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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
import { loadTranslations } from './translations.mts'
import { dirname, resolve } from 'path'
* This is a plugin to split all translations into chunks of users meaning components that use that translation
* If a file imports `t` or `n` from 'l10n.js' that import will be replaced with a wrapper that registeres only the required translations for the file that imports the functions.
* Allowing vite to treeshake all not needed translations when building applications
* @param dir Path to the l10n directory for loading the translations
export default (dir: string) => {
// mapping from filesnames -> variable name
let nameMap: Record<string, string>
// all loaded translations, as filenames ->
const translations: Record<string, { l: string, t: Record<string, { v: string[], p?: string }> }[]> = {}
return {
name: 'nextcloud-l10n-plugin',
enforce: 'pre',
* Prepare l10n loading once the building start, this loads all translations and splits them into chunks by their usage in the components.
async buildStart() {'[l10n] Loading translations')
// all translations for all languages and components
const allTranslations = await loadTranslations(dir)'[l10n] Loading translation mapping for components')
// mapping which files (filename:filename2:filename3) contain which message ids
const context = (await import('./extract-l10n.mjs')).context
nameMap = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(context).map((key, index) => [key, `t${index}`]))'[l10n] Building translation chunks for components')
// This will split translations in a map like "using file(s)" => {locale, translations}
for (const locale in allTranslations) {
const currentTranslations = allTranslations[locale]
for (const [usage, msgIds] of Object.entries(context)) {
if (!(usage in translations)) {
translations[usage] = []
// split the translations by usage in components
l: locale,
// We simply filter those translations whos msg IDs are used by current context
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
t: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(currentTranslations).filter(([id, _value]) => msgIds.includes(id))),
* Hook into module resolver and fake all '../[...]/l10n.js' imports to inject our splitted translations
* @param source The file which is imported
* @param importer The file that imported the file
resolveId(source, importer) {
if (source.startsWith('\0')) {
if (source === '\0l10n') {
// return our l10n main module containing all translations
return '\0l10n'
// dont handle other plugins imports
return null
} else if (source.endsWith('l10n.js') && importer && !importer.includes('node_modules')) {
if (dirname(resolve(dirname(importer), source)).split('/').at(-1) === 'src') {
// return our wrapper for handling the import
return `\0l10nwrapper?source=${encodeURIComponent(importer)}`
* This function injects the translation chunks by returning a module that exports one translation object per component
* @param id The name of the module that should be loaded
load(id) {
const match = id.match(/\0l10nwrapper\?source=(.+)/)
if (match) {
// In case this is the wrapper module we provide a module that imports only the required translations and exports t and n functions
const source = decodeURIComponent(match[1])
// filter function to check the paths (files that use this translation) includes the current source
const filterByPath = (paths: string) => paths.split(':').some((path) => source.endsWith(path))
// All translations that need to be imported for the current source
const imports = Object.entries(nameMap)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
.filter(([paths, _value]) => filterByPath(paths))
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
.map(([paths, alias]) => alias)
return `import {t,n,register,${imports.join(',')}} from '\0l10n';register(${imports.join(',')});export {t,n};`
} else if (id === '\0l10n') {
// exports are all chunked translations
const exports = Object.entries(nameMap).map(([usage, id]) => `export const ${id} = ${JSON.stringify(translations[usage])}`).join(';\n')
return `import { getGettextBuilder } from '@nextcloud/l10n/gettext'
const gettext = getGettextBuilder().detectLocale().build()
export const n = gettext.ngettext.bind(gettext)
export const t = gettext.gettext.bind(gettext)
export const register = (...chunks) => {
chunks.forEach((chunk) => {
if (!chunk.registered) {
// for every locale in the chunk: decompress and register
chunk.forEach(({ l: locale, t: translations }) => {
const decompressed = Object.fromEntries(
.map(([id, value]) => [
msgid: id,
msgid_plural: value.p,
msgstr: value.v,
// We need to do this manually as 'addTranslations' overrides the translations
if (![locale]) {[locale] = { messages: { translations: {}} }
}[locale].messages.translations[''] = {[locale].messages.translations[''], ...decompressed }
chunk.registered = true
} as Plugin