
94 строки
4.1 KiB

"Polls" : "調查",
"Poll invitation \"%s\"" : "投票邀請 \"%s\"",
"{owner} invited you to take part in the poll \"{title}\"" : "{owner} 邀請您去參加 \"{title}\" 的投票",
"Go to poll" : "去投票",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "投票應用-新活動",
"\"{title}\" had recent activity: " : "\"{title}\" 有最近的活動:",
"- %s voted." : "- %s 已投。",
"- %s updated the poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "- %s 更新投票設定。請檢查您的投票。",
"- %s deleted the poll." : "- %s 刪除投票。",
"- The poll expired." : "- 投票過期。",
"- %s added a vote option." : "- %s 增加一個投票的選項。",
"- %s removed a vote option." : "- %s 移除一個投票的選項。",
"This email is sent to you, because you subscribed to notifications of this poll. To opt out, visit the poll and remove your subscription." : "該電子郵件已發送給您,因為您已訂閱此投票的通知。 要選擇退出,請訪問投票並刪除您的訂閱。",
"Confirmed" : "已確認",
"Add a date option" : "增加一個日期選項",
"Click to add a date" : "按一下新增日期",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"OK" : "確定",
"Week" : "週",
"Shift" : "轉移",
"No Participants until now" : "目前為止都沒人參加",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼簿",
"Error while copying link to clipboard" : "複製連結至剪貼簿時發生錯誤 ",
"Enter your name" : "輸入您的名稱",
"Error saving username" : "保存使用者名稱時出錯",
"Group" : "群組",
"Public share" : "公開分享",
"Unknown user" : "未知的使用者",
"Conflict" : "衝突",
"New comment …" : "新增留言",
"Your comment was added" : "您的意見已經增加",
"Error while saving comment" : "保存評論時出錯",
"Delete comment" : "刪除留言",
"No comments yet. Be the first." : "尚未有人發表意見,您是第一個發言者。",
"Comment deleted" : "意見刪除",
"Error while deleting the comment" : "刪除評論時出錯",
"Title" : "標題",
"Enter Title" : "輸入標題",
"Poll type" : "投票類型",
"Date poll" : "日期投票",
"Apply" : "套用",
"Add new Poll" : "增加新的投票",
"Settings" : "設定",
"My polls" : "我的投票",
"Public polls" : "公開投票",
"All polls" : "所有投票",
"Deleted polls" : "已經刪除的投票",
"Clone poll" : "複製投票",
"Delete poll" : "刪除投票",
"Access" : "存取",
"Owner" : "擁有者",
"Created" : "已新增",
"Expires" : "投票期限",
"No description provided" : "未提供描述",
"Visible to other users" : "對其他使用者顯示",
"never" : "從未",
"Details" : "詳細資料",
"Configuration" : "設定",
"Options" : "設定",
"Shares" : "分享",
"Comments" : "意見",
"Description" : "調查內容描述",
"Poll configurations" : "投票設定",
"Allow admins to edit this poll" : "允許管理員編輯這個投票",
"Anonymous poll" : "匿名投票",
"Expiration date" : "到期日",
"Update poll" : "更新調查活動內容",
"Create new poll" : "新增一項調查",
"Title must not be empty!" : "一定得下標題!",
"Available Options" : "可用選項",
"Delete option" : "刪除選項",
"Add a new text option" : "增加一個新的文字選項",
"Enter option text" : "輸入選項文字",
"Add a public link" : "增加一個公開連結",
"Enter a name to start the search" : "輸入一個名稱以開始搜尋",
"Receive notification email on activity" : "接收E-mail活動通知",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
"The poll does not exist" : "投票不存在",
"Goto Nextcloud" : "前往Nextcloud",
"No existing polls." : "無進行中的調查活動。",
"Hidden polls" : "隱藏投票",
"Deleted" : "已刪除",
"Minute" : "分鐘",
"Hour" : "整點時間",
"Day" : "日",
"Month" : "月",
"Year" : "年"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");