to the element
+ *
+ * @return {Promise} the animation callback promise
+ */
+ animate: function(element, from, to, className, options) {
+ options = prepareAnimateOptions(options);
+ options.from = options.from ? extend(options.from, from) : from;
+ options.to = options.to ? extend(options.to, to) : to;
- enabled: noop,
- cancel: noop
+ className = className || 'ng-inline-animate';
+ options.tempClasses = mergeClasses(options.tempClasses, className);
+ return $$animateQueue.push(element, 'animate', options);
+ }
-function $$AsyncCallbackProvider() {
- this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$timeout', function($$rAF, $timeout) {
- return $$rAF.supported
- ? function(fn) { return $$rAF(fn); }
- : function(fn) {
- return $timeout(fn, 0, false);
+var $$AnimateAsyncRunFactoryProvider = function() {
+ this.$get = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) {
+ var waitQueue = [];
+ function waitForTick(fn) {
+ waitQueue.push(fn);
+ if (waitQueue.length > 1) return;
+ $$rAF(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < waitQueue.length; i++) {
+ waitQueue[i]();
+ }
+ waitQueue = [];
+ });
+ }
+ return function() {
+ var passed = false;
+ waitForTick(function() {
+ passed = true;
+ });
+ return function(callback) {
+ passed ? callback() : waitForTick(callback);
+ };
+var $$AnimateRunnerFactoryProvider = function() {
+ this.$get = ['$q', '$sniffer', '$$animateAsyncRun', '$document', '$timeout',
+ function($q, $sniffer, $$animateAsyncRun, $document, $timeout) {
+ var INITIAL_STATE = 0;
+ AnimateRunner.chain = function(chain, callback) {
+ var index = 0;
+ next();
+ function next() {
+ if (index === chain.length) {
+ callback(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ chain[index](function(response) {
+ if (response === false) {
+ callback(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ index++;
+ next();
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ AnimateRunner.all = function(runners, callback) {
+ var count = 0;
+ var status = true;
+ forEach(runners, function(runner) {
+ runner.done(onProgress);
+ });
+ function onProgress(response) {
+ status = status && response;
+ if (++count === runners.length) {
+ callback(status);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function AnimateRunner(host) {
+ this.setHost(host);
+ var rafTick = $$animateAsyncRun();
+ var timeoutTick = function(fn) {
+ $timeout(fn, 0, false);
+ };
+ this._doneCallbacks = [];
+ this._tick = function(fn) {
+ var doc = $document[0];
+ // the document may not be ready or attached
+ // to the module for some internal tests
+ if (doc && doc.hidden) {
+ timeoutTick(fn);
+ } else {
+ rafTick(fn);
+ }
+ };
+ this._state = 0;
+ }
+ AnimateRunner.prototype = {
+ setHost: function(host) {
+ this.host = host || {};
+ },
+ done: function(fn) {
+ if (this._state === DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) {
+ fn();
+ } else {
+ this._doneCallbacks.push(fn);
+ }
+ },
+ progress: noop,
+ getPromise: function() {
+ if (!this.promise) {
+ var self = this;
+ this.promise = $q(function(resolve, reject) {
+ self.done(function(status) {
+ status === false ? reject() : resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return this.promise;
+ },
+ then: function(resolveHandler, rejectHandler) {
+ return this.getPromise().then(resolveHandler, rejectHandler);
+ },
+ 'catch': function(handler) {
+ return this.getPromise()['catch'](handler);
+ },
+ 'finally': function(handler) {
+ return this.getPromise()['finally'](handler);
+ },
+ pause: function() {
+ if (this.host.pause) {
+ this.host.pause();
+ }
+ },
+ resume: function() {
+ if (this.host.resume) {
+ this.host.resume();
+ }
+ },
+ end: function() {
+ if (this.host.end) {
+ this.host.end();
+ }
+ this._resolve(true);
+ },
+ cancel: function() {
+ if (this.host.cancel) {
+ this.host.cancel();
+ }
+ this._resolve(false);
+ },
+ complete: function(response) {
+ var self = this;
+ if (self._state === INITIAL_STATE) {
+ self._state = DONE_PENDING_STATE;
+ self._tick(function() {
+ self._resolve(response);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _resolve: function(response) {
+ if (this._state !== DONE_COMPLETE_STATE) {
+ forEach(this._doneCallbacks, function(fn) {
+ fn(response);
+ });
+ this._doneCallbacks.length = 0;
+ this._state = DONE_COMPLETE_STATE;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return AnimateRunner;
+ }];
+ * @ngdoc service
+ * @name $animateCss
+ * @kind object
+ *
+ * @description
+ * This is the core version of `$animateCss`. By default, only when the `ngAnimate` is included,
+ * then the `$animateCss` service will actually perform animations.
+ *
+ * Click here {@link ngAnimate.$animateCss to read the documentation for $animateCss}.
+ */
+var $CoreAnimateCssProvider = function() {
+ this.$get = ['$$rAF', '$q', '$$AnimateRunner', function($$rAF, $q, $$AnimateRunner) {
+ return function(element, initialOptions) {
+ // all of the animation functions should create
+ // a copy of the options data, however, if a
+ // parent service has already created a copy then
+ // we should stick to using that
+ var options = initialOptions || {};
+ if (!options.$$prepared) {
+ options = copy(options);
+ }
+ // there is no point in applying the styles since
+ // there is no animation that goes on at all in
+ // this version of $animateCss.
+ if (options.cleanupStyles) {
+ options.from = options.to = null;
+ }
+ if (options.from) {
+ element.css(options.from);
+ options.from = null;
+ }
+ /* jshint newcap: false */
+ var closed, runner = new $$AnimateRunner();
+ return {
+ start: run,
+ end: run
+ };
+ function run() {
+ $$rAF(function() {
+ applyAnimationContents();
+ if (!closed) {
+ runner.complete();
+ }
+ closed = true;
+ });
+ return runner;
+ }
+ function applyAnimationContents() {
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ element.addClass(options.addClass);
+ options.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ element.removeClass(options.removeClass);
+ options.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ if (options.to) {
+ element.css(options.to);
+ options.to = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }];
/* global stripHash: true */
@@ -4964,11 +5828,6 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
* @param {function()} callback Function that will be called when no outstanding request
self.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests = function(callback) {
- // force browser to execute all pollFns - this is needed so that cookies and other pollers fire
- // at some deterministic time in respect to the test runner's actions. Leaving things up to the
- // regular poller would result in flaky tests.
- forEach(pollFns, function(pollFn) { pollFn(); });
if (outstandingRequestCount === 0) {
} else {
@@ -4976,44 +5835,6 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Poll Watcher API
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var pollFns = [],
- pollTimeout;
- /**
- * @name $browser#addPollFn
- *
- * @param {function()} fn Poll function to add
- *
- * @description
- * Adds a function to the list of functions that poller periodically executes,
- * and starts polling if not started yet.
- *
- * @returns {function()} the added function
- */
- self.addPollFn = function(fn) {
- if (isUndefined(pollTimeout)) startPoller(100, setTimeout);
- pollFns.push(fn);
- return fn;
- };
- /**
- * @param {number} interval How often should browser call poll functions (ms)
- * @param {function()} setTimeout Reference to a real or fake `setTimeout` function.
- *
- * @description
- * Configures the poller to run in the specified intervals, using the specified
- * setTimeout fn and kicks it off.
- */
- function startPoller(interval, setTimeout) {
- (function check() {
- forEach(pollFns, function(pollFn) { pollFn(); });
- pollTimeout = setTimeout(check, interval);
- })();
- }
@@ -5021,7 +5842,7 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
var cachedState, lastHistoryState,
lastBrowserUrl = location.href,
baseElement = document.find('base'),
- reloadLocation = null;
+ pendingLocation = null;
lastHistoryState = cachedState;
@@ -5081,8 +5902,8 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
// Do the assignment again so that those two variables are referentially identical.
lastHistoryState = cachedState;
} else {
- if (!sameBase || reloadLocation) {
- reloadLocation = url;
+ if (!sameBase || pendingLocation) {
+ pendingLocation = url;
if (replace) {
@@ -5091,14 +5912,18 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
} else {
location.hash = getHash(url);
+ if (location.href !== url) {
+ pendingLocation = url;
+ }
return self;
// getter
} else {
- // - reloadLocation is needed as browsers don't allow to read out
- // the new location.href if a reload happened.
+ // - pendingLocation is needed as browsers don't allow to read out
+ // the new location.href if a reload happened or if there is a bug like in iOS 9 (see
+ // https://openradar.appspot.com/22186109).
// - the replacement is a workaround for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407172
- return reloadLocation || location.href.replace(/%27/g,"'");
+ return pendingLocation || location.href.replace(/%27/g,"'");
@@ -5120,6 +5945,7 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
urlChangeInit = false;
function cacheStateAndFireUrlChange() {
+ pendingLocation = null;
@@ -5198,6 +6024,16 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
return callback;
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Remove popstate and hashchange handler from window.
+ *
+ * NOTE: this api is intended for use only by $rootScope.
+ */
+ self.$$applicationDestroyed = function() {
+ jqLite(window).off('hashchange popstate', cacheStateAndFireUrlChange);
+ };
* Checks whether the url has changed outside of Angular.
* Needs to be exported to be able to check for changes that have been done in sync,
@@ -5223,89 +6059,6 @@ function Browser(window, document, $log, $sniffer) {
return href ? href.replace(/^(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]*/, '') : '';
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Cookies API
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var lastCookies = {};
- var lastCookieString = '';
- var cookiePath = self.baseHref();
- function safeDecodeURIComponent(str) {
- try {
- return decodeURIComponent(str);
- } catch (e) {
- return str;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @name $browser#cookies
- *
- * @param {string=} name Cookie name
- * @param {string=} value Cookie value
- *
- * @description
- * The cookies method provides a 'private' low level access to browser cookies.
- * It is not meant to be used directly, use the $cookie service instead.
- *
- * The return values vary depending on the arguments that the method was called with as follows:
- *
- * - cookies() -> hash of all cookies, this is NOT a copy of the internal state, so do not modify
- * it
- * - cookies(name, value) -> set name to value, if value is undefined delete the cookie
- * - cookies(name) -> the same as (name, undefined) == DELETES (no one calls it right now that
- * way)
- *
- * @returns {Object} Hash of all cookies (if called without any parameter)
- */
- self.cookies = function(name, value) {
- var cookieLength, cookieArray, cookie, i, index;
- if (name) {
- if (value === undefined) {
- rawDocument.cookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=;path=" + cookiePath +
- ";expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
- } else {
- if (isString(value)) {
- cookieLength = (rawDocument.cookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) +
- ';path=' + cookiePath).length + 1;
- // per http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2109.txt browser must allow at minimum:
- // - 300 cookies
- // - 20 cookies per unique domain
- // - 4096 bytes per cookie
- if (cookieLength > 4096) {
- $log.warn("Cookie '" + name +
- "' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (" +
- cookieLength + " > 4096 bytes)!");
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (rawDocument.cookie !== lastCookieString) {
- lastCookieString = rawDocument.cookie;
- cookieArray = lastCookieString.split("; ");
- lastCookies = {};
- for (i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) {
- cookie = cookieArray[i];
- index = cookie.indexOf('=');
- if (index > 0) { //ignore nameless cookies
- name = safeDecodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(0, index));
- // the first value that is seen for a cookie is the most
- // specific one. values for the same cookie name that
- // follow are for less specific paths.
- if (lastCookies[name] === undefined) {
- lastCookies[name] = safeDecodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(index + 1));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return lastCookies;
- }
- };
* @name $browser#defer
* @param {function()} fn A function, who's execution should be deferred.
@@ -5428,10 +6181,10 @@ function $BrowserProvider() {
$scope.keys = [];
$scope.cache = $cacheFactory('cacheId');
$scope.put = function(key, value) {
- if ($scope.cache.get(key) === undefined) {
+ if (angular.isUndefined($scope.cache.get(key))) {
- $scope.cache.put(key, value === undefined ? null : value);
+ $scope.cache.put(key, angular.isUndefined(value) ? null : value);
@@ -5454,9 +6207,9 @@ function $CacheFactoryProvider() {
var size = 0,
stats = extend({}, options, {id: cacheId}),
- data = {},
+ data = createMap(),
capacity = (options && options.capacity) || Number.MAX_VALUE,
- lruHash = {},
+ lruHash = createMap(),
freshEnd = null,
staleEnd = null;
@@ -5520,13 +6273,13 @@ function $CacheFactoryProvider() {
* @returns {*} the value stored.
put: function(key, value) {
+ if (isUndefined(value)) return;
if (capacity < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var lruEntry = lruHash[key] || (lruHash[key] = {key: key});
- if (isUndefined(value)) return;
if (!(key in data)) size++;
data[key] = value;
@@ -5584,6 +6337,8 @@ function $CacheFactoryProvider() {
delete lruHash[key];
+ if (!(key in data)) return;
delete data[key];
@@ -5598,9 +6353,9 @@ function $CacheFactoryProvider() {
* Clears the cache object of any entries.
removeAll: function() {
- data = {};
+ data = createMap();
size = 0;
- lruHash = {};
+ lruHash = createMap();
freshEnd = staleEnd = null;
@@ -5889,7 +6644,7 @@ function $TemplateCacheProvider() {
* When this property is set to true, the HTML compiler will collect DOM nodes between
* nodes with the attributes `directive-name-start` and `directive-name-end`, and group them
* together as the directive elements. It is recommended that this feature be used on directives
- * which are not strictly behavioural (such as {@link ngClick}), and which
+ * which are not strictly behavioral (such as {@link ngClick}), and which
* do not manipulate or replace child nodes (such as {@link ngInclude}).
* #### `priority`
@@ -5907,59 +6662,129 @@ function $TemplateCacheProvider() {
* and other directives used in the directive's template will also be excluded from execution.
* #### `scope`
- * **If set to `true`,** then a new scope will be created for this directive. If multiple directives on the
- * same element request a new scope, only one new scope is created. The new scope rule does not
- * apply for the root of the template since the root of the template always gets a new scope.
+ * The scope property can be `true`, an object or a falsy value:
- * **If set to `{}` (object hash),** then a new "isolate" scope is created. The 'isolate' scope differs from
- * normal scope in that it does not prototypically inherit from the parent scope. This is useful
- * when creating reusable components, which should not accidentally read or modify data in the
- * parent scope.
+ * * **falsy:** No scope will be created for the directive. The directive will use its parent's scope.
- * The 'isolate' scope takes an object hash which defines a set of local scope properties
- * derived from the parent scope. These local properties are useful for aliasing values for
- * templates. Locals definition is a hash of local scope property to its source:
+ * * **`true`:** A new child scope that prototypically inherits from its parent will be created for
+ * the directive's element. If multiple directives on the same element request a new scope,
+ * only one new scope is created. The new scope rule does not apply for the root of the template
+ * since the root of the template always gets a new scope.
+ *
+ * * **`{...}` (an object hash):** A new "isolate" scope is created for the directive's element. The
+ * 'isolate' scope differs from normal scope in that it does not prototypically inherit from its parent
+ * scope. This is useful when creating reusable components, which should not accidentally read or modify
+ * data in the parent scope.
+ *
+ * The 'isolate' scope object hash defines a set of local scope properties derived from attributes on the
+ * directive's element. These local properties are useful for aliasing values for templates. The keys in
+ * the object hash map to the name of the property on the isolate scope; the values define how the property
+ * is bound to the parent scope, via matching attributes on the directive's element:
* * `@` or `@attr` - bind a local scope property to the value of DOM attribute. The result is
- * always a string since DOM attributes are strings. If no `attr` name is specified then the
- * attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name.
- * Given `` and widget definition
- * of `scope: { localName:'@myAttr' }`, then widget scope property `localName` will reflect
- * the interpolated value of `hello {{name}}`. As the `name` attribute changes so will the
- * `localName` property on the widget scope. The `name` is read from the parent scope (not
- * component scope).
+ * always a string since DOM attributes are strings. If no `attr` name is specified then the
+ * attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name. Given `` and the isolate scope definition `scope: { localName:'@myAttr' }`,
+ * the directive's scope property `localName` will reflect the interpolated value of `hello
+ * {{name}}`. As the `name` attribute changes so will the `localName` property on the directive's
+ * scope. The `name` is read from the parent scope (not the directive's scope).
- * * `=` or `=attr` - set up bi-directional binding between a local scope property and the
- * parent scope property of name defined via the value of the `attr` attribute. If no `attr`
- * name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name.
- * Given `` and widget definition of
- * `scope: { localModel:'=myAttr' }`, then widget scope property `localModel` will reflect the
+ * * `=` or `=attr` - set up a bidirectional binding between a local scope property and an expression
+ * passed via the attribute `attr`. The expression is evaluated in the context of the parent scope.
+ * If no `attr` name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local
+ * name. Given `` and the isolate scope definition `scope: {
+ * localModel: '=myAttr' }`, the property `localModel` on the directive's scope will reflect the
+ * value of `parentModel` on the parent scope. Changes to `parentModel` will be reflected in
+ * `localModel` and vice versa. Optional attributes should be marked as such with a question mark:
+ * `=?` or `=?attr`. If the binding expression is non-assignable, or if the attribute isn't
+ * optional and doesn't exist, an exception ({@link error/$compile/nonassign `$compile:nonassign`})
+ * will be thrown upon discovering changes to the local value, since it will be impossible to sync
+ * them back to the parent scope. By default, the {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watch `$watch`}
+ * method is used for tracking changes, and the equality check is based on object identity.
+ * However, if an object literal or an array literal is passed as the binding expression, the
+ * equality check is done by value (using the {@link angular.equals} function). It's also possible
+ * to watch the evaluated value shallowly with {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$watchCollection
+ * `$watchCollection`}: use `=*` or `=*attr` (`=*?` or `=*?attr` if the attribute is optional).
+ *
+ * * `<` or `` and directive definition of
+ * `scope: { localModel:'` and widget definition of
- * `scope: { localFn:'&myAttr' }`, then isolate scope property `localFn` will point to
- * a function wrapper for the `count = count + value` expression. Often it's desirable to
- * pass data from the isolated scope via an expression to the parent scope, this can be
- * done by passing a map of local variable names and values into the expression wrapper fn.
- * For example, if the expression is `increment(amount)` then we can specify the amount value
- * by calling the `localFn` as `localFn({amount: 22})`.
+ * One-way binding is useful if you do not plan to propagate changes to your isolated scope bindings
+ * back to the parent. However, it does not make this completely impossible.
+ *
+ * * `&` or `&attr` - provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope. If
+ * no `attr` name is specified then the attribute name is assumed to be the same as the local name.
+ * Given `` and the isolate scope definition `scope: {
+ * localFn:'&myAttr' }`, the isolate scope property `localFn` will point to a function wrapper for
+ * the `count = count + value` expression. Often it's desirable to pass data from the isolated scope
+ * via an expression to the parent scope. This can be done by passing a map of local variable names
+ * and values into the expression wrapper fn. For example, if the expression is `increment(amount)`
+ * then we can specify the amount value by calling the `localFn` as `localFn({amount: 22})`.
+ *
+ * In general it's possible to apply more than one directive to one element, but there might be limitations
+ * depending on the type of scope required by the directives. The following points will help explain these limitations.
+ * For simplicity only two directives are taken into account, but it is also applicable for several directives:
+ *
+ * * **no scope** + **no scope** => Two directives which don't require their own scope will use their parent's scope
+ * * **child scope** + **no scope** => Both directives will share one single child scope
+ * * **child scope** + **child scope** => Both directives will share one single child scope
+ * * **isolated scope** + **no scope** => The isolated directive will use it's own created isolated scope. The other directive will use
+ * its parent's scope
+ * * **isolated scope** + **child scope** => **Won't work!** Only one scope can be related to one element. Therefore these directives cannot
+ * be applied to the same element.
+ * * **isolated scope** + **isolated scope** => **Won't work!** Only one scope can be related to one element. Therefore these directives
+ * cannot be applied to the same element.
* #### `bindToController`
- * When an isolate scope is used for a component (see above), and `controllerAs` is used, `bindToController: true` will
- * allow a component to have its properties bound to the controller, rather than to scope. When the controller
- * is instantiated, the initial values of the isolate scope bindings are already available.
+ * This property is used to bind scope properties directly to the controller. It can be either
+ * `true` or an object hash with the same format as the `scope` property. Additionally, a controller
+ * alias must be set, either by using `controllerAs: 'myAlias'` or by specifying the alias in the controller
+ * definition: `controller: 'myCtrl as myAlias'`.
+ *
+ * When an isolate scope is used for a directive (see above), `bindToController: true` will
+ * allow a component to have its properties bound to the controller, rather than to scope.
+ *
+ * After the controller is instantiated, the initial values of the isolate scope bindings will be bound to the controller
+ * properties. You can access these bindings once they have been initialized by providing a controller method called
+ * `$onInit`, which is called after all the controllers on an element have been constructed and had their bindings
+ * initialized.
+ *
+ *
+ * **Deprecation warning:** although bindings for non-ES6 class controllers are currently
+ * bound to `this` before the controller constructor is called, this use is now deprecated. Please place initialization
+ * code that relies upon bindings inside a `$onInit` method on the controller, instead.
+ *
+ *
+ * It is also possible to set `bindToController` to an object hash with the same format as the `scope` property.
+ * This will set up the scope bindings to the controller directly. Note that `scope` can still be used
+ * to define which kind of scope is created. By default, no scope is created. Use `scope: {}` to create an isolate
+ * scope (useful for component directives).
+ *
+ * If both `bindToController` and `scope` are defined and have object hashes, `bindToController` overrides `scope`.
+ *
* #### `controller`
* Controller constructor function. The controller is instantiated before the
- * pre-linking phase and it is shared with other directives (see
+ * pre-linking phase and can be accessed by other directives (see
* `require` attribute). This allows the directives to communicate with each other and augment
* each other's behavior. The controller is injectable (and supports bracket notation) with the following locals:
@@ -5967,10 +6792,10 @@ function $TemplateCacheProvider() {
* * `$element` - Current element
* * `$attrs` - Current attributes object for the element
* * `$transclude` - A transclude linking function pre-bound to the correct transclusion scope:
- * `function([scope], cloneLinkingFn, futureParentElement)`.
- * * `scope`: optional argument to override the scope.
- * * `cloneLinkingFn`: optional argument to create clones of the original transcluded content.
- * * `futureParentElement`:
+ * `function([scope], cloneLinkingFn, futureParentElement, slotName)`:
+ * * `scope`: (optional) override the scope.
+ * * `cloneLinkingFn`: (optional) argument to create clones of the original transcluded content.
+ * * `futureParentElement` (optional):
* * defines the parent to which the `cloneLinkingFn` will add the cloned elements.
* * default: `$element.parent()` resp. `$element` for `transclude:'element'` resp. `transclude:true`.
* * only needed for transcludes that are allowed to contain non html elements (e.g. SVG elements)
@@ -5978,14 +6803,34 @@ function $TemplateCacheProvider() {
* as those elements need to created and cloned in a special way when they are defined outside their
* usual containers (e.g. like `