"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation.":"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation.",
"Restrict usage to specific groups":"Restrict usage to specific groups",
"Select groups":"Select groups",
"Restrict edit to specific groups":"Restrict edit to specific groups",
"Use Canonical webroot":"Use Canonical webroot",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.":"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolised webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolised and non-shibbolised webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.",
"Enable access for external apps":"Enable access for external apps",
"This link has been expired or is never existed. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details.":"This link has expired or is incorrect. Please contact the person who shared it with you for details."