
76 строки
3.0 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Polls" : "Inkestak",
"Poll invitation \"%s\"" : "Inkestara gonbidapena \"%s\"",
"Go to poll" : "Joan inkestara",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "Inkestak aplikazioa - Jarduera berria",
"- The poll expired." : "- Inkesta iraungitu da.",
"Participants" : "Parte-hartzaileak",
"Deleted" : "Ezabatuta",
"Group" : "Taldea",
"Place your votes until %n" : "Bozkatu %narte",
"New comment …" : "Iruzkin berria …",
"Your comment was added" : "Zure iruzkina gehitu da",
"Error while saving comment" : "Errorea iruzkina gordetzean",
"Comments" : "Iruzkinak",
"Delete comment" : "Ezabatu Iruzkina",
"No comments yet. Be the first." : "Oraindik ez dago iruzkinik, izan zaitez lehena.",
"Create new poll" : "Sortu inkesta berria",
"Enter Title" : "Sartu izenburua",
"Poll type" : "Inkesta mota",
"Date poll" : "Data inkesta",
"Text based" : "Testuan oinarritua",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Apply" : "Aplikatu",
"Add new Poll" : "Gehitu inkesta berria",
"All polls" : "Inkesta guztiak",
"My polls" : "Nire inkestak",
"Public polls" : "Inkesta publikoak",
"Hidden polls" : "Ezkutatutako inkestak",
"Deleted polls" : "Ezabatutako inkestak",
"Clone poll" : "Klonatu inkesta",
"Delete poll as admin" : "Ezabatu inkesta administratzaile gisa",
"Delete poll" : "Ezabatu inkesta",
"Restore poll" : "Berrezarri inkesta",
"Title" : "Izenburua",
"Access" : "Sarbidea",
"Owner" : "Jabea",
"Created" : "Sorrera",
"Expires" : "Iraungitzea",
"Visible to other users" : "Beste erabiltzaileentzat ikusgai",
"Hidden to other users" : "Beste erabiltzaileei ezkutatuta",
"never" : "inoiz ez",
"Details" : "Xehetasunak",
"Configuration" : "Konfigurazioa",
"Options" : "Aukerak",
"Shares" : "Partekatzeak",
"Description" : "Deskripzioa",
"Allow \"maybe\" vote" : "Baimendu \"agian\" botoa",
"Anonymous poll" : "Inkesta anonimoa",
"Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
"Writing poll" : "Inkesta idazten",
"Update poll" : "Eguneratu inkesta",
"Title must not be empty!" : "Izenburua ezin da hutsik egon!",
"%n successfully saved" : "%n behar bezala gorde da",
"Available Options" : "Aukera eskuragarriak",
"OK" : "Ados",
"Week" : "Astea",
"Hour" : "Ordua",
"Day" : "Eguna",
"Month" : "Hilabetea",
"Year" : "Urtea",
"Click to add a date" : "Egin klik data bat gehitzeko",
"Add a new text option" : "Gehitu testuzko beste aukera bat",
"Invitations" : "Gonbidapenak",
"Remove share" : "Kendu partekatzea",
"Public shares" : "Partekatze publikoak",
"Add a public link" : "Gehitu esteka publikoa",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka",
"Unknown user" : "Erabiltzaile ezezaguna",
"Public share" : "Partekatze publikoa",
"No" : "Ez",
"Yes" : "Bai",
"Public access" : "Sarbide publikoa",
"Hidden poll" : "Ezkutuko inkesta",
"Access denied" : "Sarbidea ukatua"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"