"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini":"Filen er større enn definert grense i upload_max_filesize satt i php.ini",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form":"Filen er større enn definert grense i MAX_FILE_SIZE satt i HTML-formen.",
"The file was only partially uploaded":"Filen ble kun delvis opplastet",
"No file was uploaded":"Ingen fil var lastet opp",
"Missing a temporary folder":"Mangler midlertidig mappe",
"Could not write file to disk":"Skriving til disk mislyktes",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload":"En PHP-utvidelse stoppet filopplastingen.",
"No file uploaded or file size exceeds maximum of %s":"Ingen fil lastet opp eller filen er større enn %s",
"Restrict usage to specific groups":"Begrens bruk til gitte grupper",
"Select groups":"Velg grupper",
"Restrict edit to specific groups":"Begrens redigering til gitte brupper",
"Use Canonical webroot":"Bruk Canonical web-rot",
"Canonical webroot, in case there are multiple, for Collabora to use. Provide the one with least restrictions. Eg: Use non-shibbolized webroot if this instance is accessed by both shibbolized and non-shibbolized webroots. You can ignore this setting if only one webroot is used to access this instance.":"Foretrukket nettrot (webroot) - i tilfelle Collabora kan bruke flere. Velg den med minst restriksjoner. Merk: Bruk ikke-shibbolert nettrot dersom du har flere. Du kan ignorere denne innstillingen om du kun bruker en nettrot (webroot).",
"Enable access for external apps":"Aktiver tilgang for eksterne apper",
"Failed to save settings":"Klarte ikke å lagre innstillinger",
"Saved with error: Collabora Online should use the same protocol as the server installation.":"Lagret med feil: Collabora Online bør bruke samme protokoll som serverinstallasjonen.",