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# Collabora Online
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**A [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com) app integrating Collabora Online into your Nextcloud!**
## Installation
### Server
You will need an working Collabora Online server to connect to.
Find out more about Nextcloud and Collabora Online, and how to setup an server here: https://nextcloud.com/collaboraonline/
### Nextcloud app
In your Nextcloud, simply navigate to »Apps«, choose the category »Office & text«, find the Collabora Online app and enable it. Then open the administrator settings, navigate to the »Collabora Online« tab and specify your Collabora Online server.
## Support
- [Our Forum](https://help.nextcloud.com/c/support/collabora)
Enterprise users who need a more reliable and scalable solution can take advantage of Nextcloud GmbH's optional support contract for Collabora Online. Find out more about Enterprise support for Collabora Online over here: https://nextcloud.com/enterprise/
- [Request a quote](https://nextcloud.com/enterprise/buy/)