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Исходник Ответственный История

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Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

"Contact" : "聯絡人",
"Contact group" : "聯絡人群組",
"External Email" : "外部電子郵件",
"Public link" : "公開連結",
"External user" : "外部使用者",
"Group" : "群組",
"User" : "使用者",
"Polls" : "調查",
"%s invited you to a poll" : "%s 邀請您參加投票",
"{user} has invited you to the poll \"%s\"." : "{user} 邀請您參加投票「%s」。",
"%s took over your poll" : "%s 接管了您的投票",
"{user} took over your poll \"%s\" and is the new owner." : "{user} 接管了您的投票「%s」並成為了新的擁有者。",
"%s permanently deleted your poll" : "%s 永久刪除了您的投票",
"{user} permanently deleted your poll \"%s\"." : "{user} 永久刪除了您的投票「%s」。",
"%s changed the deleted status of your poll" : "%s 變更了您投票的刪除狀態",
"{user} changed the deleted status of your poll \"%s\"." : "{user} 變更了您投票「%s」的刪除狀態。",
"- %s voted." : "- %s 已投票。",
"- Updated poll configuration. Please check your votes." : "- 更新了投票設定。請檢查您的投票。",
"- The poll got deleted." : "- 投票已刪除。",
"- The poll got restored." : "- 投票已復原。",
"- The poll was closed." : "- 投票已關閉。",
"- A vote option was added." : "- 已新增投票選項。",
"- A vote option was removed." : "- 已移除投票選項。",
"- The poll owner changed." : "- 投票擁有者已變更。",
"- %s created the poll." : "- %s 已建立投票。",
"Polls App - New Activity" : "投票應用程式 - 新活動",
"\"{title}\" had recent activity: " : "「{title}」最近有活動:",
"A user" : "使用者",
"Go to poll" : "去投票",
"This email is sent to you, because you subscribed to notifications of this poll. To opt out, visit the poll and remove your subscription." : "該電子郵件已發送給您,因為您已訂閱此投票的通知。 要選擇退出,請造訪投票並移除您的訂閱。",
"Poll invitation \"%s\"" : "投票邀請「%s」",
"{owner} invited you to take part in the poll \"{title}\"" : "{owner} 邀請您參加「{title}」的投票",
"This link gives you personal access to the poll named above. Press the button above or copy the following link and add it in your browser's location bar: " : "此連結給您個人存取上面提到的投票。按上方的按鈕或複製以下的連結,然後將其貼到您瀏覽器的網址列。",
"Do not share this link with other people, because it is connected to your votes." : "不要與其他人分享此連結,因為其與您的投票息息相關。",
"This email is sent to you, because you are invited to vote in this poll by the poll owner. At least your name or your email address is recorded in this poll. If you want to get removed from this poll, contact the site administrator or the initiator of this poll, where the mail is sent from." : "此電子郵件已傳送給您,因為投票擁有者邀請您在此投票。此投票至少會記錄您的名字與您的電子郵件地址。如果您想要從此投票中移除,請聯絡站台管理員或此投票的發起者(即傳送郵件給您的人)。",
"A polls app, similar to doodle/dudle with the possibility to restrict access." : "類似於 doodle/dudle 投票應用程式,可限制存取對象。",
"A polls app, similar to doodle/dudle with the possibility to restrict access (members, certain groups/users, hidden and public)." : "類似於 doodle/dudle 投票應用程式,可限制存取對象(成員、特定群組或使用者、隱藏與公開)。",
"Error loading poll list" : "載入投票列表時發生錯誤",
"Confirmed" : "已確認",
"No Participants until now" : "目前為止都沒人參加",
"Copy list of email addresses to clipboard" : "將電子郵件地址列表複製到剪貼簿",
"Link copied to clipboard" : "已複製連結至剪貼簿",
"Error while copying link to clipboard" : "複製連結至剪貼簿時發生錯誤 ",
"_%n Participant_::_%n Participants_" : ["%n 個參與者"],
"This is a public poll." : "這是公開投票。",
"The following link is your personal access to this poll. You can reenter this poll at any time, change your vote and leave comments." : "以下連結是您對此投票的個人存取。您可以隨時重新進入此投票,變更您的投票並留言。",
"Your personal link to this poll: {linkURL}" : "您對此投票的個人連結:{linkURL}",
"Copy this link to the clipboard" : "將此連結複製到剪貼簿",
"Resend invitation mail to {emailAdress}" : "重新傳送邀請郵件到 {emailAdress}",
"Invitation resent to {emailAddress}" : "邀請已重新傳送到 {emailAddress}",
"Mail could not be resent to {emailAddress}" : "郵件無法重新傳送到 {emailAddress}",
"started this poll on {dateString}." : "在 {dateString} 上開始了此投票。",
"This poll is closed since {dateString}. The confirmed options are marked below." : "此投票自 {dateString} 起關閉。確認的選項已在下方標記。",
"This poll is closed since {dateString}, but there are no confirmed options until now." : "此投票自 {dateString} 起關閉,但至今無確認選項。",
"You can confirm your favorites now in the options tab in the sidebar." : "您現在可以在側邊欄中的選項分頁裡確認您的最愛。",
"You can place your vote until {dateString}." : "您到 {dateString} 前都可以投票。",
"This is an anonymous poll. Except to the poll owner, participants names are hidden." : "這是匿名投票。除了投票擁有者以外,參與者的名字都是隱藏的。",
"Results are hidden." : "結果是隱藏的。",
"They will be revealed after the poll is closed." : "它們將在投票關閉後揭露。",
"The used time zone is {timeZone}." : "使用的時區為 {timeZone}。",
"Your are only allowed to vote for one option." : "您只能投票給一個選項。",
"You reached the maximum number of allowed votes." : "您已達到最大可投票數。",
"You have only one vote left." : "您只剩下一票。",
"This is an exclusive vote, where only one user is allowed to vote for an option." : "這是排他性投票,只允許一個使用者投票選擇一個選項。",
"_You have %n vote left._::_You have %n votes left._" : ["您還剩下 %n 票。"],
"_Only %n vote per option is permitted._::_Only %n votes per option are permitted._" : ["每個選項僅允許 %n 票。"],
"Public poll" : "公開投票",
"Do you want to login?" : "您想要登入嗎?",
"Login" : "登入",
"Participate in public poll!" : "參與公開投票!",
"To participate, tell us how we can call you!" : "要參與,請告訴我們如何稱呼您!",
"Enter your name" : "輸入您的名稱",
"Optional email address" : "可選的電子郵件地址",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"OK" : "確定",
"Checking username …" : "正在檢查使用者名稱……",
"Please use at least 3 characters." : "請使用至少 3 個字元。",
"This name is not valid." : "此名稱無效。",
"OK, we will call you {username}." : "好的,我們會稱呼您為 {username}。",
"Checking email address …" : "正在檢查電子郵件地址……",
"This email address is not valid." : "此電子郵件地址無效。",
"This email address is valid." : "此電子郵件地址有效。",
"Error saving username" : "儲存使用者名稱時發生錯誤",
"With your email address you can subscribe to notifications and you will receive your personal link to this poll." : "使用您的電子郵件地址,您可以訂閱通知,然後您就會收到此投票的個人連結。",
"Enter a name to start the search" : "輸入一個名稱以開始搜尋",
"Error while adding share" : "新增分享時發生錯誤",
"Conflict" : "衝突",
"Got a network error while checking calendar events." : "檢查日曆活動時發生網路錯誤。",
"New comment …" : "新增留言……",
"Error while saving comment" : "儲存留言時發生錯誤",
"Delete comment" : "刪除留言",
"Comment deleted" : "留言已刪除",
"Error while deleting the comment" : "刪除留言時發生錯誤",
"Title" : "標題",
"Enter Title" : "輸入標題",
"Poll type" : "投票類型",
"Date poll" : "日期投票",
"Text poll" : "文字投票",
"Apply" : "套用",
"Poll \"{pollTitle}\" added" : "投票「{pollTitle}」已新增",
"Error while creating Poll \"{pollTitle}\"" : "建立投票「{pollTitle}」時發生錯誤",
"Add new Poll" : "新增投票",
"Administration" : "管理",
"Settings" : "設定",
"Relevant" : "相關",
"My polls" : "我的投票",
"Public polls" : "公開投票",
"All polls" : "所有投票",
"Closed polls" : "已關閉的投票",
"Deleted polls" : "已刪除的投票",
"Error cloning poll." : "再製投票時發生錯誤。",
"Error deleting poll." : "刪除投票時發生錯誤。",
"Clone poll" : "再製投票",
"Delete poll" : "刪除投票",
"Restore poll" : "復原投票",
"Delete poll permanently" : "永久刪除投票",
"Clone to option sequence" : "再製到選項序列",
"Create a sequence of date options starting with {dateOption}." : "建立一個以 {dateOption} 開始的日期選項序列。",
"Step unit: " : "步驟單位:",
"Step width: " : "步驟寬度:",
"Number of items to create: " : "要建立的項目數:",
"Week" : "週",
"Available Options" : "可用選項",
"Delete option" : "刪除選項",
"Clone option" : "再製選項",
"Unconfirm option" : "取消確認選項",
"Confirm option" : "確認選項",
"No vote options" : "無投票選項",
"Add some!" : "新增一些!",
"Add a date option" : "新增一個日期選項",
"Click to add a date" : "按一下新增日期",
"Shift all date options" : "轉移所有日期選項",
"Decrease unit" : "減少單位",
"Increase unit" : "增加單位",
"Shift" : "轉移",
"Add a new text option" : "新增一個新的文字選項",
"Enter option text" : "輸入選項文字",
"Access" : "存取",
"Owner" : "擁有者",
"Created" : "已建立",
"Closing Date" : "關閉日期",
"No description provided" : "未提供描述",
"Deleted" : "已刪除",
"All users" : "所有使用者",
"Only invited users" : "僅邀請的使用者",
"never" : "從未",
"Beta - watch for updated polls in realtime" : "測試版 - 監視即時更新的投票",
"All changes to the current poll, done by other users, will be recognized in realtime." : "其他使用者對目前投票的所有變更將會被即時識別。",
"Try experimental styles" : "試用實驗樣式",
"Some experimental UI variants. Changes the background color of the main area." : "一些實驗性的 UI 變體。變更主要區域的背景色彩。",
"Use background image" : "使用背景圖片",
"Add a background image to the main area." : "將背景圖片新增到主要區域。",
"Enter the URL of your favorite background image." : "輸入您最愛背景圖片的 URL。",
"Glassy navigation" : "透明導覽列",
"Blurs the background of the navigation (Does not work with all browsers)." : "模糊導覽列的背景(並非所有瀏覽器都能正常運作)。",
"Glassy sidebar" : "透明側邊欄",
"Blurs the background of the sidebar (Does not work with all browsers)." : "模糊側邊欄的背景(並非所有瀏覽器都能正常運作)。",
"Use calendar lookup" : "使用日曆查詢",
"Check, if an option in a date poll is conflicting with or near an entry in your calendar." : "檢查日期投票中的選項是否與您日曆中的活動衝突或鄰近。",
"Opt in to the calendars, which should be checked." : "選擇加入日曆,然後進行檢查。",
"Text polls default to list view" : "文字投票預設為列表檢視",
"Check this, if you prefer to display text poll in a vertical aligned list rather than in the grid view. The initial default is list view." : "如果您偏好以垂直對齊的列表而非網格檢視來顯示文字投票,請勾選這個。初始預設值為列表檢視。",
"Date polls default to list view" : "日期投票預設為列表檢視",
"Check this, if you prefer to display date poll in a vertical view rather than in the grid view. The initial default is grid view." : "如果您偏好以垂直檢視而非網格檢視來顯示日期投票,請勾選這個。初始預設值為網格檢視。",
"User Settings" : "使用者設定",
"Experimental Styles" : "實驗樣式",
"Public link ({token})" : "公開連結 ({token})",
"Effective shares" : "有效分享",
"Resend invitation mail" : "重新傳送邀請郵件",
"Send invitation mail" : "傳送邀請郵件",
"Copy link to clipboard" : "複製連結到剪貼簿",
"Remove share" : "移除分享",
"Invitation sent to {name}" : "邀請已傳送到 {name}",
"Error sending invitation to {name}" : "向 {name} 傳送邀請時發生錯誤",
"Public shares" : "公開分享",
"Add a public link" : "新增一個公開連結",
"Unsent invitations" : "取消傳送邀請",
"Resolve into individual invitations" : "解決個人邀請",
"Remove invitation" : "移除邀請",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The circles app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。Circles 應用程式未啟用。",
"Resolving of {name} is not possible. The contacts app is not enabled." : "無法解析 {name}。通訊錄應用程式未啟用。",
"Error resolving {name}." : "解析 {name} 時發生錯誤。",
"Details" : "詳細資料",
"Configuration" : "設定",
"Options" : "選項",
"Shares" : "分享",
"Comments" : "留言",
"No comments" : "無留言",
"Be the first." : "成為第一個。",
"Please be careful when changing options, because it can affect existing votes in an unwanted manner." : "變更選項時請小心,因為其可能以您不想要的方式影響既有的投票。",
"As an admin you may edit this poll" : "作為管理員,您可以編輯此投票",
"Description" : "描述",
"Poll configurations" : "投票設定",
"Allow \"maybe\" vote" : "允許「可能」票",
"If vote limits are used, \"maybe\" shouldn't be allowed." : "如果使用投票限制,則不應允許「可能」。",
"Anonymous poll" : "匿名投票",
"Limit yes votes per user" : "限制每個使用者的「贊成」票",
"Limit yes votes per option" : "限制每個選項的「贊成」票",
"Poll closing status" : "投票關閉狀態",
"Reopen poll" : "重新開啟投票",
"Close poll" : "關閉投票",
"Closing date" : "關閉日期",
"Allow admins to edit this poll" : "允許管理員編輯這個投票",
"Relevant for all users" : "與所有使用者相關",
"Result display" : "結果顯示",
"Always show results" : "總是顯示結果",
"Hide results until poll is closed" : "直到投票關閉前都隱藏結果",
"Never show results" : "永不顯示結果",
"\"{pollTitle}\" successfully saved" : "「{pollTitle}」成功儲存",
"Title must not be empty!" : "標題不能為空!",
"Error writing poll" : "寫入投票時發生錯誤",
"Add Shares" : "新增分享",
"Receive notification email on activity to {emailAddress}" : "將活動通知電郵發送到 {emailAddress}",
"Receive notification email on activity" : "接收活動通知電子郵件",
"Delete votes" : "刪除投票",
"Do you want to remove {username} from poll?" : "您是否要從投票中移除 {username}",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
"User {userId} removed" : "使用者 {userId} 已移除",
"Manage polls" : "管理投票",
"Manage polls of other users. You can take over the ownership or delete polls." : "管理其他使用者的投票。您可以接管所有權或刪除投票。",
"No polls found for this category" : "找不到此分類的投票",
"Add one or change category!" : "新增一個或變更分類!",
"Take over" : "接管",
"Set \"deleted\" status" : "設定「已刪除」狀態",
"Do you want to take over this poll from {username} and change the ownership?" : "您想要從 {username} 處接管此投票並變更所有權嗎?",
"The original owner will be notified." : "將會通知原始所有者。",
"Do you want to delete this poll?" : "您想要刪除此投票嗎?",
"This action cannot be reverted." : "此動作無法還原。",
"Error switching deleted status." : "切換已刪除狀態時發生錯誤。",
"Error overtaking poll." : "接管投票時發生錯誤。",
"404 - poll not found" : "404 - 找不到投票",
"Enter a poll or start a new one." : "輸入投票或開始新的投票。",
"Goto Nextcloud" : "前往 Nextcloud",
"Relevant polls" : "相關投票",
"Hidden polls" : "隱藏投票",
"My deleted polls" : "我的已刪除投票",
"Participated by me" : "我參加了",
"Your polls (where you are the owner)." : "您的投票(您是所有者)。",
"All polls which are relevant or important to you, because you are a participant or the owner or you are invited to. Without closed polls." : "與您相關或重要的所有投票,因為您是參與者、擁有者或被邀請。不含已關閉的投票。",
"A complete list with all public polls on this site, regardless who is the owner." : "此網站上的所有投票的完整列表,無論誰是所有者。",
"All hidden polls, to which you have access." : "您可以存取的所有隱藏投票。",
"The trash bin." : "回收桶。",
"All polls, where you placed a vote." : "您已投票的所有投票。",
"All closed polls, where voting is disabled." : "所有已關閉的投票,停用投票。",
"All polls, where you have access to." : "您可以存取的所有投票。",
"Error loading poll" : "載入投票時發生錯誤",
"Toggle Sidebar" : "切換側邊欄",
"Closed {relativeTimeAgo}" : "{relativeTimeAgo} 已關閉",
"Closing {relativeExpirationTime}" : "{relativeExpirationTime} 關閉",
"No vote options available" : "無投票選項",
"Maybe the owner did not provide some until now." : "也許擁有者到現在都沒有提供。",
"Switch to mobile view" : "切換到行動版檢視",
"Switch to desktop view" : "切換到桌面版檢視",
"Date order" : "日期順序",
"Original order" : "原始順序",
"Ranked order" : "排名順序",
"Minute" : "分鐘",
"Hour" : "小時",
"Day" : "日",
"Month" : "月",
"Year" : "年"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");