Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex

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Nextcloud bot 2024-04-11 01:20:54 +00:00
Родитель 31d6bc9028
Коммит 80f668e076
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 130DAB86D3FB356C
26 изменённых файлов: 514 добавлений и 0 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "سياسة الخصوصية",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "تطبيق الاستبيان - حركة جديدة",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" له نشاط حديث:",
"A participant" : "مُشارِك",
"%s has voted." : "قام %s بالتصويت.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "الإعداد المُحدَّث للاستبيان. يرجى التحقق من تصويتاتك.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "تم حذف الاستبيان.",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} يرسل إليك هذا التذكير للتأكد من تعيين أصواتك.",
"Contact" : "التواصل",
"External Email" : "البريد الإلكتروني الخارجي",
"External participant" : "مُشارِك خارجي",
"User" : "المستخدم",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s دعاك إلى استبيان",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "دعاك {actor} إلى الاستبيان \"%s\".",
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "بالإمكان إظهارهم، لكن هذا قد يتسبب في تعطيل غير مستحب في التحميل.",
"Limited votes." : "أصوات محدودة.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n أصوات مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n أصوات مسموح بها لكل مشارك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n أصوات.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%nصوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%nصوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n أصوات متيتمة بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "هذا الاستبيان مقفل، و يمكنك فقط قراءته. التسجيل غير ممكن.",
@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "إخفاء النتائج حتى يتم إغلاق التصويت",
"Never show results" : "لا تعرض النتائج",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "حذف الصوت عند التبديل إلى \"لا\"",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "تقييد التصويتات بـ \"نعم Yes\" لكل مُشارِك",
"Title" : "العنوان",
"Enter Title" : "أدخِل عنواناً",
"Poll type" : "نوع الاستبيان",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "تم إضافة {optionText} ",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} موجود بالفعل",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "خطأ في إضافة {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "تم تعطيل تغيير التواريخ لمنع تغيير مقترحات المشاركين الآخرين.",
"Submit" : "إرسال ",
"Add option" : "إضافة خيار",
"Create multiple options at once" : "قم بإنشاء خيارات متعددة في وقت واحد",
@ -397,9 +402,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "أُنشئ",
"Closing date" : "الموعد النهائي",
"No description provided" : "لم يتم تقديم وصف",
"Guest participants" : "مشاركون ضيوف",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "أدخِل اسمك أو اسم الشُّهرة",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "تذكَّرْني لمدة 30 يومًا",
"Registered accounts" : "مشاركون مسجلون",
"Login" : "الدخول",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "يُمكنك التسجيل و المشاركة بحسابك الاعتيادي.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "و إلاّ يمكنك المشاركة كضيفٍ",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "بالنقر فوق الزر \"موافق\"، فإنك تقبل {privacyPolicy} الخاصة بنا.",
"privacy policy" : "سياسة الخصوصية",
"Checking name …" : "جارٍ التحقق من الاسم ...",
@ -410,12 +419,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني للحصول على رابط الوصول الشخصي الخاص بك.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "تعذر إرسال البريد الإلكتروني إلى {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "خطأ عند التسجيل بالاستبيان",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "تمكين متابعة الحركات من خلال تطبيق سجل الحركات Activities app",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "تمكين الأرشفة التلقائية للاستبيانات",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "عدد الأيام بعد غلق الاستبيان و التي يتم بعدها أرشفته",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "تمكين استعمال منظور التحرير و السرد combo view على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "التمكين فقط للمجموعات التالية",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "أترُكها فارغة لتعطيلها على المستوى الشامل",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "إضافة روابط المصطلحات أيضًا إلى تذييل البريد الإلكتروني",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "إخلاء المسؤولية الإضافي الخاص بالبريد الإلكتروني ",
"Preview" : "معاينة",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "إذا كنت تعتمد عدة اشتراطات قانونية لسياسة الخصوصية في الاستبيانات العامة، أدخِل الروابط التي تنص عليها أدناه؛ أو أتركها فارغة لاعتماد اشتراطاتك التلقائية.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "رابط سياسة الخصوصية:",
"Legal terms link:" : "رابط الاشتراطات القانونية:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "أدخل عنوان URL لسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "أدخل عنوان URL لإشعارك القانوني",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "قُم بتمكين \"الاستبيان الطويل long polling\" للتحديثات الفورية",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "تمكين الطلبات الدورية لتحديثات الاستبيان من العميل",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "تعطيل التحديثات الفورية (أي يجب إعادة تحميل الاستبيان للحصول على التحديثات)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "تمكين إنشاء الاستبيان على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "تمكين تنزيل جداول إكسل للاستبيانات الشاملة",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "تمكين إنشاء استبيانات متاحة الوصول بشكل مفتوح على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "تمكين المشاركة العامة public shares للاستبيانات على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "تمكين خيار الدخول من نافذة التسجيل للاستبيانات العامة",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "إظهار عناوين البريد الإلكتروني للحسابات الداخلية",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "إظهار أعضاء المجموعات التالية فقط",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "أُترُكها فارغة للتعطيل على المستوى الشامل.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "إستخدِم البحث في التقويم للبحث عن الأحداث المتضاربة زمنيّاً في التقويم",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "حدد التقويمات التي تريد استخدامها للبحث.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "حدِّد الفترة (بالساعات) قبل حلول المواعيد الموجودة ليتم تضمينها في نتائج البحث.",
@ -427,11 +455,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "أدخِل عدد الأيام التي يمكن للاستبيانات الغير نشطة أن تبقى في القائمة:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "يمكن أن يكون لاستبيانات متعددة الخيارات و كثيرة المصوتين تأثير كبير على سرعة أداء العميل.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "قم بتعيين عدد خلايا التصويت (الخيارات × المشاركون) والتي يجب أن يتم عرض جميع خلايا التصويت عليها.",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "إذا تمّ تجاوز هذه العتبة، فسيتم عرض المشارك الحالي فقط، لتجنب انهيار الأداء.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "العتبة الافتراضية بقيمة 1000 يفترض أن تمثل قيمة جيدة وآمنة.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "لا تزال إعدادات النمط قيد التجربة!",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "استخدام تصميمًا بديلًا للشريط الجانبي للتعليقات",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "استخدام التصميم البديل لصفحة التصويت",
"Calendar check" : "التحقُّق من التقويم",
"Personal preferences" : "التفضيلات الشخصية",
"Performance settings" : "إعدادات الأداء",
"Styles" : "الأنماط",
"Has voted" : "قام بالتصويت",
@ -454,6 +484,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share label" : "لاصق label المشاركة",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "مشاركة {displayName} تمّ فكُّ قَفلِها",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "مشاركة {displayName} تمّ قَفلُها",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "حدث خطأ أثناء تغيير قفل حالة المشاركة {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "البت في {name} غير ممكن. لم يتم تفعيل تطبيق الدوائر.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "البت في {name} غير ممكن. لم يتم تمكين تطبيق جهات الاتصال.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "خطأ في تحليل {name}.",
@ -480,6 +511,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "وضعية إغلاق التصويت",
"Result display" : "عرض النتيجة",
"Error deleting poll." : "خطأ في حذف الاستبيان.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "السماح باستقبال عروض من المشاركين",
"Shift all date options" : "تبديل جميع خيارات التاريخ",
"Available Options" : "الخيارات المتاحة",
"Add a date" : "أضف تاريخًا",
@ -489,6 +521,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(مٌقفل)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "هذا المُشارِك تمّت إزالته من هذا الاستبيان",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "مُنِحَ حق الإشراف على هذا الاستبيان",
"Anonymized participant" : "مشارك مخفي الهوية",
"Deleted participant" : "مشارك محذوف",
"Token: {token}" : "رمز التحقق المميز: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "رابط عمومي: {token}",
"Public link" : "رابط عمومي",
@ -518,11 +552,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "تم حفظ التصويت",
"Error saving vote" : "خطأ في حفظ التصويت",
"Delete votes" : "حذف الأصوات",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "المشارك {userId} تمّ حذفه",
"Poll settings" : "إعدادات الاستبيان",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "تغيير إعدادات الاستبيان على المستوى الشامل (لجميع الحسابات)",
"Share settings" : "إعدادات المشاركة",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "تغيير إعدادات المشاركة على المستوى الشامل (لكل الحسابات)",
"Other settings" : "اعدادات اخرى",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "تمكين أو تعطيل خصائص معينة.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "إذا كنت تواجه مشكلات في الاتصال، فقم بتغيير طريقة استرداد التحديثات التلقائية.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "خيارات نافذة حوار تسجيل الاستبيانات العامة",
"Email options" : "خيارات الإيميل",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "إضافة روابط للمصطلحات القانونية، إن وجدت والإضافة الاختيارية لإخلاء المسؤولية إلى رسائل البريد الإلكتروني.",
"Administrative poll management" : "إدارة الاستبيان الإداري",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "إدارة استبيانات لحسابات أخرى. يمكنك استلام ملكية الاستبيانات أو حذفها.",
"No polls found for this category" : "لم يمكن العثور على استبيانات من هذه الفئة",
"Add one or change category!" : "أضف واحدة أو غير الفئة!",
"Take over" : "تولى",
@ -542,6 +584,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading poll list" : "حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل قائمة الاستبيانات",
"New poll" : "استبيان رأيٍ جديد",
"Combine polls" : "تجميع استبيانات",
"Preferences" : "التفضيلات",
"Error cloning poll." : "خطأ في استنساخ الاستبيان.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - الاستبيان غير موجود",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "الدخول لاستبيان أو بدء استبيان جديد.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "سياسة الخصوصية",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "تطبيق الاستبيان - حركة جديدة",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" له نشاط حديث:",
"A participant" : "مُشارِك",
"%s has voted." : "قام %s بالتصويت.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "الإعداد المُحدَّث للاستبيان. يرجى التحقق من تصويتاتك.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "تم حذف الاستبيان.",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} يرسل إليك هذا التذكير للتأكد من تعيين أصواتك.",
"Contact" : "التواصل",
"External Email" : "البريد الإلكتروني الخارجي",
"External participant" : "مُشارِك خارجي",
"User" : "المستخدم",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s دعاك إلى استبيان",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "دعاك {actor} إلى الاستبيان \"%s\".",
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "بالإمكان إظهارهم، لكن هذا قد يتسبب في تعطيل غير مستحب في التحميل.",
"Limited votes." : "أصوات محدودة.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n أصوات مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار.","%n صوت مسموحاً بها لكل خيار."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n أصوات مسموح بها لكل مشارك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك.","%n صوت مسموح به لكل مُشارِك."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n أصوات.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً.","مازال عندك %n صوتاً."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%nصوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%nصوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n أصوات متيتمة بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك.","%n صوتاً متيتماً بسبب خيارات محذوفة هي غالباً السبب في عرقلة حدود تصويتك."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "هذا الاستبيان مقفل، و يمكنك فقط قراءته. التسجيل غير ممكن.",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "إخفاء النتائج حتى يتم إغلاق التصويت",
"Never show results" : "لا تعرض النتائج",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "حذف الصوت عند التبديل إلى \"لا\"",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "تقييد التصويتات بـ \"نعم Yes\" لكل مُشارِك",
"Title" : "العنوان",
"Enter Title" : "أدخِل عنواناً",
"Poll type" : "نوع الاستبيان",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "تم إضافة {optionText} ",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} موجود بالفعل",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "خطأ في إضافة {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "تم تعطيل تغيير التواريخ لمنع تغيير مقترحات المشاركين الآخرين.",
"Submit" : "إرسال ",
"Add option" : "إضافة خيار",
"Create multiple options at once" : "قم بإنشاء خيارات متعددة في وقت واحد",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@
"Created" : "أُنشئ",
"Closing date" : "الموعد النهائي",
"No description provided" : "لم يتم تقديم وصف",
"Guest participants" : "مشاركون ضيوف",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "أدخِل اسمك أو اسم الشُّهرة",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "تذكَّرْني لمدة 30 يومًا",
"Registered accounts" : "مشاركون مسجلون",
"Login" : "الدخول",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "يُمكنك التسجيل و المشاركة بحسابك الاعتيادي.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "و إلاّ يمكنك المشاركة كضيفٍ",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "بالنقر فوق الزر \"موافق\"، فإنك تقبل {privacyPolicy} الخاصة بنا.",
"privacy policy" : "سياسة الخصوصية",
"Checking name …" : "جارٍ التحقق من الاسم ...",
@ -408,12 +417,31 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني للحصول على رابط الوصول الشخصي الخاص بك.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "تعذر إرسال البريد الإلكتروني إلى {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "خطأ عند التسجيل بالاستبيان",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "تمكين متابعة الحركات من خلال تطبيق سجل الحركات Activities app",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "تمكين الأرشفة التلقائية للاستبيانات",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "عدد الأيام بعد غلق الاستبيان و التي يتم بعدها أرشفته",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "تمكين استعمال منظور التحرير و السرد combo view على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "التمكين فقط للمجموعات التالية",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "أترُكها فارغة لتعطيلها على المستوى الشامل",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "إضافة روابط المصطلحات أيضًا إلى تذييل البريد الإلكتروني",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "إخلاء المسؤولية الإضافي الخاص بالبريد الإلكتروني ",
"Preview" : "معاينة",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "إذا كنت تعتمد عدة اشتراطات قانونية لسياسة الخصوصية في الاستبيانات العامة، أدخِل الروابط التي تنص عليها أدناه؛ أو أتركها فارغة لاعتماد اشتراطاتك التلقائية.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "رابط سياسة الخصوصية:",
"Legal terms link:" : "رابط الاشتراطات القانونية:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "أدخل عنوان URL لسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بك",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "أدخل عنوان URL لإشعارك القانوني",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "قُم بتمكين \"الاستبيان الطويل long polling\" للتحديثات الفورية",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "تمكين الطلبات الدورية لتحديثات الاستبيان من العميل",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "تعطيل التحديثات الفورية (أي يجب إعادة تحميل الاستبيان للحصول على التحديثات)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "تمكين إنشاء الاستبيان على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "تمكين تنزيل جداول إكسل للاستبيانات الشاملة",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "تمكين إنشاء استبيانات متاحة الوصول بشكل مفتوح على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "تمكين المشاركة العامة public shares للاستبيانات على المستوى الشامل",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "تمكين خيار الدخول من نافذة التسجيل للاستبيانات العامة",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "إظهار عناوين البريد الإلكتروني للحسابات الداخلية",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "إظهار أعضاء المجموعات التالية فقط",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "أُترُكها فارغة للتعطيل على المستوى الشامل.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "إستخدِم البحث في التقويم للبحث عن الأحداث المتضاربة زمنيّاً في التقويم",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "حدد التقويمات التي تريد استخدامها للبحث.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "حدِّد الفترة (بالساعات) قبل حلول المواعيد الموجودة ليتم تضمينها في نتائج البحث.",
@ -425,11 +453,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "أدخِل عدد الأيام التي يمكن للاستبيانات الغير نشطة أن تبقى في القائمة:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "يمكن أن يكون لاستبيانات متعددة الخيارات و كثيرة المصوتين تأثير كبير على سرعة أداء العميل.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "قم بتعيين عدد خلايا التصويت (الخيارات × المشاركون) والتي يجب أن يتم عرض جميع خلايا التصويت عليها.",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "إذا تمّ تجاوز هذه العتبة، فسيتم عرض المشارك الحالي فقط، لتجنب انهيار الأداء.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "العتبة الافتراضية بقيمة 1000 يفترض أن تمثل قيمة جيدة وآمنة.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "لا تزال إعدادات النمط قيد التجربة!",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "استخدام تصميمًا بديلًا للشريط الجانبي للتعليقات",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "استخدام التصميم البديل لصفحة التصويت",
"Calendar check" : "التحقُّق من التقويم",
"Personal preferences" : "التفضيلات الشخصية",
"Performance settings" : "إعدادات الأداء",
"Styles" : "الأنماط",
"Has voted" : "قام بالتصويت",
@ -452,6 +482,7 @@
"Share label" : "لاصق label المشاركة",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "مشاركة {displayName} تمّ فكُّ قَفلِها",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "مشاركة {displayName} تمّ قَفلُها",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "حدث خطأ أثناء تغيير قفل حالة المشاركة {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "البت في {name} غير ممكن. لم يتم تفعيل تطبيق الدوائر.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "البت في {name} غير ممكن. لم يتم تمكين تطبيق جهات الاتصال.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "خطأ في تحليل {name}.",
@ -478,6 +509,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "وضعية إغلاق التصويت",
"Result display" : "عرض النتيجة",
"Error deleting poll." : "خطأ في حذف الاستبيان.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "السماح باستقبال عروض من المشاركين",
"Shift all date options" : "تبديل جميع خيارات التاريخ",
"Available Options" : "الخيارات المتاحة",
"Add a date" : "أضف تاريخًا",
@ -487,6 +519,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(مٌقفل)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "هذا المُشارِك تمّت إزالته من هذا الاستبيان",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "مُنِحَ حق الإشراف على هذا الاستبيان",
"Anonymized participant" : "مشارك مخفي الهوية",
"Deleted participant" : "مشارك محذوف",
"Token: {token}" : "رمز التحقق المميز: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "رابط عمومي: {token}",
"Public link" : "رابط عمومي",
@ -516,11 +550,19 @@
"Vote saved" : "تم حفظ التصويت",
"Error saving vote" : "خطأ في حفظ التصويت",
"Delete votes" : "حذف الأصوات",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "المشارك {userId} تمّ حذفه",
"Poll settings" : "إعدادات الاستبيان",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "تغيير إعدادات الاستبيان على المستوى الشامل (لجميع الحسابات)",
"Share settings" : "إعدادات المشاركة",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "تغيير إعدادات المشاركة على المستوى الشامل (لكل الحسابات)",
"Other settings" : "اعدادات اخرى",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "تمكين أو تعطيل خصائص معينة.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "إذا كنت تواجه مشكلات في الاتصال، فقم بتغيير طريقة استرداد التحديثات التلقائية.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "خيارات نافذة حوار تسجيل الاستبيانات العامة",
"Email options" : "خيارات الإيميل",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "إضافة روابط للمصطلحات القانونية، إن وجدت والإضافة الاختيارية لإخلاء المسؤولية إلى رسائل البريد الإلكتروني.",
"Administrative poll management" : "إدارة الاستبيان الإداري",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "إدارة استبيانات لحسابات أخرى. يمكنك استلام ملكية الاستبيانات أو حذفها.",
"No polls found for this category" : "لم يمكن العثور على استبيانات من هذه الفئة",
"Add one or change category!" : "أضف واحدة أو غير الفئة!",
"Take over" : "تولى",
@ -540,6 +582,7 @@
"Error loading poll list" : "حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل قائمة الاستبيانات",
"New poll" : "استبيان رأيٍ جديد",
"Combine polls" : "تجميع استبيانات",
"Preferences" : "التفضيلات",
"Error cloning poll." : "خطأ في استنساخ الاستبيان.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - الاستبيان غير موجود",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "الدخول لاستبيان أو بدء استبيان جديد.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading poll list" : "Hebo un error al cargar la llista d'encuestes",
"New poll" : "Encuesta nueva",
"Combine polls" : "Mecer les encuestes",
"Preferences" : "Preferencies",
"Error cloning poll." : "Hebo un error al clonar la encuesta.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - nun s'atopó la encuesta",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Introduz una encuesta o anicia una.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
"Error loading poll list" : "Hebo un error al cargar la llista d'encuestes",
"New poll" : "Encuesta nueva",
"Combine polls" : "Mecer les encuestes",
"Preferences" : "Preferencies",
"Error cloning poll." : "Hebo un error al clonar la encuesta.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - nun s'atopó la encuesta",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Introduz una encuesta o anicia una.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Relevant polls" : "Съответни анкети",
"Error loading poll list" : "Грешка при зареждането на списъка с анкети",
"Combine polls" : "Комбиниране на анкети",
"Preferences" : "Предпочитания",
"Error cloning poll." : "Грешка при клониране на анкета.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - анкетата не е намерена",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Въведете анкета или започнете нова.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -441,6 +441,7 @@
"Relevant polls" : "Съответни анкети",
"Error loading poll list" : "Грешка при зареждането на списъка с анкети",
"Combine polls" : "Комбиниране на анкети",
"Preferences" : "Предпочитания",
"Error cloning poll." : "Грешка при клониране на анкета.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - анкетата не е намерена",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Въведете анкета или започнете нова.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Change name" : "Cheñch env",
"Yes" : "Ya",
"Administration" : "Merouriez",
"Preferences" : "Dibaboù",
"Details" : "Munudoù",
"Configuration" : "Stumm",
"Sharing" : "Rannan",

Просмотреть файл

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"Change name" : "Cheñch env",
"Yes" : "Ya",
"Administration" : "Merouriez",
"Preferences" : "Dibaboù",
"Details" : "Munudoù",
"Configuration" : "Stumm",
"Sharing" : "Rannan",

Просмотреть файл

@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Relevant polls" : "Enquestes rellevants",
"Error loading poll list" : "S'ha produït un error carregant la llista de enquestes",
"Combine polls" : "Combinar enquestes",
"Preferences" : "Preferències",
"Error cloning poll." : "Error clonant lenquesta.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - no s'ha trobat l'enquesta",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Introduïu una enquesta o inicieu-ne una de nova.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -442,6 +442,7 @@
"Relevant polls" : "Enquestes rellevants",
"Error loading poll list" : "S'ha produït un error carregant la llista de enquestes",
"Combine polls" : "Combinar enquestes",
"Preferences" : "Preferències",
"Error cloning poll." : "Error clonant lenquesta.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - no s'ha trobat l'enquesta",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Introduïu una enquesta o inicieu-ne una de nova.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Hlas uložen",
"Error saving vote" : "Chyba při ukládání hlasu",
"Delete votes" : "Smazat hlasy",
"Poll settings" : "Nastavení ankety",
"Other settings" : "Ostatní nastavení",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Pokud narážíte na problémy s připojením, změňte to, jak jsou získávány automatické aktualizace.",
"Email options" : "Předvolby pro e-mail",
@ -518,6 +519,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading poll list" : "Chyba při načítání seznamu anket",
"New poll" : "Nová anketa",
"Combine polls" : "Zkombinovat anketu",
"Preferences" : "Předvolby",
"Error cloning poll." : "Chyba při klonování ankety.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 – anketa nenalezena",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Vstupte do ankety nebo uspořádajte novou.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -492,6 +492,7 @@
"Vote saved" : "Hlas uložen",
"Error saving vote" : "Chyba při ukládání hlasu",
"Delete votes" : "Smazat hlasy",
"Poll settings" : "Nastavení ankety",
"Other settings" : "Ostatní nastavení",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Pokud narážíte na problémy s připojením, změňte to, jak jsou získávány automatické aktualizace.",
"Email options" : "Předvolby pro e-mail",
@ -516,6 +517,7 @@
"Error loading poll list" : "Chyba při načítání seznamu anket",
"New poll" : "Nová anketa",
"Combine polls" : "Zkombinovat anketu",
"Preferences" : "Předvolby",
"Error cloning poll." : "Chyba při klonování ankety.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 – anketa nenalezena",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Vstupte do ankety nebo uspořádajte novou.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email options" : "E-mail muligheder",
"Yes" : "Ja",
"Administration" : "Administration",
"Preferences" : "Indstillinger",
"Details" : "Detaljer",
"Configuration" : "sætning",
"Options" : "Valgmuligheder",

Просмотреть файл

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"Email options" : "E-mail muligheder",
"Yes" : "Ja",
"Administration" : "Administration",
"Preferences" : "Indstillinger",
"Details" : "Detaljer",
"Configuration" : "sætning",
"Options" : "Valgmuligheder",

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Umfragen App - Neue Aktivität",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" hat kürzliche Aktivität:",
"A participant" : "Ein Teilnehmer",
"%s has voted." : "%s hat abgestimmt.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Umfragekonfiguration aktualisiert. Bitte überprüfe deine Stimmabgabe.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Die Umfrage wurde gelöscht.",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} schickt dir diese Erinnerung, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Stimmen abgegeben wurden.",
"Contact" : "Kontakt",
"External Email" : "Externe E-Mail",
"External participant" : "Externer Teilnehmer",
"User" : "Benutzer",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s hat dich zu einer Umfrage eingeladen",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} hat dich zur Umfrage\"%s\" eingeladen",
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Du kannst diese zwar anzeigen, musst aber mit einer ungewollt langen Ladezeit rechnen.",
"Limited votes." : "Begrenzte Stimmen.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Option erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Option erlaubt."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Teilnehmer erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Teilnehmer erlaubt."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Du hast noch %n Stimme übrig.","Du hast noch %n Stimmen übrig."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n verwaiste Stimme einer wahrscheinlich gelöschten Option blockiert möglicherweise Dein Abstimmungslimit.","%n verwaiste Stimmen von wahrscheinlich gelöschten Optionen blockieren möglicherweise Dein Abstimmungslimit."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Diese Freigabe ist gesperrt und erlaubt nur den Lesezugriff. Eine Registrierung ist nicht möglich.",
@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ergebnisse ausblenden, bis die Umfrage geschlossen ist",
"Never show results" : "Ergebnisse niemals anzeigen",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Stimme löschen, wenn auf \"Nein\" umgeschaltet",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Ja-Stimmen pro Teilnehmer begrenzen",
"Title" : "Titel",
"Enter Title" : "Titel eingeben",
"Poll type" : "Umfragetyp",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} hinzugefügt",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existiert bereits",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Das Verschieben von Terminen ist deaktiviert, um das Verschieben von Vorschlägen anderer Teilnehmer zu verhindern.",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Add option" : "Option hinzufügen",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Mehrere Optionen gleichzeitig erstellen",
@ -397,9 +402,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "Erstellt",
"Closing date" : "Umfrageende",
"No description provided" : "Keine Beschreibung eingegeben",
"Guest participants" : "Gastteilnehmer",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Gib deinen Namen oder einen Spitznamen ein",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "30 Tage lang an mich erinnern",
"Registered accounts" : "Registrierte Konten",
"Login" : "Anmeldung",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Sie können sich mit Ihrem Standardkonto anmelden und teilnehmen.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Ansonsten nimm als Gast teil.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Durch Klicken auf den \"OK\"-Button akzeptierst du unsere {privacyPolicy}. ",
"privacy policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Checking name …" : "Überprüfe Benutzernamen …",
@ -410,12 +419,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Gib deine E-Mail-Adresse ein, um deinen persönlichen Zugangslink zu erhalten.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "E-Mail konnt nicht an {emailAddress} gesendet werden",
"Error registering to poll" : "Fehler bei der Registrierung für die Umfrage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Die Verfolgung von Aktivitäten mit der Aktivitäten-App aktivieren",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Automatische Umfragearchivierung aktivieren",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Tage, nach denen Umfragen nach deren Ende archiviert werden sollen",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Kombinationsansicht global aktivieren",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nur für die folgenden Gruppen aktivieren",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Links zu den Nutzungsbedingungen auch zur E-Mail-Fußzeile hinzufügen",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Zusätzlicher E-Mail-Haftungsausschluss",
"Preview" : "Vorschau",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Wenn Du für öffentliche Umfragen ein anderes Impressum und andere Datenschutzrichtlinien verwendest, gib unten entsprechende Links ein. Lass das Feld leer, um die Standardbedingungen zu verwenden.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Impressumslink:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Die URL zu deinen Datenschutzbestimmungen eingeben",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Die URL zu deinen rechtlichen Hinweisen eingeben",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "\"Long Polling\" für sofortige Aktualisierungen aktivieren",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Regelmäßige Abfragen von Umfrageaktualisierungen durch den Client aktivieren",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktivieren (Umfrage muss zur Aktualisierung neu geladen werden)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Umfrageerstellung global aktivieren",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Herunterladen von Tabellenansichten der Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Erstellung öffentlich zugänglicher Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Öffentliche Freigaben von Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Die Anmeldeoption im Registrierungsdialog öffentlicher Umfragen aktivieren",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "E-Mail-Adresse interner Konten anzeigen",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nur den Mitgliedern folgender Gruppen anzeigen",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Für Konflikte bei Terminen Suche im Kalender verwenden",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Kalender, in dem gesucht werden soll, auswählen",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Gib an, in welchem Zeitraum (in Stunden) vor der Option vorhandene Termine in die Suchergebnisse aufgenommen werden sollen",
@ -427,11 +455,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Anzahl der Tage eingeben, für die Umfragen ohne Aktivität in der betreffenden Liste verbleiben:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Eine Umfrage mit vielen Optionen und Wählern kann sich stark auf die Leistung des Clients auswirken",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Anzahl der Abstimmungszellen (Optionen x Teilnehmer) einstellen, bis zu der alle Abstimmungszellen angezeigt werden sollen",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Wenn dieser Schwellenwert überschritten wird, wird nur der aktuelle Teilnehmer angezeigt, um einen Leistungseinbruch zu vermeiden.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Der Standardschwellenwert von 1.000 sollte ein guter und sicherer Wert sein.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Die Design-Einstellungen sind noch expermimentell",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Alternative Stile für die Seitenleiste der Kommentare verwenden",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Einen alternativen Stil für die Abstimmungsseite verwenden",
"Calendar check" : "Kalender-Prüfung",
"Personal preferences" : "Persönliche Einstellungen",
"Performance settings" : "Leistungseinstellungen",
"Styles" : "Designs",
"Has voted" : "Hat teilgenommen",
@ -454,6 +484,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} entsperrt",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} gesperrt",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Fehler beim Ändern des Sperrstatus der Freigabe {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Circles-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Kontakte-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Fehler beim Auflösen von {name}.",
@ -480,6 +511,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "Status zum Schließen der Umfrage",
"Result display" : "Ergebnisanzeige",
"Error deleting poll." : "Fehler beim Löschen der Umfrage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Vorschläge von Teilnehmern zulassen",
"Shift all date options" : "Datumsoptionen verschieben",
"Available Options" : "Verfügbare Optionen",
"Add a date" : "Datum hinzufügen",
@ -489,6 +521,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(gesperrt)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Der Teilnehmer wurde aus dieser Umfrage entfernt",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Hat Administrationsrechte für diese Umfrage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Anonymisierter Teilnehmer",
"Deleted participant" : "Gelöschter Teilnehmer",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Öffentlicher Link: {token}",
"Public link" : "Öffentlicher Link",
@ -518,11 +552,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Die Stimme wurde gespeichert",
"Error saving vote" : "Beim Speichern der Stimme ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"Delete votes" : "Stimmen löschen",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Teilnehmer {userId} wurde entfernt",
"Poll settings" : "Umfrageeinstellungen",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Umfrageeinstellungen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Share settings" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Other settings" : "Andere Einstellungen",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Aktivieren oder deaktivieren individueller Funktionen.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Wenn Verbindungsprobleme auftreten, ändere die Art, wie automatische Updates abgerufen werden.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Optionen für den Registrierungsdialog für öffentliche Umfragen",
"Email options" : "E-Mail-Optionen",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Falls Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen vorhanden sind, diese hinzufügen und zu E-Mails einen optionalen Haftungsausschluss hinzufügen.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Administrative Umfrageverwaltung",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Umfragen anderer Konten verwalten. Sie können den Besitz übernehmen oder Umfragen löschen.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Keine Umfragen für diese Kategorie gefunden",
"Add one or change category!" : "Kategorie hinzufügen oder ändern!",
"Take over" : "Übernehmen",
@ -542,6 +584,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading poll list" : "Fehler beim Laden der Umfrageliste",
"New poll" : "Neue Umfrage",
"Combine polls" : "Umfragen kombinieren",
"Preferences" : "Einstellungen",
"Error cloning poll." : "Fehler beim Klonen der Umfrage.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - Umfrage nicht gefunden",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Tritt einer Umfrage bei oder starte eine neue.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Umfragen App - Neue Aktivität",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" hat kürzliche Aktivität:",
"A participant" : "Ein Teilnehmer",
"%s has voted." : "%s hat abgestimmt.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Umfragekonfiguration aktualisiert. Bitte überprüfe deine Stimmabgabe.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Die Umfrage wurde gelöscht.",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} schickt dir diese Erinnerung, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Stimmen abgegeben wurden.",
"Contact" : "Kontakt",
"External Email" : "Externe E-Mail",
"External participant" : "Externer Teilnehmer",
"User" : "Benutzer",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s hat dich zu einer Umfrage eingeladen",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} hat dich zur Umfrage\"%s\" eingeladen",
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Du kannst diese zwar anzeigen, musst aber mit einer ungewollt langen Ladezeit rechnen.",
"Limited votes." : "Begrenzte Stimmen.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Option erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Option erlaubt."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Teilnehmer erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Teilnehmer erlaubt."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Du hast noch %n Stimme übrig.","Du hast noch %n Stimmen übrig."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n verwaiste Stimme einer wahrscheinlich gelöschten Option blockiert möglicherweise Dein Abstimmungslimit.","%n verwaiste Stimmen von wahrscheinlich gelöschten Optionen blockieren möglicherweise Dein Abstimmungslimit."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Diese Freigabe ist gesperrt und erlaubt nur den Lesezugriff. Eine Registrierung ist nicht möglich.",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ergebnisse ausblenden, bis die Umfrage geschlossen ist",
"Never show results" : "Ergebnisse niemals anzeigen",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Stimme löschen, wenn auf \"Nein\" umgeschaltet",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Ja-Stimmen pro Teilnehmer begrenzen",
"Title" : "Titel",
"Enter Title" : "Titel eingeben",
"Poll type" : "Umfragetyp",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} hinzugefügt",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existiert bereits",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Das Verschieben von Terminen ist deaktiviert, um das Verschieben von Vorschlägen anderer Teilnehmer zu verhindern.",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Add option" : "Option hinzufügen",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Mehrere Optionen gleichzeitig erstellen",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@
"Created" : "Erstellt",
"Closing date" : "Umfrageende",
"No description provided" : "Keine Beschreibung eingegeben",
"Guest participants" : "Gastteilnehmer",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Gib deinen Namen oder einen Spitznamen ein",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "30 Tage lang an mich erinnern",
"Registered accounts" : "Registrierte Konten",
"Login" : "Anmeldung",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Sie können sich mit Ihrem Standardkonto anmelden und teilnehmen.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Ansonsten nimm als Gast teil.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Durch Klicken auf den \"OK\"-Button akzeptierst du unsere {privacyPolicy}. ",
"privacy policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Checking name …" : "Überprüfe Benutzernamen …",
@ -408,12 +417,31 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Gib deine E-Mail-Adresse ein, um deinen persönlichen Zugangslink zu erhalten.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "E-Mail konnt nicht an {emailAddress} gesendet werden",
"Error registering to poll" : "Fehler bei der Registrierung für die Umfrage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Die Verfolgung von Aktivitäten mit der Aktivitäten-App aktivieren",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Automatische Umfragearchivierung aktivieren",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Tage, nach denen Umfragen nach deren Ende archiviert werden sollen",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Kombinationsansicht global aktivieren",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nur für die folgenden Gruppen aktivieren",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Links zu den Nutzungsbedingungen auch zur E-Mail-Fußzeile hinzufügen",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Zusätzlicher E-Mail-Haftungsausschluss",
"Preview" : "Vorschau",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Wenn Du für öffentliche Umfragen ein anderes Impressum und andere Datenschutzrichtlinien verwendest, gib unten entsprechende Links ein. Lass das Feld leer, um die Standardbedingungen zu verwenden.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Impressumslink:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Die URL zu deinen Datenschutzbestimmungen eingeben",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Die URL zu deinen rechtlichen Hinweisen eingeben",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "\"Long Polling\" für sofortige Aktualisierungen aktivieren",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Regelmäßige Abfragen von Umfrageaktualisierungen durch den Client aktivieren",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktivieren (Umfrage muss zur Aktualisierung neu geladen werden)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Umfrageerstellung global aktivieren",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Herunterladen von Tabellenansichten der Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Erstellung öffentlich zugänglicher Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Öffentliche Freigaben von Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Die Anmeldeoption im Registrierungsdialog öffentlicher Umfragen aktivieren",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "E-Mail-Adresse interner Konten anzeigen",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nur den Mitgliedern folgender Gruppen anzeigen",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Für Konflikte bei Terminen Suche im Kalender verwenden",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Kalender, in dem gesucht werden soll, auswählen",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Gib an, in welchem Zeitraum (in Stunden) vor der Option vorhandene Termine in die Suchergebnisse aufgenommen werden sollen",
@ -425,11 +453,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Anzahl der Tage eingeben, für die Umfragen ohne Aktivität in der betreffenden Liste verbleiben:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Eine Umfrage mit vielen Optionen und Wählern kann sich stark auf die Leistung des Clients auswirken",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Anzahl der Abstimmungszellen (Optionen x Teilnehmer) einstellen, bis zu der alle Abstimmungszellen angezeigt werden sollen",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Wenn dieser Schwellenwert überschritten wird, wird nur der aktuelle Teilnehmer angezeigt, um einen Leistungseinbruch zu vermeiden.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Der Standardschwellenwert von 1.000 sollte ein guter und sicherer Wert sein.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Die Design-Einstellungen sind noch expermimentell",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Alternative Stile für die Seitenleiste der Kommentare verwenden",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Einen alternativen Stil für die Abstimmungsseite verwenden",
"Calendar check" : "Kalender-Prüfung",
"Personal preferences" : "Persönliche Einstellungen",
"Performance settings" : "Leistungseinstellungen",
"Styles" : "Designs",
"Has voted" : "Hat teilgenommen",
@ -452,6 +482,7 @@
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} entsperrt",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} gesperrt",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Fehler beim Ändern des Sperrstatus der Freigabe {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Circles-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Kontakte-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Fehler beim Auflösen von {name}.",
@ -478,6 +509,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "Status zum Schließen der Umfrage",
"Result display" : "Ergebnisanzeige",
"Error deleting poll." : "Fehler beim Löschen der Umfrage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Vorschläge von Teilnehmern zulassen",
"Shift all date options" : "Datumsoptionen verschieben",
"Available Options" : "Verfügbare Optionen",
"Add a date" : "Datum hinzufügen",
@ -487,6 +519,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(gesperrt)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Der Teilnehmer wurde aus dieser Umfrage entfernt",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Hat Administrationsrechte für diese Umfrage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Anonymisierter Teilnehmer",
"Deleted participant" : "Gelöschter Teilnehmer",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Öffentlicher Link: {token}",
"Public link" : "Öffentlicher Link",
@ -516,11 +550,19 @@
"Vote saved" : "Die Stimme wurde gespeichert",
"Error saving vote" : "Beim Speichern der Stimme ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"Delete votes" : "Stimmen löschen",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Teilnehmer {userId} wurde entfernt",
"Poll settings" : "Umfrageeinstellungen",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Umfrageeinstellungen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Share settings" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Other settings" : "Andere Einstellungen",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Aktivieren oder deaktivieren individueller Funktionen.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Wenn Verbindungsprobleme auftreten, ändere die Art, wie automatische Updates abgerufen werden.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Optionen für den Registrierungsdialog für öffentliche Umfragen",
"Email options" : "E-Mail-Optionen",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Falls Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen vorhanden sind, diese hinzufügen und zu E-Mails einen optionalen Haftungsausschluss hinzufügen.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Administrative Umfrageverwaltung",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Umfragen anderer Konten verwalten. Sie können den Besitz übernehmen oder Umfragen löschen.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Keine Umfragen für diese Kategorie gefunden",
"Add one or change category!" : "Kategorie hinzufügen oder ändern!",
"Take over" : "Übernehmen",
@ -540,6 +582,7 @@
"Error loading poll list" : "Fehler beim Laden der Umfrageliste",
"New poll" : "Neue Umfrage",
"Combine polls" : "Umfragen kombinieren",
"Preferences" : "Einstellungen",
"Error cloning poll." : "Fehler beim Klonen der Umfrage.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - Umfrage nicht gefunden",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Tritt einer Umfrage bei oder starte eine neue.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Umfragen App - Neue Aktivität",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" hat aktuelle Aktivitäten:",
"A participant" : "Ein Teilnehmer",
"%s has voted." : "%s hat abgestimmt.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Umfragekonfiguration aktualisiert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Stimmabgaben.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Die Umfrage wurde gelöscht.",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} schickt Ihnen diese Erinnerung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Stimmen abgegeben wurden.",
"Contact" : "Kontakt",
"External Email" : "Externe E-Mail",
"External participant" : "Externer Teilnehmer",
"User" : "Benutzer",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s hat Sie zu einer Umfrage eingeladen",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} hat Sie zur Umfrage \"%s\" eingeladen.",
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Sie können diese zwar anzeigen, müssen aber mit einer ungewollt langen Ladezeit rechnen.",
"Limited votes." : "Begrenzte Stimmen.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Option erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Option erlaubt."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Teilnehmer erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Teilnehmer erlaubt."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Sie haben noch %n Stimme übrig.","Sie haben noch %n Stimmen übrig."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n verwaiste Stimme einer wahrscheinlich gelöschten Option blockiert möglicherweise Ihr Abstimmungslimit.","%n verwaiste Stimmen von wahrscheinlich gelöschten Optionen blockieren möglicherweise Ihr Abstimmungslimit."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Diese Freigabe ist gesperrt und erlaubt nur den Lesezugriff. Eine Registrierung ist nicht möglich.",
@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ergebnisse ausblenden, bis die Umfrage geschlossen ist",
"Never show results" : "Ergebnisse niemals anzeigen",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Stimme löschen, wenn auf \"Nein\" umgeschaltet",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Ja-Stimmen pro Teilnehmer begrenzen",
"Title" : "Titel",
"Enter Title" : "Titel eingeben",
"Poll type" : "Umfragetyp",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} hinzugefügt",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existiert bereits",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Das Verschieben von Terminen ist deaktiviert, um das Verschieben von Vorschlägen anderer Teilnehmer zu verhindern.",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Add option" : "Option hinzufügen",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Mehrere Optionen gleichzeitig erstellen",
@ -397,9 +402,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "Erstellt",
"Closing date" : "Einsendeschluss",
"No description provided" : "Keine Beschreibung eingegeben",
"Guest participants" : "Gastteilnehmer",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Geben Sie Ihren Namen oder einen Spitznamen ein",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "30 Tage lang an mich erinnern",
"Registered accounts" : "Registrierte Konten",
"Login" : "Anmeldung",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Sie können sich mit Ihrem Standardkonto anmelden und teilnehmen.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Andernfalls nehmen Sie als Gast teil.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Durch Klicken auf den \"OK\"-Button akzeptieren Sie unsere {privacyPolicy}. ",
"privacy policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Checking name …" : "Prüfe den Namen …",
@ -410,12 +419,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um Ihren persönlichen Zugangslink zu erhalten.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "E-Mail konnte nicht an {emailAddress} versendet werden",
"Error registering to poll" : "Fehler bei der Registrierung für die Umfrage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Die Verfolgung von Aktivitäten mit der Aktivitäten-App aktivieren",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Automatische Umfragearchivierung aktivieren",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Tage, nach denen Umfragen nach deren Ende archiviert werden sollen",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Kombinationsansicht global aktivieren",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nur für die folgenden Gruppen aktivieren",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen auch zur E-Mail-Fußzeile hinzufügen",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Zusätzlicher E-Mail-Haftungsausschluss",
"Preview" : "Vorschau",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Wenn Sie für öffentliche Umfragen ein anderes Impressum und andere Datenschutzrichtlinien verwenden, geben Sie unten entsprechende Links ein. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um Ihre Standardbedingungen zu verwenden.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Impressumslink:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Die URL zu Ihrer Datenschutzerklärung eingeben",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Die URL zu Ihrem Impressum eingeben",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "\"Long Polling\" für sofortige Aktualisierungen aktivieren",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Regelmäßige Abfragen von Umfrageaktualisierungen durch den Client aktivieren",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktivieren (Umfrage muss zur Aktualisierung neu geladen werden)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Umfrageerstellung global aktivieren",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Herunterladen von Tabellenansichten der Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Erstellung öffentlich zugänglicher Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Öffentliche Freigaben von Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Die Anmeldeoption im Registrierungsdialog öffentlicher Umfragen aktivieren",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "E-Mail-Adresse interner Konten anzeigen",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nur den Mitgliedern folgender Gruppen anzeigen",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Um dies global zu deaktivieren, leer lassen",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Kalendersuche für Konflikte bei Terminen im Kalender verwenden",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Kalender auswählen, die für die Suche verwendet werden sollen.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Geben Sie an, in welchem Zeitraum (in Stunden) vor der Option vorhandene Termine in die Suchergebnisse aufgenommen werden sollen.",
@ -427,11 +455,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Anzahl der Tage eingeben, für die Umfragen ohne Aktivität in der betreffenden Liste verbleiben:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Eine Umfrage mit vielen Optionen und Abstimmenden kann sich stark auf die Leistung des Clients auswirken",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Anzahl der Abstimmungszellen (Optionen x Teilnehmer) einstellen, bis zu der alle Abstimmungszellen angezeigt werden sollen",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Wenn dieser Schwellenwert überschritten wird, wird nur der aktuelle Teilnehmer angezeigt, um einen Leistungseinbruch zu vermeiden.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Der Standardschwellenwert von 1000 sollte ein guter und sicherer Wert sein.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Die Stil-Einstellungen sind noch experimentell",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Alternative Stile für die Seitenleiste der Kommentare verwenden",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Einen alternativen Stil für die Abstimmungsseite verwenden",
"Calendar check" : "Kalender-Prüfung",
"Personal preferences" : "Persönliche Einstellungen",
"Performance settings" : "Leistungseinstellungen",
"Styles" : "Stile",
"Has voted" : "Hat abgestimmt",
@ -454,6 +484,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} entsperrt",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} gesperrt",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Fehler beim Ändern des Sperrstatus der Freigabe {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Circles-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Kontakte-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Fehler beim Auflösen von {name}.",
@ -480,6 +511,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "Status zum Schließen der Umfrage",
"Result display" : "Ergebnisanzeige",
"Error deleting poll." : "Fehler beim Löschen der Umfrage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Vorschläge von Teilnehmern zulassen",
"Shift all date options" : "Datumsoptionen verschieben",
"Available Options" : "Verfügbare Optionen",
"Add a date" : "Datum hinzufügen",
@ -489,6 +521,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(gesperrt)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Der Teilnehmer wurde aus dieser Umfrage entfernt",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Hat Administrationsrechte für diese Umfrage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Anonymisierter Teilnehmer",
"Deleted participant" : "Gelöschter Teilnehmer",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Öffentlicher Link: {token}",
"Public link" : "Öffentlicher Link",
@ -518,11 +552,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Ihre Stimmabgabe wurde gespeichert",
"Error saving vote" : "Fehler beim Speichern der Stimmabgabe",
"Delete votes" : "Stimmen löschen",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Teilnehmer {userId} wurde entfernt",
"Poll settings" : "Umfrageeinstellungen",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Umfrageeinstellungen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Share settings" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Other settings" : "Andere Einstellungen",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Aktivieren oder deaktivieren individueller Funktionen.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Wenn Verbindungsprobleme auftreten, ändern Sie die Art, wie automatische Updates abgerufen werden.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Optionen für den Registrierungsdialog für öffentliche Umfragen",
"Email options" : "E-Mail-Optionen",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Falls Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen vorhanden sind, diese hinzufügen und E-Mails einen optionalen Haftungsausschluss hinzufügen.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Administrative Umfrageverwaltung",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Umfragen anderer Konten verwalten. Sie können den Besitz übernehmen oder Umfragen löschen.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Keine Umfragen für diese Kategorie gefunden",
"Add one or change category!" : "Kategorie hinzufügen oder ändern!",
"Take over" : "Übernehmen",
@ -542,6 +584,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading poll list" : "Fehler beim Laden der Umfrageliste",
"New poll" : "Neue Umfrage",
"Combine polls" : "Umfragen kombinieren",
"Preferences" : "Einstellungen",
"Error cloning poll." : "Fehler beim Klonen der Umfrage.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - Umfrage nicht gefunden",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Treten Sie einer Umfrage bei oder starten Sie eine neue.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Umfragen App - Neue Aktivität",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" hat aktuelle Aktivitäten:",
"A participant" : "Ein Teilnehmer",
"%s has voted." : "%s hat abgestimmt.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Umfragekonfiguration aktualisiert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Stimmabgaben.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Die Umfrage wurde gelöscht.",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} schickt Ihnen diese Erinnerung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Stimmen abgegeben wurden.",
"Contact" : "Kontakt",
"External Email" : "Externe E-Mail",
"External participant" : "Externer Teilnehmer",
"User" : "Benutzer",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s hat Sie zu einer Umfrage eingeladen",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} hat Sie zur Umfrage \"%s\" eingeladen.",
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Sie können diese zwar anzeigen, müssen aber mit einer ungewollt langen Ladezeit rechnen.",
"Limited votes." : "Begrenzte Stimmen.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Option erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Option erlaubt."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n Stimme ist pro Teilnehmer erlaubt.","%n Stimmen sind pro Teilnehmer erlaubt."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Sie haben noch %n Stimme übrig.","Sie haben noch %n Stimmen übrig."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n verwaiste Stimme einer wahrscheinlich gelöschten Option blockiert möglicherweise Ihr Abstimmungslimit.","%n verwaiste Stimmen von wahrscheinlich gelöschten Optionen blockieren möglicherweise Ihr Abstimmungslimit."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Diese Freigabe ist gesperrt und erlaubt nur den Lesezugriff. Eine Registrierung ist nicht möglich.",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ergebnisse ausblenden, bis die Umfrage geschlossen ist",
"Never show results" : "Ergebnisse niemals anzeigen",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Stimme löschen, wenn auf \"Nein\" umgeschaltet",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Ja-Stimmen pro Teilnehmer begrenzen",
"Title" : "Titel",
"Enter Title" : "Titel eingeben",
"Poll type" : "Umfragetyp",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} hinzugefügt",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existiert bereits",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Das Verschieben von Terminen ist deaktiviert, um das Verschieben von Vorschlägen anderer Teilnehmer zu verhindern.",
"Submit" : "Übermitteln",
"Add option" : "Option hinzufügen",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Mehrere Optionen gleichzeitig erstellen",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@
"Created" : "Erstellt",
"Closing date" : "Einsendeschluss",
"No description provided" : "Keine Beschreibung eingegeben",
"Guest participants" : "Gastteilnehmer",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Geben Sie Ihren Namen oder einen Spitznamen ein",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "30 Tage lang an mich erinnern",
"Registered accounts" : "Registrierte Konten",
"Login" : "Anmeldung",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Sie können sich mit Ihrem Standardkonto anmelden und teilnehmen.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Andernfalls nehmen Sie als Gast teil.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Durch Klicken auf den \"OK\"-Button akzeptieren Sie unsere {privacyPolicy}. ",
"privacy policy" : "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Checking name …" : "Prüfe den Namen …",
@ -408,12 +417,31 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um Ihren persönlichen Zugangslink zu erhalten.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "E-Mail konnte nicht an {emailAddress} versendet werden",
"Error registering to poll" : "Fehler bei der Registrierung für die Umfrage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Die Verfolgung von Aktivitäten mit der Aktivitäten-App aktivieren",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Automatische Umfragearchivierung aktivieren",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Tage, nach denen Umfragen nach deren Ende archiviert werden sollen",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Kombinationsansicht global aktivieren",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nur für die folgenden Gruppen aktivieren",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Leer lassen um global zu deaktivieren",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen auch zur E-Mail-Fußzeile hinzufügen",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Zusätzlicher E-Mail-Haftungsausschluss",
"Preview" : "Vorschau",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Wenn Sie für öffentliche Umfragen ein anderes Impressum und andere Datenschutzrichtlinien verwenden, geben Sie unten entsprechende Links ein. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um Ihre Standardbedingungen zu verwenden.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Impressumslink:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Die URL zu Ihrer Datenschutzerklärung eingeben",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Die URL zu Ihrem Impressum eingeben",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "\"Long Polling\" für sofortige Aktualisierungen aktivieren",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Regelmäßige Abfragen von Umfrageaktualisierungen durch den Client aktivieren",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktivieren (Umfrage muss zur Aktualisierung neu geladen werden)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Umfrageerstellung global aktivieren",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Herunterladen von Tabellenansichten der Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Erstellung öffentlich zugänglicher Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Öffentliche Freigaben von Umfragen global aktivieren",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Die Anmeldeoption im Registrierungsdialog öffentlicher Umfragen aktivieren",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "E-Mail-Adresse interner Konten anzeigen",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nur den Mitgliedern folgender Gruppen anzeigen",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Um dies global zu deaktivieren, leer lassen",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Kalendersuche für Konflikte bei Terminen im Kalender verwenden",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Kalender auswählen, die für die Suche verwendet werden sollen.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Geben Sie an, in welchem Zeitraum (in Stunden) vor der Option vorhandene Termine in die Suchergebnisse aufgenommen werden sollen.",
@ -425,11 +453,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Anzahl der Tage eingeben, für die Umfragen ohne Aktivität in der betreffenden Liste verbleiben:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Eine Umfrage mit vielen Optionen und Abstimmenden kann sich stark auf die Leistung des Clients auswirken",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Anzahl der Abstimmungszellen (Optionen x Teilnehmer) einstellen, bis zu der alle Abstimmungszellen angezeigt werden sollen",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Wenn dieser Schwellenwert überschritten wird, wird nur der aktuelle Teilnehmer angezeigt, um einen Leistungseinbruch zu vermeiden.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Der Standardschwellenwert von 1000 sollte ein guter und sicherer Wert sein.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Die Stil-Einstellungen sind noch experimentell",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Alternative Stile für die Seitenleiste der Kommentare verwenden",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Einen alternativen Stil für die Abstimmungsseite verwenden",
"Calendar check" : "Kalender-Prüfung",
"Personal preferences" : "Persönliche Einstellungen",
"Performance settings" : "Leistungseinstellungen",
"Styles" : "Stile",
"Has voted" : "Hat abgestimmt",
@ -452,6 +482,7 @@
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} entsperrt",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Freigabe von {displayName} gesperrt",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Fehler beim Ändern des Sperrstatus der Freigabe {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Circles-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "Das Auflösen von {name} ist nicht möglich. Die Kontakte-App ist nicht aktiviert.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Fehler beim Auflösen von {name}.",
@ -478,6 +509,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "Status zum Schließen der Umfrage",
"Result display" : "Ergebnisanzeige",
"Error deleting poll." : "Fehler beim Löschen der Umfrage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Vorschläge von Teilnehmern zulassen",
"Shift all date options" : "Datumsoptionen verschieben",
"Available Options" : "Verfügbare Optionen",
"Add a date" : "Datum hinzufügen",
@ -487,6 +519,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(gesperrt)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Der Teilnehmer wurde aus dieser Umfrage entfernt",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Hat Administrationsrechte für diese Umfrage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Anonymisierter Teilnehmer",
"Deleted participant" : "Gelöschter Teilnehmer",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Öffentlicher Link: {token}",
"Public link" : "Öffentlicher Link",
@ -516,11 +550,19 @@
"Vote saved" : "Ihre Stimmabgabe wurde gespeichert",
"Error saving vote" : "Fehler beim Speichern der Stimmabgabe",
"Delete votes" : "Stimmen löschen",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Teilnehmer {userId} wurde entfernt",
"Poll settings" : "Umfrageeinstellungen",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Umfrageeinstellungen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Share settings" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Einstellungen für das Teilen global ändern (Für alle Konten)",
"Other settings" : "Andere Einstellungen",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Aktivieren oder deaktivieren individueller Funktionen.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Wenn Verbindungsprobleme auftreten, ändern Sie die Art, wie automatische Updates abgerufen werden.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Optionen für den Registrierungsdialog für öffentliche Umfragen",
"Email options" : "E-Mail-Optionen",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Falls Links zu Nutzungsbedingungen vorhanden sind, diese hinzufügen und E-Mails einen optionalen Haftungsausschluss hinzufügen.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Administrative Umfrageverwaltung",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Umfragen anderer Konten verwalten. Sie können den Besitz übernehmen oder Umfragen löschen.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Keine Umfragen für diese Kategorie gefunden",
"Add one or change category!" : "Kategorie hinzufügen oder ändern!",
"Take over" : "Übernehmen",
@ -540,6 +582,7 @@
"Error loading poll list" : "Fehler beim Laden der Umfrageliste",
"New poll" : "Neue Umfrage",
"Combine polls" : "Umfragen kombinieren",
"Preferences" : "Einstellungen",
"Error cloning poll." : "Fehler beim Klonen der Umfrage.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - Umfrage nicht gefunden",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Treten Sie einer Umfrage bei oder starten Sie eine neue.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Voto guardado",
"Error saving vote" : "Error al guardar el voto",
"Delete votes" : "Borrar votos",
"Poll settings" : "Configuración de la encuesta",
"Other settings" : "Otros ajustes",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Si está experimentando problemas de conexión, cambie cómo se obtienen las actualizaciones automáticas.",
"Email options" : "Opciones de correo electrónico",

Просмотреть файл

@ -516,6 +516,7 @@
"Vote saved" : "Voto guardado",
"Error saving vote" : "Error al guardar el voto",
"Delete votes" : "Borrar votos",
"Poll settings" : "Configuración de la encuesta",
"Other settings" : "Otros ajustes",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Si está experimentando problemas de conexión, cambie cómo se obtienen las actualizaciones automáticas.",
"Email options" : "Opciones de correo electrónico",

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "Politique de Confidentialité",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Application de sondages - Nouvelle activité",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "Activité récente pour \"{title}\" :",
"A participant" : "Un participant",
"%s has voted." : "%s a voté.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Mise à jour de la configuration du sondage. Veuillez vérifier vos votes.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Le sondage a été supprimé.",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} vous envoie ce rappel pour vous assurer que vos votes sont définis.",
"Contact" : "Contact",
"External Email" : "E-mail externe",
"External participant" : "Participant externe",
"User" : "Utilisateur",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s vous invite à participer à un sondage",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} vous a invité au sondage \"%s\".",
@ -249,6 +251,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Vous pouvez les révéler, mais vous devez vous attendre à un temps de chargement important.",
"Limited votes." : "Votes limités",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n vote est autorisé par option.","%n votes sont autorisés par option.","%n votes sont autorisés par option."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n vote est autorisé par participant.","%n votes ont été autorisés par participant.","%n votes ont été autorisés par participant."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Il vous reste %n vote.","Il vous reste %n votes.","Il vous reste %n votes."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Le partage est verrouillé et ne permet que l'accès en lecture. S'inscrire n'est pas possible.",
"Voting is locked and you have just read access to this poll." : "Le vote est verrouillé et vous ne pouvez quaccéder à ce sondage en lecture seule.",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Masquer les résultats tant que le sondage n'est pas terminé.",
"Never show results" : "Ne jamais afficher les résultats",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Supprimer le vote lorsqu'il passe à \"Non\"",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Limiter les votes « Oui » par participant",
"Title" : "Titre",
"Enter Title" : "Saisissez un titre",
"Poll type" : "Type de sondage",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} ajouté",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existe déjà",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Erreur lors de l'ajout de {optionText} ",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Le décalage des dates est désactivé pour éviter de décaler les propositions des autres participants.",
"Submit" : "Soumettre",
"Add option" : "Ajouter une option",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Créer plusieurs options à la fois",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "Créé",
"Closing date" : "Date de clôture",
"No description provided" : "Aucune description fournie",
"Guest participants" : "Participants invités",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Entrer votre nom ou surnom",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "Rappelez-moi dans 30 jours",
"Registered accounts" : "Comptes inscrits",
"Login" : "Se connecter",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Vous pouvez aussi vous connecter et participer avec votre compte habituel.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Sinon, participez en tant que participant invité.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "En cliquant sur le bouton \"OK\" vous acceptez notre {privacyPolicy}.",
"privacy policy" : "politique de confidentialité",
"Checking name …" : "Vérification du nom...",
@ -408,12 +417,30 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Saisissez votre adresse électronique pour obtenir votre lien d'accès personnel.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "Le courriel na pas pu être envoyé à {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "Problème dinscription au sondage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Activer le suivi des activités avec lapplication Activités",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Activer larchivage automatique des sondages",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Jours après lesquels les sondages doivent être archivés après avoir été fermés",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nactiver que pour les groupes suivants",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Laisser vide pour désactiver globalement",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Ajouter aussi les liens en bas de l'e-mail",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Clause supplémentaire de non-responsabilité concernant les e-mails",
"Preview" : "Prévisualiser",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Si vous utilisez des mentions légales et une politique de confidentialité différentes pour les sondages publics, saisissez les liens ci-dessous. Laisser vide pour utiliser vos conditions par défaut.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Lien vers la politique de confidentialité :",
"Legal terms link:" : "Lien vers les mentions légales :",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Saisissez l'URL de votre politique de confidentialité",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Saisissez l'URL de votre notice légale",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "Activer les « requêtes longues » pour des mises à jour immédiates",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Activer les requêtes périodiques de mises à jour de sondages depuis le client",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Désactiver les mises à jour automatiques (le sondage doit être rechargé pour obtenir les mises à jour)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Activer la création de sondages globalement",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Activer le téléchargement sous format tableau de sondages globalement",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Activer la création de sondage librement accessible globalement",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Activer les partages publics de sondages globalement",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Activer loption de connexion dans la fenêtre dinscription des sondages publics",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "Afficher les adresses électroniques des comptes internes",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nafficher quaux membres des groupes suivants",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Laisser vide pour désactiver globalement.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Utiliser le calendrier pour vérifier les événements en conflit",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Sélectionner les agendas à utiliser pour la vérification.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Spécifier sur quelle période (en heures) avant l'option des rendez-vous existants doivent être inclus dans les résultats de recherche.",
@ -425,11 +452,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Saisissez le nombre de jours pendant lesquels les sondages sans activité restent dans la liste « Me concernant » :",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Un sondage avec de nombreuses options et participants peut avoir un impact important sur les performances des utilisateurs.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Déterminez le nombre de cellules de vote (options x participants) affichées au maximum ",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Si ce seuil est dépassé, seul le participant courant sera affiché pour éviter des problèmes de performance.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Le seuil par défaut de 1 000 semble être un choix raisonnable.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Le paramétrage des styles est encore expérimental !",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Utiliser un style alternatif pour le panneau latéral des commentaires",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Utiliser d'autres styles de page de vote",
"Calendar check" : "Vérification de l'agenda",
"Personal preferences" : "Préférences personnelles",
"Performance settings" : "Paramètres de performance",
"Styles" : "Styles",
"Has voted" : "A voté",
@ -478,6 +507,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "État de clôture du sondage",
"Result display" : "Affichage des résultats",
"Error deleting poll." : "Erreur de suppression du sondage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Accepter les propositions des participants",
"Shift all date options" : "Décaler toutes les dates",
"Available Options" : "Options disponibles",
"Add a date" : "Ajouter une date",
@ -487,6 +517,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(verrouillé)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Le participant a été supprimé de ce sondage",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "a obtenu le droits d'administration pour ce sondage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Participant anonymisé",
"Deleted participant" : "Participant supprimé",
"Token: {token}" : "Jeton : {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Lien public : {token}",
"Public link" : "Lien public",
@ -516,7 +548,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Vote enregistré",
"Error saving vote" : "Erreur à lenregistrement du vote",
"Delete votes" : "Supprimer les votes",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Le participant {userId} a été supprimé",
"Poll settings" : "Paramètres du sondage",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Changer les paramètres des sondages globalement (pour tous les comptes)",
"Share settings" : "Paramètres du partage",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Changer les paramètres des partages globalement (pour tous les comptes)",
"Other settings" : "Autres paramètres",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Activer ou désactiver les fonctionnalités individuelles.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Si vous rencontrez des problèmes de connexion, modifier la façon dont les mises à jour automatique sont effectuées.",
"Email options" : "Options d'e-mail",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Ajoutez des liens vers les mentions légales, si elles existent, et ajoutez une clause de non-responsabilité facultative aux e-mails.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "Politique de Confidentialité",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Application de sondages - Nouvelle activité",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "Activité récente pour \"{title}\" :",
"A participant" : "Un participant",
"%s has voted." : "%s a voté.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Mise à jour de la configuration du sondage. Veuillez vérifier vos votes.",
"The poll has been deleted." : "Le sondage a été supprimé.",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} vous envoie ce rappel pour vous assurer que vos votes sont définis.",
"Contact" : "Contact",
"External Email" : "E-mail externe",
"External participant" : "Participant externe",
"User" : "Utilisateur",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s vous invite à participer à un sondage",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} vous a invité au sondage \"%s\".",
@ -247,6 +249,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Vous pouvez les révéler, mais vous devez vous attendre à un temps de chargement important.",
"Limited votes." : "Votes limités",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n vote est autorisé par option.","%n votes sont autorisés par option.","%n votes sont autorisés par option."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n vote est autorisé par participant.","%n votes ont été autorisés par participant.","%n votes ont été autorisés par participant."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Il vous reste %n vote.","Il vous reste %n votes.","Il vous reste %n votes."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Le partage est verrouillé et ne permet que l'accès en lecture. S'inscrire n'est pas possible.",
"Voting is locked and you have just read access to this poll." : "Le vote est verrouillé et vous ne pouvez quaccéder à ce sondage en lecture seule.",
@ -295,6 +298,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Masquer les résultats tant que le sondage n'est pas terminé.",
"Never show results" : "Ne jamais afficher les résultats",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Supprimer le vote lorsqu'il passe à \"Non\"",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Limiter les votes « Oui » par participant",
"Title" : "Titre",
"Enter Title" : "Saisissez un titre",
"Poll type" : "Type de sondage",
@ -346,6 +350,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} ajouté",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} existe déjà",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Erreur lors de l'ajout de {optionText} ",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "Le décalage des dates est désactivé pour éviter de décaler les propositions des autres participants.",
"Submit" : "Soumettre",
"Add option" : "Ajouter une option",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Créer plusieurs options à la fois",
@ -393,9 +398,13 @@
"Created" : "Créé",
"Closing date" : "Date de clôture",
"No description provided" : "Aucune description fournie",
"Guest participants" : "Participants invités",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Entrer votre nom ou surnom",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "Rappelez-moi dans 30 jours",
"Registered accounts" : "Comptes inscrits",
"Login" : "Se connecter",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Vous pouvez aussi vous connecter et participer avec votre compte habituel.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Sinon, participez en tant que participant invité.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "En cliquant sur le bouton \"OK\" vous acceptez notre {privacyPolicy}.",
"privacy policy" : "politique de confidentialité",
"Checking name …" : "Vérification du nom...",
@ -406,12 +415,30 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Saisissez votre adresse électronique pour obtenir votre lien d'accès personnel.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "Le courriel na pas pu être envoyé à {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "Problème dinscription au sondage",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Activer le suivi des activités avec lapplication Activités",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Activer larchivage automatique des sondages",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Jours après lesquels les sondages doivent être archivés après avoir été fermés",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Nactiver que pour les groupes suivants",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Laisser vide pour désactiver globalement",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Ajouter aussi les liens en bas de l'e-mail",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Clause supplémentaire de non-responsabilité concernant les e-mails",
"Preview" : "Prévisualiser",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Si vous utilisez des mentions légales et une politique de confidentialité différentes pour les sondages publics, saisissez les liens ci-dessous. Laisser vide pour utiliser vos conditions par défaut.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Lien vers la politique de confidentialité :",
"Legal terms link:" : "Lien vers les mentions légales :",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Saisissez l'URL de votre politique de confidentialité",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Saisissez l'URL de votre notice légale",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "Activer les « requêtes longues » pour des mises à jour immédiates",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Activer les requêtes périodiques de mises à jour de sondages depuis le client",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Désactiver les mises à jour automatiques (le sondage doit être rechargé pour obtenir les mises à jour)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Activer la création de sondages globalement",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Activer le téléchargement sous format tableau de sondages globalement",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Activer la création de sondage librement accessible globalement",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Activer les partages publics de sondages globalement",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Activer loption de connexion dans la fenêtre dinscription des sondages publics",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "Afficher les adresses électroniques des comptes internes",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Nafficher quaux membres des groupes suivants",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Laisser vide pour désactiver globalement.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Utiliser le calendrier pour vérifier les événements en conflit",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Sélectionner les agendas à utiliser pour la vérification.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Spécifier sur quelle période (en heures) avant l'option des rendez-vous existants doivent être inclus dans les résultats de recherche.",
@ -423,11 +450,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Saisissez le nombre de jours pendant lesquels les sondages sans activité restent dans la liste « Me concernant » :",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Un sondage avec de nombreuses options et participants peut avoir un impact important sur les performances des utilisateurs.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Déterminez le nombre de cellules de vote (options x participants) affichées au maximum ",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Si ce seuil est dépassé, seul le participant courant sera affiché pour éviter des problèmes de performance.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "Le seuil par défaut de 1 000 semble être un choix raisonnable.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "Le paramétrage des styles est encore expérimental !",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Utiliser un style alternatif pour le panneau latéral des commentaires",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Utiliser d'autres styles de page de vote",
"Calendar check" : "Vérification de l'agenda",
"Personal preferences" : "Préférences personnelles",
"Performance settings" : "Paramètres de performance",
"Styles" : "Styles",
"Has voted" : "A voté",
@ -476,6 +505,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "État de clôture du sondage",
"Result display" : "Affichage des résultats",
"Error deleting poll." : "Erreur de suppression du sondage.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Accepter les propositions des participants",
"Shift all date options" : "Décaler toutes les dates",
"Available Options" : "Options disponibles",
"Add a date" : "Ajouter une date",
@ -485,6 +515,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(verrouillé)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "Le participant a été supprimé de ce sondage",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "a obtenu le droits d'administration pour ce sondage",
"Anonymized participant" : "Participant anonymisé",
"Deleted participant" : "Participant supprimé",
"Token: {token}" : "Jeton : {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Lien public : {token}",
"Public link" : "Lien public",
@ -514,7 +546,13 @@
"Vote saved" : "Vote enregistré",
"Error saving vote" : "Erreur à lenregistrement du vote",
"Delete votes" : "Supprimer les votes",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "Le participant {userId} a été supprimé",
"Poll settings" : "Paramètres du sondage",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Changer les paramètres des sondages globalement (pour tous les comptes)",
"Share settings" : "Paramètres du partage",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Changer les paramètres des partages globalement (pour tous les comptes)",
"Other settings" : "Autres paramètres",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Activer ou désactiver les fonctionnalités individuelles.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Si vous rencontrez des problèmes de connexion, modifier la façon dont les mises à jour automatique sont effectuées.",
"Email options" : "Options d'e-mail",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Ajoutez des liens vers les mentions légales, si elles existent, et ajoutez une clause de non-responsabilité facultative aux e-mails.",

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "Política de Privacidade",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Aplicativo Enquete - Atividade Nova",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" tem atividade recente:",
"A participant" : "Participante",
"%s has voted." : "%s votou.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Configuração de pesquisa atualizada. Por favor, verifique seus votos. ",
"The poll has been deleted." : "A enquete foi excluída. ",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} envia este lembrete para você se certificar de que seus votos foram definidos. ",
"Contact" : "Contactar",
"External Email" : "E-mail externo",
"External participant" : "Participante externo",
"User" : "Usuário",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s convidou você para uma enquete",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} convidou você para a enquete \"%s\".",
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Você pode revelá-los, mas pode esperar um longo tempo de carregamento indesejado.",
"Limited votes." : "Votos limitados.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n votos são permitidos por opção.","%n votos são permitidos por opção.","%n votos são permitidos por opção."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n votos são permitidos por participante.","%n votos são permitidos por participante.","%n votos são permitidos por participante."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Você tem %n votos restantes.","Você tem %n votos restantes.","Você tem %n votos restantes."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos.","%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos.","%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Este compartilhamento está bloqueado e permite apenas acesso de leitura. O registro não é possível.",
@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ocultar resultados até o fechamento da enquete",
"Never show results" : "Nunca mostrar resultados",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Excluir voto quando alterado para \"Não\" ",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Limite de votos \"Sim\" por participante",
"Title" : "Título",
"Enter Title" : "Digite o título",
"Poll type" : "Tipo de enquete",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} adicionado",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} já existe",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Erro ao adicionar {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "A mudança de datas está desativada para evitar a mudança de propostas de outros participantes.",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
"Add option" : "Adicionar opção",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Crie várias opções de uma só vez",
@ -397,9 +402,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "Criada",
"Closing date" : "Data de encerramento",
"No description provided" : "Nenhuma descrição fornecida",
"Guest participants" : "Participantes convidados",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Digite seu nome ou apelido",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "Lembre-se de mim por 30 dias",
"Registered accounts" : "Contas registradas",
"Login" : "Conectar",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Você também pode fazer login e participar com sua conta normal.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Caso contrário, participe como participante convidado.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Ao clicar no botão \"OK\", você aceita nossa {privacyPolicy}.",
"privacy policy" : "política de privacidade",
"Checking name …" : "Verificando o nome …",
@ -410,12 +419,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Entre com seu endereço de e-mail para pegar seu link para acesso pessoal.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "Não foi possível enviar o e-mail para {emailAddress} ",
"Error registering to poll" : "Erro ao registrar-se para votação",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Habilite o rastreamento de atividades com o aplicativo Atividades",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Habilite o arquivamento automático da enquete",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Dias após os quais as pesquisas devem ser arquivadas após o fechamento",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Habilite o uso da visualização combinada globalmente",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Ativar apenas para os seguintes grupos",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Deixe em branco para desabilitar globalmente",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Adicione links de termos também ao rodapé do e-mail",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Isenção de responsabilidade adicional por e-mail",
"Preview" : "Visualizar",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Se você usar termos legais e políticas de privacidade diferentes para pesquisas públicas, insira os links abaixo. Deixe em branco para usar seus termos padrão.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link da política de privacidade:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Link dos termos legais:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Insira o URL da sua política de privacidade",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Insira o URL do seu aviso legal",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "Habilite \"sondagem longa\" para atualizações instantâneas",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Habilite solicitações periódicas de atualizações de enquetes do cliente",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Desative as atualizações automáticas (a enquete deve ser recarregada para obter atualizações)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Habilite a criação de enquetes globalmente",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Habilite o download de planilhas de enquetes globalmente",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Permitir a criação de enquetes abertamente acessíveis em todo o mundo",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Habilite compartilhamentos públicos de pesquisas em todo o mundo",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Habilite a opção de login na caixa de diálogo de registro de enquetes públicas",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "Mostrar endereços de e-mail de contas internas",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Mostrar apenas para membros dos seguintes grupos",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Deixe em branco para desabilitar globalmente.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Use a pesquisa de calendário para eventos de calendário conflitantes",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Selecione os calendários a serem usados para pesquisa.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Especifique em qual período (em horas) antes da opção os compromissos existentes devem ser incluídos nos resultados da pesquisa.",
@ -427,11 +455,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Digite a quantidade de dias, as pesquisas sem atividade permanecem na lista relevante:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Uma enquete com muitas opções e eleitores pode ter um grande impacto no desempenho do cliente.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Defina a quantidade de células de votação (opções x participantes) até a qual todas as células de votação devem ser exibidas.",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Se esse limite for ultrapassado, apenas o participante atual será exibido, para evitar quebra de desempenho.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "O limite padrão de 1000 deve ser um valor bom e seguro.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "As configurações de estilo ainda são experimentais! ",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Use um estilo alternativo para a barra lateral de comentários",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Use um estilo de página de votação alternativo",
"Calendar check" : "Verificação do calendário",
"Personal preferences" : "Preferências pessoais",
"Performance settings" : "Configurações de desempenho ",
"Styles" : "Estilos",
"Has voted" : "Foi votado",
@ -454,6 +484,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share label" : "Compartilhar etiqueta",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Parcela de {displayName} desbloqueada",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Compartilhamento de {displayName} bloqueado",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Erro ao alterar o status de bloqueio do compartilhamento {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "A resolução do {name} não é possível. O aplicativo de círculos não está ativo.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "A resolução do {name} não é possível. O aplicativo de contatos não está ativo.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Resolução de erro {name}.",
@ -480,6 +511,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "Status das enquetes encerradas",
"Result display" : "Mostrar resultado",
"Error deleting poll." : "Erro ao excluir enquete.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Permitir propostas dos participantes",
"Shift all date options" : "Mudar todas as opções de data",
"Available Options" : "Opções disponíveis",
"Add a date" : "Adicionar uma data",
@ -489,6 +521,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(bloqueado)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "O participante foi removido desta enquete",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Tem direitos de administrador para esta enquete",
"Anonymized participant" : "Participante anonimizado",
"Deleted participant" : "Participante excluído",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Link público: {token}",
"Public link" : "Link público",
@ -518,12 +552,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "Voto salvo ",
"Error saving vote" : "Erro ao salvar voto ",
"Delete votes" : "Excluir votos",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "O participante {userId} foi removido",
"Poll settings" : "Configurações de enquete",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Alterar as configurações da enquete globalmente (para todas as contas)",
"Share settings" : "Configurações de compartilhamento",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Alterar as configurações de compartilhamento globalmente (para todas as contas)",
"Other settings" : "Outros ajustes",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Ative ou desative recursos individuais.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Se você estiver tendo problemas de conexão, altere a forma como as atualizações automáticas são recuperadas.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Opções de diálogo de registro de enquete pública",
"Email options" : "Opções de e-mail",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Adicione links para termos legais, se existirem, e adicione uma isenção de responsabilidade opcional aos e-mails.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Gestão de enquetes administrativas",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Gerenciar enquetes de outras contas. Você pode assumir a propriedade ou excluir enquetes.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Nenhuma enquete encontrada para esta categoria",
"Add one or change category!" : "Adicione uma ou mude a categoria!",
"Take over" : "Assumir",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "Política de Privacidade",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Aplicativo Enquete - Atividade Nova",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "\"{title}\" tem atividade recente:",
"A participant" : "Participante",
"%s has voted." : "%s votou.",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "Configuração de pesquisa atualizada. Por favor, verifique seus votos. ",
"The poll has been deleted." : "A enquete foi excluída. ",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} envia este lembrete para você se certificar de que seus votos foram definidos. ",
"Contact" : "Contactar",
"External Email" : "E-mail externo",
"External participant" : "Participante externo",
"User" : "Usuário",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s convidou você para uma enquete",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} convidou você para a enquete \"%s\".",
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "Você pode revelá-los, mas pode esperar um longo tempo de carregamento indesejado.",
"Limited votes." : "Votos limitados.",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["%n votos são permitidos por opção.","%n votos são permitidos por opção.","%n votos são permitidos por opção."],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["%n votos são permitidos por participante.","%n votos são permitidos por participante.","%n votos são permitidos por participante."],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["Você tem %n votos restantes.","Você tem %n votos restantes.","Você tem %n votos restantes."],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos.","%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos.","%n votos órfãos de opções provavelmente excluídas estão possivelmente bloqueando seu limite de votos."],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "Este compartilhamento está bloqueado e permite apenas acesso de leitura. O registro não é possível.",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ocultar resultados até o fechamento da enquete",
"Never show results" : "Nunca mostrar resultados",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "Excluir voto quando alterado para \"Não\" ",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "Limite de votos \"Sim\" por participante",
"Title" : "Título",
"Enter Title" : "Digite o título",
"Poll type" : "Tipo de enquete",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} adicionado",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} já existe",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Erro ao adicionar {optionText}",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "A mudança de datas está desativada para evitar a mudança de propostas de outros participantes.",
"Submit" : "Enviar",
"Add option" : "Adicionar opção",
"Create multiple options at once" : "Crie várias opções de uma só vez",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@
"Created" : "Criada",
"Closing date" : "Data de encerramento",
"No description provided" : "Nenhuma descrição fornecida",
"Guest participants" : "Participantes convidados",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "Digite seu nome ou apelido",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "Lembre-se de mim por 30 dias",
"Registered accounts" : "Contas registradas",
"Login" : "Conectar",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "Você também pode fazer login e participar com sua conta normal.",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "Caso contrário, participe como participante convidado.",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "Ao clicar no botão \"OK\", você aceita nossa {privacyPolicy}.",
"privacy policy" : "política de privacidade",
"Checking name …" : "Verificando o nome …",
@ -408,12 +417,31 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "Entre com seu endereço de e-mail para pegar seu link para acesso pessoal.",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "Não foi possível enviar o e-mail para {emailAddress} ",
"Error registering to poll" : "Erro ao registrar-se para votação",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "Habilite o rastreamento de atividades com o aplicativo Atividades",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "Habilite o arquivamento automático da enquete",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "Dias após os quais as pesquisas devem ser arquivadas após o fechamento",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "Habilite o uso da visualização combinada globalmente",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "Ativar apenas para os seguintes grupos",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "Deixe em branco para desabilitar globalmente",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "Adicione links de termos também ao rodapé do e-mail",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "Isenção de responsabilidade adicional por e-mail",
"Preview" : "Visualizar",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "Se você usar termos legais e políticas de privacidade diferentes para pesquisas públicas, insira os links abaixo. Deixe em branco para usar seus termos padrão.",
"Privacy policy link:" : "Link da política de privacidade:",
"Legal terms link:" : "Link dos termos legais:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "Insira o URL da sua política de privacidade",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "Insira o URL do seu aviso legal",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "Habilite \"sondagem longa\" para atualizações instantâneas",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "Habilite solicitações periódicas de atualizações de enquetes do cliente",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "Desative as atualizações automáticas (a enquete deve ser recarregada para obter atualizações)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "Habilite a criação de enquetes globalmente",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "Habilite o download de planilhas de enquetes globalmente",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "Permitir a criação de enquetes abertamente acessíveis em todo o mundo",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "Habilite compartilhamentos públicos de pesquisas em todo o mundo",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "Habilite a opção de login na caixa de diálogo de registro de enquetes públicas",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "Mostrar endereços de e-mail de contas internas",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "Mostrar apenas para membros dos seguintes grupos",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "Deixe em branco para desabilitar globalmente.",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "Use a pesquisa de calendário para eventos de calendário conflitantes",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "Selecione os calendários a serem usados para pesquisa.",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "Especifique em qual período (em horas) antes da opção os compromissos existentes devem ser incluídos nos resultados da pesquisa.",
@ -425,11 +453,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "Digite a quantidade de dias, as pesquisas sem atividade permanecem na lista relevante:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "Uma enquete com muitas opções e eleitores pode ter um grande impacto no desempenho do cliente.",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "Defina a quantidade de células de votação (opções x participantes) até a qual todas as células de votação devem ser exibidas.",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "Se esse limite for ultrapassado, apenas o participante atual será exibido, para evitar quebra de desempenho.",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "O limite padrão de 1000 deve ser um valor bom e seguro.",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "As configurações de estilo ainda são experimentais! ",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "Use um estilo alternativo para a barra lateral de comentários",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "Use um estilo de página de votação alternativo",
"Calendar check" : "Verificação do calendário",
"Personal preferences" : "Preferências pessoais",
"Performance settings" : "Configurações de desempenho ",
"Styles" : "Estilos",
"Has voted" : "Foi votado",
@ -452,6 +482,7 @@
"Share label" : "Compartilhar etiqueta",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "Parcela de {displayName} desbloqueada",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "Compartilhamento de {displayName} bloqueado",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "Erro ao alterar o status de bloqueio do compartilhamento {displayName}",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "A resolução do {name} não é possível. O aplicativo de círculos não está ativo.",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "A resolução do {name} não é possível. O aplicativo de contatos não está ativo.",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Resolução de erro {name}.",
@ -478,6 +509,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "Status das enquetes encerradas",
"Result display" : "Mostrar resultado",
"Error deleting poll." : "Erro ao excluir enquete.",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "Permitir propostas dos participantes",
"Shift all date options" : "Mudar todas as opções de data",
"Available Options" : "Opções disponíveis",
"Add a date" : "Adicionar uma data",
@ -487,6 +519,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(bloqueado)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "O participante foi removido desta enquete",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "Tem direitos de administrador para esta enquete",
"Anonymized participant" : "Participante anonimizado",
"Deleted participant" : "Participante excluído",
"Token: {token}" : "Token: {token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "Link público: {token}",
"Public link" : "Link público",
@ -516,12 +550,19 @@
"Vote saved" : "Voto salvo ",
"Error saving vote" : "Erro ao salvar voto ",
"Delete votes" : "Excluir votos",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "O participante {userId} foi removido",
"Poll settings" : "Configurações de enquete",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Alterar as configurações da enquete globalmente (para todas as contas)",
"Share settings" : "Configurações de compartilhamento",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "Alterar as configurações de compartilhamento globalmente (para todas as contas)",
"Other settings" : "Outros ajustes",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "Ative ou desative recursos individuais.",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "Se você estiver tendo problemas de conexão, altere a forma como as atualizações automáticas são recuperadas.",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "Opções de diálogo de registro de enquete pública",
"Email options" : "Opções de e-mail",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "Adicione links para termos legais, se existirem, e adicione uma isenção de responsabilidade opcional aos e-mails.",
"Administrative poll management" : "Gestão de enquetes administrativas",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Gerenciar enquetes de outras contas. Você pode assumir a propriedade ou excluir enquetes.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Nenhuma enquete encontrada para esta categoria",
"Add one or change category!" : "Adicione uma ou mude a categoria!",
"Take over" : "Assumir",

Просмотреть файл

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Privacy Policy" : "隱私權政策",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "投票應用程式 - 新活動",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "「{title}」最近有活動:",
"A participant" : "參與者",
"%s has voted." : "%s 已投票。",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "已更新投票設定。請檢查您的投票。",
"The poll has been deleted." : "投票已被刪除。",
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} 向您傳送此提醒以確保您已投票。",
"Contact" : "聯絡人",
"External Email" : "外部電子郵件",
"External participant" : "外部參與者",
"User" : "使用者",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s 邀請您參加投票",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} 已邀請您參加投票「%s」。",
@ -250,6 +252,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "您可以顯示它們,但您可能會遇到不必要的長載入時間。",
"Limited votes." : "已限制投票。",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["每個選項允許 %n 票。"],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["每個參與者允許 %n 票。"],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["您還剩下 %n 票。"],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n 個可能已刪除選項的孤立投票可能會阻止您的投票限制。"],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "此分享已被鎖定並且僅允許唯讀存取。無法註冊。",
@ -299,6 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "直到投票關閉前都隱藏結果",
"Never show results" : "永不顯示結果",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "切換為「反對」時刪除投票",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "限制每個參與者的「贊成」票",
"Title" : "標題",
"Enter Title" : "輸入標題",
"Poll type" : "投票類型",
@ -350,6 +354,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{optionText} added" : "已新增 {optionText}",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} 已存在",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "新增 {optionText} 時發生錯誤",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "更改日期已停用以避免更改其他參與者的提議。",
"Submit" : "遞交",
"Add option" : "新增選項",
"Create multiple options at once" : "一次建立多個選項",
@ -397,9 +402,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Created" : "已建立",
"Closing date" : "關閉日期",
"No description provided" : "未提供描述",
"Guest participants" : "訪客參與者",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "輸入您的名稱或暱稱",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "記住我30天",
"Registered accounts" : "已註冊的帳號",
"Login" : "登入",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "您也可以使用您的一般帳號登入並參與。",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "否則以訪客參與者身份參與。",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "點擊「確定」按鈕即表示您同意我們的 {privacyPolicy}。",
"privacy policy" : "隱私權政策",
"Checking name …" : "正在檢查名稱……",
@ -410,12 +419,31 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "輸入您的電子郵件地址以取得您的個人存取連結。",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "電子郵件無法傳送至 {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "註冊投票時發生錯誤",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "使用「活動」應用程式追蹤活動",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "啟用自動投票封存",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "投票結束後應存檔的天數",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "痊癒啟用組合檢視的使用",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "僅對以下群組啟用",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "留空以全域停用",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "將條款連結也新增至電子郵件頁尾",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "額外的電子郵件免責聲明",
"Preview" : "預覽",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "如果您對公開投票使用不同的法律條款與隱私權政策,請輸入下面的連結。留空以使用預設條款。",
"Privacy policy link:" : "隱私權政策連結:",
"Legal terms link:" : "法律條款連結:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "輸入您隱私權政策的 URL",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "輸入您法律聲明的 URL",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "啟用「長輪詢」以取得即時更新",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "啟用來自客戶端的輪詢更新的定期請求",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "停用自動更新(必須重新載入投票才能取得更新)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "全域啟用投票建立",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "全域啟用投票試算表下載",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "全域啟用建立可公開存取的投票",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "全域啟用投票公開分享",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "在公開投票的註冊對話方塊中啟用登入選項",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "顯示內部帳號的電子郵件地址",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "僅向以下群組的成員顯示",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "留空以全域停用。",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "使用行事曆搜尋相互衝突的行事曆事件",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "選取要用於搜尋的日曆。",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "指定選項之前的時段(以小時為單位),在該時段內現有的約會將會包含在搜尋結果中。",
@ -427,11 +455,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "輸入無活動的投票要留在相關清單中的天數:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "具有許多選項與投票者的投票可能會對客戶端效能產生重大影響。",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "設定應顯示所有投票儲存格的投票儲存格數量(選項 x 參與者)。",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "若超過此閾值,則只會顯示目前的參與者,以避免效能下降。",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "預設閾值 1000 應該是良好且安全的值。",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "樣式設定仍處於實驗性階段!",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "為評論側邊欄使用替代樣式",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "使用替代投票頁面樣式",
"Calendar check" : "行事曆檢查",
"Personal preferences" : "個人偏好設定",
"Performance settings" : "效能設定",
"Styles" : "樣式",
"Has voted" : "已投票",
@ -454,6 +484,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "已解鎖 {displayName} 的分享",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "已鎖定 {displayName} 的分享",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "變更參與者 {displayName} 的鎖定狀態失敗",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。Circles 應用程式未啟用。",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。通訊錄應用程式未啟用。",
"Error resolving {name}." : "解析 {name} 時發生錯誤。",
@ -480,6 +511,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Poll closing status" : "投票關閉狀態",
"Result display" : "結果顯示",
"Error deleting poll." : "刪除投票時發生錯誤。",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "允許從參與者而來的提議",
"Shift all date options" : "轉移所有日期選項",
"Available Options" : "可用選項",
"Add a date" : "新增日期",
@ -489,6 +521,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(locked)" : "(已鎖定)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "參與者已從此投票中移除",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "被授予此投票的管理員權限",
"Anonymized participant" : "匿名參與者",
"Deleted participant" : "已刪除的參與者",
"Token: {token}" : "權杖:{token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "公開連結:{token}",
"Public link" : "公開連結",
@ -518,12 +552,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vote saved" : "投票已儲存",
"Error saving vote" : "儲存投票時發生錯誤",
"Delete votes" : "刪除投票",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "參與者 {userId} 已被移除",
"Poll settings" : "投票設定",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "全域變更投票設定(對所有帳號)",
"Share settings" : "分享設定",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "全域變更分享設定(對所有帳號)",
"Other settings" : "其他設定",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "啟用或停用個別功能。",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "若您遇到連線問題,請變更取得自動更新的方式。",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "公開投票註冊對話方塊選項",
"Email options" : "電子郵件選項",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "新增指向法律條款的連結(若存在)並新增選擇性的免責聲明至電子郵件。",
"Administrative poll management" : "行政投票管理",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "管理其他參與者的投票。您可以接管所有權或刪除投票。",
"No polls found for this category" : "找不到此分類的投票",
"Add one or change category!" : "新增一個或變更分類!",
"Take over" : "接管",

Просмотреть файл

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"Privacy Policy" : "隱私權政策",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "投票應用程式 - 新活動",
"\"{title}\" has recent activity:" : "「{title}」最近有活動:",
"A participant" : "參與者",
"%s has voted." : "%s 已投票。",
"Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "已更新投票設定。請檢查您的投票。",
"The poll has been deleted." : "投票已被刪除。",
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
"{owner} sends you this reminder to make sure, your votes are set." : "{owner} 向您傳送此提醒以確保您已投票。",
"Contact" : "聯絡人",
"External Email" : "外部電子郵件",
"External participant" : "外部參與者",
"User" : "使用者",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s 邀請您參加投票",
"{actor} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{actor} 已邀請您參加投票「%s」。",
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@
"You can reveal them, but you may expect an unwanted long loading time." : "您可以顯示它們,但您可能會遇到不必要的長載入時間。",
"Limited votes." : "已限制投票。",
"_%n vote is allowed per option._::_%n votes are allowed per option._" : ["每個選項允許 %n 票。"],
"_%n vote is allowed per participant._::_%n votes are allowed per participant._" : ["每個參與者允許 %n 票。"],
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["您還剩下 %n 票。"],
"_%n orphaned vote of a probaly deleted option is possibly blocking your vote limit._::_%n orphaned votes of probaly deleted options are possibly blocking your vote limit._" : ["%n 個可能已刪除選項的孤立投票可能會阻止您的投票限制。"],
"This share is locked and allows only read access. Registering is not possible." : "此分享已被鎖定並且僅允許唯讀存取。無法註冊。",
@ -297,6 +300,7 @@
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "直到投票關閉前都隱藏結果",
"Never show results" : "永不顯示結果",
"Delete vote when switched to \"No\"" : "切換為「反對」時刪除投票",
"Limit \"Yes\" votes per participant" : "限制每個參與者的「贊成」票",
"Title" : "標題",
"Enter Title" : "輸入標題",
"Poll type" : "投票類型",
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@
"{optionText} added" : "已新增 {optionText}",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} 已存在",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "新增 {optionText} 時發生錯誤",
"Shifting dates is disabled to prevent shifting of proposals of other participants." : "更改日期已停用以避免更改其他參與者的提議。",
"Submit" : "遞交",
"Add option" : "新增選項",
"Create multiple options at once" : "一次建立多個選項",
@ -395,9 +400,13 @@
"Created" : "已建立",
"Closing date" : "關閉日期",
"No description provided" : "未提供描述",
"Guest participants" : "訪客參與者",
"Enter your name or a nickname" : "輸入您的名稱或暱稱",
"Remember me for 30 days" : "記住我30天",
"Registered accounts" : "已註冊的帳號",
"Login" : "登入",
"You can also log in and participate with your regular account." : "您也可以使用您的一般帳號登入並參與。",
"Otherwise participate as a guest participant." : "否則以訪客參與者身份參與。",
"By clicking the \"OK\" button you accept our {privacyPolicy}." : "點擊「確定」按鈕即表示您同意我們的 {privacyPolicy}。",
"privacy policy" : "隱私權政策",
"Checking name …" : "正在檢查名稱……",
@ -408,12 +417,31 @@
"Enter your email address to get your personal access link." : "輸入您的電子郵件地址以取得您的個人存取連結。",
"Email could not be sent to {emailAddress}" : "電子郵件無法傳送至 {emailAddress}",
"Error registering to poll" : "註冊投票時發生錯誤",
"Enable the tracking of activities with the Activities app" : "使用「活動」應用程式追蹤活動",
"Enable the automatic poll archiving" : "啟用自動投票封存",
"Days after which polls should be archived after closing" : "投票結束後應存檔的天數",
"Enable the usage of the combo view globally" : "痊癒啟用組合檢視的使用",
"Enable only for the following groups" : "僅對以下群組啟用",
"Leave empty to disable globally" : "留空以全域停用",
"Add terms links also to the email footer" : "將條款連結也新增至電子郵件頁尾",
"Additional email disclaimer" : "額外的電子郵件免責聲明",
"Preview" : "預覽",
"If you use different legal terms and privacy policy for public polls, enter the links below. Leave empty to use your default terms." : "如果您對公開投票使用不同的法律條款與隱私權政策,請輸入下面的連結。留空以使用預設條款。",
"Privacy policy link:" : "隱私權政策連結:",
"Legal terms link:" : "法律條款連結:",
"Enter the URL of your privacy policy" : "輸入您隱私權政策的 URL",
"Enter the URL of your legal notice" : "輸入您法律聲明的 URL",
"Enable \"long polling\" for instant updates" : "啟用「長輪詢」以取得即時更新",
"Enable periodic requests of poll updates from the client" : "啟用來自客戶端的輪詢更新的定期請求",
"Disable automatic updates (poll must be reloaded to get updates)" : "停用自動更新(必須重新載入投票才能取得更新)",
"Enable the poll creation globally" : "全域啟用投票建立",
"Enable the spreadsheet download of polls globally" : "全域啟用投票試算表下載",
"Enable the creation of openly accessible polls globally" : "全域啟用建立可公開存取的投票",
"Enable public shares of polls globally" : "全域啟用投票公開分享",
"Enable the login option in the registration dialog of public polls" : "在公開投票的註冊對話方塊中啟用登入選項",
"Show email addresses of internal accounts" : "顯示內部帳號的電子郵件地址",
"Show only to members of the following groups" : "僅向以下群組的成員顯示",
"Leave empty to disable globally." : "留空以全域停用。",
"Use calendar lookup for conflicting calendar events" : "使用行事曆搜尋相互衝突的行事曆事件",
"Select the calendars to use for lookup." : "選取要用於搜尋的日曆。",
"Specify in which period (in hours) before the option existing appointments should be included in the search results." : "指定選項之前的時段(以小時為單位),在該時段內現有的約會將會包含在搜尋結果中。",
@ -425,11 +453,13 @@
"Enter the amount of days, polls without activity stay in the relevant list:" : "輸入無活動的投票要留在相關清單中的天數:",
"A poll with many options and voters can have a heavy impact on client performance." : "具有許多選項與投票者的投票可能會對客戶端效能產生重大影響。",
"Set the amount of voting cells (options x participants) up to which all voting cells should be displayed." : "設定應顯示所有投票儲存格的投票儲存格數量(選項 x 參與者)。",
"If this threshold gets tresspasses only the current participant will be displayed, to avoid a performance breakdown." : "若超過此閾值,則只會顯示目前的參與者,以避免效能下降。",
"The default threshold of 1000 should be a good and safe value." : "預設閾值 1000 應該是良好且安全的值。",
"The style settings are still experimental!" : "樣式設定仍處於實驗性階段!",
"Use alternative styling for the comments sidebar" : "為評論側邊欄使用替代樣式",
"Use alternative vote page styling" : "使用替代投票頁面樣式",
"Calendar check" : "行事曆檢查",
"Personal preferences" : "個人偏好設定",
"Performance settings" : "效能設定",
"Styles" : "樣式",
"Has voted" : "已投票",
@ -452,6 +482,7 @@
"Share label" : "分享標籤",
"Share of {displayName} unlocked" : "已解鎖 {displayName} 的分享",
"Share of {displayName} locked" : "已鎖定 {displayName} 的分享",
"Error while changing lock status of share {displayName}" : "變更參與者 {displayName} 的鎖定狀態失敗",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。Circles 應用程式未啟用。",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。通訊錄應用程式未啟用。",
"Error resolving {name}." : "解析 {name} 時發生錯誤。",
@ -478,6 +509,7 @@
"Poll closing status" : "投票關閉狀態",
"Result display" : "結果顯示",
"Error deleting poll." : "刪除投票時發生錯誤。",
"Allow proposals from participants" : "允許從參與者而來的提議",
"Shift all date options" : "轉移所有日期選項",
"Available Options" : "可用選項",
"Add a date" : "新增日期",
@ -487,6 +519,8 @@
"(locked)" : "(已鎖定)",
"The participant got removed from this poll" : "參與者已從此投票中移除",
"Is granted admin rights for this poll" : "被授予此投票的管理員權限",
"Anonymized participant" : "匿名參與者",
"Deleted participant" : "已刪除的參與者",
"Token: {token}" : "權杖:{token}",
"Public link: {token}" : "公開連結:{token}",
"Public link" : "公開連結",
@ -516,12 +550,19 @@
"Vote saved" : "投票已儲存",
"Error saving vote" : "儲存投票時發生錯誤",
"Delete votes" : "刪除投票",
"Participant {userId} has been removed" : "參與者 {userId} 已被移除",
"Poll settings" : "投票設定",
"Change poll settings globally (for all accounts)" : "全域變更投票設定(對所有帳號)",
"Share settings" : "分享設定",
"Change share settings globally (for all accounts)" : "全域變更分享設定(對所有帳號)",
"Other settings" : "其他設定",
"Enable or disable individual features." : "啟用或停用個別功能。",
"If you are experiencing connection problems, change how auto updates are retrieved." : "若您遇到連線問題,請變更取得自動更新的方式。",
"Public poll registration dialog options" : "公開投票註冊對話方塊選項",
"Email options" : "電子郵件選項",
"Add links to legal terms, if they exist and add an optional disclaimer to emails." : "新增指向法律條款的連結(若存在)並新增選擇性的免責聲明至電子郵件。",
"Administrative poll management" : "行政投票管理",
"Manage polls of other accounts. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "管理其他參與者的投票。您可以接管所有權或刪除投票。",
"No polls found for this category" : "找不到此分類的投票",
"Add one or change category!" : "新增一個或變更分類!",
"Take over" : "接管",