
254 строки
16 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Contact" : "Kontaktua",
"Contact group" : "Kontaktu taldea",
"External Email" : "Kanpoko posta",
"Public link" : "Esteka publikoa",
"External user" : "Kanpoko erabiltzailea",
"Group" : "Taldea",
"User" : "Erabiltzailea",
"Polls" : "Bozketak",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s inkesta batera gonbidatu zaitu",
"{user} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{user} \"%s\" inkestara gonbidatu zaitu.",
"%s took over your poll" : "%s zure inkestaren kontrola hartu du",
"{user} took over your poll \"%s\" and is the new owner." : "{user} zure \"%s\" inkestaren kontrola hartu du eta bere jabe berria da.",
"%s permanently deleted your poll" : "%s zure inkesta behin betiko ezabatu du",
"{user} permanently deleted your poll \"%s\"." : "{user} zure \"%s\" inkesta behin betiko ezabatu du.",
"%s changed the deleted status of your poll." : "%s zure inkestaren ezabatze egoera aldatu du.",
"{user} changed the deleted status of your poll \"%s\"." : "{user} zure \"%s\" inkestaren ezabatze egoera aldatu du.",
"- %s voted." : "- %s erabiltzaileak bozkatu du.",
"- Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "- Inkestaren konfigurazioa eguneratu da. Mesedez egiaztatu zuen botoak.",
"- The poll got deleted." : "- Inkesta ezabatu da.",
"- The poll got restored." : "- Inkesta berezarri da.",
"- The poll was closed." : "- Inkesta itxi da.",
"- A vote option was added." : "- Boto aukera bat gehitu da.",
"- A vote option was removed." : "- Boto aukera bat kendu da.",
"- The poll owner changed." : "- Inkestaren jabea aldatu da.",
"- %s created the poll." : "- %s erabiltzaileak bozketa sortu du.",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Bozketak aplikazioa - Jarduera berria",
"\"{title}\" had recent activity: " : "\"{title}\" bozketan aktibitatea egon da azkenaldian: ",
"A user" : "Erabiltzaile bat",
"Go to poll" : "Joan bozketara",
"This email is sent to you, because you subscribed to notifications of this poll. To opt out, visit the poll and remove your subscription." : "Bozketa honen jakinarazpenetara harpidetuta zaudelako jaso duzu posta elektroniko hau. Ez badituzu horrelako mezuak jaso nahi, joan bozketara eta kendu zure harpidetza.",
"Poll invitation \"%s\"" : "Bozketara gonbidapena \"%s\"",
"{owner} invited you to take part in the poll \"{title}\"" : "{owner} jabeak \"{title}\" bozketan parte hartzera gonbidatu zaitu",
"Do not share this link with other people, because it is connected to your votes." : "Ez zabaldu esteka hau, zure bozketara lotua baitago.",
"This email is sent to you, because you are invited to vote in this poll by the poll owner. At least your name or your email address is recorded in this poll. If you want to get removed from this poll, contact the site administrator or the initiator of this poll, where the mail is sent from." : "Inkestaren honen jabeak bozkatzera gonbidatu zaituelako jaso duzu posta elektroniko hau. Gutxienez zure izena edo helbide elektronikoa gordetzen da bozketa honetan. Bozketa honetatik atera nahi baduzu, jarri gunearen administratzailearekin edo bozketa hasi duenarekin (mezu hau bidali dizuna).",
"A polls app, similar to doodle/dudle with the possibility to restrict access." : "Bozketak egiteko aplikazioa, doodle/dudle-ren modukoa, sarbidea mugatzeko aukerarekin.",
"A polls app, similar to doodle/dudle with the possibility to restrict access (members, certain groups/users, hidden and public)." : "Bozketak egiteko aplikazioa, doodle/dudle-ren modukoa, sarbidea mugatzeko aukerarekin (kideak, zenbait talde/erabiltzaile, ezkutukoa eta publikoa).",
"Error loading poll list" : "Errorea bozketa zerrenda kargatzean",
"Switch to list view" : "Aldatu zerrenda ikuspegira",
"Switch to table view" : "Aldatu taula ikuspegira",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
"Error while copying link to clipboard" : "Errorea esteka arbelera kopiatzean",
"_%n Participant_::_%n Participants_" : ["Parte-hartzaile %n","%n parte-hartzaile"],
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Date order" : "Dataren ordena",
"Original order" : "Jatorrizko ordena",
"Ranked order" : "Ordena sailkatua",
"Unsubscribe" : "Harpidetza kendu",
"Subscribe" : "Harpidetu",
"Toggle Sidebar" : "Txandakatu alboko barra",
"Conflict" : "Gatazka",
"Got a network error while checking calendar events." : "Sare errore bat gertatu da egutegiaren gertaerak begiratzean.",
"New comment …" : "Iruzkin berria …",
"Error while saving comment" : "Errorea iruzkina gordetzean",
"Delete comment" : "Ezabatu Iruzkina",
"Error while deleting the comment" : "Errorea iruzkina ezabatzerakoan",
"Relevant for all users" : "Erabiltzaile guztientzat esanguratsua",
"Only invited users" : "Gonbidatutako erabiltzaileak bakarrik",
"All users" : "Erabiltzaile guztiak",
"Allow admins to edit this poll" : "Eman administratzaileei bozketa hau editatzeko baimena",
"Allow Comments" : "Baimendu iruzkinak",
"Allow \"maybe\" vote" : "Baimendu \"agian\" botoa",
"Anonymous poll" : "Bozketa anonimoa",
"Reopen poll" : "Ireki berriz bozketa",
"Close poll" : "Itxi bozketa",
"Hide not available Options" : "Ezkutatu eskuragarri ez dauden aukerak",
"\"{pollTitle}\" successfully saved" : "\"{pollTitle}\" ondo gorde da",
"Title must not be empty!" : "Izenburua ezin da hutsik egon!",
"Error writing poll" : "Errorea bozketa idazterakoan",
"Always show results" : "Erakutsi emaitzak beti",
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "Ezkutatu erantzunak bozketa itxi arte",
"Never show results" : "Ez erakutsi emaitzak inoiz",
"Title" : "Izenburua",
"Enter Title" : "Sartu izenburua",
"Poll type" : "Bozketa mota",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Apply" : "Aplikatu",
"Date poll" : "Data bozketa",
"Text poll" : "Testu bozketa",
"Poll \"{pollTitle}\" added" : "\"{pollTitle}\" bozketa gehitu da",
"Error while creating Poll \"{pollTitle}\"" : "Errorea \"{pollTitle}\" bozketa sortzerakoan",
"Add new Poll" : "Gehitu bozketa berria",
"Administration" : "Administrazioa",
"Settings" : "Ezarpenak",
"Error cloning poll." : "Errorea bozketa klonatzean.",
"Error deleting poll." : "Errorea bozketa ezabatzean.",
"Clone poll" : "Klonatu bozketa",
"Delete poll" : "Ezabatu bozketa",
"Restore poll" : "Berrezarri bozketa",
"Delete poll permanently" : "Ezabatu bozketa betirako",
"Confirmed" : "Berretsita",
"Clone to option sequence" : "Aukera sekuentziara klonatu",
"Create a sequence of date options starting with {dateOption}." : "Sortu data aukeren sekuentzia bat honekin hasiz {dateOption}.",
"Step unit:" : "Pausuaren unitatea:",
"Step width:" : "Pausuaren zabalera:",
"Number of items to create:" : "Sortu beharreko elementu kopurua:",
"OK" : "Ados",
"Week" : "Astea",
"Delete option" : "Ezabatu aukera",
"{displayName}'s proposal" : "{displayName}(r)en proposamena",
"Clone option" : "Klonatu aukera",
"Unconfirm option" : "Desegin aukera hau berrestea",
"Confirm option" : "Berretsi aukera hau",
"No vote options" : "Ez dago bozka aukerarik",
"Add some!" : "Gehitu baten bat!",
"Add new date option" : "Gehitu data aukera berria",
"Add" : "Gehitu",
"Added" : "Gehituta",
"Pick a day." : "Aukeratu egun bat.",
"Select range" : "Hautatu barrutia",
"Remove time" : "Kendu denbora",
"Add time" : "Gehitu denbora",
"Click to add an option" : "Klik aukera bat gehitzeko",
"{optionText} added" : "{optionText} gehituta",
"{optionText} already exists" : "{optionText} badago aurretik",
"Error adding {optionText}" : "Errorea {optionText} gehitzerakoan",
"Add new text option" : "Gehitu testuzko aukera berria",
"No description provided" : "Ez da deskribapenik eman",
"No Participants until now" : "Ez dago parte-hartzailerik oraindik",
"Copy list of email addresses to clipboard" : "Kopiatu e-posta helbide zerrenda bat arbelera",
"Poll informations" : "Inkestaren informazioak",
"Poll owner:" : "Inkestaren jabea:",
"Created {dateRelative}" : "Sorrera {dateRelative}",
"Closing: {dateRelative}" : "Itxiera: {dateRelative}",
"Time zone: {timezoneString}" : "Ordu-zona: {timezoneString}",
"You subscribed to this poll" : "Inkesta honetara harpidetu zara",
"_Only %n vote per option._::_Only %n votes per option._" : ["Boto %n soilik aukera bakoitzeko.","%n boto soilik aukera bakoitzeko."],
"Deleted" : "Ezabatuta",
"never" : "inoiz ez",
"Optional email address" : "E-posta helbidea aukeran",
"Checking email address …" : "E-posta helbidea egiaztatzen...",
"valid email address." : "baliozko e-posta helbidea.",
"Invalid email address." : "E-posta helbide baliogabea.",
"Public poll" : "Bozketa publikoa",
"Public participation" : "Parte-hartze publikoa",
"To participate, tell us how we can call you!" : "Parte hartzeko, esaiguzu nola deitu ahal zaitugun!",
"Enter your name" : "Sartu zure izena",
"You are a registered user of this site?" : "Gune honen erabiltzaile erregistratu bat zara?",
"Login" : "Hasi saioa",
"Otherwise participate publicly." : "Bestela hartu parte publikoki.",
"Checking name …" : "Izena egiaztatzen ...",
"Enter a name to participate." : "Sartu izena parte hartzeko.",
"Name must be at least 3 characters." : "Izenak 3 karaktere behar ditu gutxienez.",
"Invalid name" : "Izen baliogabea",
"{username} is valid." : "{username} baliozkoa da.",
"Valid email address." : "Baliozko e-posta helbidea.",
"Error saving name" : "Errorea izena gordetzerakoan",
"With your email address you can subscribe to notifications and you will receive your personal link to this poll." : "Zure e-postarekin jakinarazpenen harpidetza egin dezakezu eta bozketa honetarako esteka pertsonala jasoko duzu.",
"Access" : "Sarbidea",
"Owner" : "Jabea",
"Created" : "Sorrera",
"Closing date" : "Itxiera data",
"Try experimental styles" : "Probatu estilo esperimentalak",
"Use background image" : "Erabili atzeko planoko irudia",
"Enter the URL of your favorite background image." : "Sartu zure atzeko planoko irudirik gogokoenaren URLa.",
"Glassy navigation" : "Nabigazio gardena",
"Blurs the background of the navigation (Does not work with all browsers)." : "Nabigazioaren atzeko planoa difuminatzen du (Ez da nabigatzaile guztietan ibiltzen).",
"Glassy sidebar" : "Alboko barra gardena",
"Blurs the background of the sidebar (Does not work with all browsers)." : "Nabigazioaren alboko barra difuminatzen du (Ez da nabigatzaile guztietan ibiltzen).",
"Use calendar lookup" : "Erabili egutegi bilaketa-ikuspegia",
"Text polls default to list view" : "Modu lehenetsian, testu inkestak mahai ikuspegian",
"User Settings" : "Erabiltzailearen ezarpenak",
"Experimental Styles" : "Estilo esperimentalak",
"Public link ({token})" : "Esteka publikoa ({token})",
"Effective shares" : "Partekatze eraginkorrak",
"Resend invitation mail" : "Birbidali gonbidapen mezu elektronikoa",
"Send invitation mail" : "Bidali gonbidapen mezu elektronikoa",
"Copy link to clipboard" : "Kopiatu esteka arbelera",
"Remove share" : "Kendu partekatzea",
"Enter a name to start the search" : "Sartu izen bat bilaketa hasteko",
"Public shares" : "Partekatze publikoak",
"Add a public link" : "Gehitu esteka publikoa",
"Error adding share" : "Errorea partekatzea gehitzerakoan",
"Unsent invitations" : "Bidali gabeko gonbidapenak",
"Resolve into individual invitations" : "Banakako gonbidapenak banatu",
"Remove invitation" : "Kendu gonbidapena",
"Error resolving {name}." : "Errorea {name} ebazterakoan.",
"Details" : "Xehetasunak",
"Configuration" : "Konfigurazioa",
"Options" : "Aukerak",
"Shares" : "Partekatzeak",
"Comments" : "Iruzkinak",
"No comments" : "Iruzkinik ez",
"Be the first." : "Izan zaitez lehenengoa",
"Please be careful when changing options, because it can affect existing votes in an unwanted manner." : "Mesedez aldatu aukerak kontu handiz, eman diren botoei ustekabeko moduan eragin diezaieketelako. ",
"As an admin you may edit this poll" : "Bozketa hau editatu dezakezu administratzaile gisa",
"Description" : "Deskripzioa",
"Poll configurations" : "Bozketaren konfigurazioak",
"Poll closing status" : "Bozketaren itxiera egoera",
"_%n of {maximalVotes} vote left._::_%n of {maximalVotes} votes left._" : ["{maximalVotes}(e)tik boto %n geratzen da.","{maximalVotes}(e)tik %n boto geratzen dira."],
"Result display" : "Emaitzen pantaila",
"Allow proposals from users" : "Onartu erabiltzaileen proposamenak",
"Shift all date options" : "Aldatu data aukera guztiak",
"Available Options" : "Aukera eskuragarriak",
"Add Shares" : "Gehitu partekatuak",
"Receive notification email on activity to {emailAddress}" : "Jardueren inguruan jakinarazpena jaso helbide honetan {emailAddress}",
"Receive notification email on activity" : "Jakinarazpena jaso jarduera dagoenean",
"Copy your personal link to clipboard" : "Kopiatu zure esteka pertsonala arbelera",
"edit Email Address" : "editatu e-posta helbidea",
"Get your personal link per mail" : "Lortu zure esteka pertsonala e-posta bakoitzeko",
"Subscribe to notifications" : "Harpidetu jakinarazpenetara",
"remove Email Address" : "kendu e-posta helbidea",
"Email address deleted." : "E-posta helbidea ezabatuta.",
"Email address {emailAddress} saved." : "{emailAddress} e-posta helbidea gordeta.",
"Error while adding share" : "Errorea partekatzea gehitzerakoan",
"Vote saved" : "Botoa gordeta",
"Error saving vote" : "Errorea botoa gordetzerakoan",
"Delete votes" : "Ezabatu botuak",
"User {userId} removed" : "{userId} erabiltzailea kenduta",
"Manage polls" : "Kudeatu inkestak",
"Manage polls of other users. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "Kudeatu beste erabiltzaileen inkestak. Jabetzaren kontrola hartu edota inkestak ezabatu ditzakezu.",
"No polls found for this category" : "Ez da bozketarik aurkitu kategoria honentzat.",
"Add one or change category!" : "Gehitu bat edo aldatu kategoria!",
"Take over" : "Hartu kontrola",
"Set \"deleted\" status" : "Ezarri \"ezabatuta\" egoera",
"The original owner will be notified." : "Jatorrizko jabeari jakinaraziko zaio.",
"No" : "Ez",
"Yes" : "Bai",
"Do you want to delete this poll?" : "Inkesta hau ezabatu nahi duzu?",
"This action cannot be reverted." : "Ekintza hau ezin da desegin.",
"Error switching deleted status." : "Errorea ezabatze egoera aldatzerakoan.",
"Error overtaking poll." : "Errorea inkestaren kontrola hartzerakoan.",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - ez da bozketa aurkitu",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "Sartu bozketa bat edo hasi berri bat.",
"Goto Nextcloud" : "Joan Nextcloudera",
"Error loading poll" : "Errorea bozketa kargatzean",
"No vote options available" : "Ez dago bozka aukerarik eskuragarri.",
"Maybe the owner did not provide some until now." : "Agian jabeak ez du oraindik batere eskaini.",
"Minute" : "Minutu",
"Hour" : "Ordua",
"Day" : "Eguna",
"Month" : "Hilabetea",
"Year" : "Urtea",
"Disallow proposals" : "Ez onartu proposamenak",
"Allow proposals" : "Onartu proposamenak",
"Relevant" : "Beharrezkoa",
"Relevant polls" : "Bozketa esanguratsuak",
"My polls" : "Nire bozketak",
"Your polls (in which you are the owner)." : "Zure inkestak (jabe zarenak).",
"Hidden polls" : "Ezkutatutako bozketak",
"All hidden polls, to which you have access." : "Zuk sarbidea duzun ezkutuko bozketa guztiak.",
"Participated" : "Parte hartu da",
"All polls, where you placed a vote." : "Botoa eman duzun bozketa guztiak.",
"Public polls" : "Bozketa publikoak",
"A complete list with all public polls on this site, regardless who is the owner." : "Webgune honetako bozketa publiko guztien zerrenda, jabea edonor dela ere.",
"All polls" : "Bozketa guztiak",
"All polls, where you have access to." : "Sarbidea duzun bozketa guztiak.",
"Closed polls" : "Itxitako bozketak",
"All closed polls, where voting is disabled." : "Itxitako bozketa guztiak, bozkatu ezin direnak.",
"Deleted polls" : "Ezabatutako bozketak",
"My deleted polls" : "Nire ezabatutako bozketak",
"The trash bin." : "Zakarrontzia."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"